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Thursday, August 31, 2006
" ; 9:48 PM "

Heys.yay.Holidays are coming. And today teacher's day was kinda fun.I think I should hang out with my classmates more often.They're really kinda fun.We had a surprise party 4 Mrs Geetha.And when she came into the classroom we were throwing balloons in her face and screaming:"HAPPAYE TEACHER'S DAYYYEEE!!!!" And then we played "We're all in this together" -.-\\

Everyone used that song.And there were so many false alarms that Mrs Geetha was coming.So we replayed and replayed.bleah.And Cezanne was dancing. haha. And SHI YING[out Ah ma] wahahahaha.Today she was SOOOO funny.[as usual] Then we orderd 5 pizzas!!!! yummayye. we had to pay $4 each.but it was So yummy. Yeah man!! And a few nights ago,I had 2 dreams. The first one right,I dunno how I ended up in America.And we were gonna catch a movie.Then we were buying snacks.So I bought Gobstoppers! (: Then I was eating and everything.Then after that,I dunno how I suddenly died.haha.[I'm sure ALOT of ppl would be happy if that really happened to me]

Anyway,so I dies bcos of a GOBSTOPPER.And then I didn't like.Ascend.I was like invisble.And ppl still knew i was there. And I could like talk on the phone still.hahs.So funnaye.
Then the second dream right... I was stuck here and suddenly there was a bomb... *GASPS* And we were all like:"get on the ground" "AHHHHH" heee hee.CHOI LAHS But that must not happen ever. And today i went to Christie's house.

We played pool. (: And thenerms.We swam... in the rain.Anyway,we hogged food.yipees.ohkay,anyway,for once in a long time,I felt good.Thanks to Nat Chin,Christie and Tiffanie. (: YAY.thank you guyss.

LoL; Caitlin

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
" ; 4:09 PM "

Oh gosh.How am I gonna bear the embarrassment tmrw? ACES day sucked. -.-\\ Sheesh.How does everyone know that was my mum? Jeepers. You know it took 5 little words.And my whole world came tumbling dowwwnnn. wheeeeee. -.-\\ Okay. Anyways.Tmrw is teacher's day!!!!!!! Yays.We're gonna have a surprise party Oh wait, it's supposed 2 be a surprise. And wait she stumble across mahh blog. Kay... anywayy.... I'm downright... nvm.bye

Monday, August 28, 2006
" ; 3:19 PM "

When I found out the truth[oh that ugly truth] I bumped her after that.Saw her face.I'll never forget that look on her face.It was a mixture of guilt,confusion and anger. This is like Deja Vu.Hoped and prayed that it would never happen again.But waddya know?It turned out to be worse.And now i think abt it,I realise why so many ppl like the song 'When there was me and you" frm HSM,you know why?

Because if you listen to the lyrics,it kinda relates to alot of people's personal problems.Now I'm not even sure of the two ppl who i trust SO much.I think they know something I don't But they're sworn to secrecy.You'd never guess wat happened.This mystery is just a part of life.Fated.Dissapointing.That's right.

But maybe,I should just count my blessings and shut up.Can't pretend it never happened,can't pretend I didn't know. What's happened is happened. I'm living a lie.
My life is like a game of chess. Where every move makes a difference. In my case,I'm losing.Badly.

Checkmate,I lose.


Sunday, August 27, 2006
" ; 12:04 PM "

I've just realized what i mean to some people. I'll tell you.

1; I'm a scab in the knee,when the time comes,you can flick me right off.

2; I'm dirt you can just wash away.

3; I'm trash in a dustbin,dump me off when you need to.

4; I'm a pest,an insect which you can kill me off with insectiside

5; I'm an object which you think has no feelings.And lets you treat me anyway you please.
6; I'm just second fiddle.
7; I'm a subsitute.You use me when you need it.But when something better comes along,you just thrust me aside.

8; I'm a rag.Used me once and then throw me away.

And that's what i feel I am to some ppl.At least that's what they TREAT me like.I'm redundant and useless.And what have I done to them? abosoulutely nothing.i just feel like telling them: "Sorry I spoilt your day." or "I'll stay out of your lives,since you don't like me" or even "Sorry for making your life so miserable,I'll just melt away"

pbbth. Because waiting for them to accept me ever again is like waiting for rain in a drought,waiting for pigs to fly.I can't bring myself to hate them back.But i know that there's some part of them inside which still likes me for who I am.But now,I have half my friends gone.because of ONE person. So, my life is thrown away.gone.

And I may have a million dollars[seriously i dun have] a nice car[i dun have my licence,just a figure of speech] kay,I'll start over


I may be rich,have a super cool car,a big house,be in a big business and have good athelethic + acedemic skills.I still wouldn't be satisfied.Because,in a world without friends, everything I own is worth nothing.

That's how I feel. Rich and at the same time;SO so so so so so so so so so so poor and alone. Get the picture? Anyway,if this is too emotional or SAAAD for you,then go away.

Time for me to melt away

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
" ; 6:46 PM "

Heylos! people of the worldd!!!! Desiree has recreated her bloggaye.to and then she put in this stupid password code thingy.bleah.So who cares.Anyway... yups.Today we went to Science center[or is it centre?] and we had this lecture... yeah.And we went to see the IMAX movie. WHOA it was so cool!!! Kay anyway.the Science center[centre] is really BIG now.Min yee got lost on the way frm buying drinks. -.-" yeahps anyway. The McDonald's is like wowie. More filling than i thot.kays.Anyway, we had a rad time there.so uh huh.wdv lah.I'm so bored.Okay...BYE


Friday, August 18, 2006
" ; 9:42 AM "

Hey you know wat? Desiree deleted her blog!!! okay.my post wasn't abt that but nvm... You know what? I've decided to create another blog.For lyrics,poems and quotes! uh huh.There will be quote of the day,lyrics of the day and If can find, Poems!! yeah.I guess I'm too bored.But I think I shall start aftr exams.yeahs? kay bye!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006
" ; 2:23 PM "

Hello! I'm beginning to see how lame I've been... I started reading old tags on people's blogs.And just realized I'm wasting tag space and embarrassing mahh self! (: So I shall just shut up and melt away... Anyway! I just came back frm Sentosa! (: It was funn except for the ppl. Actually I went to Sentosa cos my mum's hospital department went there 4 meeting and some retreat thingy.So her colleagues[not so sure how to spell lah] -.-" so her colleagues borught children as well.And there were these reallycocky guys over there.

So, after dinner,me and my brother went build a sandcastle.[we were SO bored]. So we made it REALLY huge.And the boys over there were playing with their balloon swords... -.-" And then they saw us making our 'castle' then they asked if they could help.We said no NICELY Then they walked away.After they got bored,they decied to copy us and make a castle too.fine.

Then,there were these 2 or 3 guys.One of them who asked us if they could help earlier,said 'WOW! Look at that!' *Points at our huge castle* Then the other one, said 'Never mind lah! they SUCK!' we didn't even do anything to them okays.(Referring to MR.'They suck lah!') SO blah blah blah... then they suddenly started to discuss how to destroy our castle.

So after that,they sent this boy to throw sand balls at our castle. Then,I went up to them and said 'You touch our castle,you die!' Then the stupid boy replied and said 'Come lah!' then I said 'What did we ever do to you? Why are you doing this to us?" Then he replied " Cos they asked me to do it." *points at the younger kids* Then i said 'So,If they asked you to jump off a building you would do it is it?' then he said "NO,I have common sense unlike someone." and I'm like "Yeah,Must be you..." And my bro kicked sand at him.

haha.That's ONE smart thing my bro ever did[I'm so evil] ... Anyway, then he told his companion [which wasn't so bad] and his companion said 'Eh,he said you are a *******." right in front of that guy! hehe so stupid.but anyway,I totally cursed that loser.

Nvm,I shan't waste my WHOLE post on THEM ok... Before that, I went LUGING!!! YEEEHA!! I went to the Sentosa Luge.It's like this really big hill,then there's a track on it. Then there's like this go-cart tobbagone thingy andu steer it down the hill and... WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *WHOOSH* diao xia lai.There! you see,I'm being lame again. -.-" okay,But its so cool and I rode it 5 times!!! Then when you go back up,you take the chair lift up!! SO Cooll.but so slow... Its like you know those ski lifts at the skiing places.kay nvm,Its like a cable car,but Its like just a wooden bench. uh-huh XD ... yups,I wanna go again! YAY! plus there's rock climbing and i beat my bro at Billiards!!!! 8 to 6... I beat him by two balls. -.-"

Kay!Cya people.


Monday, August 07, 2006
" ; 9:29 PM "

WHEES! National day celebration's tmrw!!! yeah! UH-HUH! XD. yeah! I have these new OP three quarts!! yeahhh.It rules. And there's gonna be Prefects' bake'n' craft sale.and i seriously can't believe we still hafta do PW!!! on national day! OMG! crap luhs. stupid.and u know wad!!! Our recess is only 20 mins!!! how crappy is that? well.
Yours truly;Caitlin

another pack of lies that resides,
reach beyond silhouette skies
& i'm hopeful on fridays
And when the sky is falling,
don't look outside the window.
Step back and hear i'm calling.
Give up, don't take the fast road.

Hello and Welcome;

C A I T L I N !


Child of God


CHIJ Toa Payoh!

Two One ‘09

CHIJTP Dance Ensemble

Art Elective

Paya Lebar Methodist Church : The Next Generation

Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God

We don't need to whisper

God's the Bomb, please

Don't judge me, that's all i ask.


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