HELLO,I have nth to do right now... (: and now... Christie Yeo Qign Wen is talking crapping me... talking about C.R.A.P . Cos she's freaked about about... SCHOOL.she's like CAITLIN HELP.I DON'T WNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL.and I'VE GOT THE HEEBIE JEEBIES{lol i love that word!} yeah lol CRAP. EVERYONE GO WRITEY ME A TESTI. (: OOH LOL. (: hehe ok done for the day. (:
HELLO. I've been aroused from my sleep[ok not really] by JANE LEOW. who called me at 10 something last night.To tell me she was freaking out... Cos Shimona's dad got her school supplies...And Jane got the same things...[exactly] yeah. so she called and told me to pass the message around saying. ITS TOTALLY UNINTENTIONAL. yeah lol its funny. HEHE.YEAH GOOD LUCK YA'LL. Cos being "twins"in the Corrigans[um haha] yeah everyone would think its intentional. oops. :-# I'm not supposed to be teasing them.yeah.I think Ah ma might be killed soon. ;DD lol. OKAY.SO IF YOU SEE THIS.Copy and paste on your blog.IF you KNOW Jane and Shimona. yeah.eh... wait. i think my posts have copyright stuff.Can't copy and paste right.haha.ok I shall go paste this on my other blog. :D
YOU GUYS OWE ME JANE AND MONA.if you see this. =.=
PS I copied and pasted yeah.
YO.hello. haha. erm. today I went Ice skating.yeahyeah.and then...erm skated around? yeah.and then half way.i was braking.and i was talking to my brother.and this stupid person came whizzing by and wanted to throw an iceball at his friend.and it ended up in my face.it was damn pain la. it was ICE okay. and I was like "OW,****" bleddy friggin ass. haha yeah.ike go and die la. (: yeah well.guys are idiots. (:
HELLOS. MERRY XMAS. well ytd,I had a greatt time partying on Christmas eve. (: lol! haha it was great fun.We played and all. And the food was fantabulous :DD haha.And Hee was there. (: lols. he really doesn't look like a kids person..he is... (: haha thats funny. lol.I'm thinking some of you know who Hee is...? haha erm.and he's seriously taller than he looks on TV. (: yeah,um then today,christmas...kind of laid back a little... watched t.v wished almost everyone merry xmas. (: then watched Teen choice awards...HOT PEOPLE. haha.its hot la. (: WHOO.Orlando and JMAC and Johnny Depp,Tom Welling,Chad.M.M haha.and all the girls.except probably Paris Hilton... ick.but besides that the whole package was real good.yeah.Then I went to Bishan park with my mum and my brother who wanted to fly his new Christmas Present... lol.and it broke. =.= its like. WOW. you just flew it for 5 minutes and *PLEACIZBGXILS* (: haha well merry christmas! (:
eiids![a word i made up]
Caitlin (: áll ®ights ®eserved
Well hello(: hehe. (: um. well ytd was my xmas party... too sad some people couldn't be there or it'd be really fun... it was kinda boring without the usual party poppers like... Kaela,Megan,Justina and etcetc. um.yeah.we had a FUNFUN water fight.haha.with gillian... she was good. (: and Carolyn...whom we thought might be the one who was gna bust all the guys... and when she came she was like... "DON'T WET ME..." HEHE lol... (: yes... it was okay.and the boys all just ate everything. PIGS. LALA. ok byebyee. (:
Another way to keep/preserve the enviornment is to save electricity.to make electricity,burning of fuels is required,thus also causing harm to our envoirnment.and petrol/oil is running out,so save the envoirnment, by not using up so much petrol if walking is possible,and preserve our oil at the same time.yes.so recycle... save electricity and walk if possible[plus it also helps you lose a few calories] and please switch off some appliances if not in use. (:
The enviornment needs you! (: Just imagine,if the grass were no longer green.everything in the world were dark and gloomy.and even worse,global warming may be the result of human extinction! so PLEASE PLEASSEE PLEASE HELP THE ENVIORNMENT.
the world could become from this...
To this
So,our world may be ruined today if you don't help QUICK.
Caitlin[fellow greenie]
Well,i wanted to do some nicenice post about recycling but then i found out that the world hates me today! first.i get ready to go to christie's house,then we're taking the bus there to go to tiff's party.but then i find out my wallets misisng... GRRR. i can't find anything!!! so i came here to cool down but its not helping LALALLA. I really wna SCCRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
in everybody's face
(: BOO! okays... erm today... i have to go practise my bleddy piano... -.- erm. and finish making our christmas ornaments... and... do eye relax... and... find a place to hang my xmas wreathes. LOL! kinda busy. and none of the leaders came online ytd... )): OKAYS. I'll go updatee the camp bloggayye. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((: YAYY... ((: Gillian's in spore talkingt o me now!! and she is staying at MYMCA! OMG THATS SO COINCIDENTAL! WHOOHOO... (((((((((((((((((((((((::: YAYAYAYAYAY. OMG I'M SO HAPPY.HOLIDAYS ARE CERTAINLY STARTING TO BRIGHTEN UP! YEAH BABY.
Caitln - edited at 10.12 pm]
HYELOW. ((: I went for pottery today.WAHAHA. I made this duck like bowl... and the whole time i was smoothening and smoothening the thing.and the teachers were all "THAT'S ENOUGH SMOOTHENING" wahahahahaha and joel and strawberry,and for heck's sake SAUSAGE. TAG ME ((:
HELLOS (: OMG OMGOMG. I was talking to sausage crazycrazy talk... IT VAS SUPER UBER FUNNY LA.he didn't go drop in at my brother's camp...and we talked dno how many hours,he wanted to sleep cos it was raining... -.- and then we talked like mad cows... and i wanted to save our conv la!!! but my dumb com hanged!! so i restarted it and now i'm on the laptop.CAROL (: you can go ask sausage k? I was his shouting bed i tell you...MUAHAHHAS k gtg bye
HELLOW. (: Ok,first,panda,aka lahlahlah,if you're a twenty year old right,why's your english so bad,and what twenty year old would even BOTHER to compare having an xmas party against an eleven year old? right. so anw,i really don't care. OH,me and carol are making a blog about camp,so sausage can see. ((: the url won't be out so soon. cos its just kinda repeat posts,and about anons who so DESPERATELY wna know who he is. And we ain't letting him see our own blogs,cos of some stuff yeahs... and,its so coincidental la today,my church friend,told me she went for camp,[roller blading] and i said,from where,and it turned out we went to the same place for cmap,with the same fun leaders like sausage,sasa,goblin,chicken,ken, and a few others,[she went to b-ball camp too] and she knows Jia Qi and stuff... WAHAHA. SO funny la. ((:
Oh and my cousin,Colin Chang,is representing S'pore for sailing ((: and he's leading after 5 races so ALL THE BEST ((: and yesterday i saw Caitlin choo at this nursery[flowers and stuff] haha. and my brother was looking at this car he SOOO wanted badly... cos it has a powerful engine and stuff and it turned out IT WAS CAITLIN'S CAR! XD WAHAHAHA SO FUNNAYE. ((: WHOOPAYYES.
Ok sth not WHOOPAYYES IS... My birthday next year is RIGHT SMACK ON CHNS NEW YEAR. no,its not double the ang paos,no... my relatives won't even know. Its that I HAFTA GO VISITING ON THAT DAY. so no extra ang paos,hafta go bleddy visiting[i hate it.. besides monayye,i have to go see all those aunties who talk about nth except must study hard arh...] aND I CAN'T HAVE A BDAY PARTY ON THAT DAY OCS EVERYONE WILL BE OUT VISITING...omg la omg!
POOPS. and gillian hasn't replied me yets! ):
HEYY. today was our last day of camp )): sho sad... but we got almost everyone to sign... hehe. oh and i forgot to post some stuff yesterday. me and carolyn followed the wrong camp on the way out cos we were talking about something um something...very... ERGH. we were talking about sth and got distracted and we followed the wrong camp down the esclator and then i asked carolyn "Whose that guy arh,is he from our camp?" then carolyn said " NO LA." then both of us were looking at each other... "WHERE ARE THEY ARH?" and we quickly dashed up the escalator and then we had to go through the whole erm...spinning rotating entrance thingy... and they were all there counting and counting and counting... and then "Goblin" was like "WHY ARE YOU TOO OUTSIDE??" and we said " we followed the wrong camp..." haha! then we went in and he was like poking our heads saying why you so blur? -.- and WHY. are so many anons wanting to know who sausage is...? i tell you if you came to our camp you wouldn't want to know who he is... (:well he's ok la.its just that he picks on us too much.
so today was the last day of camp and we went to wild wild wet.and on the bus sausage was like... "this is your captain speaking!velcome aboard the indian airways, flight 08-08" then i dno la. oh and at wildwild wet the first part was okay.But then we had to go look for this stupid person's goggles. -.- and we wasted all our time we couldn't even go on the shiok river the second time,and all hope was lost going on the samsung slide up ride.Then because of her,we all had to go shower early. -.- OMG LA. some last day lor.
Well i have nth to say cos i posted all on my other blog so well... i'm having a christmas party and GILLIAN IS COMING TOMORROWWW . YIPPEEEEEEEEEES. (: YEAH UH HUH...
I dno what happened to my archives so wth la well srry itgs such a short post now byebye! (:
HUWLOWWWW. I'm at camp! ): kinda boring.except stupid sausage is back AGAIN and still doesn't know whats the diff between a push a poke and a tickle. -.- DUMBO.that's why he can't get into uni OVERSEAS. BOBO. okie. now some weird confessions...
one` I like hi-five songs (:
two` I love my bro...
three` I have a skirt... ):
four` I slept at nine that day [JET LAG OK]
five` I think Singaporeans are VERY VERY unfriendly... except most of the people i know.
six` The two things i'm most afraid of is that
(i) I hear my friends discussing an exam question i haven't heard of and realise i skipped a page.
(ii) I sometimes think my friends I'm an irratating pest waiting to get killed by bugspray D:
well ok that's all i can think of... now. BOBOBOBOBOBO BYEBYE
Oh and erm check this out and you'll understand when i post my travel journal (:





buHHH bye. CYAA.