HEY THERE! HAPPY NEW YEARRRR! too lazy to countdown. lol. NEW BEGINNINGS PEOPLE. well best of luck to all please come by more often. hahas. anyway. i'll see you guys!
caitlin (:
hellloo! i got my phone today. the nokia n76! (: haha. nicenice. anyway if you want the number ask me. heehee. today. i feel crappy. so byebye
HELLLO. well. my brother's band concert was a success. well first christie came over and she got me the best present everrrrzxzxzx. the JONAS BROTHERS CDDD(: haha and then cheryl came. and thennn. well we were likee. i dont know. busy doing nothing. uh huh then we had dinner. after that we went down to the esplanade. there was this mercedes that overshot the carpark and it just reversed on the highway. zomgxzxzxz. yeah and then um. we sat down in the theatre. LOSERSS. cheryl and christie [sorry] spent like 11 bucks on pringles and evian. HAHAHAHAHA. lol. they were tiny. i was smart ^.^ yeah and the concert began. cheyrl wanted to sleep because of her jet lag. but woohooooo. harry potter andandand. star wars andddd... pirates annnnnd... well every song actually. rocked (: hard (: yes. and my voice like just recovered so i screamed like a crow.. hahaas.
then band 2 performed. well you couldnt really see the JS boys but Wonderful World rocked. i think the trumpet solo was played by some guy called ernest. PRO. mmhmm. well then band 1 started to sing and clap and all during the christmas songs. haha justin's friend is retarded. um. then they put on christmas hats. haha so cute. and one part of the song they did the kallang wave. HAHA. so funny.yupyup. okay so after the performance we wanted to go backstagee. but we couldnt. damn. other people could go in. haha. backstage at the esplanadeee. sounds cool no? anyway the lounge was just as cool. christie and cheryl were damn evil. kept laughing at my brother's friend. haha. and then we went for haagen daz. (: and then we saw another one of my brother's friends. elwin who's hair is damn long. so i was like. Why do you grow your hair so long? hmmmmm. nice question to ask a younger boy. whoops :X
anyway. concert WAS worth $20 after all. haha. and yesterday i went to sentosa with christie,kristel,gwen seah,shimona,jane,natalie and melissa. well. we started off at christie's house as usual. took a cab to harbour front. and then took the monorail to sentosa. and then we walked around blindly thinking of where to eat lunch. and then we found out we were walking in the wrong direction. but then kristel and melissa walked so far in front that they were outta sight by the time we realised we were walking the wrong way. so we just went and then they called us half way. we walked from siloso all the way to palawan. :X mmhmm. we found the food court and decided to eat first. expensiveeee. ):
yup soo. well. then we were all finished. and then we went to play tiati. to wait for gwen to finish. then again. we were walking and then melissa nad kristel ABANDONED us again, htis time they took gwen and went to the bridge of suspension. and i ran after them but kristel and mel jsut didnt wanna come. so i just took gwen with me and we went to rent bikes. i hadda share a tendant with christie. and we cycled back and forth. switched bikes with mona. lol. and then well. after cycling we got a call from melissa and kristel who were at the merlion. they said that melissa fell and asked us to come get them. but anyway we went back to the foodcourt cuz we were so fed up with them and christie said they might be pretending. so we just went and enjoyed ourselves. and got slurpees and all. so they called again one hour later [ HAHAHAHAHAHA ] and then complained. we said er. cant you all walk here. so we just stayed there and then they came. melissa didn't actually fall. they were faking it. as usual. so anyway,we went on to playing twister on the beach. wooot! funfun. and we all got tired of being tangled in the sun. so we went down to the water. and gwen liked plunged in. HAHAHHA,so that was bmy day at sentosa.
TODAYY, went to watch national treasure book of secrets. awesome show. justin bartha is hothot. anyway. um now i'm off to melissa's house for dinner byeee!
heyy. Merry Christmas! well. today... :DDDDDDDDDDDDD is my brother's concert. yipee. i like his band they make nice music. haha. that band kicks ass ^^ well. christie and cheryl are coming to my house around 4. and then we shall chill out until 5.50. we will go for dinner and then off to the esplanade! like wowiiieee. ESPLANANDDEEE. hahaha. dress nicenice. well. that's just how it is. i feel happy today. yesterday we went to our uncle's house for family christmas dinner. hahaha. our table was the best. we talked the most crap. and then we started to carol. so cool. hahaha. oh and the day before we went to my mum's friend's house for christmas evee. and then Anette,Andrea,Hazel and I had so much fun! I look nice in a beanie. wanna get me onee? we started playing with each other's hair. Hazel got her straight limp hair curled! :D and i got mine straight. but then it curled again. i just have too much hair. whoops. that sounded wrong. hahahaha. then we went to the parkk. and then anette got pushed down. hmm. thennnnnnnn. we started going CRAZYYY. hahahahahaha. hazel was the dumb redhead, i was the dumb brunette and anette was the dumb blonde. hahaha. we started acting like really dumb.
Dumb Blonde : Is it just me or is that fan moving.
Brunette and Redhead : Gasp.
Brunette : OHOHOH NOOOOO. i like broke a nail!
Redhead : OMIGOSH.
Blonde : I don't know how I would go a day with a broken nail...
Redhead : That day, I like, broke like my nail, when I was like, applying like, my mascara. and then I smudged it and then like, my nail scratched like, my cheek,and then there was like, this red stuff sliding down like my cheek,I was like, leaking like red water.
Blonde and Brunette : GASPP.
Brunette : OHMYGOODNESS! I put on like 0.01 kg over the last two weeks!
Redhead : That's like so not fetch!
Blonde : Oh gasp! you should like fire the fat, I mean burn like the fat!
Brunette : I know, I'm like saving up for my next liposuction session!
Blonde : OHMYGOD OHMYGOD. What's the number for 911!
Redhead and Brunette : IDK!! [ I dont know ]
Blonde : OHOH. i have my manicurist on speed dial!
Brunette and Redhead : CLAP CLAP CLAP.
Brother [Ian] : Eh, do you all know where's the lighter?
Blonde,Redhead and Brunette : ARE YOU HITTING ON ME?!
Blonde : Then you'll be like, a two uh THREE timer!
Brunette : So I was like thinking... Do blondes like really have more fun?
Redhead : IDK, why?
Brunette : Cuz, I was like, thinking of dyeing my hair blonde....
Blonde : Nono, natural hair colour is the in thing now. Dyeing your hair is like SOOOO un fetch!
omg hahahahaha. RETARDEDDDD. :D
merry christmas!
HERROH. ugh sec school : crazy. it's not the same. i had a coughing fit during the principal's speech. rar. so scarrrry. the seniors thought i was like crazy because i couldnt speak. tiffany hadda be my mouth. ARGH. everyone is scattered everywhere. there are gonna be new cliques and my heart is gonna be broken. corrigans are all seperated. omg. everyone i know is like in the same class. problem is,i dont know which people to hang with. rar. there are like the six ixora people,the six hono people and the six lily people. i love them all. like rarrrrrrr. and it's so weird not seeing every single face at IJ. ANISSA LYE ISNT OUR'S TO BRAG ANYMOREEE. we lost her to Raffles *&%^%($&%$*@#*^$)*&^)&^%^*.
went to ACS today. i guess they're sounding good. i hate melissa foo. you got us into this. >:( you had to be there. blahhhh. i miss primary school so much. i realise i'm never ever gonna be able to visit the building again. saddening. shyyyt. i dont know whadda join. they want me to do dance. but i'm like half hearted. and i dont think i dance very well. so i guess i'll join um. badminton. all the CCAs are like... i dont know. i don't think i can maintain four yeaers of the same thing. omg so many subjects larrr. booklist scared the hell out of me. oh and we have new words : pootle,poppycock and AWKWARRRD. those are christie and my catch phrases. okay argggg? okay bye.
HELLO THERE!!!!! Guess what! THE JONAS BROTHERS ARE FLIPPING HOT (; i changed my mind. i wanna learn the drums plus Guitar too (: but then again. i'm not musically inclined unlike some PEOPLE. yes. anyway. anybody want to be me their CD for Christmas? :D nevermind I'll do it myself. Poor Unfortunate Souls is ADDICTIVEE. Nick and Joe are so... HOT (: sweeeeeeet. well. i'm gonna go ice skating with christie and my brother and his friend. heehee. mmm. i'm like SICK. i have a sore throat dammit. andandand. i cant talk. and i'm coughing up hell. mmm hmmmmm.
Jonas brothers are funny too. like for real. well. anyway. they're gonna have a new album out soon. so i'm just gonna wait for that one and buy both at the same time. but i think their album is kinda discreet[is that how you spell it?] in S'pore. mmhmm. i cant believe Hady made Asian Idol. well i prefer Jonathan. but anyway for my own country's sick. WOOHOO. go Hady. (:
Posting results todayyyy. guess what. i'm going to IJ (: surprise surprise. anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERMAINEEE. (; i lovee you. okay so i'll just post a few pics so then i'll buzz off.

Hold your head up high,there's no time for looking down.
keep it real
HELLO. well about the ice skating date with Gwen,Christie,Kristel,Jane,Shimona,Natalie, Tiffany,Melissa,Caitlin Choo and Wei Ting. okay well. we took really long to get to Jurong. we were in the MRt for about 40 minutes and Gwen and Nat and Tiff were being REALLLLY lame. so me and Christie were like. zomg.. and then we started sms jane who asked us id boobs had bones... =.=!! mmhmmm. so we got to jurong, Jane,Kristel,Melissa,Christie,Natalie,Tiffany,Wei Ting and I got to the ice skating rink. and then kristel and melissa just wandered off by themselves. BOOOOOBS! so we were all like looking for them... and then Caitlin Choo[MINI ME!] came with like HER MAID. and she had a chauffeur too... RICH KID. cuz her mum doesnt allow her to take public transport and like,she was taxied around in her Black BMW... her poor maid like followed us all around doing nothing! oh yeah and Kristel threw an Ice ball at Jane's Butt. She was damn pissed...
then we had lunch at macs... :D and then some people didnt wanna watch a movie so they went to the arcade. we watched like the golden compass and only later then i heard it was like satanic and now i dont dare finish reading the book... i wasted $60 on the triology! D:< i'm mad now... stupid Phillip Pullman. so i thought the movie was okay... and then after that we met the other five people who didnt watch the movieeeee. then they wanted to go home cuz they didnt wanna take neoprints. AHEM JANE AND SHIMONA. :D yeahyeah. yeah so we went to take neoprints... wowwweeeeeee. the $8 machines suck. haha. CAITLIN CHOO IS THE WORSE NEOPRINT EDITOR EVERRRRRRRRRRR. christie agrees.
sorry mini me but it's true. and then we went home because caitlin's mum got paranoid... yeah. so we hitched a ride back in her BMW. did I mention it was like tiny? there were 6 girls,one maid and one chauffeur. like wtf lar. i got carsick with a heavy hippopotamous on my lap. ahem sorry christie. yeah and jurong to christie's house is like damnnnnn long. felt pukey. yeah and then we just sat around in kristel's house like lethargic. then chris,kris and cait went blading. i felt to sick to go. and then yeah that about wraps it up.
ohyeah. To Christie : I went for the Penang Buffet at Orchid Country Club and guess who was singing! hahahaha. the non-cheekohpeh-appealing durian ladies! :X
hey! i'm back! did you miss me? i bet not ):< nevermind. WHHEEEEE. i love disneyland. could you believe I went all the way there and found carolyn hsueeyyy? who so kindly did nothing except say hi. meanie! i came back today and found out my aunt broke her hand in china;ouch! oh well. okay travel update. ok.
Second day at pismo beach and Justin decided to go on a hummer ride. its this navy vehicle thing like a 4WD and we went on these bumpy sand dunes. it was fun. like a roller coaster. and my aunt came to visit us. :D we went for Jamba Juice. YAY. so niceeeeeeeee. then we went supermarketing for stuff... hee. and then we ended up eating in a jap restaurant. ): well i had my hot plate :P so i shant say too much.
day 5
FIRST DAY AT DISNEYLAND. all i can say is that I LOVE IT. same goes for the rest of the days. haha so i'll buzz off noww.
happy hanukkah!