Went to escape with Cheryl[!] and Jane (: details another time. I'm writing my Dance exco speech.
I need to find spiritual joy
Physical joy is not enduring.
Though I just need to experience it.[Spiritiual Joy that is]
Until then, Jane's my gift from God.
Labels: Til i see your face
HAHAH HELLOOO. just came back from the math trail at AC Barker. it was quuuuuite funny. The trail was like um, what? AHAHAH. i didn't get to see the questions ): HAHA but anyway we got 2nd! although we tikam tikam everything. I just helped to measure stuff and let my best friend the calculator do everything else. mmhmm. HAHA. their campus is humongiganticous. ye-ahh. wondering aimlessly around while kaela was smitten with our so called guide.[ AIYEE NATALIE ALSO] mm hmm. Yeah! what was funny? HAHA oh yes. The part here we were supposed to measure the height and width of some framed up thing at something gardens. Then i saw JianHao there with his super short group mates. And then we had this chair thing and we were supposed to climb it to reach. AND THEN HE COULDN'T REACH and i was laughing like a mad cow. HAHAHA. damn the funny!
What elsee? It's absolutely amazing that we that we managed a 2nd place! HAHAHA :D most accurate answers some more! HAHAH. damn funny! Damn paiseh before that though. Gwen and I went to the toilet and the whole bus was waiting for us :O whoops. Hmm. what was before the math trail? Geog, we learn't about VOLCANOES. I've got a new phobia. Volcanicophobia. Hmm?
ack. okay i'll go and eat dinner and then i'll TRY and post about today some more. And Beijing. Tsk (: aiyee. So hectic man. I just can't wait for the buffet tmr. It's gonna own. :D It beats school. Which is a drag. Toots are drifting like driftwood. It is freaking sad. How inconsiderate. How do you expect us to be together as an IJ family!
okay I'm back. Er. What else? Science was dumb. ): tskkkk. Buffet at Cafe Carousel! HAHA. Who did I see today? I know I scared Justin Kek, I saw Joel giving out Oreos, I saw Zach acting cool, I saw Jian Hao acting tall, I saw Kai Wen being rowdy :O , I sawwwwwwwww, Byron in the carpark. AHAHAH. Spazz la. eheh!
mm. Speaking of spazz, here are some more spazz pics in Beijing(:
Justin ah boy! You're POSING. Omg. So macho eh? HAND ON HIP SOMEMORE.
Baby boyfriend :D
AC barker hadda has a Farm. EEE AYE EE AYE ooohhheeeww.
tsk. They say that humans only use about 3% of their brain in a lifetime, so why is it that I can seem to be absorbing what i'm supposed to learn! it seemed easier in Term 1! ): aiyee. Not only me k. Everyone elseeeeeeeee. awww, Cez just went offline. I miss that dope. Tsk, maybe its because of the change in recess time. "I, uh do not care!" haha that was just something random my brother just did.
mmm. That's about it. New Photo album on friendster. This blog is dead la. Nobody reads it anyway. HAHA. nevermind. Oh yes saw Cheryl yesterday. She said she's missing Singapore less and less! ): took a total of ONE photo. ): ack. I don't think i can go out with jane and her ): PWWWW! sucks la. haha so we were walking to the interchange and she wanted to go to AMK Hub and didn't know what bus to take. Hur. so elaine and i told her to take 73 with us. HAH and in the end she didn't trust us without even asking the bus driver! ): so she just jumped out of the queue when the bus came. I didn't know Elaine had an ex boy friend. Omg la. Elaine has a problem.
I am scared of CHANGE [ Why can't things be put on stand still ]
I am scared of rejection
I am scared of replacement
I am scared of drifiting apart
I am scared of anger
I am scared of jealousy
Have I conveyed the right effect?
This somehow seems so cliché, this isnt the first time posting something like this is it.
Labels: AMK hub, Math Trail
beijing pics come first! before the actual posts. I made a pact with Jane today during Chinese. To actually try and do well this term. Hmm, seriously hope to achieve that. School is seriously JUST a drag now. Although i cannot wait for the math trail tmr! (: HAHA bring it on AC! Jane does not believe in her faitH. HOW CAN! ): bible study group! we need one. Let's have a toot bible study group. Jane ah, i'll go to agape. :D
Labels: beijing pics.
Here's for you!

IJJJJ. how could you take away toot time!
Chris, laugh it all out (:
Labels: Laugh it out

Kung Fu Panda was surprisingly worth it's money, despite the CRAPPPPP title. hur. Seriously la, the title is crap. Hmmm. err, i saw this security guard just now and her back said SECURITY. and i mis read it for sex in the city. I WAS LIKE. OMG. oh. whoops. :D haha zomgggg (: 4 hours til the airport! 11 hours til BeiJing! getting more excited by the hour after watching that Visa ad with Jackie Chan in it at the BeiJing olympics (: cool beans no?
Labels: kung fu panda
helloo! GONNA BEIJING TODAY(: so um, hiatus until probably sunday! hahaha. :D okay anyway byebye. Friendster is damn screwy WHY AM I A SUSPENDED USER! my hotness too much for them HAHA.
Caitlinnnnn :D
i miss you people w0rhzxzxzx!
Labels: beijing, screwy friendster
My brother got a new camcorderrr! and now he keeps taking super unglam photos and videos of me. Damn it. hahaha. Saw cousin at Marina yesterday! HAHA I'M WORKING ON MY SIX PACK! yeahahaha right :D wheehee! lol. new sofa to bee! I love God. :D miracles miracles. Cell shared about miracles in life. :D I am sooooo high today.
Labels: miracles
It started out as innocent as this
"Hellooo. You added me on facebook too right?haha thanks."
"Yeah i did, np.
"HAH. not if i poke you first. No I shan't wait you CRY."
okay, i'm off to do lit. Wahrao, kaela and natalie read my blog secretly. WHO ELSE DOES THAT!

Hey there William Moseley. Please be mine.
Labels: friendster

Have I posted this before?
Labels: blogskins
I have been tagged by a million people. So I have to do the 18 question quiz, the 100 question quiz two times, the 44 question quiz. AIYEEE that's like 262 questions. WAHRAOOO. >:(( i think i'll get the 18 question one done first. i'm doing a project now so yeah.
So i've been tagged by Justina
1) People who have been tagged must write their answer down on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
2) Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse, these people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by, continue this game by sending it off to others.
-1) What do you think an ideal friend should be like?
They should be honest, there for you, funny, understanding, sweet.
2) If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
To go to frigging Europe for free and get a green Lambo.
Oh, Hawaii works too.
3) Whose butt would you like to kick?
4) What would you do with a billion dollars?
Give 10% to God first, then get my green Lambo, to go out with my friends all day long, bribe the MOE to stop school whenever I want, save the rest for my college and whatever. Ohyeah, help my parents pay off the frigging 1.8 million our house costs.
5) What's your ideal lover like?
Funny, stands up for what's right, sweet, sensitive, open minded, oh yeah did i mention hot?
6) Which is more blessed? Loving someone, or being loved by someone?
Being loved. Because you know your love is returned.
7) How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
I'm only available at 17, so I'm not really looking at anything.
8) Is there anything that made you extremely happy?
The toots mean the world to me, which then is the cause of God, who made them. THANKS FATHER <3!>Let's see how attached we are If he dies for me too.
10) If a person you like is already attached, what would you do?
Be emo, for a hell of a long time, and then move on and find someone else. Ooh, better yet, assassinate the woman!
11) How would you see yourself in 10 years' time?
23 years? I'd be hot and dating and have a hot shot job.
12) Who is currently most important to you?
13) What were you doing one minute ago?
I was freaking doing my project.
14) Would you rather be single & rich, or married & poor?
Um, the one that makes me happy. Which has yet to be established. Haha, can I be Single,rich and dating? and then dating leads to marraige, and then i'd be rich and married. HAHAHAHA.
15) What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Praise God for the day.
16) Would you give your all in a relationship?
Giving my all as in? We-ll, let's see how nice the guy is.
17) If you fall in love with two people, who will you pick?
Er, the one that loves me back.
18) Would you choose friendship or relationship?
For now? Friendship, because it's not that complicated and involves lots of people, no One-on-Ones.
Oh no, i sold the dinosaur! I miss baby. what happened today?
OH. First, i went kayaking at MacRitchie in the morning, the stupid guy was so mean. EHHH. canoeing, competitive canoeing is so cool!ut not that i wanna join, because the coaches are scary. Saw ACJC,SJI and CJC training today. HEY YOU MEAN OLD KAYAKING RENT GUY: if it weren't for these schools, you'd be pokai. :D
Went kayaking for one hour with Su Lynn, Komodo dragon! haha there was this one CJC dude, then Su Lynn was like, is he practicing capsizing? HAHA!
ZOMG OHMYASS. it is pouring now. why is it so hard? MONSOON? WTF. :O
HAHA, then i went to school for dreaded project work, but it turned out okay, my group was uber co-oprative. We actually got something done.
THEN!! we went to get our FLU JABS. And my brother, was freaking out like a wimp. sigh, you and your gay antics, Justin. :D
And it wasn't even that PAINFUL! The boys are so CHICKEN. if they get CHICKENOONYA i will LAUGH. still can ask me to go and eat chicken rice. Wahrao. HAHA. I'm more macho than ya'll can. :D Hm, and then I got dropped at Far East to buy bottoms, and Jus and my mum went to see someone. great buys again. I got 6 blingers. and er, 2 bottoms. And a checked shirt. WOOT (:
We-ll. yup then we went home and I slept for an hour. Hee, i am quite content.
we're a miracle just waiting to happen
Eat your food raw, save energy by not cooking your food.
HAHA. ciao ciao.
yay ya'll are thirteen. :D finally, you get to throw your tantrums free of charge, no strings attached. you get all these weird random feelings and they are cause by HORMONES. You also get to go and watch the PG 13 movies by yourself. um, you also get looked down upon by the elders because you tend to be rude and and and stuff. But, hell who cares? you're not a child no more :D
Labels: far east, injection, kayaking
HAHHAHA. And we were peeling pomelo! HAHHA. Ming Xiu has the most exotic food.
sigh sigh sigh.xD
Quote of the day:
"C is better than D!"
"But D comes before C!"
Alison and I discussing guitar chords.
stupid blogger now doesn't allow hyphens, so bleahhhh. I can't recreate -eternalflame- and have a website leading to it. ):
Labels: alien-ation
Sup. okay, er. where shall i start? Thursday I think. Went out for the treetop walk thingum at MacRitchie. It is one damn long walk. The walk to the treetop is bloody long but the actual treetop walk is like what? 500 metres? well anyway, on the way back it rained. ALOT. So we ran and ran to SICC[FRIGGING POSH!] and well, hell yeah, we were drenched. to the core. So we went to SICC[Singapore Island Country Club] to bathe, we had extra clothes because we were intending to swim. Then, my brother, being the spoilt brat he is, obviously didn't pack his own change in. So my mum didn't bring shorts for him, and the shirt she thought was his was actually my house t shirt because it is unfortunately, THE SAME SHADE OF BLUE. [oh too bad]
Well, so yeah, we're there, and you have no shorts, and no shirt. AND YOU ARE DARNED WET. so haha too bad. BUT YOUR WONDERFUL AWESOME SHIT SISTER COMES TO THE RESCUE! she brought her GIGANTIC Dance Ensemble Tee, that is oh-so precious to her and she actually LENDS it to you. I could have shut up :X And what do you do? YOU ACT LIKE IT'S MUMMY'S FAULT YOU DIDN'T BLOODY PACK YOUR OWN BAG. hah, so you like better, uh, take the shirt.
The toilets at SICC are the best larr! the cubicle is so bloooody huge, and uh, there are no locks because everyone is nice enough not to peeky peek. Yeah, and the soap is great, it's not lousy. :D and the make up room so called is nice. it's carpeted and there are a billion mirrors. Okay so anyway, my brother comes out with MY AWESOME t shirt and wet shorts. He had no sense to ask Kun Wen to dry it for him.
Well, he looks nice in black. or maybe it's just MY SHIRT :D whadever, but he was behaving like damn sore la, just beacuse he didn't pack his own clean BOY clothes. oh i'm so sorry I have a shirt that says CHIJTP SEC DANCE ENSEMBLE. Well, anyway, lunch was sooo filling, i put back on the weight i lost from walking. Sigh. Okay fridayyyy! I FINISHED THE EP PROJECT ALL BY MYSELF. i did ALLLLL the research by meself. And i finished and edited and it's just perfect now. :DDDD YES. one piece of PW outta the wayyy (:
Today? SWIMMINGGGGG. I got stuck in between the
then tuition! Stupid chriddieee. why did you go get sick? bah, anyway, chinese tuition was okay, uneventful but still okay. JANE IS DARNED CUTE! I didn't know she talks to herself! I am so lazy, i must get about linking people. sigh.I can't wait to go out on monday! buy stuff. :D i'm a leedle broke though ):
Eeeh. I have four math papers to do ): Cedar and Crescent and Victoria[HIGH SOCKS] and Cath high. Damn. Okay, I have decided somethingggg (:
After loong loong posts, or whenever I feel like it, I'm gonna start posting pics. Miscellenous pics. HAHA nice pics(: imageshack yeah. my blogs are a wee bit bare. Also, I have been losing my environmental green-hand touch thing. So from soon on[HAHAH], i'm gonna be posting a green message on a way to save the earth after all posts. goes for the other blog too. gonna stop when i'm outta ways. :D
so ciaooo!

And here's a solution!
"Recycle" your clothes. Once you grow out of their clothes, DON'T THROW IT AWAY! If you want to make money, try having a garage sale. Too much work? The Salvation Army or other clothing donation stores offer tax refunds for donated clothes. Resale shops will pay you for clothes you give them. Feeling moral? Donate your clothes to the needy or to other clothing drives for the poor.
Labels: green message, math, peekchures, shirt, SICC, swimming, tuition
HEEEH (: today was fun. Woke up feeeling FINEEEEEE. And then we went out to Borders. I FOUND MY PERCY JACKSON BOOK! ((: yeahhh. Thanks Rick Riordan. Well, then we went to Marks and Spencer, awesome sweeties and treaties (: HAHAH, okay then LUNCH WAS FANTABULOUS. Went to La Strada. Ate some steak >:) And then stole some mackerel, it was sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. And, dessert? EVEN SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETER.
Chocolate Cake with this awesome shit cream (: mmmm bliss. HEEEEH xD well yum. And then we went to catch Prince Caspian. WOW THEY HAVE ALL GROWN OH-SO HOT(; PETER[WILLIAN MOSELEY!] AND EDMUND[ SKANDAR KEY-NES!] AND PRINCE CASPIAN [BEN BARNES] wheehee. edmund isn't so gay anymore. He has a HOTBOD! Skandar Key-nes is a weird name huh. What the hell does it mean? And i've never seen a hyphenated surname before. He's brit right? (: ye-ahh. anyway. storyline was great, I am so reading the whole chronicles. And the DVD is mine, okay so anyone who wants to buy it for me, feel free.
Oh. yesterday i was talking to gillian online, and apparently she was on holiday because it was the queen's birthday. But the people in England don't get the holiday? weird. OOHHH, Narnia was the best la. heart thumping adrenaline! okay. anyway... ciaooo (:
I don't know what's wrong with me today, i sound so superficial.
Labels: Ben Barnes, La Strada, Prince Caspian, Rick Riordan, Skandar Key-nes, William Moseley
Sigh. I got pushed into the pool yesterday at Mrs Tan's house. And then i fell sick. And I missed Melissa Foo's sleepover. it's bloody annoying la. Rachel was wearing this sexy spaghetti top thing. HAHA. and wearing a jacket to cover up. And we kept pulling it down. She was like "Don't rape me!" Val and I were all, Rach, do you know what rape ACTUALLY means?
But before I got pushed in was funny. I was missing dance night so much I was dancing at the top of my head, trying to recall everything that came to mind. yeah and then it was rally awkward in Mrs Tan's house, so we went downstairs to wait for people. Rachie and I were in the lift, and then we were just tlaking and talking and laughing for a damn long time. Then we were like, why aren't we on the ground floor yet?
HAHAHA. then the light was still at level 9, but it looked like 5. Then Rach was like, CAITLIN FOO. YOU DIDN'T PRESS LEVEL 1! so we pressed level 1 but the retarded lift went up to level 10. -.-! And then the doors opened and there were these dudes in swimming costume. Then the short one passed and saw us oh-so femme fabulous girls, and he just walked past. So we were like okay.... then i pressed close. JUST THEN! the taller dude walked past. And then he just looked at us and then we closed the lift. AND THEN! he decided to walk past AGAIN. And he walked past for the last time and said FORGET IT. WTF. So we just closed the lift doors and jabbed LEVEL ONEEEE (: wahlao eh. We were smirking and smirking. they damn loser!
Then on the way up, Val was with us, then she took the lift right after us, so she also went to level 10, where the stupid swimming dudes were. And they had a rabbit[SO GAY] so on the way up, she was like, did you see the rabbit? then some miscommunication then whatever la, it became did you see Russell the Rabbit. Hearing aids hearing aids PLEASE.
yeah huh, i missed out on a totally awesome funny party, i bet if i weren't sick i'd be having the time of my life. ): but everyone was busy keeping the sick girl company. thanks guys (: i guess i'm feeling better nowwwwww.
well whatever.
i've got nothing to do now. so ciao.
Quote of the day "Christie cuddled Chandragupta on the Krusty Krab!"
Melissa's tongue twister!
Chandragupta ahem ahem, CHRISTIE REALLY! tsk.
Labels: lift, mel's party, rape rachel, sick, swimming guys
Okay, i can't relaly remember much because it seems very far away.
Well, I think hip hop was completed on Monday. Yeah, nothing special.
Everday had full runs, but i think they were angry with our full run on tuesday.
Did we perform with costumes? Criticism criticism )):
heehee, my memory's kinda bad. OOOH, i went shopping at bugis with the sec one dancers LAST friday on founder's day. whoops, i posted seperately on that one already, oh well.
my momma's birthday was today, and apparently Angelene's. My mum spent the whole day at work in the medicine smelling hospital while i was dancing my four eights...DANCE NIGHT APPROACHING, danced like mad, had two succesful full runs, ENERGISED ALREADY PEOPLE!(:
FULL DAY REHEARSAL AT SJI! HAHA, when we came in, the seniors were nuts, they were drawing on the chalk board and briefing us and being tour guide-sh.
HEEHEEE. Jocelyn and Kimberly are funny(: yeahh, there was blocking on stage, haha, i helped Suzanne and Chelsea carry their gazabillion costumes on the bus. EEK(: full run was scary, lots of freak outs. super bushed.
PERFORMANCE DAY! Okay first, i got dropped off at SJI, and we were briefed by Mrs Yap, she's uber nice and encouraging. yeah, then we got to our holding rooms and we started blocking again, then we had lunch, which was surprisingly good. And then we got ready for our full run, i got robbed of all my safety pins. YEAHHHHHHHAHAHA. my accessories were great, i felt accomplished, for once i got credit for something. Yeah,I brought home the Euphoric feeling with me.
Quote of that day : "Chels, what is this new spreading out your hands crap? We never had it before."
HAHAHA. Kimberly P. to Chelsea M. during warm ups. Funny sh*t.