Grah, I've caught a fever. Damn it. I feel so lethargic lah. My temperature was like 39 degrees. ): And i remained immobile in my bed room since 8pm yesterday. I feel so useless. and not in the mood for blogging. But i've got nothing else to do, so i just thought i'd finish up my posts. Woah, like 5 days worth of posts. I owe you guys, and to myself. I'm scared I can't remember what happened. ): Rar. I feel so sorry for Sam Low. Poor thing.
Aiyo. Ahhh, I couldn't go down to watch them playing tennis also. Defeats the entire purpose. I saw someone's IC photo lehh. :D
Mmm. And I felt super lousy. And i looked a darn wreck. Ahh, tuition was ok... Jay was selling t shirts. I screwed oral. Hahaha. Jay gets like what, 15 minutes for CIP for every tshirt he sells? So now he has er. 4 hours from selling 16 tshirts. WTH. Lao shi volunteered to buy FIVE. Chris didn't come, she's got a fever too. Omg, so twin.
Yeaaaah. Ee ee Oona is damn funny. Spent time napping on the arm chair. Dinner was soup. That was all i could eat. And then i went up to my bedroom to sleep. And I stayed there for like 12 hours. Until just now. mm. So that's about it.
Aiyo. My computer is retarded now. I have to reinstall all my fonts. And now I can't find the MSN shortcut on my desktop. And my internet history is GONE. My list of favourited blogskins are gone. And the font sizes are weird. I can't use my Ctrl+Alt keys to make those special characters anymore.
Oh man. I'm starting to get all sweaty and sticky again. =/
We've come this far
We made good time
And all the light of the world is somewhere else
We drove all night in this old car
The morning light the faded stars
And everyday I find I'm someone else
Everyday I get closer to myself
The more I make it better
The more I find I don't know
You can ride it for forever
Go as far as you can see
But don't give up on me
Don't give up on me
You can drive it to wherever
Do whatever makes you free
But don't give up on me
Don't give up on me
Got around and shot of course
And what I found was here before
And all the time was time, that I just spent
And everyday I get closer to myself
And the more I make it better
The more I find I don't know
You can ride it for forever
Go as far as you can see
But don't give up on me
Don't give up on me
You can drive it to wherever
Do whatever makes you free
Don't give up on me
Don't give up on me
Don't give up on me
Don't give up on me
You can drive it to wherever
Go as far as you can see
Don't give up on me
Don't give up on me
You can ride it to wherever
Do whatever makes you free
Don't give up on me
Don't give up on me
Don't give up on me
Don't give up on me

Labels: don't give up on me, Fever, t shirts
Er, wow. So many things have been happening. =/
School's out that's for one.
Ohmygosh. I can't stand it already lah k. Let's just forget the whole darn thing.
We is bestest friends til we both grow old and die together.
End of story.
Both of us are in different classes, we have different recesses, we mightn't see each other, but what changes what we've been building up for 7 years?
Ok? Okay. Best friends.
I got to go swimming today :D Aye. My hair is feeling tame today. Well, i owe you three days worth of posts. Awww, it's so sad.
The cleaning lady's going to retire. She's been with us since Justin was two months old. That's like, 11 years. She's been all our four houses manzx. How cool. She said it's so sad to have to leave us after watching us grow up for so long. eleven years.
How sad. I guess you don't really know what you've got til it's gone.
I've never realised it, but without the cleaning lady,
wow. I just can't imagine life without her. She's always been there, although we didn't credit her work. She became like a routine. So part of our lives we never really realised she was there. It's only when she's going to leave that you realise how much a part of our lives she was. Do I make sense? She's always been the one who ensures we have clothes washed, a clean environment, swept floors etcetc.
Hahah, tuition was pretty retarded. Chris was sick so she missed it. I came, and Jolene was there. And then Jay came. And he was selling tshirts for $15. For charity? Apparently he gets 15 minutes per tshirt. So he currently has 4 hours. :O So gay please. Then Lao shi maaadddeee us buy. Yipee. So NOWWWW, jay has to dance for us next week. yeah, pwn. HAHAHA. Videeeeooo again. :D righht, shit. Okay, Oral's on the first day of school. That like totally does not rock.
I swear it's you that my heart beats for
All the best for O's, keep praying x)
Labels: best friends, cleaning lady, Grace
Damn it, how many things want to walk out on me?
okay well, I realised how many teachers are going to be leaving...
Lisa leaves tomorrow,
Marissa leaves on the 21st of September,
so many teachers have already left,
Our Indonesian visitors(ILOVEYOUGUYSSOMUCH) have left)):
our cleaning lady resigned, so guess who's loaded with more chores?
I think I will cry when the dance seniors leave.
I will cry so hard. Because I think they're the best I could ever deserve.
I near lost all my 1000+++ songs, because the 100+++ viruses wiped out my computer.
Now all my fonts are GONE. Shit head. Thank God for Maxtor, although it couldn't really back up my fonts. Rarr, all my nice fonts)):
Um. well. Grah. I feel so sad. ): Happy teachers' Day though, AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE BEAR.
Auggh, well teachers' day was quite good. Started out in the morning, where we were making the most of our time with Sharon,Elva,Ivana and Nadata(did i spell right?). Took pictures ecetera ecetera. Then we had mass. Sat with the dancers, and then left to go prepare for the concert. Mmm. The dance wemnt quite well. I didn't screw(: And I saw Liana smirking at me in the crowd.
Woohoo. Then we went around giving presents to teachers. And in OneOne, all of us started crying. Because we really didn't want them to go. And then the dancers took photos without me): Because I went to collect our holiday homework. How mean.
Mmm. And OneOne learnt something unpleasant. Gosh, how many things do they want to take away from us? )): Well come Term 4 and you'll know what I mean. Ahhh. Then went over to Primary School with MinYee. (: Yeah! And waited for teachers. Saw Mrs Redwan,Chen lao Shi,Mrs Geetha and Mrs Mohan.
Heartheartheart. They all remember me. Mrs Redwan is funny! HAHA. Angela,Anita,Sandra Wong, Xin Yi,Jan,Megan,Sarah Francis Ng,Jac and Gwen came back! (:
heartheartheart. Yipee. Ey. I miss them all la. Xin Yi plays the trumpet! :O
Yeah, took pictures with our teachers. Chen lao Shi is so cute! HAHA, she remembers Mona and Jane! For being naughty in her class. Awww. And look at their chinese marks now. Not bad eh? I still can remember the time when I dared them to go LAO SHI YOYOYO! at Chen lao shi. On the day of the N.E. show, and Jane was too slow. So in the end she had to say I love You to Gining.
Mona and Jane made lao shi cry before! And lao shi was so happy that Jane got A1 for chinese. Haha, she was like "Ni men ben lai shi hen hao de, dan shi ni men hen wan pi"
Aye. (: And then yup, got back home after that. That's abourrit.
Hush now, turn off the waterworks.
Never want to say goodbye.
Awman, I can't upload pics, the blogger uploader doesn't seem to be working.
Okay, another time then.
God Bless
Dance. O:
Labels: DANCE
Dare I ask what the situation is right now?
empty frames, pictures torn apart
goodbye sweetie, now i have to go
remember me
there is a better place that awaitsme
i'll see you there
got the whole world ahead of you
i'm sorry i didnt say goodbye
i'm sorry that i made you cry
and i'll make it up to you
if i have the chance to
what are we supposed to do
with everything right goes wrong
is it possible to change your destiny
what are we supposed to do
is it possible to change your destiny
there isnt a better belief
that i'll see you there
you got the whole world ahead of you
Hang in there, I don't know what hurts more baby.
Knowing it will never happen,
or acting like it's okay.
Labels: I'm sorry
I just really feel like posting about my spiritual journey, and not really about happened today. Maybe tomorrow, I know it's procrastination. But i'm currently embracing the revelation from God. Thanks : To Rev James Chan for sermon, to Dr/Uncle Lai Yong for writing "Just a Moment", Mrs Roch, for returning my essay today, to god, for revealing this message through my daily routine-d life(Just a moment) in every possible way. (Those catchy songs, that inspire you when you listen real closely to the lyrics, and through sms, from a loving friend)
After being emo today, i got some encouragement from a friend
I got a boost and pick-me-up from reading the book
that just so happened to be lying there for me to find it.
I'll post soon. Tomorrow I hope, after i get the chinese compo done, Aiman's dedication made, AEP animation cut outs on a move, and just praying.
Gnight, and take care.
I'll talk more tomorrow.
Brace yourself, it's going to be real darn long.
(I hope)
Labels: just a moment, spiritual journey
Can I live up to this?
Is this a chance for me to be significance?
How many people's lives' will I change?
WHY was I chosen?
Surely somebody more experienced in this field should do it?
Will it be a dent in my pride if I screw?
Is that what I fear?
The fear of not living up to my potential?
Or the fear of changing someone's mind for the worst?
Are these excuses, are they VALID excuses?
Take me as a living, concrete example,
why we run away from significance.
Against all odds, I promised Mrs Tan, to do it.
More importantly, those P6s, i've silently marked in my heart.
And the most importantly, to God, to promise Him to live the life of significance.
"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve great. And some,
have greatness thrust upon them throughout."
Gosh, I'm a mao(not the nice hair guy k.) and a dun.
A contradictiooon. To myself. But seriously. I will freeze up.
Okay. you know I just realised I have not mentioned what I'm talking about.
Sounds big huh. We-ll, not for you at least.
Ah, well today. Mrs Lee-Tan called me up to see her.
I thought i was in deeeeeeeeep trouble.
It was freaky lah, and I saw the paper,
and she went "Caitlin, this is a privilege"
And i was thinking, OM, is she gonna make me retake that history test!
And then she was like, I...
Have... selected you, to give a talk to the P6 parents
about selecting IJ as their secondary school choice.
I was like. OOHHKAY...
and there and then, i was just.
like. WHY me. WHY.
seriously, Mrs Tan has caught me in the most embarassing moments possible.
What have I done? I'm not exactly the history-girl.
But I never really saw it coming. She never seemed like the one who would pick me.
Augh. but anyway, I couldn't turn her down.
So, a promise is a promise.
Sarah tripped over the umbrella today!
HAHA, the big one outside 1/2.
Meant for wrapping.
The first thought : Now surely the fat lady could have fit under that?
HAHAHAHAHA. you see lah. such bad influence.
great. we got held back for chinese
Eh, and now we have to do composition.
This is the time i really need my iPod.
AHA YOU SEE. i'm that much of a loser to lose it.
How do i speak to 640 parents admist the hectic studying period?
RAWWRRR. we-ll. haha, then TIFF! omg TIFF.
damn cute. DAMN BLURRRRRR.
haha, from last time, I like your thick(compo)pad
Tiff:that sounds wrong
-One week later(todayyyy)-
"Tiff, can i borrow your nice thick pad?"
Tiff: I don't have a thick one, but here."
-hands over SANITARY pad!-
The other OMG of the day is MEGAN YEO.
ohemgee. PLEASE. omg, MEGAN LEH.
how can!): i know a CKRT.
Hawhaw.thank chew minneh.
Umm. what else? Rachel's obsession with the pelvic thrrrrussst has gone too far.
TOOOO FAR. today?
oooh, pelvic high jump, pelvic prance,pelvic twist,pelvic run.
and then Anabel was likeee. What's PELVIS.
and we got ourselves thinking : EHH! is that how Elvis got his name?
But nah, MICHAEL JACKSON LAH. awhawww. x)
Ahah. I'm so nervous. Ah, got the teacher's day thing settled at dance.
:) I gotta say, Renee's really the most determined.
Let's offer her the respect due.
HAWHAWH,kaela got isabel in trubble.
Put the ice cold green tea bottle up her pinafore
Typical, isabel let out her super loud shrill SHRIEK. (CUZ SHE THOUGHT IT WAS A SCORPION?!)
and right outside Mrs tan's class, while she was teaching.
And got the scolding for kaela.
edits are needed.
(there is so much to post about. Bright eyes, diary post, phone post, beijing post,picture post,spur of the moments)
It's just too much.
Labels: pelvis thrust, significance
The fireworks yesterday...
Were literally a blaaaast
You can't see me(me!)
AHAWW. we were THAT high. (: yeah. Korea put up a good show last night.
We-lll, after tuition(I KNOW JORDAN, WHO'S STEVE?), Chriz hitched a ride to my house
Cuz we were all drenched from the annnnnoying rain.
And then, yeah, checked out my new room and stuff.
Changed into the tooooooo big BeiJing shirts. (I love them by the way)
EEEEHHEEE. And then went down to Barker to get Jawn.
The entertainment in the car : Justin being Miss Swan, and the Captain of the plane going to Thailaaaaannnd.
"Tan Ah beng, Tan Ah Quah, Tom,Dick(RICHARD!:O) and Harry, Thank you for you plaster"
Hoho. Lolll, dededededGO. Retarded ATM machine lahh. Ehehhh!
Eerrm, and then Christehh and I were discussing Ah Lians and Ah Bengs being Steads(HORSE) and my mum learnt a new word. Hahaha. So gross lah, the state of our cohort. There are people actually DOING stuff like that? eeeyeeerrrr, waiii liiidaaaaaat.
Then walked around(: wondered around. had dinnahhh,at the thai place, where DINNER was just FREAKING embarrassinnnnnnng. rawr. I love mums yes? They have a knack for embarassing you in front of everyone. Tsk. Ehhehh, the food was good, and there was this super gay guy sitting behind us, wearing PEEENK. Ew-eth. Um and thenzx, it was still raining, so anyway we walked in the drizzle. HAHAHA, the orange twins were so cute. Yeah, and we got to the floating platform.
And the person collecting our tickets was wearing some cool lightup braces thing. HAHA, her mouth was a raaaaaainnnbowww!(: Yup, and we got in, and saw the crazed gay guy contortionist feller. So obscene. APPARENTLY MELISSA WAS AT STARBUCKS. Sam Wong was SUPPOSED to come, and Kim Chew was there without our knowing. hahaha. The stupid balloon girls were so obscene please. Could see their bikini double tans.
And so ahliannn! MM.yeah, and then got to our places, and admired the night sky.
(♥) Aha, it would have been nice without the rain. But nevermind. Mum's colleagues were EVERYWHERE. Mmmm.
And the host was lame. HAHA. WHOOHAAA. I wanna knowwwwwwohhaohohohhhhhh, if you'll be my girl. That was at the point where Chris and I decided to take pity on him. And got our high-ness started. Put our IJ lungs to good use. And tried to liven it up.
Countdoowwnn. yeszx, and then the big show began. whoo!(: I'll post pictures when I get them... Eer, I must say. One can only stare in awe and gaze at magnificence when it stands before your very eyes.
(insert awesome cool photo here)
It was pretty good, i think the shooting star one was great. And the atmosphere over the
Singapore River. The reflections on the sky scrapers. Woah.
just Woah. And company was great! HAHAHA. Funny ttc!(: Justin Foooo. You are mad!
EEE, and Shawn started the the the making fun of my mum's friend's sister. TSK.
Because well, Cats in the Cradle(eweeweweewww) started
Er, are we supposed to be proud of that? Ahawww, and then Shawn spotted my mum's friend's sister swaying to the music. And somehow found it hilarious.
Because she was holding an umbrella that didn't really help, because she couldn't exactly fit under it. Rar, and they were laughing. LIKE HELL. Justin was laughing to much that he sniggered in my ear when he attempted to pass the message on to me. And Chriz thought that the small girl on her lap was her stomach.
HAHAHAH! So bad. And justin filmed Shawn Koh's famous laughter(AHEM!) and apparently that was funny too. So we laughed even more.
THEY KILLED JENNY THEY KILLED JENNY. eh(: HAHA. and we got even HIGHER when we were walking back to the car. Chriz was showing me the random dance moves that she does in class, with her sound effects. Wonderful. And Mel said she watched fireworks from Starbucks. so we passed by to see if she was there.
And my dear brother needed the loo, so we walked around and around looking for it, and then ended up passing starbucks again. But I thought it was a DIFFERENT branch, so i was like, maybe Mel's here?
And Chriz was like : "IT'S THE SAME ONE! -.-"
It was drizzling and stuff, so umbrellas were up, and we were observing how couples could fit under one umbrella while the big lady couldn't even fit under one. :O And so in the end, we walked to Fullerton Hotel for the toilet. Which I must say, is cool. And you know how Chriz and i absolutely lovvve to move ahlians. So we took one of those photos in the mirror. but the toilet was too high crass for it to be successful.
Again, justin decided to be high. So, he wanted to randomly stop in front of people and make them bang into him (THANKS MAXENE, YOU STARTED THIS). And so Chriz and I dared him to do it to one of those people outside the Esplanade. Therefore, we had to be his backup so called. And i was somehow talking to Justin, and in the end, I stopped. SOO, some random idiot bumped into ME and said "eh don't stop in the middle leh" HAHA, in this super ahlian voice. HAHAH. Plan backfired): Stupid Justin Foooo.
yup, so then we all went home, that's abourrit.
Quote(s) of that day?
Chris : I see nada belly dancers! Oh no, they're not belly dancers"
Christie anxiously awaiting the belly dancers from Catholic High (Joking, i misheard)
But it was that marching band from some other school. Tanjong Katong i think?
She can't stand under my umbrella ella ella ehh ehhhhhhh.
OH! And we saw aunty daphne, with her two daughters and son. I've seen them long ago.
how cool, the older daughter was a teacher in ACS BR,
the younger daughted was a history teacher at IJ before,
and aunty daph's son was in ACSJ, one year jawn's senior.
How cool?
Jane : I know Jordan, who's Steve?
HAHAHA, jane commenting on Christie's flower.
Gosh, you people have got to stop horsing around.
Bray bray, hee haw,neigh neigh.
Megan yeo? c'mon...
Lisa's gonna Beijing!))):
Omg, the Ukraine group rythmic gym routine was ultimate ownage lahhh. x(
I shall quote one of Erin's AWESOME SHIT personal messages, OMG, funny ttc.
"We shall innocently put lead in our teachers' day cookies, and tell her we bought them in China"
On friendstarrr. Yes I officially pwn him
yay, SophistiCAITed is the name of Natalie's favourite Newspaper.
80 cents please.
5 cents only?
Mary Tan became Hary Tan. Your aunt agony blind lah!
Eh no, i don't think so, it's just your handwriting.
Yippeee. I can't wait for firework photos.
(edits will come. eventually)
Make it yesterday once more.
"Pain is temporary, glory is forever"
The mindset that olympians have.
Labels: fiyahworks, miss swan, umbrella
Aww man, Olympics are almost over. I really wanted to watch gym, but the timings were all so weird. ): I sat with Mihoko on the bus on Wednesday. Hmm, it was quite nice to catch up with my school bus buddy. Haha, we talked like the whole way. She's still that soft spoken girl since the time I met her. Heh heh. She's in tramp :O
Going for fireworks today. it will either be a (: or a ): I just hope it's the former. Grah, how do I not show it? It can be a guess. I won't be able to talk to Jawn, because that would just be awkward. And when she does it, guess who'll be the one she turns to first? Anyway, I'll just try to make the best of what I got. We're all gonna wear BeiJing tshirts(:
Let us all pray for Nico who hates going to church. You can't really blame her for being what she's like, you know... She doesn't have enough exposure. I hope the Legion girls (Erin and Vivian) help her out. I can't believe it, she hates going to church, she thinks it's a waste of time? It's appalling to see people agree with her, too.
Oh sure, like when did you EVER do something like that for me?
Imprudent bit of rubbish. And I'm restrained from writing it all out.
It's so easy to hate, much easier than I thought, but it's just YOU. YOU
I can't afford to hate YOU. But you make it EASY, but it's just you know.
YOU. Rarrr, the Aunt Agony piece of shit advice we had to write in CME class did me no justice.
I guess I was too vague, describing and emphasising the actual PROBLEM.
"A friend like that is not worthy of your friendship?"
Uh hell, no. The only thing that shouted out to me was...
"A friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out"
And it's only because it sounds nice, and er. I like using this kinda stuff.
But it did, in no way, help me out. Grah, but what can i expect? it's CME, right? like er, lame reflections on paper.
CME: Mrs Kwan did have a point... with that game, so to speak. Would you believe Gin Yin was my equidistant?
How do I face it with all the grudges and *)@#%&*)%@)*&# feelings i'm holding against
Will anyone get me out of this storm?
Rajali quotes "Joanne, you should just GO. Go and get a PHD in stripping"
Pelvic thhrrusstt, Marie says it nice, but what a thing to say.
Nat takes my blog as a news paper. HAHAHAHA.
80 cents please, i'll be rich.
Joanne damn SICK lah. During dance on thursday. Gross.
you see that's why I'm emo!): hmph. whaaat is theees. tsktsk.
I dunchhh freennn euuuzx alreadyyzx.
KK, phone post.
1.Rachel's spastic swaying, HAHA last FRIDAY(: when we got high before science pracccc.
2. MUTTONS : You're so ugly that they use your face to scare the shit out of NEWater.
You're so stupid that when you saw your cousin giving birth, you looked at the umbilical cord and said "Wow! Got free USB cable some more"
3. Flag day partner drama : Sigh, sorry lah Cait Choo. No hard feelings alright. The threesome thing, it's bound to be someone... Just know that I felt real bad at that time.
4. Flag Day : EE, that business man guy stuck his stupid cigarette under my nose while donating. Near puked, I did.
5. BABY JOHN THE FETUS. He's 70 years old man! the FETUS is older than YOU. the 5 month old fetus is 70 years old. How bizarre.
6. Caitlin McLatchey! the brit swimmer. Her parents promised her Jimmy Choo Shoes if she got a medal. So goggles off to her, and Jimmy Choo just made money from someone with MY name.
7. Rarr. my phone has no memory space. And Samantha Wong got a N76!(COPYCAT LAH YOU)
8. I miss my iPod so bad, It's like I'm missing a friend, which reminds me, I DON'T WANT LISA KOH TO LEAVE. Rawrrrrrrr.
10. Today marks the day I met Jawn Koo. So long eh? haha. Thanks for the mmrs.
Someday we'll know why Sampson loved Delilah
!xocaitlin, be strong.
Labels: CME, legion of mary, mihoko, phone post
Come now Rachel baby, you pull through now okay?
Don't let stuff like that getcha down. You just need a little pick-me-up now.
I'll be that pick-you-up. Kay? Just chillllllaaaaax.
Aye, don't take me/us for granted man.
That goes out to all the little inconsiderate people who take dancers as people who you can just rely on to get a rehearsal out of. We DO have other things to do you know, like fufill commitments.
Grah. yay, we had fun disecting fruits today.
Ahh, Rachel stop emoing please.
Oh, I'm satisfied with our English mindmap. we did a really good, chim, causes-people-to-think, presentation :)
I still cannot get over Erin and Ginie's talent!!!!
Rarr, in a nutshell. The day was okiedokes.
Hahaha, Ariaga's hair was GREEN. (Chris and Mona read this)
LOLLLL. i can't really remember, not in the mood to elaborate.
had dance(: It makes me think like hell, why would anyone wanna miss it?
tsk, you guys don't know whatcher missing out on then. Gosh, the seniors are just so freaking talented. How, are we gonna match up to them in the future...?
It was quite enjoyable. I can do doubles properly now, I think. But not very regular. Haha. WEll. ogay. Ciao. Off to do geogggg for Miss Natural Vegetation.
I heart Nut Rod. x)
Labels: DANCE, miss natural vegetation, rachyee
[b]HSU[/b]PERMAN sent 8/20/2008 3:04 PM:
I feel stumped.
Friday, you make it or break it.
Say what? heh, i dunno what's carol's talking about.
OMG LAH. Ginie and Erin damn PRO! OMG!
they can play Ocean Avenue by yellowcard,
Ginie on the guitar and Erin on violin.
OM!!): Damn fast. GOSH! I love GinYin's guitar picks(PICKS RACHEL, NOT PLUCKS)
YOU SHOULD HEAR THEM. THEY IS DYNAMIC DUO(apart from hsuperman and i lah)
THEY'RE SO AWESOME. I swear, i'm gonna record them and make them my ringtone.
Aye, today was out last tutoring session. Got ice cream. HAHAHA x)
Gosh, I was DAMN high during lit. Trying to get rachel high.
"Airport,high in the sky drugs,cuz the grand dad's PMS-ing?"
Chinese was a. poo. Then lunch and tutoring. =/ not much. Went home with kaela and rachel, since chriz ditched me. Went to macs. -.-
yeah, now china? did anyone not read my post about Marissa?
I might just cry. I don't want her to go!):
You wanna hear our story?
Okay two years ago, as an amateur blogger, i started out.
Lisa Koh bloghopped here, and tagged. then we were friends online.
And friendster and MSN and stuff. She was damn nice lah. And not to mention a pro blogskinner.
And then, later in the year, at leadership camp, i officially met her. (Justeana)
Yeah, and well, i just don't want her to go. She's leaving NEXT SATURDAY? wth. ):
(I'll keep you in prayer, and a mark in my heart,Lisa)
Eheheh. I won't say anymore about the topic posted on
Now you people know what I can be like. So if you want to see less of that, i suggest you bug off when i tell you to stop. Know your limits man.
Omg, that was so stupid. read this conv with samantha wong:
!Caitlin This is as good as it gets says:
!Caitlin This is as good as it gets says:
my number so nice.
!Caitlin This is as good as it gets says:
no five though):
samantha wong says:
mine nicer.
samantha wong says:
got 5 what
samantha wong says:
!Caitlin This is as good as it gets says:
not your's
!Caitlin This is as good as it gets says:
!Caitlin This is as good as it gets says:
!Caitlin This is as good as it gets says:
samantha wong says:
!Caitlin This is as good as it gets says:
samantha wong says:
Quote of the day
(during breakfast > you don't hear that very often)
Justin : Mum, the bread is moulding
Mum: it's pesto sauce
Labels: last tutoring session, lisa, ocean avenue
what i needa post :
Bright eyes, take a breath,you are still faithful,phone post, diary post, impressions, secrets, rachel, min yee and my essay for mrs roch. Quote Tiff "I feel honoured" I want a free omelette.
(1) The first contact in your hp??!
Some anon that called me a real long time ago. IDK WHO!
(2) The sweetest person in your life?Grandma.
(3) The closest male to you now?
Closest as in? My brother’s here…
(4) The person you're chatting with nowPantat! He should totally wash his face with SKII.
And Christie Yeo. :D
(5) The languages you're able to speak?English, broken Chinese, attempting teo chew.
(6) The last person whom you screwed?Screwed = Angry, errr. I can’t remember. I’m high on kickapoo.
(7) One word about your life now?Sugarush-hangover
(8) Where do you wish to work?I’m being carefree, don’t make me think about the future. I’m de guo qie guo-ing.
(9) What are you specially good at?Being high. REAL high.
(10) Would you date someone younger than you?Eh, you know small boys are disgusting? And boys my age are already acting two years younger than expected. Please…
(11) What are you to yourself?I try to be the most down to earth, Caitlin I can be.
(12) Do you forgive people easily?I’m attempting to, and it’s working.
(13) Which girl is precious to you now?Christie.
(14) Your dressing style?Casual comfortable.
(15) How different are you from other girls?I try to be. I AM, RIGHT...? :D
(16) The bad point in yourself?I’m not good with saying goodbye.
(17) The last contact in your hp?Zhi Yin <3!
18) Your favourite song?With me, it’s never JUST one, I’m going to put my player on shuffle.
The answer’s Think of me by David Archuleta.
(19) The two hated contacts in your hp?Justin Foo and Marc Phua
(20) Learn one language in 10days?Don’t think so, I’m no einsteinette.
(21) One gorgeous girl you came across?Carolyn Hsu, her complexion is to die for.
(22) Whose your biggest enemy?Don’t really have one, I made a promise to God to forgive and forget.
(23) Which gang do you support?Erm. What gang?
(24) What do you think about gangsters?They are scary wary.
(25) Proper age to join gang?108 years old.
(26) Do you have a blogspot?Where are you reading this from?
(27) Do you like people who smoke?Gah, I shan’t answer that.
(28) What do you think about modelling?Ahh nahh, anorexic. The poor girls. Stereotyped as bimbos, too.
(29) Given a chance, will you be a model?Nope. I hate photoshoots and parading in stilettos.
Please watch America’s Next Top Model.
Does that look fun to you?
(30) Whose approval do you usually seek first?Rents. The Folks. Yknow. Mummy and Daddy.
(31) What do you wish to be in future?Go away, I’m happy with the present. I’ll let God guide me in the future.
Still mourning for my iPod. Since I told Caitlin Choo and Rach, they've become my jukebox and, er, their singing isn't really up to standard. :X Seriously,Elvis' Hound dog, your idea of leisurely music? I don't think so.The dao war must stop, really.
I can't take it much longer. And there are tons of people in class that are really NOT benefitting from this. No more ignoring, and being... BLAUGGH. Forget the grudges, let go and let live man! Take it slow and easy. You're forcing some people into depression and you don't even know it. And if I get dao-ed for this, you know what, I don't really care. because I'm standing up for those other people that DO mind getting dao-ed for this sort of thing.
Wow, it's considered fun to hurt other people's feelings? Forgiveness man. And I'm not being biblical, it's common sense. This life's too short to live it like this. Come on guys. Show off some heart. I think some of us here, are like what? PMS-ing? Stressing? Maybe still undergoing puberty? Ah well, i've been in those shoes. So everyone has to have their share some time or another.
But, it's NORMAL to have disagreements and all that. We all have our own different opinions and personalities. But JEEZ, you HAVE to learn to let go sometimes. And venting anger, is no solution, especially venting anger on people who SHOULD not have to deserve it. Go kick a rock or something. I stand neutral. So let this be a source of encouragement to people like this.
You know, i'm adressing you. Come, now, we don't have time for such drama. Can't you guys see it's affecting your every move? Face it people, you know you're all each other has. I'll be an example, I can tell you now, straight in the eye, I've just let go of every grudge ever held.
To be understood as to understand
To loved as to love with all my soul
"Lord, make me a channel of your peace"
Labels: dao, forgiveness, innocence, war
Damn it i lost my iPod.
I have inherited my dad's knack for losing stuff.
DARN YOU KNOW. I specially renamed everythinggg.
And now now now. it's GONE. and I still have that nice stripey black cover that is still in it's plastic package. Made specially for Nano, bought in the US. Rarrr. And Shit, Mel's gonna kill me for losing that apple pouch thing that she gave me for my birthday. RAWRRRR! come out come out whereever you aree.
Go PingPong girls.
how could i be such a dumbo of an ass?
Eh, well congratulations to me, I wore a skirt to church.
But that's not the most important thing on my mind now.
Winner at a Losing game.
Omg, Erin is funny shoot.
Erin: "Rachel has... very refined taste in men."
Here come four million smiles. Eh I like the Olympics theme song.
EEERRRRR,Stupid. Gimme my ipod back. Alex Fong, 296 songs is no loss. A 4GB nano is. ):
The weekend's just too short. ): Bleah. I wonder if Chriz will ditch me again. AGAIN again again
Roar, Shit we have not done our dedication to Aiman.
HAWHAW. I saw the ACSJ band videoo. HAHA. Jian Hao and Zach's(SEE NO EVIL) interview was FUNNEHHHH! Jian Hao was... being FUNNY. His engrannd veh funny (: HAHAHA. no lah, very cute. And Zach just stoned. And smiled at the cameeera.
EEEH. that stupid Jay Ong got freaking A1 for HMT. RETUDED. Aiyoyo. So robot.
Let us not lift our souls to another.
Happy Birthday Cuz!(: You're 15!(:
woohoo? you want your name mentioned?
Aaha, nah that would just be wweeeeiird.
Labels: interview, lost ipod):, pingpong team singapore
ACSJ BAND PARTY. :O eh. It was quite fun. Although i went like very late? woah k. Eh, Fongstar went. And I wasn't there yet. I would have liked to laugh at him.Woah, i didn't know that Mel and Nicole Seow and Cezanne were at the ACSi rugby match either. 39-0? ACS is quite the pro. Not fair, how come they got to leave so early after school!
Emmm, anyway. Rushed back from flag day. (Happy Fag day by the way,Join the pinafold parade) And then got to JS while most of the people were gonna leave. Yeah but then everyone was in their cool tshirts(AHEM AHEM) and then so many teachers and parents came up to congratulate(WHY?!) me for designing the shirts. Haha well, i'm honoured and it's a pleasure.
Um, the catered food was not bad. (EH WHO SAID I WANTED THE LAST PIECE OF CHICKEN) Talked to the teachers,conductor(s) eh... parents and some small boys.
I like Jeremy's shoes? :D Saw Samantha Wong, who is giant tall. ))): Waka. Umm. yeah people didn't stop coming to say thanks for the tshirts. Even Mr Chong.
-.-! And Miss Tan's helper from STC can't believe I'm sec one(WHY NOT!eh i very old ah...)
Yes, so after clearing up after the party,(COKE SLUSH) went home to rush and get tuition stuff ready. Marc Phua came with us, to entertain Justin. Um, I don't comprehend something? Why are the tiny Primary 5/6 boys going after that ugly bitchslut YingYing? She veh teh poser leh. Ugly to the core please? So short, and her hair woah, nice? Eheh. I awesome love her personality eh? Flirt to the core. Wah can play soccer with the small boys also ah? And so chio until Bryant can go and... ew yknow. please, what is UP with that? I think immature minds blind immature bodies. THEY CAN'T SEE WHAT'S IN FRONT OF THEM. eeeew, like how many small boys after her? grosshitzx. Eeee, small boys should not be having raging hormones now. okay, Marc Phua, Rafael,Abner,Bryant,Ryan all like her? uh. I heard justin kek and en lin, but i think that's crap.
Okay, so then in the car, I got a call from Shawn(?!) and I was like whhhaaaaaaat? And then He said "Do you want a cat?" And I was like "Huh huh huh huh huh?!" and in the end put him on loudspeaker so EVERYONE in the car could laugh. Wow, you and joel find the cat on the way to the MRT, which is the size of your palm?! And is black and white. And cute... yeah... Sure. They kinda GROW which make them adult CATS which are GROSSS. Haha but it was veh funny. Take peekcha somemore. Justin was like YES MUM I WANT A CAT. So weirddd! You can't even bring the cat on to the MRT, can you?
Oh, I found out that Aunty Elaine actually went around to the band boys at JS to empty out all the coins from their wallets, just to contribute to my flag day. Like wow, you actually went to do that for me? So much trouble. Eh, but I deeply appreciate it :O and thanks everyone who put some money in for the DSA.
Ah, tuition. gah, shan't say much.
Today was such a blarghzxzxzxzxzzxzx day.
x 7026340871078265432625456545351235
Quote of the day by MICHELLE. the goldfeesh.
(Her scheme to get more coins)
"Is your pocket feeling heavy from coins? Do you have spare change? Do you want to lighten your load? If the answer's yes, kindly drop your coins into our tins for the Down Syndrome Association."
Labels: cat, flag day, JS band party, yingying
Heyas. Well today was retarded. Started out with Chinese in the morning. Mm, I was zombie-ing. MMMMMM. I did not comprehend a thing
Well, then GEOG. was okay. RELEASING WIND HAHAHA! from higher air pressure(area) to a low air pressure(area) HAHA. Your butt hotter. :D
HAHAHHA. anyway, then we now have a new goeg assignment. (GWENDOLYN SEAH, I'M SO NOT TASK-ORIENTATED, PLEASE) WE IS A TEMPERATE CONIFEROUS FOREST. yay. Hui Ying's modelling. Rachyee was categorised as "LALALA" HAHA KAELA IS A POOT. And I will Pant at her. (NAT WTH!) Ummmm, anyway. yeah. So we have a "Climate beauty Pageant"
Mrs Tan : Okay, so you need yor music, Like when I announce Miss Tropical Rainforest, please come out.
Heeeh. And rachel, being the talkative one, DID NOT CONTRIBUTE AT ALLLLL. So i was like RACH! YOU. MUST. CONTRIBUTE. and she thought i was angry with her. So she pretended to dao me. And she went : EH I'M GONNA DAO YOU FOR TEN MINUTES.
Rach pauses.
"Why are you dao-ing me Rachel"
"Because you scolded me. EHH WHAT THE HELL! I'M TALKING TO YOU!"
She attempted like 5 times to dao me. ALL UNSUCCESFUL. haha.
Oh shooot, this was supposed to be posted on alien-ation.
Eh cool man. they told me that my blog is the most often visited on in OneOne.
I'm so honoured. CUZ I COOL RIGHT. Anyway. I HAD RECESS.
and i was being stone right? So I wanted to drink something that had caffeine. SINCE I needed it to get me through the day. So,Caitlin Choo(I WAS RIGHT! THAT PENCIL CASE AT THE COUNTER SINCE YESTERDAY WAS HER'S!) was at the drink stall with me. And I was like, what drink has caffeine? And she's such a dumbo, she was like IDK. so i established that milo has caffeine? And kickapoo too. So heck, I didn't know what to do, and i had no small change, so i just bought both. And drank both reaaaal quick. Great, milo does not have that high an amount of caffeine. And kickapoo made itself caffeine free. So what? IT'S JUST PLAIN OLD SIMPLE SUGARS.
Yay so what? SUGAR RUSH RUSH RUSH. HYPER HYPER. ;OOO! i could NOT stop shaking my legs. And i was practically shrieking at people in the hallway about random stuff. It was just funny! HAHAHA. and i loved it. HAHA. HANGOVER. maybe next I should just dream of the future(Maybe 2025?
Literature : MISS TAN DIDN'T WEAR BLACK! went to watch the recording of the Lit drama comp. I THOUGHT WE DID QUITE WELL WHAT! (it started out with me saying : And this is OneOne's reanactment of After you my Dear Alphonse, and there was something wrong with the control, so it just keep replaying me. Cuz the computer loves me)
HAHA. MELISSA WAS DON. FOR 1/3 annnd! Fungi, who was recording, was commenting about Shermin "How come the teacher wears shorts!" Can hear la! So funneh. HEH. and then CME! Remember the Titans(heartheartheart) Eeh, got cut short lah ): IDC SOMEONE OWES ME REMEMBER THE TITANS.
AND THENN. yeah , cme. Dramamamamamamaa. I WAS HIGH! I MANAGED TO MEMORISE MY LINES. whoohoo!(: GINA GINA GINA. :D GOOD! I'M SURE OUR DEAERST DARLING GOT AN A RIGHT? hahaha. Jeanette was less scared of me (I theenk) because i was ABSOLUTELY HIGH. I should be like that more often. Then drama will be productive. Cuz I make Jeanette laugh. And Shimona saw me,kaela and natalie do the thriller dance, and she and ZY were mocking me!): damn.
RAWRRRRRRR. hahahaha. OH break (HE THINKS HE'S A GANGSTTAAAA fuego fuego[isn't that like a bubble tea topping?]) Um, after dramamama, was HISTORY. o.O
Caitlin Choo has some THING for origami, retuded, it was for art, be she was so absorbed in it. it didn't look normal. HISTORY. er. HAHA SPENT THE WHOLE TIME LIKE SORTING OUT FLAG DAY FORMS.
yipeedoodle. ANYONE I SEE AT TP TOMORROW AH! I COME AND CHASE YOU FOR MONEY. i'm a PRO loanshark(Class comm experience lorzx)
HAHA, i wanna sell all my flags, then i don't needa go stand in the hot sun for 4.5 hours. I will sell all my flags before times up. And then can return. And if she asks Why are you back so early? I WILL SAY! I SOLD ALL MY FLAGS. (eh it's faggot day, i need christie's smile if you're gay shirt) aha. 0.0!
Reminds me of "Now, boys let's do puppy breathing, 1, 2,3, PUPPIES BREATH!"
yeah. then after that was our Fag day breathing. Talking about integrity. HAHA. xD okay. yeah THEN! WENT FOR LUNCH. and loser monk cum boy cum donkey had guides. So gwen and I just went. And ate. Um, noodles. haha gwen was complaining about how michelle got extra fishballs and she didn't. HAHAHAHA.
And then sat down. and kaela and anabel joined us. haha, the kway tiao people, and the yellow noodle people, the badminton people and the dancers. DAMN COOL LAH SEATING ARRANGEMENT. Right, okay. (: HAHAHAHA. yeah and then BACK TO CLASS. where we just sat there talking ALOT alot ALOT alot ALOT. about seriously MAD SICK HORNY STUFF. stupid rachyee and nat. RAGING HORMONES. I'm scared of nat when she daos.
I was still high from kickapoo(i still am) and then what? i can't remember the exact conversation. but here are EXTRACTS. here come lotsa lotsa quotes.
Rachel : PINNOCHIO! (Caitlin is ugly (insert intensive nose[not hair] growth here)
Natalie : I'm pregnant with a netballlll!
Gwen: NOSEPICKING! AHAH SYMPTOMS OF A NOSEBLEED: When blood flows out of your nostrils
Rach : I will kill your adam's apple!
Rach : It will go through your boobs, then dunneeeed to wear pad. HAHAHA. SQUEEZE
(insert disgusted face here)
Yes, so all that was happening while we were waiting to be called to the science lab for our performance assessment. I drew lots and got grouped with Violet,Maribelle and Nicole Seah. And after making a boat destined to sink(NINE WEIGHTS. NINE), I had to go to meet the photographer(who speaks great english by the way) with my mum. For the stupid photoshoot for the corporate video. About the mother-daughter thing. And yeah, everyone from my class coming down from the science lab saw. Joy... Spazzing poses lahhh. Then maxene?
"Aunty? Why are you here! Do you work in the school? Why are you taking photos? What's this for? I don't geddit!"
I don't know, I break under pressure okay...
Where else to take photos with your mum but in the parade square huh? In front of friends and people you freaking don't know. Not to mention teachers? (Sounds like thursday's dance, woohoo, two days of embarassing exposure IN THE SAME PLACE) Yeah, so my smile was damn fake and FORCED, and my cheeks were like shaking and quivering. Painfool lah. Seriously, it was so bad that the photographer even said "You have to cut the tension with a knife'
yeah, so yeah... All my friends just went off, passing me and staring(ah thanks)
Um, then after that, got a call that the Beijing band tshirts were ready for printing, went to paya lebar. Urm, Let's just say I totally abhor industrial parks with those ulu buildings that look like a parallel univers. Rarrrr. Yeah, tshirts were OVERSIZED. M = L. I could wear XS! But i ordered an M. :O Kenneth will be swimming in his tshirt. Eeeeer, and those guys were like burning joss sticks, ick. The smelll! ): Then, on the way back home in the car. The redlight was on, and then I saw none other than Lynette. Not nut. the Sec 3/2 one who plays the horn(Not Qin Yue either) Haha. The creator of the HOBAS. xD
Amazing. She was in P6 Rose, when I was in P4 Rose. We were in cheerleading together(HOHO) and I didn't know! Ehehh, and THEN i saw her in BeiJing... :OOO and meet her on friendster. HAHAHA, and then I see her at Aljunied.(wait that looks wronnnngg) EEER, and she recognises me cuz of my HAIR. woweth.
I liked maxene's story about living in the green tea bottle and then migrating to jasmine. Plus meeting natalie,nicole seah and anabel, who are quite weird. hehh. WAKAKA. Cait Choo wants AIDS.
CaitChoo : My hearing is like 2q6casijrhilweierr18764836432 rahhrsxzx
Chris : I think you need hearing aids.
CaitChoo : I have AIDS? (:O point taken about the hearing thing,btw)
CaitFoo : EEE. someone na ge na ge with baby! (The person would rather DIE)
Cait Choo wants AIDS.
My prayers go out to Sam Low, who's been infected with HFMD.
Sam Low, get better soon, don't sniff glue. Not good. Oneone'll keep you in your prayers.
Forge a friendship no where as strong as this.
Labels: HFMD
To go to War or not to? interesting topic. Well, I never really thought about it, before this debate I was totally against war. Augh, but overall, my virtues still pull through. I am STILL against war. Though it has it's benefits. It was quite interesting to discuss.
The scenario,
Singapore = Singasore
Malaysia = Barasia
Indonesia = Sardonia
Osama Bin Laden = Osaka Bin Sadine(Sardine) HAHAHAHA.
Mrs Roch came up with those!
And Erin being the businessman was like, "We are FOR war, because we don't really care about people's lives. We just want money. In the event that the awesome businessmen are faced with danger, we can simply flee to Angmorica, The land of the Ang Mors."
She is absolutely brilliant with puns! HAHAHA ANGMORICA.
HAHA for the debate today Rach,GinYin,Anabel,Charmaine and I were the judging panel! :O
During discussion, only Ginny was doing the work. Anabel was stoning and commenting about how unglam the school banner photo is ("So big sommore") Rachel was stroking her nose [The chin's NORMAL,Chriz does armpits] And charmaine was just laughing at us. HAHAHAHA.
I was playing with me specs and then i wanted to "kiap" it onto my pinafore, but i wasn't looking and I missed the pinafore, so my specs went on the floor. And apparently amused Anabel alot (AAAAA). Too much. She ROFLed! Mm. The parties were :
The prime ministers, (ANABEL : I'M PM NG LAH BETTER THAN PM CHIAM)
Army generals, mothers,social workers, young men and the businessmen.
And i was like, yeah! okay, PM Ng, I'm judge Foo. (JUDGEFUL) yeah i know i know, my pun's not as good as Erin's. Judgeful isn't even a word. It's judgemental... isn't it?
And I had to sum up a conclusion(We were for war, simply because that party was convincing)
And er I was like "The georges(judges) have decided that we are FOR war because..."
Lynut! "I would like to rebuttal the mothers" ROARRR. veh funny.
Nico! "The soldiers will be traumatized from seeing too many dead bodies, the mother's will be traumatized from seeing their sons die, the younger generation will be traumatized to grow up as orphans "
Nico's later rebuttal "I disagree with the businessmen, you see, everyone will be too traumatized to care if we win the war or not!"
Omg lah! I wish oneone was as high as this everyday. NEHMINDDD! TMR GOT LEETERATURE. whoopee. Miss Tan's the best la! haha. After dance some of the sec twos, nut,julvian and rajali came with us juniors. And we said hi to miss tan. And basically everyone knows miss tan. She was in black HAHAH. (Funeral) hyper hangover from her last lit lesson! :O and we were like reancting the scene. While she was talking to Eliza Tan and Anne Xue. HAHA AND IDK LA! Then Ms Tan was pointing to Eliza and said to us
"This, your PSL here.."
"Miss Tan she's not our PSL."
"Yeah! I'm not a PSL!"
And yeah, damn funny lah. :D Nightstudy sounds FUN. Bubble tea shopping was rad.
EEEHEEE. Joanne and Rajali went MAD. I think they tortured the auntie with their cold jokes. HAHA. Rajali was reciting all the ingredients that were being put in. And she was like "Oh, she wants to be a teacher!" and Rajali said "Yes i'll teach you juice!"
Heheheh! Blueberry banananahhh
Mel owes me money for her tagboard. Hahaha, nyah, i'm kidding.
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing.
(Link Gen Seah's LJ,Joy Neo,Xin Ting and Clarise Kho)
Anyway, that's abourit(Kimp!) HAHA.
YAY, dance on MONDAY.
Labels: angmorica, clarissa cheang, judgeful, sarah toh, war
Labels: byron, chinese cinderella, imac lab

For what? Flag day. My Gosh please.
YAYYY. Let's burn in the sun for four hours pasting stickers on people's chests.
When they don't actually want to do anything for charity.
Honestly, I find flaggers pretty annoying sometimes.
And now I have to be one?
When I could be in JS prank calling people with Samantha Wong?
YAYYYY. joy. Also, hmm. Geog and History tests results?
not desirable. At all. I think I hit jackpot in the failure category yes?
Seriously, I think i got the lowest in class. CAs, omggg please.
Sorry guys. My bad. (Cait,therese,gwen,rach)
Um, at least AEP wasn't so bad. Quite fun. I finished my animation.
Maxene,Jus,HuiYing(Aye, you still eating in craasss),Ashley,Tiffanie,Michelle,Sheryl,Sarah,Cassandra,Valerie.
Thanks for making AEP alright. It was a pleasure helping you guys.
We had the funnest time with Justina's crazed computer yes?
Vulgar la you guys. Ash and val and Sarah and Justina herself.
I do not do what the computer says I do.
Thanks Gwen(Red sea attack sms!(:),Rach(Sorry I dao-ed you),Kaela(hugs make my day)
Happy Birthday Samantha Wong!
!Caitlin I love
(babe, i'm changing it. But i still love you. HAHA, it's abit of an eyesore yeah?)
I'd miss a million flag days to go to that JS fling.
gwen says it's the red sea attack.
Eh congratulations to Maxene, who established that I don't produce sperms(thanks ah)
try to be like your twin lah!(: HAHA. yay. you look like a monk cum donkey cum boy.
If we go for lunch one day, and the hawker goes, Eh boy come order
I'll edit this later
"I'm not in the mood"
Right sunnysideup, join the club, we had a rough day
Hmm. I made Justin's day though.
"Jie's not going? YESSSSSSS!"
thanks you poop.
Curfew's gonna break my heart.
Labels: bangs, flag day CIP, hobas, Js party ):, samantha wong, tests
Hello!(: Went cycling today. We were out of the house from 9.30 all the way til 3. :O Haha, went to west coast and then there wasn't a bicycle kiosk there. But i think Justin managed to deface the most of West Coast Park. Tsk. He nearly broke the thingies. Rar. So from west coast, we took a drive all the way to EAST coast. RAWR. reliable East Coast. And there, we went cycling for about an hour? Yeah,nice breeze. And Justin has no stamina, Dear Gosh. yeah, had quite a good time today.
I got Coach Carter babehh. Justin went to watch Mad about English. Who watches that kinda show?(oh right, Ru Hui does) It's a DOCUMENTARY that shows how Cheenians had to learn English for the Olympics.
He wanted to collapse half way. (justin during cycling)LOSER. hehh, Michael Phelps swims like, 4 times as fast as me. and that Brit swimmer in lane threeee,HER NAME IS CAITLIN. whoo!(: I'm rooting for HER. I bought an expensive chair. :X It's nice k!
Whoo. My answer to that math question is less than three
Labels: cycling, expensive chair, genie, ken lee, michael phelps
Luke and Brandon shared about their mission trip to KunMing. It was uber touching k. I wanna go mission trip and church camp with cell! (((: They taught the lil kids english... And, wow la. It sounded amazing. The closeness and the love la. And they didn't even know God, yet they knew how to love. And the guys had to be burdened with the fact that they couldn't preach in China. Eh, seriously touching. All of them cried. Tskk. pastor reuben is the funniest. Hmm.
Well. Ciao(:
I am so full from Cell sharing potluck. Rar.
Testify to love.
Luke : If I could describe the trip in one word... It would be "Life=changing"
Don't you want that experience for yourself?
"I had this really strange feeling i've never felt before. I woke up that day and i thought to myself, Hey, it's not about me. It's ALL about THEM."
Faith, guys.
Labels: mission trip
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY. yknow so many people are asking me to do stuff right now i'm not really gonna update.
Cezanne is talking to me
Carolyn's demanding songs
Evin is requesting that I help him out with the cbox
I need to do my PW script (the whole purpose of coming online,ahem)
And I'm editing the BeiJing band tshirt again.
My Gosh. Fickleness fickleness.
Shit larhzxzxzxz.
Haha, the camera zoomed in on Vivian Balakrishnan while he was having his picture taken. :O
And that was during Jacintha A's performance. I still think Gail's singing is tehh bomb.
the jets were red and white!(: coolios. Eheh, um... Fireworks? Ack, what WAS i doing
Aw, i still find gymnastics awesome cool. the rings. Ah, i totally forgot what happened la. ): Other than going shopping, (pretty skirts, i actually bought skirts) Yay. Zara is the best la.
This post has been edited.
"So what are you going to do when you get to the white house?"
"I'm going to paint it pink"
"And who is going to be your vice president?"
Grossly gay bimbo crap.
Er, not pink, i know because it's too light. Haha. but it illustrates that it's Paris right?
How do you become president if you advertise yourself in a bikini?
President of Crazy horse maybe. EEEH. she's gay! And she's PARIS.
The slut. Yay, America will be fed to the dogs if she gets that election.
WHOO! Obama all the way!
Happy birthday Shermin,Gowri,Mrs Wong(Sam's mumm),Lee Jia Wei(I want to see some medals),Singapore? HAHA. okehh.
I must link these people :
Anne Xue,Alesia Gian,Gladys,Dewi,Marie,Nadia,Norine,Theresa,Sacha,Cheryl Goh,Samira,Elizabeth Lee,Matilda and melissa Chua.
Shoot, i still haven't done my school diary post where Gin Yin broke the door handle? HAHA
and I haven't posted about yesterday's study date with gwen. EE. okay too many things already.
Labels: national day
This post is entirely about the Olympics, so if you're not interested, too bad, whatever.
As the 8th toot and the 888 year old Corrigan grandma
Here's wishing you! (: babies born in China today, wow, you don't know how well ya'll be treated.
OLYMPICS IS DA BOMB! the opening ceremony,OMG,
it's simply the most spectacular thing you can ever set your eyes on. I was watching all the past Olympic Game ceremonies. Like Sydney,Athens,Berlin,Atlanta
So cool, I liked the Berlin one, with the story of the Nazis and Lutz Long and Jesse Owens.
Hitler Hitler Hitler.
Rarr, xD
I think them Chinese put up a damn good show. seriously, did you see it?
The rotating sphere, the cool scroll, the freaking fireworks? they made it so that the whole of BeiJing will be able to see it. I especially liked the foot prints to the stadium.
Coolios to the maximum. BAMMM! I can't believe it. I was actually standing there. in beijing.
:O ANNNND! They did a feature on Wang Fu Jing [Their Orchard Road]
Wow, I also find it cool that the ACS band has been where the olympics have been held.
Sydney and BeiJing. Kewl aite? Mmm, haha, next stop Athens! :O the story behind the olympics is crazy cool. Mmm, but i'm too lazy to recall it now.
Caitlin Choo and Rachel Yee's cousins are competing in the olympics! Col would've, but he's serving N.S, but I think he'll go to the next one.
Caitlin Choo's rich guts and richo relatives. Tsk, the Choo's are competing in Horseback.
And i saw Terence Koh from the Singapore Sailing team during one of the adverts.
I recognised the mole, and i was like, wait. he's not terence.
He's Koh Seng Leong. And I wrote a bloody encouraging message for him on the postcard thingum. And it's in green, and I wrote a chinese rhyme. He better win something.
Thanks to Col, everyone except Jie knows how to sail. Whoo!(: I shall try again. I forgot how to rig up the sail. =/ HAHA, OLYMPICS IS COOL LAH.
I admire the Africans. They do the parade with such pride, even when they only have two athletes. But, seirously, it's something to be proud of. because as Olympic tradition goes : It's not about winning, it's about taking part.
The parade is amazing shooot. The annoying emcee from Singapore got to go!): Olympics is global. All athletes around the world are gathered now in China, the place of over a thousand years of history, to take part in a quad annual
Rawr, SINGAPORE IS COOL! GO LEE JIA WEI AND RONALD SUSILO AND KOH SENG LEONG.(MY NICE GREEN LETTER) Team Singapore: THERE'S A TIGER IN EVERY LION. I was wearing the shirt today. I love it. ROARRRR! Tiger beer(: Woah, so there's youth olympics and world cup? GO LIONS.
AW! YAO MING AND THE CUTE LEEDLE CHINA KID!(Eh, he's a SiChuan Earthquake survivor) eee!(: Where's Jackie Chan and his Visa? Iceland and some country i've never heard of have super hot athletes. Whooo! Micheal Phelps is funny! he wanted to practice swimming in the Toa Payoh pond because he wanted to get used to the pollution. HAHAHAHA.
Whee!(: I wan't A little bit Longer. Yeeezx. People should totally stop reading my blog. I hope they delete history. ): Cool, la! WANG FU JING!(: BMX biking is actually an event this year. THE JAPANESE ARE SO CUTE AND JAPANESE. haha, in the Athens parade, the Thais actually wore the farmer hats(ZHONG TIAN BA!)
Heeh, okay that's all I have about the olympics.
New Zealand's black uniform is so fetch. it's BLACK.
My mum got delayed at work today, because the surgeon was slow
So, she stormed out of the operating theatre and wanted to find a better surgeon
yknow why?
OM!(: the finale fireworks were fantabulous.
EEE. I love Beijing.
Everyone's in red today. I shall be cliché like them.
Edit} 13 Aug
Michael Phelps is the best olympian in history
Muttons : Tao Li is a FISH,
but i think 5th place is good enough
She should just come home with a plastic medal
(11 gold medals babeh)
You see! That's Terence Koh Seng Leong. LOOK AT MY AWESOME OWNAGE MESSAGE TO HIM LAH! he jolly well bring something back for singapore. AHAHAHA. i'm kidding.
Labels: 888, koh seng leong, michael phelps, olympics, ronald susilo, tao li
Awwww, hey guys. (: Yeah, I'm feeling okay today.
It was one of the best days i guess. We started out the day with PE!
It's not exactly jiving. It's er, more ballroom-y.
RARRRR. I paired up with Kaelala. yeah, and we did the basics.
Simple enough. It was entertaining. I got bok-ed in the face while we did the spin.
Then all lessons after that was a drag. Except in science, we were made to watch the video about abortion and STIs. made by the ministry of health in 1993. I love their engrannd, and their specs are awesome fetch. Erin smirked when I said that. :DD yeah, then recess? We were debating whether to watch the X-files tomorrow[NOOOOO]
Ah, and it was funny. I forgot what we were talking about. Erm. OKay, and Rach and I were just stoning during math. And English was just greaaaat, we had to do a detailed analysis of the Nazis.
Yippee. Right. And then, augh, Chinese. Where I screwed the test up. Blurghh.
Aha, anyway. that was it for school. AFTER SCHOOL.
Had an early day, and therefore went to play around with my AEP animation. :D
it is quite cool now. Rawr, and i can't save it in my thumbdrive):
Ah, so yeah, i did my animation til the HMT girlies came out. And then I had lunch with the dancers.
even though my feet hurt crazy.Lunch was fun. :DD
And then we went to the dance studio, where we met Daphne,Nut,Jewel,Marie,Angelene.
Um who else? Julvian. Yes and we were all talking about primary school CCAs. Isabel Lam is convinced that Mrs Redwan has four toes. -.- And we asked Arielle, Caroline and erm, Angelene. Isabel Lam is a bimbo. Jus was like the only cheerleader who crossed over to dance. =/ HAHA. Angelene is versatile. Very extremely. Did you know that? She was in netball, and choir in primary school. She's won Sports day events, she plays awesome piano. She's in AEP, and she's in 3/4! That's just cool right.
Yesssss, so we were talking about THE FAMILY RECIPE. and then er, bugs life dance? and the sunshine,moonlight,boogie dance? Which was all them 6 years ago :O Alot of dancers were in choir man! And gym xD yeah and then we were just having a real nice bonding session
And then we had to go to the performing arts room on level one. So we climbed down 6 storeys. Yayyy. Um, and then we did warm ups and stuff. Owch, Arielle pulled me all the way down doing the split. And the muscle is pulled now. Snap like a rubber band. ): Painfool. Augh. And then PIROUETTES!(: yay! I mastered it, and doubles also. So that's one thing off my list yeah. I shall type it out one day. I had lots of difficulty bearing everything in mind. Like hell, my leg goes up right, and then I forget to spot. and then I remember to spot, then my arms go crooked. And my arms go right, my leg drops.
And then piqué! piqué! :OOO quite fun. Samantha is a darn funny teacher. HAHA. mmm, and then we stayed back after 5, because we went through technique steps. By then all the councillors had come back from the meeting and Suzanne and Jocelyn helped us out. Yeah. xD
And yeah! Marie kept banging into us piqué-ing everywhere. Yup, that was about it.
I WANT TECHNIQUE TO BE EVERY THURSDAY. haha, you know we did warm ups to michael jackson's thriller. And Chelsea and Angelene were like MARS why are your songs so weird! :O
Yes, so after dance, went to the interchange with bel. And she dropped her phone on the way. and it started raining. She lost her phone, cuz she couldn't remember where she dropped it. So I was holding her bag in the rain while she kept running across the road during pedestrian crossings. gemma found it in the end. :D so nice. mmhmm. And then we rushed to the interchange. And we were talking about school. =/
Yeah, went back home in the rain ):
Ogay. Yup. DON'T FORGET THE LYRICS BABEH. it is awesome.
Aye, the quote of the day? "Shut up lah, I'm talking about porridge!"
Zi Ying, wow, the stuff they say. HAHA, so cute.
Don't blame it on sunshine,
Don't blame it on moonlight,
Don't blame it on good times,
Blame it on the boogie.
Labels: chinese test, jive, puberty vid, technique
Hello, let me share with you my awesome fun day.
First, in the morning, went to school carrying mahjong paper(which is currently missing):
And then props were done, that was great.
Started off the day with math. Yeah, so same old same old.
Then we had LIT! where we had a superdee successful rehearsal
BACK STAGE CREW WAS LIKE WOAHH!(: heartheartheart, 30 seconds babeh.
and then, we had RECESS. where the follks saw mrs redwan(LESS THAN THREE!)
cuz she was at the canteen and she wanted soya bean. so she went to the jap stall and said to kaela and minnie, WHY IS YOUR SOYA BEAN SO EXPENSIVE? $1?
Kaela:Mrs Redwan, that's charamooshi.
HAHAHA. um, I totally enjoyed the nice wind and breeze that came into class. It was awesome cool. (: I nearly hit the girl with the door at recess (IT WAS A PROP)
After recess was art, where Tiff and i spent at the iMac lab.
WHOOOOOPEEE. doing our AEP animation. MINE IS LIKE COOL!
so's maxene's. GEORGIE PORGIE!(:
And you know they all were talking about blogs and stuff, and i found out that the whole lot of them, lynette,val,hui ying,cassandra,nicole lau, and seah,charmaine, etcetc all read my blog in private. OMG LA. shoot. You see, now no more freedom of speech.
Mine has the jaws theme song in it. Haha, and all the sound effects are coolios. yeah, and then after art? English. Wow, you know what was fun? Reading that sadistic passage about Nazis,World War 2,hitler,the holocaust,concentration camp. Whoopee. Darn sad. I was concentrating on the instrumental song through out the video clip instead of the pics. (: I just love those songs. Yeah. Erm, I got interviewed by maxene and fangying about fantasia seven. And they asked me what the guest performer's name was. And i was like OMG i forgot. AND IT WAS STILL RECORDING. eeh, brace yourself 1/2. :((( Mrs Roch is going to be seeing alot of me in the interviews!
What with me bopping my head in during Ariaga's interview(I THOUGHT THEY WERE CAM WHORING!) and then in Maxene's interview. And then, er, I appear in two people's compositions, (MinYee and Rachel:I love you guys) Hell woah. okay enough ranting. Wow, we were doing KWL right? and then rachel decides to write on the board for our group. And she wrote under the "What we know"Column, : They wore nice clothes[THEY WERE CONCENTRATION CAMP UNIFORMS YOU TARD]
Aye, and everyone else had intelligent questions and statements. Rachel Yee is a retard, :O
Anne Frank died at concentration camp. They wore nice clothes. People are forced to do labour. They had nice clothes. Einsteinette eh rach?
Okay well, after that we had science. STIs. Shocker. Girls have a higher smoking rate than guys. Isn't that weird? And higher rate of STIs too. :OOO Mighty fine.
I need to stop the habit of carrying so much stuff in my arms. And therefore dropping my calculator.
We got let off after science because we had to prepare for Lit drama comp!(: And we had to tutor our buddies. So lunch was at 1.40 (I'm sorry gwen) melissa foo made me a plastic straw heart that said I heart caitlin in permanent marker (: So nice right. haha she threw it at cait choo and i.
So we're like, is that for you or me? HAHA. I love mel too. then went tutoring. gwen and i had to mediate a primary 4 girl fight. MyGosh. they were slamming the doors and shouting and screaming, and hurling insults at each other. And they know the F word! I didn't know it when I was in P4, please. So gwen and i had to step in, cuz the little girls were just mad.
THEY MADE MY BUDDY CRY. and then we had to console her, take her to the loo and wash up. And comfort her. (: And we had a gazillion different versions of what happened. Gosh. Tiff's buddy was the cause of it. And she is extremely sadistic. Eh, so tutoring started. Rachyee helped me out cuz her buddy wasn't present. So yeah we were doing a teaching method. and the teacher thought we were playing. and she scolded us. Gosh. -.-
"Rach, this is melissa, melissa this is Rachel."
"Um, i'm michelle"
WHOOOPS. hahaha!(; my bad. i combined michelle and qalista okay, it becomes melissa.
Ah, then we had our drama comp. satisfactory la, i think they had stage fright. and the mics were not placed properly. ): So we got third, and you could just see the disappointement in their faces. I mean, they worked their butts to hell to do this, and we were just so confident yknow? And it's demoralising as their directer. I feel like i let them down. ah well. Congratulations anyways.
Atfer that, i went home. And then got ditched. Wow. how nice right? I don't feel like going out on friday already. I'm going to stay home and do AEP. yes. I've got dance tomorrow. Ye-ah. score.
Set in stone, written in the stars.
Great, so my brother fires my mum out, and she takes it out on me?
Again, awesome ending to and awesome day
Wouldn't you agree?
I needa sunny sideup too.
and nightly chill pills.
Shed a tear, never forget.
I will never buy night cream when i'm old.
They're made out of women's placentas.
Gross. You're putting something that comes out from you-know-where on your face.
Isn't that gross to the core.
There's just too much a muddle I'm in.
Samantha Wong is so mature she scares me.

Labels: back stage, drama, georgie porgie, imac lab, literature, mediate, nazi, placenta
Caitlin Choo sucks. She missed school again. And left us all to burn in the wrath of monotonous school day. My Gosh, I nearly died in school. We had english first, and got a tad bit high. But I'm not in a high mood right now because all my anger is being vented on Caitlin Choo. Who's workload I have to do. Again. Prick.
Woweth. I was totally stoning in math, got the sums wrong. because of my impulsive carelessness. And I had to do it in front of the entire class. Gosh, I need to wake up. I think it's the 2 hour lack of sleep since SUNDAY. Yeah, imagine how bad my jet lag is. Slept at two on sunday. Tsk. Um, and then I had to miss recess because I was helping the Lit drama comp people out as their director.
the competition's tomorrow! ): eegads. History was stupid. Rach and I wrote crap for the inference and comparison questions(yknow, which make up the whole test). And after the history test we learnt about stupid Chinese Emperor Pervs who were too busy "playing" with their slut concubines and leave China in poverty and suffering.
Grah, after that we had geog, where we did peer evaluation. We spent the whole period writing down stuff about other people. :O like official bitching. Er, I got quite mad after recess because the class fund is short of over $30. And people just keep demanding for money. Then I'll have to indirectly do the demanding of class funds from the class. How nice. we owe Mrs Wong like $62.
pfft. And then what? We go broke. Yay. and come exam period, everyone will just be pissed because the loan shark keeps extorting money from them. Greaaaat.
Did I mention that Jane forgot to wear socks to school today? She forgot. FORGOT to wear SOCKS. So she went around asking everyone to lend her socks. For three periods. Because 1/2 had to learn the jive for PE. And nobody wanted to lend her socks, because yknow, it's absolutely gross.
So finally after announcing to the world that Jane didn't have socks, and utterly embarassing her, chris lent her socks. And she was so sway. Because at assembly, our discipline mistress told the form teachers to go down the row and see who wasn't wearing school socks. Chris was darn lucky. Because she told the truth, and her teacher believed her. :O
Woweth. the Lord's presence is strong today. I couldn't stop singing hymns. And then i had AEP, which was kind of a drag. Ah well, i feel absolutely blah now.
So you think you can dance - Quotable quote
Nigel "It's a mix of crumping and tapping, is it called crapping?"
Woah, nice, awfully splendid.
Labels: jane's socks, lit comp, pon school, stoning
Boring day today. HHF was... productive? Overall a drag. Rachel was high. =/ Cezanne freaking made me lug the whole yearbook to school for her. :O Someone else wrote about me in their Most influential person essay for Mrs Roch! None other than dear Minnie! :O I am so honoured, really!(: I must borrow her essay too. I am absolutely in love with the Olympic adverts. I like all them songs and videos they use.
And one of the most inspirational people? Alex Fong. You should seriously check out how he writes.
Heineken adverts are cool too. :D So you think you can dance! (:
Ee ee Oonaaaa(:
"Justin, why don't you go to ebay and get a life?"
Girlie, you go get one.
She said "No matter how expensive it is, you just go get it"
That coc was so mean to justin during tennis. she said, when you're studying too hard for PSLE, don't commit suicide okay? wow. the absolute best thing to say to my vulnerable brother. Way to go. You just watch out, I just might break your face.
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. HOK AND JAIMIE THE BOMB.And Dominic,Danny,Sabra and Anya. :Ohmy, the thing with Pasha and Jessie. How scary. :O
Erm, well, other than that, i'm done for the day.
Labels: auntie selina, ebay, influential person essay, inspiration, so you think you can dance

Labels: facing the giants, roller blading, sakura, sermon
i wonder if christie managed to resolve that fling with jane. ):
A billboard in the sky, you just can't miss(:
Labels: beijing pics, cezanne's blog, meghan choo, swimming
Goooood Affffteerrrrrnoooon.
That was what OneOne sounded like the whole day.
lethargic. Felt so tired, cuz we were mugging like mad for geog, which didn't turn out as hard as we anticipated it to be. Aye. We had our three tests consecutively.
Mrs Jeya relieved Mrs H. Tan, and she was pissed because Gowri didn't want to pick up a paper that wasn't hers. :O
No comment on that.
Yeah babehh. xD you made president!(:
you see, i told you i had a hunch (Jocelyn is president for dance too! :O)
The rest would be, Suzanne(I love her serious face :D),Genevieve,Marissa,Amanda Pai(Amabel must be proud :O),Venetia.
I like this year's Exco!
And it was so sad for the ex-EXCO's farewell speech. Eliza was on the brink of tears!
They're like super friendly la. They WAVE AT YOU. :O haha, and they've always been to kaela's parties and stuff. Hehhh (:
It was so sad. There is no way you can't like them. They're too nice. You just sort of have this automatic respect for them. Meldee was like CHARRRRRGE, at Eliza. HAHA. into hugs. :D
Yay. Ack, so anyway, that was my day.
And After school, i was being such a loner. EVERYONE HAD PLANS. ): So I just met Ashley and Claire on the way, and just followed them. (: How am I going to face jane for 4 hours tomorrow?
Tsk, I really didn't know she got angry at this sort of thing, and you know what, I didn't even finish my sentence. ):<>yay, class was fun today.
Because everyone loves people who dampens moods right?
haha, music was er, dull. I loved the mood everyone was in today.
Nice enthusiasm level of 0%
I got burnt in the sun.
Wow-eth. What else happened today? I don't really remember.
Those students from Australian International School are so cute.
They have such gadgets so young! What age is equivalent to year 6?
They have cells and iPods already. I like their accent!
The ABCs are pretty! Their faces all so flawless.
And so innocent looking. And they have an accent also. On 73!
Monotonous week of school. how fun. I can't stand it.
Well, at least we don't have weekend homework for once.
Too late now, I'm going places.
you can take it all away, underneath, i'll still be the same
When it rains, it pours.

Wow, I just found this in my computer. Haha, THE LAST DAY OF PRIMARY SCHOOL!): and i'm holding kaela's rose (: haha. Thanks Nicole Lau for the candid shot, how kind.
Love,life, one speaks for the other one.
Guess what Carolyn hsuey said!
And Rachel's pm : [haha!old lion scholar who walks with elegance and poise(:]
for you i will.