Salut! Hello. K
can't believe its the last day of 2008. So will be a reflecting period okay, while HERE, i shall type long loonnng thankyous.
K and i'm going to say thanks to people in categories, so yes, some people may fall in the same category twice or more so here goes.
Hey guys, I just want you to know that you're responsible for making me a better person
Rebecca, Calvin, Alison, Tricia, Emily, Charlene, Colin, Eugene, Nick, Glenn
Bonjour! Hey guys, you very fun bunch of peoplez! :D I just wanna say YOU'RE AN AMAZING BUNCH! A thousand times thank you for making my first camp experience a joy ride! Awesomeness. Merci. Thank you for making me feel welcome, and that I belong. For teaching me enthusiasm, and sharing your very cool experiences with God. You've contributed to the ultimate highlight of my LIFE! (so far, at least) I truly never felt so close to God before, and you've helped me achieve that. the sharing, the initiative, everything. And the Cedar girls, you guys come up with cheers like snap! Yeah, thanks for the prayers and support, you've made it awesome! And also, I've been able to be real with you and real with God through camp. Thanks SO much.

Thank you for sharing that once in a lifetime experience with the group, its changed me greatly. And without knowing you personally before camp, you've got a huge reputation in TNG, and my respect for you from then has grown even more since I've met you. You truly are an inspiration and what the future holds, I trust in God and I believe you.
Dude, thanks.
Needless to say, you guys have been there for me through it all, and you will the last people on earth whom I will forget. We've had a wonderful year together, so now its time for us to move on to greater things together. You've made my school days memorable, and now, we shall grow closer and closer til we're unbreakable, oh honey, i love you, you've got no idea how much. thanks for all the wonderful outings, all the crazy parties, and randomness, wonderful twisting, and THE FANTABULOUS SURPRISE BIRTHDAY CAKE IN SCHOOL! Omg, you made this year's birthday the best ever. Yep, so we'll last forever yes? :D OK. Luv you.
Specially for Chris :
My darling, I heart thou.
There are just no words to express how much you mean to me.
You're just so close to the heart, 8 years to be.
(yeah you're all there and you're glowing! :)
Omg, there's no space to list you all, but you know who you are.
Salutations, my friends!(: I'm so pleased that we've grown so close to each other, We've got that ONE MORE YEAR together, so let's make the most use of it okay! (: No more immature disputes, no more complaining. Just unity and enthusiasm okay! (: You guys are so rad, beauty and brains. Yep! We as a class comm have a pleasure serving you, and sorry for the times we've let you down, and made mistakes. Let's start afresh okay! (: We'll study our butts off and then play so hard afterward.
K (:
Specially for Marissa :
Hey Marissa, I've no idea if you're reading this, but anyway, we're so sad that you had to leave us, but you'll never be forgotten, so come pay us a visit whenever you can alright, keep in touch (: Because we know you'll do great things.
Jing Wei, Gwen, Kaela, Anabel, Valerie, Nicole Lau, Natalie Seah
HEY GUYS, LOVE YOU A WHOLE BUNCH! because i think you peeps are the most effecient and fun and enthusiastic and committed committee members ever (: Yep, we had a great time planning our class party aye. WE'LL DO MORE TOGETHER ALRIGHT. Although we may not be working together next year, but anyway, we'll always be the have beens. :D OKAY(:
Specially for Jing Wei :
Great job done, my friend.
To my brilliant partner, Rachel Yee :
Hey there gorgeous! You've been a thrill! (: You're a crazy retarded banana, and i love you. Look on the brighter side of life okay, you can come running to me anytime, i'll receive you with wide open arms mlove. Yumyum.
(Oh yes, CKRT is awesome, we'll keep CKRTs)
Cezanne, Min Yee, Shi Ying, Zhi Yin,Ashley Yow, Cheryl, Jane, Shimona, Jermaine, Elaine
You my loves, are legends. It will be a long time and a hit in the head before I forget you guys. I'll never forget those wonderful memories that we've forged together, as 5 ixorians, Ashley Yow excluded. You've been crazy cool, and you've brought out the seriously ah ma and crazy side of me. Whee! you guys are so keeewwwwll.
(Ah we need pictures, TOGETHER)
Specially for Cheryl :
Don't you even dare, for one second, even think about replacing us, because you're irreplaceable, come back soon okay babe, drop us call us, keep in touch, i don't care. Never ever forget us. ALRIGHTY O?
And for the other people, Dancers! Thanks you guys, for bringing out my self confidence and inner RAAH! can't pinpoint you all individually, but thank you, awesome seniors, youo've been such a comfort, my shi fus! Chelsea, Arielle, Jocelyn. Lovvvve you guys. And Sam. Okay all the sec 3s are awesome. And Sec 2s! Nut, Stelle, Ru and Ju. You guys pwn in a nutshell. esp nut. I LOVE ALL DANCERS. Sec Ones FTW!
And lastly, thank you teachers, you've been so great for getting me through my first year. And its only thanks to you that I'll be sitting through that ass numbingly dull MOE ceremony for $300. ((:
Also, a short thank you and new year wishes to :
ACS Band (Thanks for BeiJing!)
ACSJ Pvs (Haha)
Bloggers (Alex Fong and Joel Lee and Sam Wong)
To the people who have not been mentioned, I'm so sorry, but my fingers are giving way, but thank you for being ever so wonderful to me, I'm sure you've touched me in wone way or another. :D We'll keep together, talk to you all soon (:
Girls in dresses make Dwight melt.
See you churchies at Watchnight. PHOTOS PICTURES PAPARAZZI WITH ME OK.
31 Dec 08, 01:03justina: i didn't go for your x'mas party ): MAN. I bet I missed out loads. ): Can't wait to see you (:
(That's okay!(: there'll be more, can't wait to see you too!)
29 Dec 08, 17:19kaela: lol ya that girls pretty, YOU OWE ME PICS CAN
(:D you call me pretty first)
29 Dec 08, 03:01Mel: Oh. Do you know someone called Larissa Ong?
28 Dec 08, 21:18Nicole Ann: Hey Caitlin! Mind if you do a quiz on my blog! A New Year Quiz to end the year well.
(I'm done!(: its on alien-ation)
28 Dec 08, 20:04
dwight: alright, you led me to your blog. hehhh. thats an extremely long list of links
(I did not lead you! You successfully stalked me and those links don't include you, which it will soon)
28 Dec 08, 14:29
Mel: Hello! Which church do you go to?
(Only the awesomest church on the planet, PLMC: TNG YOUTH!)
Eeeeerrrrrrrrr, what did I do in the morning? Well I woke up late, watched like 3 movies and ate. Yep then I left for Kovan at 4.30. Justin went fishing. -.-
Haaiyyeee. Its so stupid because I live so near to church/heartland mall. And its dumb that i have to take a bus AND an MRT to get there. Like doooi.
Yepp, so i took a bus down to Serangoon, then one stop to Kovan. I met Alison and Rach, then we went to find the host, Samuel and Jian Hao were there. Then the other girl cells came after.
Grace came!(: Awww. She says her new cell has yet to adapt. Its her pleasure to watch us grow. Yep anywayz. Kai Feng came to pressurise Rachel to join Trackers. HAHA. it was funny! (: She played like 4 hockey matches.
Yep, so then Timothy came, and we set off on a 20 minute adventure to his house! KACHAAOOO. 20 minutes! HAHA. Nicole Mao cut her hair interesting, not as interesting as Eugene(Lam) la, but still, she's a china doll now, she looks so cute. :D
K then, we reached Tim's house, its like the coolest place ever la. the roof looks like it came right out of a Shakespeare novel. yep then anyway, we put down our stuff, then went to his BACKYARD. (Eeeh I didn't get any photos againnz) We started to play games, it was really pretty funny cuz the circle was two distinct divisions between guys and girls. Like the one half of the circle was girls, then other, guys.
We started by playing Cat and Mouse. Where the small ball was the mouse, and the big one, the cat. We had to rotate the small ball 4/5 times around ourselves, and the big ball 1/2 times. And the aim of the game was to get the cat to catch up with the mouse, and when the cat catches the mouse, the person has to forfeit. 8) Nicole Mao had to forfeit! Haha poor thing, chicken daance.
After Nicole Mao, Cheryl Seah and Isaac had to do two songs on the guitar together. Cheryl only knew one song, and it was this chinese nursery rhyme, damn funny cuz she didn't know the lyrics, then all of us were like PAO DE KUAI! PAO DE KUAI! then Isaac was all : EH K, I PLAY THE EASIEST SONG. Twinkle twinkle little star! OKay done!
After cat and mouse, we played blow wind blow. Eugene was the first one to get blown twice.
So Brian(his cell lead) and Eugene had to do the Mocca Ad! OMG Eugene(Gwan) did it word for word la! DARN FUNNY! HAHAHA. Kai Feng was videoing the forfeits so Brian did the flexing of his muscles real close up, and kai feng was sitting next to me and i was falling over. Then Jing Wei and Isaac kenna.
Jw had to do wheel barrow push ups, and Isaac had to do double of his. AHAHA.
-Jw gets on the floor really quickly-
OMG HAHAHA. Yep then after that, Samuel had this game where you were supposed to get to know people better. So we had to go around and find people with the same details (?) as you. Like, same surname, same birthday month, same mode of transport to school.
Would you believe it, nobody in the cluster is born in February. So i cheated and joined Vicki and jamie, the April group. Then after that, we had the schools, so Alison, then AFTER that mode of transport to school. So our whole big group of peeple, WE DAMN COOL. K lemme recall. Vicki, Yi Jing, Vanessa, Alison, David, Gerald, Errrmmm! Sarah... Beatrice? Nicole Chin. Yeah.
The people who were the last to sit down had to dance and stuff, and we were given a length of a song to get to know more personal details about each other. Then first, k i forgot who kaifeng asked who about someone else's name... Then KF asked gerald what vanessa's name was, then he was like, I have no idea. then the whole lot of us were like OROOHHHH AWW MAN.
Then KF came to me and asked what David's school was, and cuz we didn't discuss that, everyone was like CRAP WE'RE GONNA DANCE ALR. But i was like HENG. cuz I talked to david online, then I was like... VICTORIA! then everyone was like WOOOOW. EH HOW YOU KNOW. clap clap clap.
YAY I PWN. i saved your butts from dancing (: But nobody danced in the end. Dillon just had to say grace after we did worship. Yep. DINNER WAS SO AWESOME. Turkey + the damn nice nuggets + pizza + Awfully chocalate cake + KFC (leaders purposely made it, KFC = Kai Feng's clan) HAHAH. Yuummm. The girls gathered in the backyard to talk.
great. then we had gift exchange. They though yijing was a guy! cuz rach was sorting out the guys and girls names, then she was like who's yi jing? then eugene heard eugene, so he said 'me' then rach put yi jing's name in the bowl. HAHA :D my name got drawn twice. HAHA! I got picked to switch with Tim Ling first.
(OMG I DID NOT KNOW THAT ADALIE WAS HIS SISTER, we saw her when we went in, then we were like, Hey whatcha doing here!(cuz she's sec 2 right) then she said, I live here, then we're like WHOOPS OKAY HI)
Yep, so i switched with Tim Ling, he got strawberry handsoap! HAHA. Cuz it was impromptu, he and isaac went out to heartland mall to get last minute presents from cold storage, then Isaac got STAIN REMOVER(for grace :) yep. so i got the handsoap. then i wrapped my gift and wrote a card, then all the rest of them were like EHHHH! SHE MAKE SO NICE THEN YOU GIVE HER SOAP. hahahahah! But its not about the gifts la right (: HAHA. then rach was like... EH MY CELL MEMBER LEH SAY SORRY. hahahaha!
Yepz. Then after that, KF drew Daniel's name out, and mine again. LOL, but he switched with Nicole Chin last minute.(Nicole made Cheryl S get the gift on her behalf, cuz she agreed to come last minute, but then cheryl seah didn't know about gift exchange, so thought it was for a girl, then bought some girly snoopy thing hahaha! Eh Cheryl seah has a cool accent[why?])
Yep, then after KF's inspiring sermon, we played cap's ball in the dark. Jw gerald david and Ilene were in my team. And they forced Isaac to play for us. TEAM NUMBER 3! Wooo(: yeah but we didn't win. Haha, because we're kinda blind in the dark, and my shoes weren't cut out for playing captain's ball.
Eh so many cells have group names la!
Cheryl Low+Cheryl Seah's jr cell is called S.O.C.K.S(Serving our cool king)
Kai Feng's cell is called KFC(Kai Feng's clan)
And the Sec three girls' cell is called PBJ! I know J would stand for Jesus, but IDK. But its cool cuz it can also be an acronymn for Peanut Butter & Jelly.
Wow congratulations Dwight! (: now you have no excuse not to link me okaaayz.
K which reminds me to link Dwight and Jw. (awesome! dancing sheep's source, muahahaha) (greeat, k lets get started 8)
Delivered me from my fears,
(Let us exalt His name together)
Well Saa Baii Dii! :D
(Yeah I realised i forgot about the 20 languages thing)
Cell was whoo! today (: I was the earliest, then Tim and his bass guitar came talk to me first because he had worship practice. Yeah then SARAH showed up, with her inconspicious makeup. She was wearing make up so to speak! HAHAHA.
Powder and lip gloss. Oh nice one, dear. Faith showed up shortly after, then Alison, who's still sea sick from her cruise. She did not go to the Caribbean, that's what she THOUGHT, but the NAME of the ship was the Royal Caribbean, and thus, the blurdo's inference.
Yeah, she had to go for this youth programme on the cruise, which comprised of her and one other Singaporean girl, the rest all guys, and snooty ang mohs. So she had to hang out with guys as well. Yep then she has this 13 year old stalker(Sean?) IDK. Who calls her like 6 times a day. Then this morning during cell, kept messaging her.
"I'm in church, don't call."
"Oh i didn't know you're Christian"
What kind of lame excuse is that. i think maybe he has a problem... Aaawww, but that's alison right, pure of heart. mmhmm. Yep then Rachel came and she was wearing her dad's shirt, which did not look it at all! HAHA.
She had a running nose and was running late (: Aha. We had Word and Worship today. Yepzx. Ehh what else? Cluster's not at east coast already! it's at Tim Ling's condo. So i've gotta meet at Kovan. That blurdo, chia totally didn't know that there was cluster.
Wow right. Ah anyway. I'm scared I may very well be the only girl that's going to turn up for cluster. Ehh. K. then Worship during service was cool. Sermon was kind of like getting affirmed. Uncle Jeff spoke about some stuff that we were discussing during cell. About humility and self control, and about your tongue, and also how people depend on themselves for survival.
And also, about how our relationship with God is a lifelong journey, and how not every experience with him is going to be POW. that we must learn to be quiet and hear His voice. he has his own ways of revealing himself to us, it may not be instantaneous.
Aslan's gorgeous voice : Things never happen the same way twice.
Rachel said something that I thought was true. Why is it that all the non believers praise themselves when they do well, and achieve stuff, but when the bad takes its toll, they seem to question God, and Christians, saying what kind of God would do this to you.
I mean, seriously, you have to open your eyes and see that there is a deep magic more powerful than you and me. Its GOD.
Eugene got a mohawk! HAHAHA! :D He looks punk! Yeah da punk! :D Urhhmm, after service, we prayed for someone the OneOners know. yep. I just hope she'll come back to us. On planet Earth.
Yep so overall, a cool day.
It's you I live for everyday.
*Note to self, link Dwight and Jw.
I think rockclimbing is the most physically gruelling thing you can do on this planet. Yknow... I think, besides labour... Yeah. Wow, I'm sore all over, i couldn't even open a can just now, after climbing a wall. Like your whole body weight is put on your itsy bitsy fingers.
Aaah yeah. I went rockclimbing today, with Uncle Ted and Justin. We tackled the harder rocks. Yep and now I'm really regretting it. I wonder how people can actually climb for LEISURE. I would think you climb to save your life or something, you know, maybe climb a mountain away from a mountain lion?
Mm anyway, we were able to down like two cans of 100 plus after climbing the walls at one shot. Bleee. I better get like, pecs or something after this. No.. I don't think rock climbing gives you pecs. Err. Like cool biceps okay, or or... cool triceps?
I don't think i've ever been this bushed. I missed swimming this morning because I slept at 1 last night after the partaye. Ooow. my fingers are killing me. I don't think i'll ever be able to write again. Typing is still fine so far...
K so now, justin's gonna sleep over at Su lynn's house. Yeah. K so that's good. Gosh it's like less than a week til SCHOOL. Ahhh. I seriously cannot WAIT to see Gills again. But she's gonna be in 2/3! eh I scared later she'll make new friends and forget all about me :(
I think today was the most lazy/physically tiring day of my life.
Yipee. Jump for joy, i am having muscle spasms. Darn those rocks, i've got blisters on my feet. You have to wear those climbing shoes which squish your toes and make them curl up like claws. Let's just say that now I know what people who bound their feet feel like.
Oh I posted about the Christmas party on alien-ation.
Tag replies!
27 Dec 08, 18:09cjwei: i didnt write that,caitlin do u haf another fren named jingwei?
(Yeah, I was going to tell you that, Male JW. I do have a female friend JW! HAHA)
26 Dec 08, 13:44
Jing Wei :):
hey caitlin!!! wish you a merry belated christmas! hope you have a great party today:) ily
(Thank You :D!)
25 Dec 08, 15:18
Melman: Merry christmas darlinggg:D I love you tonssss. Love me too k? Or you dont get pressies:D
25 Dec 08, 03:00
kaela: i still think your that church friend is real pretty
(Eh TRICIA! This girl here thinks you're pretty. Eh I think she knows, Tricia thinks her face is good stuff)
25 Dec 08, 01:10
Moto Moto: :D
25 Dec 08, 01:10
(Of course)
25 Dec 08, 01:09
Moto Moto: AHH i sad! I missed a toot outing! I think more than one right?! ****. Sobzx. )':
(Err, 2? Not the same without chew la!)25 Dec 08, 01:04
Moto Moto: Awesome! Aharharhar. MERRY CHRISTMAS ah! (:
First up, Happy Birthday Joel Lee!
Second, Happy Birthday Jeremy!
Thirdly, Happy Boxing Day!
Yeah. Woke up about 11, and then went for lunch at Bathers, wow Clementi okay. Yeah, then just collected stuff for the party tonight.
Gosh I'm really scared that the guests won't mingle well! Ah. I don't deal with situations like this very well. Keep worrying about like, the first people who show up, what if its like... I dunno. One cell mate and like one of the Toots or something. HAHA I DUNNOO how to get the ball rolling.
Anyway. I just want to throw a good party, one of those that people don't want to leave, and say HEY! Remember what happened at the party? Or like, make games traditions and stuff. What I hope won't be the case is that people will just sit down and stare at each other silently with nothing to talk about.
Wow. And the discouraging stuff that happens is like when Mona and Jane (Who aren't coming) whisper stuff secretly.
Hmm. Hopefully the laughing, talking, screaming, camwhoring. Yeah, that's a party.
Wow. Never been so tired before. dance was seriously gruelling. Ow i think i twisted my wrist ): And tomorrow have to stay back for Blue house thingoooo. Gosh i'm seriously bummed out. I've got no energy left! I'm so tired i'm not going to post.
Plus point though, no homework today. for once. Met our choreographer today. Its not Hakim. Aaarah. Anyway. I'm real tired. Everybody's expectations are so high. I think imma needa pull up my socks.
Happy birthday Fries and CC! (:
Wow, know them both through camp. so cool. Fabian has the same birthday as David Tay. So coolz. Knyway. I'm so tired.
Hei! (Eh cool I'm going to greet you all in 20 different languages!) Haha, just 20. :D
Rooar. ONE DAY TIL CHRISTMAS! I'm still not feeling it.
I hate disappointing people...
I haven't finished making Christmas cards, which i really don't feel cut out for today. mmm. What do I feel like doing? I feel like a super strong need to be in TNG now. HAHAHA :D
Or doing OM! Oh which reminds me, that i've got to go check out our script, i'm so happy its finalised.
Yeah Okay i'm kind of done(: I shall post about the Christmas party soon :D Haha. I think I'll go post about camp now.
What's God trying to tell me?
Hmm, I don't know why, but I think little kids look forward more to Christmas Eve than Christmas itself. Really, they look forward more to the presents and stuff. Gosh, i'm not really feeling that Christmas spirit yet! Maybe after I go to church, I'll be in the mood!
I'm so eggcited. I'm gonna Andrea and Annette's house tomorrow! :D EEE! Squeal! Hey Laura will be there! :O HAHAH, Christmas is a blast at their house all the time! Yay! Aunty June will be there :D And we'll go to the park. HAHA OH! JayJay and Julian(Hee) will be there too. Zomglolz.
Yeee! Well I can't wait! So sad, there aren't strawberries this year! :( Raaah. Anyway, I am really excited! :O
So sad! Didn't take photos today. only candid ones la. Yep. Okay, so wow.
I was supposed to wake up at 9 this morning, and i did, shortly before wondering "5 minutes more wouldn't hurt" and then waking up again at 11, two hours later.
Gee aren't I beawesome? Yeah. So after rushing like mad and skipping breakfast, I'm lucky enough to catch Dad just before he leaves for work and sends justin to Reuben's house (again).
Yeah. Then at the market, Dad confessed to me that he didn't get any shut eye because he was too busy worrying about his business which isn't doing so well, which scares me abit. And I prayed for success in his business last night. I just hope he doesn't give up on God. Sigh, Dad's a great guy.
Mmm. I was supposed to meet the Toots at 12, but you see I overslept, thank God for Dad.
Yeppp. Okay so I got to J8, and guess what, I WAS THE FIRST ONE THERE. like WOW right. Seriously i don't think i've actually been out with people who've actually been on time. Tsssk.
Yeah then i was in Trumpet Praise, i love Hillsong! Gwen came then we got tickets for Twilight. Yeah then we went to eat at the food court i was famished. Then Choo came. She's so weird. She Christmas shops alone la! -.-
twilight was a disappointment, i think robert p, is supah dupah spastic! And taylor lautner is very hot. But he totally didn't play as big a role as he did in the book la! -.- haiyoz.
After the movie we went rollerblading, and i have leg cramps. ow. Haha. The break was looouuusy. MONA'S GOING TO BE TALLER THAN ME ALREADY! :( Eee. Bishan Park's not a really nice place to blade. the road's rough. yeah so that was my day in a nutshell.
Tag Replies!
23 Dec 08, 22:54 TRICIA: HAHAHAH AI SEE MY FACEE : D GOOD STUFF(Haha, hi tricia! :)
23 Dec 08, 22:14 kaela: love you cailtin! make me laugh (:
(yes, the spelling of my name is laughable to, you wols)23 Dec 08, 00:35 Moto Moto: HI LOSERRR! OMG i miss you allllll! ):
(Why are we your loser friends! :( Hey how's Texas/Florida!)
22 Dec 08, 00:12 Jay: hey caitlinnnn! haven't seen you for a very looong time. haha. Soon okay!(You copy me!)
21 Dec 08, 22:13 cezanne: dude. dude.dude where did you go on FRIDAY??? umm 19 december? reply at my blogggg pls! hahaha =D
(HAHAHA. Lido(: too bad)
14 Dec 08, 18:58 Erin: Okay, so I was admitting that I missed you too. But now I don't after reading your blog. Well, I feel fine again. Thanks for the tag!
(What's that supposed to mean huh! Eh like you need the tag, your blog's doing better than mine)14 Dec 08, 15:14 Mel: I LOVEEE YOU TOO:D
11 Dec 08, 18:24 Moto Moto: I'LL MISS YOUUUU. You better miss me hor! (: And merry christmas!
11 Dec 08, 18:23 Moto Moto: We OWN at GH! HAHAHA sure.. (:Self explainatory.
If it makes you happy
Oh woww. OK.
K I really don't know what's wrong okay. Its just so confusing right now. its like being born again. Really. I don't know maybe its just not working out. Give it time, don't force anything. This isn't natural.
K since i've got nothing to do i will post photos online from camp! CIP! Errr, cell! :D OMG! I srsly need to think of games for the Christmas party, if not it'll be all awkward and quiet and like. weird. Yeah. we must fill in silences, and have fun, and yknow, have everyone to join in. Yeaah! I need games. Icebreakers or something. Its christmas, shall we go oldschool games like cherades or something? I have no energy to make water balloons. Kind of desperate leei. GAME SUGGESTIONS OK.
Yixin seriously loves her cap. She wore it everywheree. The milk in my house expires on Christmas! HAHA.
Oh i finished my math homework already! :D Yeah okay so I'll post photos. Yeeaaaaah. Hmmm.
OM! hahaha :D I think choir girls are supahdupah loud.
CELLLLLL! Grace is so special.
Cal and Eug!
Yeah, The Real Camp!
My Lovely roomies(:
I'm so high.
Love this one the best
(I bet Tim would say Glenn's angels!)
BONJOUR! Yeeee-ah!
Stone face. Glenn is so sneaky.
I shall be sneaky, too.
LiLing : OMG Glenn will go down in TNG history
I love Glenn's fisheye lens.
Is So
We're glowing, (No i didn't edit this which just makes it cool)
Vicki and Ryan somehow got into the picture, didn't see them there!
Failed jump shot la Eugene! HAHA.
We love Grace.
I had to bend quite abit
With Yi Jing and Vicki!
Emily, Tricia and I!
K you know what, its ALOT of photos. So i shall go post about camp day by day and post photos taken on that day. yes re upload photos. HAHA :D
HI I LOVE TNG! :D again. Wow I think its like... HOME, you know. I was just so hyper seeing everyone from camp and stuff. HAHA. eh lol, today's sermon was okay. by Triple H! :D eh Lol. Five loaves and two fishes. You know I think Clement sings supah dupah well. He can sing opera! Tricia was doing worship! :D
Eh lol, Clement seriously sings well. YEAH. We were wondering why we had to sit in our different age groups today during sermon. yeah. And guess what, TNG had a Christmas special. Yeah, then my awesome age group right, (YEAH THANKS YOU GUYS) they sabo-ed me up on stage, to play cherades and Don't forget the Lyrics TNG Christmas style! Along with Joel Tan. HAHA. Yeah the ACS i one.
I dunno, i was just sitting there minding my own business pleaze, then Isaac came down and asked for Alison, so everyone was like yeah alison, I was sitting next to Jamie and Jian hao. Then, we're like okay go on alison. But somehow Alison just decided to point her finger at me. yeah, then cuz sitting behind me was Nicole and Dawn etc, so yeah they all started pointing at me. Then they were in a hurry so i was like, OKAY FINE. since it was Christmas and WHATEVAAR.
So yeah! Then first, I was up, then Uncle james had all the Christmas baubles hanging down from his belt with the cherade topics taped on. So i picked Christmas Movies : Home Alone.
Ilene got it. So i was kinda saved.I got kinder bueno and some 2009 calendar. HAHA :D yeah, then we had to sing Christmas Carols in front of TNG, yeah, and all the Christmas carols were the rare ones! So Joel and i really didn't know what the lyrics were, then we were like, UHHHH, in the mic. HAHA. Yep. 13 year olds be more enthu la okay! :D
Srsly the Sec 3 cluster is the best la. Lol, yeah. Then they were singing the Gloooooooorrrriiiiaaaaaaa song, and then Clement and Luke broke out into opera. HAHA. Yeah darn pro, i thought it was a woman la okay! Yeahh. HAHA. Had a good time. Seriously being on stage you can see absolutely everybody la. Yepppp. Eh actually being on stage is fun. HAHA. :D Oh oh. Glenn kept snapping shots of me la :( yeaaah! Super unglam. Plus i was chewing Alison's gum!
ahaha. Rock steady manz.
Ehh. Hot swimming guy quit. But then now, i don't really think I care. HAHAH! :((( tomorrow is Gracce's farewell, I don't want her to leave cell I tell you. Yeahh. Aw darn, Rachel's class Christmas party is the same day same time as mine... I've got to start inviting people eh. :((
Shimona doesn't want to come. She is so mean. She said it's going to be boring. Wahrao. Fine, its a lil different this year? Kind of mix everyone from parts of my life to all come together from Christmas, is that so bad? Church, School, Family. Why... Grhzxn.
I feel changed like super changed. I went to spotlight today with gwen and nat. Yep. Scouting for materials and stuff. Hey you know what, swimming is a great time for reflecting, when i'm sprinting, my really rahrah songs are Everyday, Everlasting God, Take it all and Holy is the Lord! HAHAH! :D Yep. Quite cool. I feel so greanhsdgahdgtaharaaaah!
Right now i just feel like giving my all to God, like nothing else is important, seriously, I just want to go to church, and nothing else, I'm just so hungry(spiritually please). Wow. God has given me so many interesting revelations.
Proverbs 12, and Psalms 40, that's what i got during devotion yesterday.
Matthew 5:8, Eccleciastes 1, that's what i got during camp.
Seriously, I'm just so amazed, by His grace, we are saved. Its like... its like, I'm being born again and again, as i stumble upon revelation after revelation.
Anyway,yes. that is my muse.
We are hungry, we are thirsty, we are hungry for more of You.
Ohmygosh. There's is really an amazing change going on here. Firstly, it all started with Church Camp. When about 227 campers' lives were changed through church camp. Then when i came home, something bad/good (perspective) happened to someone near and dear, and it changed their lives forever. yesterday, PorPor, enraged when she found out about my mum, uncle and auntie's baptism, asked my brother yesterday about church and baptism.
Then just now, i saw my uncle, a usually hard hearted guy, in a toally different light. He appeared as sort of a deprived child. He wanted to longingly to go fishing with my dad and brother, and kept questioning me on where they went, and when they're going next. And i replied, saying i didn't know, then he sounded so pleading, it hurt. He told me that he had never had the opportunity to go fishing, and thinking about it, its true.
Then in the newspaper, when I was listening to Hillsong on my iPod, I stumbled upon an article in World, and it was about how Christianity in China has increased from 16 million in 2005, to 40 million now. Then i was like... Hallelujah.
Wow. Seriously, all the non believers are coming around. Its just like Pastor Reuben said at the beginning of the year. "Expect great things to come this year" Wow. I am just so amazed.
What next? during Christmas, Ee ee Oona will come say that she'll follow us to church or something... Or Jie will call and say that she found something cool in the bible. I shan't get my hopes too high, but I'm still going to keep the faith that something big's going on here.
"Don't think about converting the whole of Singapore first and the world and all that, the more immediate question here, TNG, is how you're going to fill this whole auditorium up. Go and do something out there TNG."
I love TNG OKAY!
Psalm 78. - Sam Pang - Gerald - Yixin! :D - Col! - Ryan - Tricia - Junyi
I love Junyi's camera.
OM Team : Oh come on guys, we're better than this. Yeah, we can work this out kay. We will be winners, so we should act like winners kay!
We will battle through against all odds, deal? Yeah, these are the exact kind of obstacles that make OM the odyssey of the mind. We can do it. Though we have people short, though we have hectic schedules, though we have a limited budget, though we have limited resources, WE WILL PULL THROUGH AND EMERGE WINNERS.
We can do it, don't get discouraged now. We'll help ourselves okay? We just have to work hard that's all. Doesn't that sound like fun! Haiyuhh, cannot always be so cynical and negative okay! Work with what you've got okaaay! (Yeah i'm talking to you know who) People try to offer suggestions don't smack them down alright...
Oh and we really need to work on not digressing... HAHA. Can't help it la, gers right.
But I really believe if we put our heads together, we'll be able to do this.
So what...?
We. Can. Do. This.
Are you with me?
Haha, Those guys came to my house, and Nico came early. Talked to her alot. yeah. Then Kaela and Nat came over. We got a start on OM. Ye-ah. And then Reuben came over and was quite a bit of a help. Yeah. Then we really couldn't think of a plot :( After the guys went home, i went to the park with justin and reuben. yep. HAHA. they bully small boyy! And I'm a hard core swinger yo! :D
Saw nicole(church one) at SGCC! And bumped into Claire Lim (SHE'S ABNER'S GODSIS SO COOL RIGHT) yeah. And danny was there. loll. Waaahhhh Full dinner mannnz. very full! :(( yeaaahh.
GY :"you're a firm believer in God, caitlin, I'm pretty sure he will answer your prayers"
I'm so touched. Thanks :D
The last post.
Sniff, i feel so sad now its done O:
Anyway, will miss you guys a lot.
BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<3 (x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
Thanks for covering for me Chriz. (:
Hello kids.
I went for pottery in the morning. made a cup. There were like two RGS Primary 3/4 kids. Erk. They act like they're the shizz you know. There was one cute one thou. HAHA. Ee Ting. =/ haha Pottery was fun. After that, I went to Vivo with Chris.
Vivo! I love vivo. We actually wanted a toot outing, but we decided it at like 11pm last night, so we couldn't get anyone in the morning. Yeah so we were two lonely losers. Chris you got nothing to comprain about ok. Only made you wait for 10 minutes, you had me waiting for an hour the other day okaaay.
Um. It's Hari Raya Haji and Chris didn't even know la. Yeah it was reaaally crowded. :(
We went to buy tickets for wildchild, and then we wanted to jalan around the nice beeeg place :D
So we went to have lunch at Burger king, to yeah, clog our arteries. Omggggggg. :(( then we were talking and planning what to do, and we srsly lost track of time. So then it was 12.25, and we still haden't finished our fries. So I hadda go line up again in the big crowd and get two plastic bags. One for fries, one for the drinks. -.- Yep then we ran quite a way to the Theatre.
HAHA! xD And as usual the adverts were really long. We took pics while waiting. And were, ahem yes, very inconsiderate, ahem :D Our seats were the supahdupah loser ones! the ones at the end of the aisle, just for two people, and then cut off from
Yeah, and then the movie started. I srsly didn't like Emma Roberts in Unfabulous. She wuz annoying, but boy can she act like a bimbo. She's grown prettier now i guess. =/ HAHA. Sorry la Chris, but all chick flicks like this are all cliche! :D Yep, all happy endings, sorry to disappoint, you sadist! the movie ended, and my mum texted me, saying she could come pick us up at about 5. So we had time to jalan. Since the movie ended at two. yep. We didn't really have money, so we just went in went out of shops. Yeah, like Forever 21, TopShop, New Urban male and Ripcurl and stuff. HAHA.
MUST POP HARDER!!! Haha, unimaginable laa :D Oh yeah and we established that angmoh girls look glam in like everything. You're blonde, you're cool. Like all those stupid ah lian things, like those leopard print tights, and those really chunky weird things, plus those over glittery tops, they would look so Geylang on an Asian. But those stupid attractive angmohs with nice long skinny legs can totally pull it off! :(
We went to humour ourselves at Pull and bear, and we establish that guys officially have cooler clothes than girls do. Now all the guy sides are the colourful nice things, then the female side of the store is all dull :(
Boohooz. Yep. We got ben and jerry's which is way way way wayyyyy overpriced. :( 10 bucks fo a double scoop okay.
Yeah. it was raining, so no playground.
We walked around the playground for abit. And we saw really cute ang moh kids, as compared to those annoying chinese, half grown toddlers.
Chris "Eee, so annoying... So crowded." "I thought you liked kids?" "Yeah, but not the half big half small kind!" "HUH WHAAAT?!"
HAHAH! And then on the slope, there were these really young girls, in the sluttiest clothes okay. those tiny tank tops and really really really, you know, those short short shorts from New Future... -.- Yep, and those bags that everyone's carrying around. Ah lian style. Is there like, a website, or magazine called All things Lian or something! because it's so grosssss.
We passed Eddie's restaurant with the the the igallop there. HAHA. Chriz said she saw a waitress riding it before, and looked really happy. -.- Converse is so limited now... Oh there was this really cute ang moh kid who lifted his dad’s shirt in vivo, and then hid underneath it! HAHA EW RIGHT. :D Then there was this small Chinese boy whom I was trying to avoid, because he had his arm sticking out, and I was gonna get smacked, but I think he literally wanted to hit me, so I avoided him weirdly, and bumped into Chris, but in the end he still hit me. Wahrao ehh -.-
And then we went to the toilet, and Christie wanted to stay there for 10 minutes to pass the time. -.- I thought I’d lost my phone, but in fact I was being more cautious than usual. I knew my pockets were shallow right, so I put them in my bag, and then I went into the toilet, forgetting. Yes. And then Chris smsed me from the next cubicle, wondering if she could stay in there for 10 more minutes doing nothing(THERE WAS A QUEUE FORMING DUDE) and when I didn’t reply, because I thought I lost my phone, she came out.
We looked for it, even waited for people to come out of my ex cubicle to look for the phone. -.- HAHAH! And then I found it in my bag but it was so hard to see cuz everything in it was black… yeah. Chris “OHHH. Is that why you didn’t reply :O “
We went to Daiso, for really cheap $2 stuff, and fake eyelashes are grooosssss. We found the stuff there really funny. OH YEAH WE WENT TO TOYSRUS. "Oversized balls and baseball bats" Nice way to advertise for children ah. I love bubbles! Lets blow some. Teehee YEAH.
Yep. Then we finally decided to go back home. And we took the train to Serangoon, near church! yep. EEE. stupid couples on the train are really damn gross. So lovey dovey and public-affection-ish. Grooosssss. Yeah, Public displays of affection. Gross la. Other people can see okay, why trying to pollute innocent people's brains or what! :(
And we came out thru the wrong. Daaang. And we did some srsly DESPERATE camwhoring. because youknow, we'll all be out of town soon :( And we'll totally miss each other like CRRRAAAAZZZZYY. Uh huh. And then mummy got pissed off because we couldn't tell her where we were at. but yeah. never dropped at Serangoon before. :(
Not our faauuult. I love December weather I tell you. It’s nice, windy and cool. And rainy too, but makes it all the cozier right! Teeheez. Alright, I love you Chris ciaoz.
Did not know we were supposed to wear a school related tshirt.
Yep. haha so i was a blur. Waited quite awhile for Max. jus was an hour late.
I liked the wave sensor thing at the office, dang cool! :) Stamped lots of paper, and wrote down copies, and cut paper. Tedious. 4 hours. HAHA. but we are super duper fast. camwhored quite abit even though we're not supposed to.
Then eeer, after CIP, went to Chris' house to give her her Christmas card, and stayed awhile to play GUITAR HEEEEEEEEEEROOOO! BADABINGBANG! Hotel California is the easiest song. I love Smashing Pumpkins' Today! :D Whoooo!
Ayeer. Everybody's leaving for the US! :( I'm going to camp tomorrow! YEEE! (:
Then after Chris, went to deliver cards to Mel. Now gotta go pack.
Miss you all.
Tricia and Emily didn't come. haha. Eugene is mad. He wanted to put the french president's face there, and Calvin wanted to paste french baguette. In the end we just put delifrance colours. Claaasssy. Not outrageous at all.
I painted Luke 10:27 on the brolllley. Yay. its not that awkward. Two days to CAMP.
Hi guys, sorry this will be a short one, but guess what, i'm grounded. So congratulations to me. I'm such an idiot yeah. Chris is helping me post this now, via sms, so thank you chris.
We went to buy tickets for wildchild, and then we wanted to jalan around the nice beeeg place :D
So we went to have lunch at Burger king, to yeah, clog our arteries. Omggggggg. :(( then we were talking and planning what to do, and we srsly lost track of time. So then it was 12.25, and we still haden't finished our fries. So I hadda go line up again in the big crowd and get two plastic bags. One for fries, one for the drinks. -.- Yep then we ran quite a way to the Theatre.
HAHA! xD And as usual the adverts were really long. We took pics while waiting. And were, ahem yes, very inconsiderate, ahem :D Our seats were the supahdupah loser ones! the ones at the end of the aisle, just for two people, and then cut off from (civilisation). And then we were laughing because we smuggled our BK fries and drinks in and were playing smiley faces with the fries, i know we're so cool like that right.
Yeah, and then the movie started. I srsly didn't like Emma Roberts in Unfabulous. She wuz annoying, but boy can she act like a bimbo. She's grown prettier now i guess. =/ HAHA. Sorry la Chris, but all chick flicks like this are all cliche! :D Yep, all happy endings, sorry to disappoint, you sadist! the movie ended, and my mum texted me, saying she could come pick us up at about 5. So we had time to jalan. Since the movie ended at two. yep. We didn't really have money, so we just went in went out of shops. Yeah, like Forever 21, TopShop, New Urban male and Ripcurl and stuff. HAHA.
MUST POP HARDER!!! Haha, unimaginable laa :D Oh yeah and we established that angmoh girls look glam in like everything. You're blonde, you're cool. Like all those stupid ah lian things, like those leopard print tights, and those really chunky weird things, plus those over glittery tops, they would look so Geylang on an Asian. But those stupid attractive angmohs with nice long skinny legs can totally pull it off! :(
We went to humour ourselves at Pull and bear, and we establish that guys officially have cooler clothes than girls do. Now all the guy sides are the colourful nice things, then the female side of the store is all dull :(
Boohooz. Yep. We got ben and jerry's which is way way way wayyyyy overpriced. :( 10 bucks fo a double scoop okay. And Christie still can afford to spill ice cream on my shoe :(
Yeah. it was raining, so no playground.
We walked around the playground for abit. And we saw really cute ang moh kids, as compared to those annoying chinese, half grown toddlers.
Chris "Eee, so annoying... So crowded." "I thought you liked kids?" "Yeah, but not the half big half small kind!" "HUH WHAAAT?!"
HAHAH! And then on the slope, there were these really young girls, in the sluttiest clothes okay. those tiny tank tops and really really really, you know, those short short shorts from New Future... -.- Yep, and those bags that everyone's carrying around. Ah lian style. Is there like, a website, or magazine called All things Lian or something! because it's so grosssss.
We passed Eddie's restaurant with the the the igallop there. HAHA. Chriz said she saw a waitress riding it before, and looked really happy. -.- Converse is so limited now...
We went to Daiso, for really cheap $2 stuff, and fake eyelashes are grooosssss. We found the stuff there really funny. OH YEAH WE WENT TO TOYSRUS. "Oversized balls and baseball bats" Nice way to advertise for children ah. I love bubbles! Lets blow some. Teehee YEAH.
Yep. Then we finally decided to go back home. And we took the train to Serangoon, near church! yep. EEE. stupid couples on the train are really damn gross. So lovey dovey and public-affection-ish. Grooosssss.
And we came out thru the wrong. Daaang. And we did some srsly DESPERATE camwhoring. because youknow, we'll all be out of town soon :( And we'll totally miss each other like CRRRAAAAZZZZYY. Uh huh. And then mummy got pissed off because we couldn't tell her where we were at. but yeah. never dropped at Serangoon before. :(
Not our faauuult.
Church. Woww. Uncle Allan preached today. And the sermon was about living our life to the fullest. And throughout cell and sermon, everything was about like, you know, helping others, getting people to hear the gospel.
MX: "Let's have one week where we all bring our friends to church!"
Uncle Allan: "The question is not what it takes to get Singapore into Christianity, the more immediate question is, what will it take to get this auditorium(PLMGS) filled up? Everybody deserves to hear the gospel, so you, TNG, go out and do something today."
And I really felt that I have to. Because every sinner that doesn't confess to God, I may feel guilty that somewhere in the world, someone could have introduced Jesus into his life, and he could have gone peacefully to heaven.
And to the disgusting atheists on youtube, seriously, get a hold on yourself, don't harden your hearts. You're not even near to knowing who God is. And Christianity is not just some other religion, it's a relationship, period. So there.
"Every intentional hero's motto is 'The best is yet to Be' ", and then at that point of time, you could hear the whole auditorium erupt with cheer. Especially Luke. Wow. IJ! We must have school pride like thaat.
I had a really great time during cell. It was fun to share about my week, coz it was interesting! :O And i taught cell how to fold paper boats out of sweet wrappers! HAHA.
Ming Xiu brought her friends from NTU hall. "The Indo Clan" Quite cool. We gave them the boats, me and ali chia. "We wish you journey mercies, here's a boat for you." I found out Joy chia's moving to Perth in january too! :( Why does everyone go to the land of retirement?!
Yeahh. CELL WAS COOL! (; Ming Xiu printed out lyrics, and left them at the printer -.- so she didn't have any worship songs. So thankfully, being the hoarder that I am, I stored all the past worship sheets in my bag. :D cool right, got like one whole stack. haha :D 10 pages ++
We sang Hosanna and Mighty to Save. I loved sharing! rachel had prom! and was one of the nominees for prom queen! HAHA SO CUTE! :D She had to dance with her Math teacher. And she would be a hippo because she likes to sleep and roll in the mud. HAHA!
Jamie didn't come thou. Yeaaaahh :( K camp next week with Grace :D
Kay, well that's all I can say for today, I think. mmhmm, yeah.
Swimmminnnggg. Wow. I've not been going for so long, I swear i've deproved. That fraser guy or wtv has become tsaf, too! :( rar. They purposely swim sloooow :(
I think Danny has something against us again. He made us swim butterfly! :( up and down. for warm ups. and now my arms are killing me. I'm so unfit. And I haven't recovered from my traumatic experience :( I'm so unfit righhhht. yeahz. First he made us do 200m freestyle, fine.
Then he was like, Okay, continue with Butterfly.
"How many times?"
"Just keep swimming..."
GAHH. I only managed to squeeze in 4 more laps before time was up. 4 butterflies. 8 laps in total. When normally during warm ups I'm able to do about 20 laps.
Han didn't come, only his bradar. Then I asked that P6 dude if he made us do Butterfly every week. And I did not like the answer very much...
But seriously, it was difficult to fear Uncle Danny, since the last time he lost his voice, he hasn't been able to shout and such. And his voice became a few octaves higher. Haha. and a whole lot softer. Mm. But at least I do my butterfly properly, not like those other cheater guys.
Fraser and his brother, whatshisface.
Then we did medley. And then yeah, I went home after that. Haha. Well that's all for today so far. Jawn's coming over to help put up our Christmas tree. It's a live one!
Happy birthday Patricia Ngan! (:
Paint with all the colours of the wind
Tag replies!
joel(: : hahah. alright. sure man. no prob. and its not that dead. isit? you've got one tag!(HAHAH THANKS (; Yeah, it is that dead... Tag more k.):eddie: thanks for thursday! guess who am i.(Gasp, who are you, freaky stalker? You steal my mushroom lah, don't want to email your restaurant and give you diamond. Not good for you pocket!)
Labels: butterfly
Hmmm. It's also the King of Thailand's birthday! HAHA.
Today, I went to visit my paternal grandma. She's sick, with a throat in fection and ulcer. Hope she gets better =/
We went to Holland V (waaahhhh :D i miss that show) OMG facebook is so awesome. so interesting. Gareth knows Ryan, Colin my cousin has a blog, SS knows Jordan. HAHAHHAHAHHHHHHAHAHAAAA! omg. lol. Meghan Choo knows Jo yee! :O
Mm. yeah we went to Crystal Jade for lunch. And then to Lim's Creative Arts to get Christmas lights. They were like $15.90, and my brother saw another shop selling those lights, but failed to mention that they were $9. Mmm. Ah well. That's okaaay.
That was abourrit for my day. xD
2 Corinthians 1:3-11 (New International Version)
The God of All Comfort
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,
4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
5 For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.
6 If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer.
7 And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.
8 We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life.
9 Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.
10 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us,
11 as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.
Love indescribable, uncontainable, you place the stars in the sky.
Photos. Birthdays. Etc. CIP anyone
Tag replies people! Thanks for tagging, love cha'll.
Chris: Today was AWESOME! Hahaha finger pain from digging the moat ):(LLAMA LLAMA DING DONGGGG!)
eddie: dont forget to email okay!
(Good for your pocket! Get diamonddd! :O! )
1 Dec 08, 23:44tiffanie: haha
1 Dec 08, 23:44tiffanie: like tiffanie tan hsiang yuin?
1 Dec 08, 23:44tiffanie: i mean its tiff for tiff tan right?
1 Dec 08, 23:44tiffanie: you did my card
1 Dec 08, 23:44tiffanie: hey thanks!(yes, boo.)
joel(:: alright! i like staring into the night skies too. its really fun XDD
knickerzz: hey caitlin! uhm. I was just kinda bored. So i came to your blog. Cool.
(NICOLLETTE YAAAAP. HAHA ok, i'll tag you, too. Thanks :D)
Aunty Wee Kiat's really darn funneh. We saw Hosann Leong at the NL. He was sitting the row in front of us. (: Haha. Damn gaaaayy! Loll. Justin did this super funny dance. :D Made me laugh.
I can ride a bike with no handlebarsI've gone to Circus school- I can therefore catch a Chinese yo-yo and spin plates
- I love looking at the night sky
- I have done a triple pirouette
- I did ballet from the age of 5-9
- I know how to ride a horse
I can driveI can sail an optimist (IT'S A BOAT, NOT A HAPPY PERSON)
(Imma square mouther)
Haha :D That's it. I wanna watch wildchild 8) Gahhh. We seriously need to do OM ok guys. We are like the only group who hasn't done anything whatsoever. I've already come up with a storyline for the lost labour. But i can't do this alone okay. Better start scouting for props and stuff. Ack. We won't have any time left if we carry on like this you know. Yeah.
Oh and pottery's at Funan right. So we spent the remaining money from Mum's budget on a Canon printer. We're getting that plus a laser printer. :D The canon printer is super cool. It's tiny. And you can just slot in your SanDisk, and print straight away. No need for the computer.
Awesome right :D
Teehee. I've made 5 Christmas cards :D Yeah. I did Tiff's and Jane's today ;] Well I'm out of things to say. So til next time. Yeah, i've got pics (:
You have my heart, and I am yours forever.