Friday, January 30, 2009
" No escaping your love ; 9:03 PM "
Dance man. Omg my minds' completely blank now.
Ah what was i going to say? ahh.
Raffles and Farquhar debate was a tie! Awesomeness.
We got quite cool stuff to eat :D
I missed the danceworks morning jog laa! I was actually there with time to spare. BUT it started drizzling, so i went looking for dancers, but the people in class said, morning jog how to runnnn! so they convinced me to stay in class. then natalie came up, and she was like why didn't you go for morning jog! EVERYBODY WENT. Then i told her this and that blahblah. and she said again, EVERYBODY WENT.
rub it in, rub it in.
Yep but anyway. we had free period (ZOMGOODNESS they changed the timetable agaaaaaaaaaaainnnnn) Yeah i finished my painting. And then Val and Megan went to run with me. We ran 6 rounds, in a real short time which was good. Haha, Chelsea's class was having PE, and she was doing some random thing with the cones. HAHAHA. Then Mr Daryl Chan was teaching Clara Tee's class, then called his class in for warmups while Val, Megs and i were running. So he was like comecome, stop running.
Then he was like OH not my class ahh! What class is this then? "Two One!" Oooh how come you all are so free to run? Recess? "Free period!" Good! Keep it up, its very healthy.
HAHAHAH! he's super funky. Yep then we went back up to class, where we had History. Woohoo! (: After that was Science. Gosh. Confusing ttc. Erin and i were lost or something. It was 4/4's recess, so all the dance seniors passed our class, then Jocel and Mars were hanging aroundthe corridor look at me. Then they kept doing the peace sign and waving. So i was like HUH HUH HUH! (And all this was happening while Ms Tan was explaining the difference between sulphate and sulphite) and they refused to leave until i waved/peace-signed back.
Paiseh you know. Urgh. Recess was just discussing Monday, which i have a hunch isn't going to happen =/ what's the probleeemmmmmm, friend. Mel is a lmao. She stole ocean's 13 and we had to return it to video ezy TODAY. Nvm long, irrelavent story which is unimportant.
Mmm. we had math, which i understand now. but i forgot the previous bits. Gosh i need to totally get into super nerd mode. Ugh. I totally don't understand the rule about changing after PE or wdv. its not logical if you think about it. (alot)
We had to stand during assembly ): (I ordered all house tees, they're all super cute)
Yeah went for dance after that. Saw ESTELLA! We miss her. whoo! yay i finally got Zazo :D i totally admire Su and Nat Yong man! They get choreo like SNAAAP! they watched us to danceworks for awhile then just suddenly stood up and started doing.
srzzzlleeeee. my gosh. People know about meldee's kiss. Blee.
yes. ciaoz.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
" More than Blessed ; 5:36 PM "

Happy Birthday Meldee!
Happy Birthday Joy!
Happy Birthday Evin!
MELDEE CHING KISSED ME! -.- I was like HAAAPPY BIRTHDAY to her during lunch in the canteen, and i was sitting next to shimona, so she was like who say who say? You say aahh. Then she hugged my like super tight, I was like okaaayyy hug you back! then she went and kissed my brow. GROOSSSSS! ):
Omigosh. Alexis Bledel is hot. And so are the gals in Ava the Next star. I really don't have a clue what's the difference between Zazo(Okay that's the official spelling, but the double 'a' is so much kewler) OMG EVERYONE IS USING GIMME MORE FOR ZAZO DANCES! ee why is britney spears such a hit! -.- Sigh. Her beats are zazo-ish i guess.
ZAZO'S HARD. Raawwrrr. And hamza(h)'s [IDK SPELLING EITHER] hiphop is very zazo, too! Its cool but i totally can't work it.
this is where Hamzah got our steps from! Our opening is EXACTLY the same. Eeeh i wanna do original dance leeei. OMGGG! HAMZAH IS MAKING US DO THE NUS DANCE! its totally alike. OOMG. >: ( <- Hamzahh! HAHAHAHA. - Wow, Hamzah's contemp is WOW. - The moves are super cool and somehow those buff dudes seem to look much better than girls doing zazo. Its sort of the same thing after awhile... But. Some parts are cool. Yeah. I guess zazo was made for guys
YES! after much reflection, I realised what the learning outcome(for my spiritual growth that is) is! :D Yep, I kind of lost sight of what danceworks was. Which was ANTI drugs. Soooo! the learning outcome would be to well, you know. respect myself. Because my body is the temple of God and we should all respect it by not taking drugs :D YES.
That's what I came up with. Its enough to reassure me that I'm doing fine.
Kayyz. You know what. I posted enough here. I need to go pay a visit to alien-ation.
I Miss Joy. Still can't believe she's GONE.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
" How to start revival liddat? ; 8:41 PM "
Dance. Ah. Choreo is like SNAP SNAP BAH BUMM! aiyo. We got a lil blocking today. apparently Zaazo is jazz funk where dancers should resemble either a cat, scorpion of snake. Wow.
I think the concept of the dance is really cool, except for the part that we're acting as slutty biatches. yes. really. Urggh. doesn't settle very well with my morals =/
But its just a character, i just pray really hard it won't get to my head or something. Times like this i wonder how i use my gift to honour his name? Well I'll just hope for the best. Well i mean, those Br guys who had to act like the "closet Christian" or "Julius Caesar", i guess there might be SOME good from it. You know, its not like its real.
yes. I'm just going with that. And hmmm. The thing about being pure etcetc. Comes in to play right now. (: but the first part we're depicting those drunk girlies in bars on drugs(Britney Spears!) heh, so yep! (:
Dance was tiring. I need help with choreo. My mind responds twice as slow as everybody's. really. =/ Someone help me I feel so behind. I hope i don't bring Vantage down. nevermind, just like dance night, first time learning choreo i was like crud...
Come on, I'll just practice everrruheeday. Awesome, there was no homework today. gah I still have to finish ART. I need to finish painting the eggs. =/ Quite cool. I shall find someone to stay back with me tomorrow, if not i'll bring the gigantic A1 sheet home. With calligraphy ink. And the eggs. And the leaf. And the seed pods. And the so called brushes.
Eegad. YOWZA there's OM tomorrow. shucks. We need props pronto! Eeee! Geog and history are due soon. Hahaha our Raffles vs. Farquhar debate was laughable. Annabel Tan belongs on the Arena floor, she speaks 10 times better than those that actually go on TV.
Hmmm. Well, we managed to finish watching Amistad. THE ENDING WASN'T CLICHE AND IT WAS SAD. There Chris, you can go watch Amistad, since all movies are too cliche for you. Then the credits came out.
Directer - Steven Speilberg
Producer - Steven Speilberg.
Cheeeyy, no wonder. Other than that, nothing eventful, oh CRAP! I just realised that Joy left today, and and I DIDN'T GET A PICTURE WITH HER! ): can't believe she's gone! Aaaack. Alison lost her phone, genius. How are we going to call you on Sunday dearest?! Recess was a disaster! Two stalls were closed and thus the other queues stretched far far faaaaar.
And I had to eat the same thing for recess AND lunch. =/ Gaaah. I'll make sure i'm properly fed tomorrow. School food's really limited now. I wish i took home econs. Haha but recess was funny. I can't remember what we were talking about. OH! Cait choo was complaining to me about her brother's girlfriend. They sound cartoon.
Aaaww, cait choo baby, someone's jealous that her older brother's showering more love on some other girl than his sister ehh. Haha kidding! (: Umm. what else? Haha DRAMA! Aiyoo. Nevermind. Enough for complaining. We might get aircon. Whee.
EHHH! FACEBOOK'S SO MEAN TO ME! I changed my relationship status from single, to in a relationship with GOD. Then because its a blank, because our dear God doesn't have facebook, so it came out anonymous. Then they put the stupid heart saying, Caitlin's relationship status has changed. Then i was like oh no, people are going to say stuff. So I returned it to Single. AND THEN THEY POSTED EVERYWHERE THAT I'M NOW SINGLE. they is so mean. RAR STUPID FACEBOOK):
Amidst all this confusion Lord, you are still faithful.
In this time of discomfort, Father you're what keeps me going on.
And even though i may not see it now, you're revealing your awesome plan to me.
So now I just pray for a calm soul, i focused mind and a pure heart.
Help me remember what matters.

(Happy Birthday Natalie Low! Hvae a great 15th :)
28 Jan 09, 18:36Junyi: ^o)
(OMG! JUNYI. Why are you here! uh same reason i'm at yours huh.) 27 Jan 09, 20:53Sarah: i went to KL to visit my relatives 26 Jan 09, 21:29Sarah: Leave a comment on my blog.
(You missed church): 26 Jan 09, 11:06FANGYING:)): HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEARR!:D MAY THE GOOD LORD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU~! LOVE YOU LOADS! AMEN. (Ditto my love)dwight: wait for it la! im a busy manly man you know.
26 Jan 09, 01:30
(Okay busymanlyman) 25 Jan 09, 17:39dwight: oi you comment on that thing on my blog means you must now post it on yours. i comment you back.
(done done done) 25 Jan 09, 14:44CHANAPALALALALA!!!!: Heyheyhey! TaGGs!! Will be posting up photos on fb soon
(yeah man)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
" ; 11:05 AM "
26 Jan - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISABEL LAAAMMM! (: Have a blessed 14th and a great chinese new year. babe, you're one of the most talented dancers i've met. Just keep your confident beautiful self, won't you honey.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUI YING!(: yeaaah. Hope you have an awesome 14th HY. Great to have known you for... 3 years? Hurhur, yes you've endured much with me and we shall continooo okie dokes?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUI YING!(: yeaaah. Hope you have an awesome 14th HY. Great to have known you for... 3 years? Hurhur, yes you've endured much with me and we shall continooo okie dokes?
27 Jan - HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVELYN! (: Hey cellie smartie pants. Can't wait to see you sunday and the ones after. I've been able to gain so much knowledge from you masteerrhhh. Looking forward to more Ah Seahs? :D
My family is real small. I don't even know my paternal sides' cousins that well. And the fact that Uncle Albert asks me what school I'm studying in now every year. :D haha, can't say i'm any better. I forgot some of my cousin's names and I totally don't have a clue how old they are.
But justin and I are the youngest cuz dad's the youngest, but... D: mmm. Went to uncle albert's place for a BBQ and escaped by going of to the park. Ehhh. Really. Nvm, at least mum's side is better. A little. Gosh, and the day before? I had the weirdest reunion dinner ever. Nobody showed up!
Aye. And when mum and I got there the rest had finished eating. I lost Wii tennis badly. I don't usually play that crappily. Just that its weird playing doubles with my cousin's boyfriend whom i totally don't know. Anyways, my aunty had to go for a wake... So wasn't really a festive mood? The dinner was yum enough, but more people show up at Por Por's house every Sunday than that night. Heh.
I was messaging Christie the whole time at the bbq yesterday. I'm so sorry Chrizzzz.
Aye. And when mum and I got there the rest had finished eating. I lost Wii tennis badly. I don't usually play that crappily. Just that its weird playing doubles with my cousin's boyfriend whom i totally don't know. Anyways, my aunty had to go for a wake... So wasn't really a festive mood? The dinner was yum enough, but more people show up at Por Por's house every Sunday than that night. Heh.
I was messaging Christie the whole time at the bbq yesterday. I'm so sorry Chrizzzz.
Happy niu year you guys.
Glenn's conversations are very fulfilling, i learn alot from that guy. Hmm, his blog's very inspiring too.
Glenn's conversations are very fulfilling, i learn alot from that guy. Hmm, his blog's very inspiring too.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
" As angels understand ; 4:35 PM "
Sovereign Lord, let us all learn from the works of Gideon. Teach us so that as you've done for Gideon, you can do for us.
Give us signs. Give us courage. And we place our trust in you, we know that we can do all things through you from glory to glory, and blessed be your name where the streams of abundance flow.
Hey guys! Church was real cool today. I managed to learn so much in a matter of 4 amazing hours.
I arrived at church like right after Rachel. (I love foxtrot shoes omg) it was about 8.45
Haha, then Kai Feng came really fast, i realised he was supposed to do one on one bible study with Rach.
But I was there. We studied Exodus, and learnt about being 'Bold and courageous'.
Jamie, Faith and MX came, then Kai Feng asked us a personal question, times in our lives where we could have done better/more/something, but we were too afraid inside.
I shared about how I had sort of an urge to go up and share my testimony there and then to the other campers, especially when they were asking for those in the age group of 12-14. And i was like, what's your problem! Just go up there and do it. But while i was debating with myself on whether or not to share, it was too late.
Yeah. But i learnt a lesson. rachel said maybe God wanted to show me this to teach me not to miss the next, and better opportunities that come my way.
Good point. And in everything, give thanks to the Lord. I realise, after Kai Feng's sharing, that God has all his means and ways to pull you through anything. And there's always a learning outcome for your spirit. Where you go wrong, God teaches you something. Mmmm. its just really beawesome.
I lead worship for the first time. Wow, cell was really TINY today. Alison, Sarah Evelyn and Lih Yu didn't come for cell. I printed like 7 sheets (x2) and only 5 people came ))):
Ehh anyway. Ming Xiu's word was quite good. Then we went up for service, and the Dance ministry put up an item for Sample This. Cheryl Low! HAHAHA. :D Sermon was about God's New Year for you. Yeah its cool, how the Old testament is the shadow, and the New Testament the substance.
In the OT, the NT is concealed or veiled, in the NT, the OT is revealed or fulfilled. Its cool, really. And the plague of the first born is more to it than blood on the door frame. Its all reflected in the NT, too. Its just cool. After that, we learnt that there'll be a surprise next week, some band's performing! but Prng didn't tell us who. I suspect parachute band.
I wanna go for Fusion 09! (: its at ACS i. Whoo! I LOVE my God! Two days after my birthday man, I hope there isn't danceworks on Saturday! Ever. And I'm still in a dilemma on whether or not to go for Missions connect. =/ Samuel's giving my name to Rachel Koh, but I'm scared I've got danceworks ): 7 Feb? :X
After service, hung around and chatted a little. Then went home. Mum's super early.
I've got reunion dinner tday.
Give me those photos ):
dwight: oi you comment on that thing on my blog means you must now post it on yours. i comment you back. (K WAAAIT!) |
25 Jan 09, 14:44 |
(NOT SOON ENOUGH!) Erin: Mrs Redwan called Natasha a blinking dodo, Caitlin. In fact, she called the whole class blinking dodoes.25 Jan 09, 14:43 |
(How do you remember all that! :O ) dwight: KAYKAYKAKAYCAITLIN.24 Jan 09, 09:53 |
(DUHDUHDUHDUHDUH-DWIGHT) Mel: That is why i asked you today. BOINK.23 Jan 09, 20:59 |
(You are still brurr) dwight: my wrist is gonna snap, please dont five so hard please, muscular woman.22 Jan 09, 23:32 (Aaaaw, sorry girlfriend) |
*Link Ama and Sheryl Leooonnng.
Response to Dwight :
Saturday, January 24, 2009
" Just a moment ; 6:18 PM "
1 Corinthians 15:52 (New King James Version)
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
I'm sharing Just a Moment with Two One, for Dr. Maha's class. I read through it again, and its really amazing. Now that I read it(after camp, that is) its' like a totally new book altogether.
Its more than those stories, its like parables in itself. Really. Its really really good. i think I'll bring it to church some day. :D
Guess what, Epitome means highest point too! Haha. i love epitome. The clothes there are like super cool one. They've got those sailor high waist shorts, with the cute buttons, and those vintage clogs with the cool buttons and stripes too. (:
Tonight's my paretns wedding anniversary. Aaww so sweet yknow! HAHA i shall dig through their photos again soon. Went swimming in the morning. didn't get much exercise in because they're having some competition prep that i'm not involved in. So we just did some simple sprinting.
There were Aboriginals at the club, they're very cute know! Can't stand it, their dreadlocks are super cute. I only swam like what... 16 laps? That was about it. After that I managed to go to lao shi.
YAY! Haven't seen her for so long, she helped me alot, i think if not I would've have failed, but i sort of didn't bring back my chinese books from school, heh. =/ Jay and Divya were there. Omg haven't seen them since October... Wooow. Hahah Jay wants to join danceworks! Go for it man! I told him about it, but since deadline for applying is over, i suggested to do it next year.
haha. Yeah man. Chris why didn't you commme. Omg I haven't had a photo with Joy yet! I only have one in my entire life ))): Ehhh cannot like thaat. I just realised two people from Mrs Redwan's class have already migrated. And now one more. Clare Bachelor, Natasha Ann Thomas, and now Joy! ): MRS WONG SAID NUT THOM WAS BLURR! HAHA during math. true, true. Mrs Wong totally sounded like Mrs Redwan for a minute. They said the exact same thing laaarrr!
Yaaayy, i've got the danceworks choreo in my head now(: And my whole body xi guan lerrr. yeah! Then after tuition, Mum brought me to Epitome. Got new flats. they're a local brand called foxtrot. I love independent designers man, they're so one of a kind.
Can't find the blue hosue pics.
KK see you. Giong for dinner for my parent's anniversary (:
Friday, January 23, 2009
" Rising up in Spirit and in Truth ; 8:31 PM "

Hellooo! (: Well CNY went kinda well.
Went to school early and met up with the BLUE HOUSIES. ((:
Yep, made Niu signs and horns and discussed positions etcetc.
Then the bell raaang and we hadda go for assembly. The 1/8 girl in front of me was too cute la. she was wearing a red polkadot dress. So pretty and sweet and cute looking la. I'll just look absolutely retarded in something like that.
Then we had mass, hymns were nice. 4/1 and 4/1 were a really good choir. Ahem, Chia ah. After mass, we had to go set up on stage. Prep was really super funnehh! (: All the nerds were like OOOH NOOSSE ): Haha, Pet was a sexy nerd la, that's what Shum said. Hurhur. Ama gave us marshmallows (: Yumyum she's so nice.
Nat and i plus the other Yeah-yeahs tried to figure out what to do on stage. then the concert started. SO SAD ): We didn't get to watch eet. ALWAYS get stuck backstage one way or another ): can't sit back like a normal person.
OMG. Record so far. My status : Caitlin begs to differ has a record commentary of 75 comments. :D Like WOW. Heehee. Yeah ANYWAYY. We didn't get to see yellow house, but i know that Arielle was super cute. And FARIHA (: Mmm. something about Ryan Seahorse and Simon COWbell? Hurhur.
Hao lao shi was too farcical (funny) Sorry, i use the word 'funny' too much, and I'm annoying myself, so I forced myself to find a synonym, (: and hilarious is about... eeeh. HOW OLD ARE YOU? K I forgot her direct translation but it was
Mm. How are you! Zhen me shi ni?
Wow man. The ACSi dudes go on some OEP thing all over ML! KL, Port Dickson, Malacca. Seriously cool man. We should totally do that. Then the whole of IJ will be GONE. :D
Oh yeah. So we managed to act as totally bimbotic bimbOX cheerleaders and er. We just winged it la, it was so retuded. SO SKARY BEING ON STAGE OK. Mmmm. The houses did really well! Meldee was THE BEST LA! she spiked up her fringe. Heehee. IDK why everyone laughed at the part where Ange came out to bang the gong, it wasn't supposed to be funny, hee.
MR DARYL CHAN THE BEST! HAHAHA! the nerd specs make him look very funny. :D
Mmmm (: Then we are the backstage, someone stole my hairband ): And we took a Blue House pic. YUMMO! (: AAAH, then after the concert, we went back to class, and Mrs Wong was telling us to have a great CNY.
AND WE TOOK PHOTOS. That's ALWAYS the best part.
(SQ has a new boyfriend, and CN has a new girlfriend)
Hurhurhur. Kinda amusing. [19/1]
Yes its true, and I believe it.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
" Holy Spirit Come in power ; 10:19 PM "
OM! (: Wow did not know that the class had so many conflicts. We totally need the PSLs more than EVAAAH. I hope nobody has problems with me... ): I should totally be doing my debate prep now, but I have NOOOO resources. Ehh Farquhar team has the DEBATERS. ): Annabel Tannn!
I have totally not been in touch with the Toots. Miss them alot. We're being drift wood already. Wow Mr Tang acts seriously well, and Mr Chan looks like a mouse in nerd specs! He was super funny during Blue house rehearsal. HAHAH Rajali alsoooo! Razali? Rajali?
EH BEEEMBOOO! :D Blue house babeh eeeeyah! (: Dance seniors totally demanded to see our choreo ): I felt like dumb. Jew was trying to guess my name. She's like err, kaela, natalie... EHH! WHO ARE YOU! We successfully guessed Jewel's chinese name randomly.
Whoo! Haha. Xiao Li? Mei Li? Ping Guo? Ping's correct! Eeer. Hui Ping? Li Ping? WEI PING! (: yeah sew awesome. And Sam Pang was trying to guess my surname. OMG SHARLYN TEO MADE IT TO DANCE(; yaay now got people to follow me home, she's officially my junior. Yeah babbby. :D Congratuulaations. :D
Yeah. I'm done. Sorry i'm so brief. I'm really trying to multitask here, as timothy and dwight know i can't do, despite the fact that i'm female. =/ Oh and found out that only gwen and i know all those lame "camp" Timothy games and its SO SUPER FUN to keep everyone in suspense and annoy them all! Super funny!! Thanks Tim i like your lame games loads. You still have to teach me Johnny Woosh! And Snake, Rebecca. And LiLing! You better teach me handphone game. :D
Yeah then i can WOWW the class away. Super fun k. Alison chia go try, your whole class TOTALLY no one knows. :D OneOne la. Shouldn't have told you all, but Melissa gripped my wrist too hard. and OW. Spoy la. Spoooooy.
Attitude, girlfriend.
22 Jan 09, 21:27 Mel: CAITLIN. TELL ME HOW MANY TIMES MEH MEH WHEN AROUND MY HAND!!!! ![]() (Hahaha. Wrong already LMAO.) |
21 Jan 09, 23:33 dwight: wah nice lead worship. hahaha. eh i love that song, history maker. |
(High buffed-nails five!) Sheryl leong x3: hey link me 21 Jan 09, 20:53 ![]() (Soon soon! :) |
(Funky dear, FUNKAYYE) Gerald: great testimony! Work in the lord man.20 Jan 09, 17:18 (Amen, my friend) |
19 Jan 09, 23:29 Jing Wei: oh oh...i just realised. there's someone named Jing Wei too. hahas. =) That's cool. see? i told you my name's a guy one.(Haha, I realised a reeeeeeeeaaaaallly long time ago, he noticed before you! HAHA :) |
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
" The time has come ; 10:15 PM "
Yeah, I volunteered to do worship for cell on sunday. Yipee. Straight from the heart. Because during devotion last night, I listened to really apt songs. Yes. Awesome, just what we need. The words seriously stood out. Then during quiet time, i was just asking God to give me someone to talk to, about God.
And then when i asked for a revelation in the bible, I didn't really get anything. So nevermind, i just slept on it. But this morning, Val came to ask about my camp testimony. And so she just started asking a string of questions, and Eureka, my person. (: Thanks Dear God. (:
Aha, aha. we had a five period of EL-lit, and we watched Armistad. WOW SERIOUSLY, moving, in an extremely gory way. About slaves. The first part we were all AHHH MOAN GROAN OMG. Veh scaaary to watch so violent, tsk.
Haiyooii, 1/2 girls vandalised bananas -.- And they got scolded in front of the whole school by Mrs Chu during assembly. They wrote Banana rocks and Ask the banana. haiyo ah this cohort.
Mmm. anyway. yeah spent most of the 5 periods watching Armistad. Chinese was urgh.
Totally going to fail. I need lao shi PRONTO. don't get what's happening at all. ANNND, the seating arrangement SUCKS ): maryanne and Felecia both have an empty seat beside them, and Cait Choo and I are supposedly chinese class partners, but because they both can't sort out their differences, Cait Choo and i are seperated across the room. -.- Wooooow ok.
haiyooo why liddattt. We don't even know Maryanne and Felecia that well ): And we're stranded with sort of strangers ): Accck. So yeah, that was my daaay. We got kicked away from the round table all thanks to jane leow who loves bernice more than anything else in the world.
What's good is that my testimony's spreading around class (: But I hope it comes across as it was intended to be. I hope in impacts people. Little by little.
I don't wanna go for the healthcheckup tomrrow, grnhz.
Oh, and whilst listening to Hillsong, History maker, is a very cool song that ministers to me. Deeply. God's plan? Time will tell.
Is it true today... that when people pray
Cloudless skies will break; kings and queens will shake
Yes it's true... and I believe it!
I'm living for you! I’m living for you!
Is it true today... that when people pray
We'll see dead men rise... and the blind set free?
Yes, it's true... and I believe it!
I'm living for you! I’m living for you!
I'm gonna be... a history maker in this land.
I'm gonna be... a speaker of truth to all mankind.
I'm gonna stand, I'm gonna run
Into your arms, into your arms again.
Well, it's true today... that when people stand
With the fire of God... and the truth in hand
We'll see miracles, we'll see angels sing...
We'll see broken hearts... making history!
Yes it's true... and I believe it!
I'm living for you! I’m living for you!
Chorus (x2)
Into your arms, into Your arms again!
Into your arms, into Your arms again!
Into your arms, into Your arms!
I’m gonna run into Your arms,
I’m gonna run into Your arms.
My Savior! My Savior!
I’m gonna run into Your arms!
Monday, January 19, 2009
" Everything that has Breath praise the Lord. ; 8:03 PM "
Herrow. Well today was a prett good day. I brought my camp testimony to school, some people seem fascinated, but I'm just going to have to get used to the fact that not everyone's as spiritually matured in school as in church. So we don't exactly see eye to eye.
OMG ya'll seriously need to pray for Mrs Tan AL okay... I just found out what's wrong with her, but i'm sworn to secrecy, but really, just pray really hard, its a 3 month MC, so its something REAALLY serious, that's all i can say. Pray for her.
During CE today, we played some lmao string game. Err. haha, we just stoned around. Yeah, then we had a pretty okay day. I wasn't even supposed to stay back today, but we ended at 2.45, heh. =/
Recess was mad cow. Yeahh. Mel is so darn bad. Yeaa. So anyway, dance auditions for the Sec 1s was today. The dance studio hasn't been so full since dance studio talks. LIKE WOW OKAY. 106 of them. Yep so acutually Nat and I only wanted to watch, but Jocel said that if we wanted to stay, we were going to have to help with choreo. So nat and i were like, err okay!
Cause it was all the SYFers. Haha, Chels says Meghan has no assets. Ahem. Yeah, then we did Miss Wee's choreo with the Sec ones, at first we were like, oh okay, quite easy. Then suddenly like. WHOA OMG HOW COME LIDDAT. and you totally couldn't see the front la, there was a gigantic cluster in front of the mirror, then the poor ones behind totally couldn't see anything.
Then they blur, we blur, i super scared that I blew their chances ehh. But only can admit 20 people ogay. Not really fair. Haiyee. I think i'm not a really good senior, i don't get choreo that fast! I love my seniors. My Gosh. Estelle's batch did hiphop for auditions please, and that time there were 135 people trying out. WOWeth.
yes, so we left the dance studio at 4+, because Kaela needed "help" for the Blue house skit. Which in the end, became equivalent to me and Natalie acting. Jia made Pet put both our names down for acting, so AWESOME, we walk past the canteen and now we're ACTING.
Zomg you know, ZOMG. I don't wanna act as a erm... cow. But Jia and Pet uber funny la. hahaha. Yep, so me and nat went without lunch, and YEAH, that was abourrit. haha. During chinese, Lao shi didn't come, so Mr. Tang was relief. He's super funny la! Cuz Caitlin Choo finished her zuo ye beforehand, then she was reading The Steeple(yearbook), then Mr Tang was like, Eyy, if you're not doing your lian xi yi, do your math homework
Cait Choo : Don't have!
Mr. Tang : Don't have, borrow, si hai zi!
HAHAH! then everyone was laughing, then cait choo was like what?
Dead child? huh? I thought he meant 4 children.
Yeah, then she was like, Um, Mr. Tang, can I go to class and get my book?(For me), then Mr. tang said okok, go. Then she came back empty handed. So i was like, CHOO! where's your book?
"I realised that I brought my whole bag over, and didn't need to go to class in the first place"
Cait Choo's chinese is hopeless!(as is mine) HAHA. As hopeless as her defense skills during basketball. When we obtain possession, pass the ball to her and we lose possession in a second. WOW SRSLY YKNOW! that girl ah! Super entertaining to watch her play, if she's not in your team, that is. HAHAH! (: Mmmmm. PE was entertaining. I wonder how Glenn manages to run 10km everyday, while someone like myself is groaning before even barely making it to 2km.
Tsk! Glenn ah Glenn.
Quote of the day : Up! 5, Up! 6, Ehh there's a rainbow!
HAHAH! Yes, our new PE teacher's words amidst making us do crunches.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
" Blessed be your name ; 8:50 PM "
Hi friends! (: Church was really superb today. We had this guest speaker from Holland, as in a singapore missionary to Holland. And she also ministers to the Red Light District people.
Yep, and it was cool, her testimonies. About her niece's son so called being resurrected. It was cool la. So many family crisis that she managed to overcome through God's grace.
Was wow-ed away (: Yep. Cell was cool! Rachel did Word on trials and temptations, which was sort of a reminder, because i've sat through this before. But it was a reminder, even as i struggled through the week, so it really helped to reassure me. Ming Xiu's worship songs were really cool. Loved it. had a long talk with cell, really good to get everything out la.
And um... yes, went for lunch again. This time went to Heartland mall, Evelyn hasn't been there either! Yep, went to eat lunch at some Korean/Jap cuisine place. Bumped into Vicki and friend, and then sat with them. Haha. :D So, yes. lunch was a fairly quiet event.
can't wait for what God has in store for the coming week! (:
Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name
Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name
Saturday, January 17, 2009
" :D ; 10:43 PM "

Hellowello! K. photo post since i posted everything i could say about today on alien-ation.
17 Jan 09, 21:54 gwen: YAY your skin is okay already! no more disease (: |
16 Jan 09, 00:09 Jing Wei: HAHA! lol i thought the moving 'caitlin' were ants crawling on the computer! scare me sia ![]() |
15 Jan 09, 21:10 Mel: Omg. Finally. Your board is back. Yes!!! La lalalala. You are my friend. My great friend. I drank ice milo. Buy me carebears booonnananananeeee |
15 Jan 09, 17:11 cjwei: lol ur skin ok liao |
15 Jan 09, 08:53 Gowri: Caitlin y exactly are ur posts so long lols =.= |
15 Jan 09, 08:48 Gowri: haha well said erin |
14 Jan 09, 22:40 Erin: I'll pretend there's another Erin. Anyways, I'm awesomer than you, and because I'm so awesome, I shall not attempt to argue with awesomeless Foo. |
14 Jan 09, 22:37 gwen: HAHA ERIN YOU'RE A PHLEGM! nah my JIMINY MOUSE will not puke! he'll just pee on you (: |
14 Jan 09, 20:41 Gowri: she has always been that way... |
14 Jan 09, 20:12 cjwei: i dont get it;why u r u know as a racist?*gasp* |
Sigh, i'll reply you another day.
Friday, January 16, 2009
" Dinner ; 9:57 PM "
Can you believe it. My $2 note got cut up while people were doing paper chains for CNY deco. It was pretty funny! HAHAHA (:
Went for CCA orientation. Took pics with dancers. Then after performing, and shouting and dancing whoop whoop! come join dannnnce. Yeah, trooped over to Macs with the whole lot of dancers, where we took more pics. And after that, Chelsea was like. GASP! Jocel's hot stuff!
Zaki was in macs too. So awkward cuz SYFers had to go back for prac with him again later. hahah (:
Love the dancers man. We're funky cool.
Went to the library after wards. To pei people.
New timetable again?!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
" Scrabble ; 9:54 PM "

The only game possible where you can get the word "sex" and 'tons' at the same time on your bench.
their group was darn sick la ok! The dancers were a team, and michelle was the only one who actually showed interest in scrabble. heehee. We were cheating a bit just to lose and get a go to that dance meeting early. Anyway... Nat got Joe Olio, Kaela got BHELMNU! and I got I NARPUL.
dang fun to say wun. Finally got downstairs, met sam tay. There was s reshuffling of groups ok. NOT FAIRRR! ): i'm still in the same group, but KP and sam aren't allowed to do danceworks.
That's just injustice. And our group names are Vantage(highest point) and Voltage, the new AGE.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
" Holy is the Lord, God Almighty ; 9:24 PM "
Let's all aim to be as flexible and rubberband-like as her. O:
Hallelujah! How great is our God! Yes, after undergoing the worst day of my life, yesterday, today was a great relief! (: I wouldn't say the best, but it was REAAALLLY GOOD after we ended classes. (:
Well in the morning, I managed to do reflections about the story "Rabbits" on the Aborigines.
Yes. And then when I went to my locker and took out my giant Treasurer file, this lizard came running out. Like omg okay, repeat of last year! And it didn't go up Gin Yin's leg this time. I did not know that Megan Foo could play the guitar. O:
ee! Yep. then in the morning we had English. And then Chinese =/ I really crapped my way through ting xie just now. I had no time to study the whole week! Yeaaah. Urmm. Then we had math, but one period was spent with Mrs Wong doing contact time.
MRS TAN AL! )))): Yes. Recess was after math. IT WAS FUN (; we are faithful, Chris, Choo, Gwen, Kris, Tiff. Yes us. Whoo! Eerrrummm. After recess we did Lit, interesting. And then History, which was just about the best period besides Math.
AND THEN WE WERE FREE. Before the HCL girls came, I led the class in prayer for Mrs Tan, and I don't realise it, but I punctuate almost all my words with "Father", well its just my way of praying okay! They were laughing throughout the whole prayer cuz of that. Catholics don't punctuate with "Father" or "Lord" in between sentences, but its just my way laah okayyy! Personal Personal, my friends.
Went for lunch with Joanne and Natalie. Ate very little, because we were FULL. Kaela came down and made us even more nervous for danceworks auditions than we already were. Then we saw the alumini, like Isabel, Senior Nut, Farah and Janice(JANG!) And we're like OH NOSE. They're going to do choreo. SHUCKS.
And then Nut Rod came, and she was like, Oh i'm sorry, I'm so uncompassionate, don't worry la! you know how many sec 2s got in last year? 2. Estelle and I. WOWW. I dunno why she was smiling when she said that! Then Joanne, Nat, Kaela and i were all frekaing out and glassy eyed and we ran to the toilet. Then we're like okok, chillaaaaax.
Then we were fine, and then we came out.
And then the Sec 4 seniors came. Like, Joce, Mars, Ange, Su, etc, They're EHH HIII! The auditionees! Must get in ah! And we were like. UMMMM. BOOHOOHOO. rar.
Then they were comforting us for about 20 minutes. :O So skaary ok. Yep. Treeshaking eliminations.
Yes. Auditions. Choreo was simple enough, just the transition bit. Jia Hui choreographed. I was in Michelle, Isabelle and Victioria's grouup (: whoo! And I prayed with Michelle before we went in to audition. I blanked out for two eighths, but managed to get back on my feet. Then I got a callback, and managed to do it well enough (:
YIPPEE. (i got into danceworks people)
Stunned more than anything. Mich too! (:
Yippee. elaborate more another time.
Ciaoo! Love you guys, dancers (:
*Link Christie Cheah,David Lee and Gowri.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
" Open up my eyes to the things unseen. ; 9:00 PM "
After a day of lessons I'm barely catching, a 15 minute lunch break, a 2 hour long drawing process of random objects, and dance blocking in the hall, where people seem to be immune to what I say or do. Yes, I just don't know how to react.
And as I'm mulling it over, my brother comes and gives his my mum and i his worst attitude. I tell you, I'll become the President of Russia before he starts showing me respect. And even if I do get to become the President of Russia, I think he'll be indifferent.
Well, I got cable today. (: Yeee-ah. But I don't really have the time and luxury to embrace it. I finish up at school around 6pm everyday.
Class people, CNY decorations please. yes, anyone wants to pass get well cards to Mrs Tan, our dearest Mrs Tan, you can pass them to me. My mum can pass them to her if she gets to pass by her ward.
We're going to be without the awesomest science teacher, for a month. I'm going to pray with the entire class tomorrow for Mrs Tan's health. Let's lead the class in prayer man!
My mum's a good person. She's done a great job parenting. I wonder why Justin turned out like this. I'm trying ever so hard to control my very short temper for the whole time. but he can trigger it off in a snap. And he calls it "Pulling a Caitlin"
He makes it way too easy to make me angry. I'm not satisfied with myself. I'm finding it so hard to control myself, and I know I'm letting God down, I know I'm sinning, I know I can't forgive myself. But he makes it so hard. Right now he's breathing down my neck, just testing my patience.
I need to do it. But its so hard. I know this is a trial. Patience put to the test. My target. I will get there. Eventually. As you see my facebook status : Caitlin is trying harder.
Trying harder to cope with stress, trying harder to deal with my time, trying hard to be a good leader, trying hard to satisfy people, trying harder to satisfy myself, trying harder to be grateful, trying harder to control my temper, trying harder not to let my parents down, trying harder to be a faithful daughter of Christ.
Yes trying harder. Not child labour, david.
Monday, January 12, 2009
" If you are what you say you are ; 9:02 PM "
Yep. So I have resolved to reflect today. Well, my mum was very cranky just now. I'm working on my temper. Yes I'm so sorry to all the people whom I've not replied smses to. I'm tons busy. Hectic schedule, its CRAZY. K. cool off.
Gosh, I had a very scary dream last night. I dreamt that one of my church friends turned his back on God, I won't tell you who. It was so scary la... I was wondering if it was just my imagination or what.
Well, anyway. I posted about my day on
The reflective part now.
I wonder if they know.
I wonder if they know the good news.
I wonder how many of them care.
I wonder how many can stay alive without wondering
how they got there in the first place.
I wonder if they know.
I wonder if they wonder if there's a higher love up there.
I wonder if they care.
I wonder how they can live life so normally if they didn't have a purpose.
I wonder what their hopes and ambitions are.
I wonder if they'll achieve.
I wonder if they know what brought them to the state they're in.
I wonder.
I wonder if they know what has been laid down for them.
I wonder if they realised at what cost they've been paid for.
I wonder if they know what sacrifice is.
I wonder if they want to know more.
I wonder if they wonder who can answer their questions.
I wonder if I could be the change.
I wonder if they'll listen.
I wonder if they'll share.
I wonder if they'll open up and be saved.
I wonder if they'll go forth.
I wonder if I'll be change to inculcate that change.
yes. my reflections while i was on the bus during peak hour. Its quite a good time actually.
When you're on the bus, listening to some Christian songs, and you're so tired that you've only got energy left to think.
And when i look about the crowded bus, I study everyone's face. The anger, the weariness, the boredom, the fear, the hopelessness, the smugness, the proud, the closed, the concealed.
Then I stop and think, that used to be me.
Then I wonder.
If they know God.
if they have faith.
I read their expressions, and I'm drawn to the eyes, the windows of their souls.
The bus turns, and I face the sun, the setting sun. The shining sun. The same sun that's been there for eternity. Then I think of its faithfulness, its purpose and its creator. I think of the source of that light. And it just keeps surprising me, it keeps on coming on.
God is Love
God is Love
God is Love
And I know He has something new to show me. I know He wants to show you.
I know He is above all.
but Dancers. Wow. You want to make friends, you talk superficially, you want to make conversation, you gossip, so what do i do? I keep silent and say a silent prayer.
Well yes. My busy hectic day.
Rearranging the classroom, doing seating arrangements,
some democracy.
The majority rules out, everyone still ends up sitting in cliques,
try to unclique the class? They hate the committee.
try to get involved? We're interfering KPOs.
leave them up to their own decisions? The class comm is inactive and ineffecient.
We were warned. So I shall just gladly take everybody's complaints in silence.
I'll wait for this to all fade away.
yes, CGK concluded, during the SPONGEE experiment, that this class is sometimes too smart for their own good. 37 different opinions, mindsets, and ideas. Yes, let the creative juices flow. But when it comes down to this sort of thing, its like shouting bloody murder. Its a selfish bloodbath, and we step on each others' throats.
Hmm. I will be disappointed when 2/1 splits, and nobody misses it. ):
What happened to the spirits after retreat hmm? We only get retreats at the end of the year
By that time it'll just be too late. (Last year's 2/1 was so bonded, the entire class was Catholic)

What happened to us? What happened to this?
yes, 14, the next milestone. The second year of teenager hood. Wow, 5 years, baby five. I'm so glad I've been able to be in your life, I've learnt so much from you, and we've grown together, from 9 year old children, to 14 year young'ins. Yes, to all that is to come, cheers.

Hey look at the cool Cross behind (:
Ever more, my heart, my heart will sing, above all, I live for your glory.
The reflective song of today during my morning Christian song,car-journey-to-school ipod adventure is EVERMORE.
Omg, David blogs for homework.
I'm still Science file + History File-less.
Tag replies, then shall we?
10 Jan 09, 22:22 Erin: Psh Gowri, don't be so negative. It WAS fun. I think Caitlin would've liked it. =)(Yes I think I would have) |
10 Jan 09, 13:16 Gowri: hi caitlin the racist... If were at the home economics lesson u would have said other wise =.=(I'm not racist!) |
9 Jan 09, 15:34 Erin: Aha, I see you've realised the joy of wiki-ing anything you see and think of!!! Congrats, my racist friend!(Still not racist. I was looking for my timetable laar!) |
8 Jan 09, 22:13 gwen: HELLOOOOO CAITLIN!(Sup lovebug) |
8 Jan 09, 20:33 cjwei: lol u wan extra hols every yr?come yr 5(JW you think I vehhh smart aah!) |
7 Jan 09, 23:49 dwight: YOU HAD TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLDDDD. AHHHHHH.(I just couldn't resist!) |
7 Jan 09, 23:39 gwen: rar rar!! i DID NOT cheat on jeremy...he's still my jiminy mouse!(Jiminy mouse my foot! If I told him the that I think he'll start puking) |
7 Jan 09, 19:18 Erin: Yes yes, I very rike yerrow, Foo Caitlin. Thanks you at my brog tag!(Noe probremm at arrll. Your brog my brog, we good flen) |
7 Jan 09, 17:40 cjwei: lol wad happened 2 the skin format?its all messed up(Just some HTML error): |
6 Jan 09, 23:22 Moto Moto: I wanna watch australia! Omgeez, HUGH JACKMANNN. Ahh, melt.(Three hour long show about Cattle, you sure?) |
6 Jan 09, 22:40Erin: FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES WITH ME ON DR MAHA. (Well partially.) I mean, we're 2/1. We get lousy teachers. You manage. Don't complain
(Please avoid sensitive subjects, please, thank you. I'm content with ours!)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
" Take me as you find me ; 8:45 PM "
Hiyaa! Whassup (: Went to church in the morning, managed to wear my frilly top! Brought the (secret surprise) birthday cake for Rachel and Sarah's surprise combined birthday celebration! (:
Well, we sat at the bench, and who was the next to come but RACHEL. Yes. But luckily I hid the cake well and she was kinda blind! HAHA No i'm just kidding. but she kept looking down while smsing under the table, then I was so scared she'd see the cake.
Alison called me halfway, and then after hushing and whispering to her, I bumped into Glenn, and he told me that he was in a rush to go for some staff thing in the main church, and that my article isn't 3 pages anymore. It's 6... THAT'S HALF THE ARTICLE OGAY. Annd annd! that it's coming out next week. I was like HOI! 6 PAGES?! I told you i don't want photo and feature! Even the CC's article isn't there, then you feature my 2167 word testimony! :O
Yep, so I went back to the bench, then Rach told me Sarah's not coming ): Raaaaaar. So then I was like "That's a disaster" and she's like why? Then I said :X um. I dunno. :D
HAHAHA. Then Faith and Evelyn came. Whoo whoo! So they were all eyeing me. Then when Rachel went to the toilet we were like OI DOES SHE KNOW DOES SHE KNOW. Then the thing let to the lighter, then I was like, my brother's super weird la, he has a lighter.
Then suddenly rachel came back, then she was like, who's weird? Then we were all O: O: O: O:
Anyway. Ming Xiu's leg is still sprained from track ): So she came late because she had to hobble to church with a guitar. Poor thingggg! Then when she came, we were like yay we're all here! Speaking of surprises.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! haha Then we took lots of photos, Samuel helped us. And we went to the canteen to sing Rach a really loud birthday song and draw the whole canteen's attention to us. Hur. We talked for a epic long time, and went to service kinda late, without doing word OR prayer okayyyy! But good, now we have decided to start cell half an hour earlier, 9 am. YEAH THAT IS AWESOME. i don't have to wait for half an hour like a loner anymorez.
Ming Xiu tried playing Lucky, on her guitar, specially for Rach! (: Then the whole cell sang along, but we were interrupted by Jing Wei,Gerald and Jian Hao's cell, playing soccer. -.- Haiyoo, SPOY LA SPOY.
(: Yep. Service was good! Like real good. Worship team sang EVERMORE! for worship. And Prng's sermon was about storing your treasures in heaven. All you do on earth for your self glory is meaningless. Yes. Absolutely. I had really good notes, but I forgot to bring my TNG notebook, so i wrote it on a lyrics sheet, and I lost it! ): Rar. it was a seriously important sermon la okaaay ): I'm so sad i lost it. Mmm. Pr Ng was so funny. The message was that our gifts can be lost, if Clement joins singapore idol, Glenn joins some body building contest, Luke joins some dancing competition, and Dwight joins uhh, I can go on forever but i shan't.
Yes. The thieves will break into our houses and steal our treasures.
Olden time houses = clay.
Adam,Eve, Man = clay.
Our gifts can be taken.
:D Sermon. Cell's going to start at nine now. can't believe sch's starting! :((( the week is like 5 years or smth. Chris came to my house. Jay's taller :D
We took Photos!(MX and I unknowingly wore the same frilly top, she was in white, i was in black!) Awfully Chocolate cake was awesome possum!
After service, we hung around church, and then we went for lunch at ah seah, where the general crowd went. The whole bus was full of churchies lah. Went with Evelyn, Jamie and Alison. Went hommme after lunch, then at the crossjunction Dwight and Tim shouted my name from across the road. Embarrasing ttc.
Best church day!(:
Friday, January 09, 2009
" Thank God it's FRIDAY. ; 5:53 PM "
Seriously, title ssays it all. I AM BUSHED. Not like those lucky ACS I boys >:( duncchh lykkkeez euuuzx.
Hiyeer. Well we started off the day with Home Ec. TOO BAD, I WANTED TO COOK THE SHEPARDS PIE OKAY :( But sadly, AEP girls don't do that.
Instead, we stone in the nice air conditioned SOVA room. (: For 2 hours and 55 minutes. :D Yumm. I think I've somehow adapted to the recess timing. I'm not hungry anymore.
Fiddlesticks. Erm, spent the whole 3 periods doing what we planned not to do. I wanted to sleep. but couldn't in the end. because lynette kept asking my for my math assistance.
Then Zi Ying came in to the SOVA room, then she was like, Chang! Miss JoTeo wants to see you. Then all of us were like LYNETTE WHAT DID YOU DO. :O haha, then she was wearing PE attire with her shirt sleeves rolled up, because yknow, that's not allowed.
Then all the AEP girls were like rushing to tidy her up, kept her phone for her, etcetc.
Then when she came back, we're like LYNETTE! WHAT HAPPENED! Then she said, Oh. Urm. Miss Teo just wanted to inform me that I'm one of the only four people in the school to be able to go for an immersion trip to HK.
WOW LYNETTE, WOW. HAHA (: So we were like ok cool. HAHAH (: Mmm. Yeah, so i was like, Baboon! when you go home, give your mum a really sad face and then say, Mum, i had to go see the discipline mistress today. Then she'll flip out like WHAT DID YOU DO HONEY.
And you smile and say HEY! Orh i got picked to do this and that. Yep. I was sitting with Nicole Lau during free period. She was the only one with a class tee design, and its really darn cute. I did Quek and Rach's birthday cards.
Ah i'm really lazy to type everything out. What else happened? Uhh. Science. math test, ugh. Not a desirable topic.
Went to TP with Chanapa, Gwen, Tiff, and bumped into Sherlyn and friend (Cheryl).
K i think the problem with the skin is something to do with the HTML problems in the January posts, because the skin's fine when i click the archives.
K i shall go hunt for it.
And you smile and say HEY! Orh i got picked to do this and that. Yep. I was sitting with Nicole Lau during free period. She was the only one with a class tee design, and its really darn cute. I did Quek and Rach's birthday cards.
Ah i'm really lazy to type everything out. What else happened? Uhh. Science. math test, ugh. Not a desirable topic.
Went to TP with Chanapa, Gwen, Tiff, and bumped into Sherlyn and friend (Cheryl).
K i think the problem with the skin is something to do with the HTML problems in the January posts, because the skin's fine when i click the archives.
K i shall go hunt for it.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
" Press in, Press on ; 5:45 PM "
My skin's still spoilt! :( Tomorrow's Rachel's 19th birthday! :D We-ll, today was quite an average day. GOSH, i have to start TRYING to enjoy school. It's getting rather dry. But i loved today's weather. Such a nice sleepy weather.
ACS I gets a holiday tomorrow, that's just injustice. :(
Erm. Well today was a pretty slacker day. Had HHF in the morning, which was nothing, really. Then had History ((: Errr, then we had Lit/English. Wow Rachel Yee did a really good job with her story summary, even though she had totally zero confidence in going up there and speaking.
Mrs Wong didn't return our math results! :( Eh, don't really want to see them anyway. heh. For the first time, i wasn't hungry for recess. And we had OM. OMG I WANT MRS ALEXXXXXXXXXX! :( We were like AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW MAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN, when she walked in and told us she won't be teaching us OM. Boohoo.
Acckk. OM was doing REALLY well before we got feedback. Ms Yap found a loophole in our plot and we totally went BONKERS trying to refigure out an explanation and stuff. STOOPID LOOPHOLE :( Eee. Nico Teo got NAUSEOUS. thinking of the plot. Hahaha. YAY GOWRI CONTRIBUTED, I'M SO PROUD OF YOUUZ. (;
Rack our brains like mad. And we still haven't come up with a thing. Back at square one. OUR PROGRESS WAS GOOD OKAY! We finalised the script, and now we have to re do it :( Yuckkk. How to concentraaaade on propppps! :(
Cmon cmon OM TEAM WE IZZ BOMB BETTER DO IT WELL. I want to try to at LEAST get into the National competition. LET US PASS THE INTERNAL SCH COMPETITION. IDC, must must must! Must make it to The I! then we must pass to the International wunn OKOKOK? :O
Eee. I've got homework. K bye.
John Dalton killed me last night,
and today, its the population of Italy.
Why does Italy have to be such a non mainstream country and have scarce info on Wiki! :(
Wikiiii woo!
Tomorrow I get to sigh, TGIF. Thank God its Friday.
Eeee. Can't wait til Sunday. Love my churchies.
Eh I wanna go CNY shopping, follow me anywun?
Seriously, January weather is the best.
omg lol righhht!
Cuz I'm going to print out the time table, so i couldn't find the website via google, so went via wiki.
Lol lol lol. :D
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
" Alpha and Omega ; 3:45 PM "
Wow, I was seriously frustrated with the class today laa. Its so embarrassing to be in a Starplus class, and have a non responsive bunch of sponges. ): So disappointed. What happened to our new beginning. now's the chance to start afresh. VOICE OUT YOUR OPINIONS PEOPLE. Its like always the same lot of girls doing the answering k.
Jeez. Don't the look on the teachers' faces affect you at all? Doesn't it make you cringe when they're expecting some brilliant answer with expectant faces, and when she looks around and see your classmates stoning, and you see her expression falter?
I mean doesn't that want to make you do something? You can't just be responsive towards the fun teachers, guys. And you all are just totally over sensitive. You don't want discipline, yet you want to improve, you don't want to work, but yet you want results. Well, one way or another, you're just going to have to do SOMETHING.
So instead of resting on our laurels, why don't we make the best of our lessons, instead of acting like nothing's going to work out? Why don't we try to at least PRETEND like we're getting it in, absorbing, and RESPOND PLEASE, until we actually do? Just wait and see how YOU like conducting a class, eh?
I pity Lao shi so much la. She brought us to a nice air conditioned room for Chinese, instead of the stuffy ITR, and when she's trying to help us with our composition skills, the whole class is just talking like seriously loud. That's just... mean. Totally can't hear a thing la, inconsiderate people :(
How not to be popular. Nice one Lynette! HAHAH :D
Omg, love our History teacher, MRS CHIA! She's supah nice. Hurz.
She totally doesn't look like her age. She's married with a kid, and she looks like she's waiting around for As. Omg like Rachel (Goh). :X
Oh oh oh! And Rachel Yee has a secret aspiration to touch her face.
So wrong, Racchhh. MRS CHIA WAS IN THAT EDUCATIONAL VIDEO ABOUT CULTURAL MUSIC THAT WE SAW LAST YEAR! HAHAHA. That was our first reaction when she walked into class. PRO MAN, PRO.
Eeeeeeeerrrr, yeah that's abourrit. :D I miss Shi Ying. HER STUPID COMPLEXION IS STILL SO NICE DARN IT. Mm. Went home with Rachie baby. I've got homework danngg.
Had leftover cakes from Nat's birthday yesterday. CHRIS GOT A MOTO MOTO RING, Gwen cheated on my cousin for a Made In China Alligator. And I got a LIONN. Wah so hot. (: Stupid Mel smeared icing all over my plate, while i was eating savoury. :(
Dwight Chew Pin Ern is Buffing his Nails.
That's gross.
You're class treasurer too! AHAHAHA.
Charity case, nuthead, (: Treasurers are the real bosses of the class man!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
" ; 8:52 PM "
My brother is being very difficult again. Spoilt my mood.
I think holes is a nice book.
I swear and kill you! Muahaha. Mad about english is velly funneh. ERIN'S HAVING A GREAT TIME.
So much to do so much to do!
Dance tshirt designs, Class tshirt designs, (Yay, my testimony is done, SORRY GLENN) HEYHEYHEY. Then now i'm the AEP rep for 2/1. So I have to update the AEP blog (Wait do I?) Umm, then we've got to make a 2/1 class blog, Aiyee. I need to reupload photos. I'm so lost without photoshop okaaay.
I wanna blog. so much to blog abouuutz.
Omg la. Today we did an impromptu birthday surprise thing. Haha. and it failed. because the 2/2ers brought her cake. So were like WHHHAAAAAAAAT. augh. But nevermind. We screeched her birthday song, and took no photos. alamak. haha. Cupcakes people, cupcakes.
WAH GEORGIIAAA. So enthu. I like you guys. AEP CLASSS. FTW! FTW!
(you know i only recently found out it was for the win. I always figured out it was WTF used backwards, then i read other people's blogs, and i'm like, ee so inappropriate, why liddat)
Imma loser. K i got nerd pics already. From the ceremony thingamajig. eee i post soon ok. Haha HERE DWIGHT, HERE (C)Jing Wei! I'm posting I'm posting. Omg I can't wait for church you guys.
Be happy! its your birthday, I'll see you in church girl. Wow I've known you since we were 8! that's a real long time. Lurbchew!
Yo. you got to relax doood. Just take a chill pill. more people are there for you than you realise.
There will be those who abandon their friends, and they're not worth having. but there will be those who stick it out with you. And those will be keepers. Kaela = Keeper of the keys.
Wah so honoured.
Caitlin -> The extrovert -> The awesome TNG friend -> The sister in Christ.
I'M SO HONOURED. the evolution of... CLUSTER. THAT'S WHAT CLUSTER SHOULD BE LIKE I TELL YOU. yes all you peeoplez of TNG. We must love each other.
I think Dr. Maha is a great teacher. She's like Mrs Redwan! (: I think you guys are just too sensitive, its just a lil more work. But that's what you're built for. You can't be slacking for your whole life. And the fact that we didn't know what she was writing on the board, now that tells us what? That our general knowlege is totally zilch. Wake up call!
Did i mention that Holes is an interesting book? RACHEL YEE! my rodent friend. I'm a fish muahahaha.
"LIM SAO! I don't know what your name is but for now, youre just the matchmaker"
I love my drama and PE teachers! Whee! (: And English. really, i think we'll all do well under Dr. Maha. MRS ALEXXX. i can't wait for OM on Thursday. OOH!. And i love Mrs Wong and Mrs Tan.
Oh my. I miss 1/1's geog teacher! MRS TAAAAN. We want your dog/cat/bird stories.
Oh nose. I think I totally flipped out during the algebra test. Ah. Had a mental block. Jeez.
had AEP today. Wow sooper rush la. ended school at 2.45 and AEP started at 3. Rush like maaad. But Ms Low gave us time to eat. (: So nice. We spent the whole of AEP drawing crumpled paper.
Ahh. can't do it for nuts. NVM, PEOPLE, WE'LL IMPROOOOVE. Kaaaay?
Holes Holes Holes.
* Link Nicole and Val and and Diyanah and Tiff. (SO DEPREDDING AH! HAHAH :)
Roger that!
Monday, January 05, 2009
" Not behind in any good thing ; 8:41 PM "
Guten Tag;
I just got a SHOCK. I just woke up from my nap, which was pretty good, cuz it was calm and sleepless, and i thought that there was school. I WAS SO SCARED. I slept for two hours, wow. I'm so rested. I had an incredibly weird dream. Something about a long journey, every one I knew. Mostly campers. Omg. I was reliving camp. -.- Haha, but i repeat, i'm at rest.
Yay I can concentrate on my testimony now (: Well today was okay. Its our slack day (: We had Character Education in the morning, where we had a short talk and a questionnaire. It was about your concerns. I voiced out the classroom problem and the recess timing. Yep, as did the majority.
Um. Chinese wasn't exactly productive. Oh apparently Melissa was absent on the first day, so i was sitting at her seat... So now I'm relocated to sit with Caitlin Choo. yes i repeat, not productive. HAHA. Yeah, but also, our lao shi is used to teaching Sec 3 and 4 higher chinese, so she told us that she tends to talk and write fast. So we'll try to keep up.
P.E was quite cool, except for the running bit, cuz my stamina didn't get any better over the 2 months. Heh. I also had to run for dance in the morning, so my legs were quite creaky. I wonder how Glenn does it! :O ah k. Anyway, I love Mrs Nicholas. She's so funny!
"The morning jog, not the morning RUNS."
"I'm not good with any Han Yu pin yin names, so nickname? Christian name?"
Jing Wei = Jingles
Hui Ying = Wrong Shirt
Gin Yin = Ginie
Zi Ying = She'll try
(Anne)Hui Ting = Anne with the 'E' or not?
Long Annabel and short Anabel. HAHA. :D I'm Kathleen , as is Choo! HAHA. But she managed to pronounce Caitlin on the first go. Caitlin or kathleen? HAHA.
Mm. Anyway then we took height and weight. I'm satisfied because I grew 2 cm, and I'm the same weight x) But i EXPECT to grow taller (: But for now, i'm satisfied.
I really need CIP hours. Lets go do like 40 or something this year. I WANNA GO FOR YOUTH MISSION TRIP! Not for the hours. Let's change lives (:
Recess was great! We're reunited! Lurb chew toots! I missed you guys so much over the 2 months and the recesses we didn't have together. Although I still cut off from the rest of the level. I dunno, its just something about the com lab. Christie got me a nice pretty present (: Cait Choo's one is like the bomb la! Too bad I've got no earholes. soon la, soon. She got 9 pairs of earrings, like omg wow. Miniature peace signs, slippers and hoopies. REAL CUTE K.
Ahhhh. Gilliannnn (: I hope she never gets her Singapore accent back. I shall post about the later part of the day on
Rar Rar. K, i shall reply tags.
6 Jan 09, 20:43 cjwei: u post during school term?MUZ KEEP UR BLOG ALIVE!!! |
(haha, yes sir) natalieseah:D: whhops:D4 Jan 09, 21:45 |
4 Jan 09, 21:45 natalieseah:D: lol yup |
4 Jan 09, 21:45 natalieseah:D: YO! dont be so sad man. 2/1 will rule the world. hehe:D(Aaw, thanks man. But I'm not sad anymore, God's with me) |
4 Jan 09, 19:10 eddie: you havent told me about camp!(Soon Soon!) |
4 Jan 09, 11:11 Moto Moto: Aye, free on tuesday? I'm bored of being bored. Lets watch a movie (insert grin)(Ayeee. Nope :( Hey must go out real soon ah dear) |
3 Jan 09, 13:35 minyee: YO CAITLINNNNN! (:(HELLO HON. How you doing(: Thanks for dropping by love) |
2 Jan 09, 20:30 cjwei: IM FINALLY LINKED XD('Course) |
2 Jan 09, 20:17 Erin: Yes, very coincidental indeed.(I swear and kill you! HAHA kidding notinangmorika sees its 50th post eh) |
2 Jan 09, 18:30 tiffanie: relink!(Soon, soon) |
2 Jan 09, 16:40 D: Hello! (: link me please, thank you.(Deeyaanaaah. Ahh. OK. Soon.) |
1 Jan 09, 22:36 kaela: shouldnt there be a "specially for kaela" segment ): HAHAH KIDDING |
Ciao guys.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
" ; 9:39 PM "
Omg. Today's service was so awesome.
Worship was great you guys!
Ryan, Glenn, Samuel, Timothy, Felecia, Amanda, Jeremy.
Cell! :D rach was alone. MX GET WELL SOON! Ah, she sprained her ankle during track. We saw grace with her new cell. JASMINE HOW CAN YOU NOT GO TO IJ OMG. Eh she's in the same cell as Charlene. Aw love my juniors. (: I was so happy. Auditorium was so crowded! All filled up!(:
Pastor talked to use about 2009's theme. PRESSING IN AND PRESSING ON. yeah man.
He told us about Christianity, how society sees things, and how the Word of God intends us to do differently.
Surrender Lord, I surrender to you.
had Holy Communion. (:
Its just joyful to be in church. Saw Christie as in Cheah. Mmm. EVELYN CAME BACK FINALLY. Managed to give her Christmas Cards. I miss Grace. Wooowow. had a long talk with rachel about some issues. She's like a great cell lead (: aaw.
I felt like I was being affirmed all over again, when Felecia spoke.
It was like God was using her to speak to me.
That's how it works. God amazes.
His joy is new each morning!
Saw Cal and Eug! (: Managed to tell them about the testimony. Oh and Pastor!
After Church, I spent quality time with Mum. Went to Great world to watch Australia. At 12, went straight from church. Mum thought the movie started at 2.35, but that was for gold class, the normal one was 3.35. Gold class tickets are $36 okay!
Wow. So we just waited around. Went for lunch at Kenny Rogers. Went to Zara. Shopping for CNY clothes (: Bought this nice skirt from there. I love new year sales too. Clearance. (: Then went to Esprit and bought like, 3 tops. (I love mum) Its really cold.
Haha. K i'll wear it to church one day, because i love you so much. :D
And now I have the authority to make Dwight MELT. Whoo!
Yeah. And then I got this zebra thingything from Dorothy Perkins. I love the deals ok. :D
YAY. I promised to go CNY shopping with Kaela, too. Pick out something for Ee Ee's wedding (:
And some other stuff. Now's the time to spend 2008's allowance. saved up like crrazy. Yay. Now can splurge.
Australia was pretty okay. THE CINEMATOGRAPHY WAS AWESOME! The scenes were so nicely filmed! Yeah. The plot was about CATTLE, for the first 2 hours. then okay, Hugh jackman (My mum paid to watch him for 3 hours), and Nicole Kidman ok kisskiss wdvv. Glancing at my phone clock. WHAT. 1 MORE HOUR LEFT. OMG la okay. HAHAH :D But the credit song is awesome. My mum cried! She's such a sucker for these movies! But i had a good time (:
Great World is great la! But its so inaccessable. :(
Omg. Today's service was so awesome.
Worship was great you guys!
Ryan, Glenn, Samuel, Timothy, Felecia, Amanda, Jeremy.
Cell! :D rach was alone. MX GET WELL SOON! Ah, she sprained her ankle during track. We saw grace with her new cell. JASMINE HOW CAN YOU NOT GO TO IJ OMG. Eh she's in the same cell as Charlene. Aw love my juniors. (: I was so happy. Auditorium was so crowded! All filled up!(:
Pastor talked to use about 2009's theme. PRESSING IN AND PRESSING ON. yeah man.
He told us about Christianity, how society sees things, and how the Word of God intends us to do differently.
Surrender Lord, I surrender to you.
had Holy Communion. (:
Its just joyful to be in church. Saw Christie as in Cheah. Mmm. EVELYN CAME BACK FINALLY. Managed to give her Christmas Cards. I miss Grace. Wooowow. had a long talk with rachel about some issues. She's like a great cell lead (: aaw.
I felt like I was being affirmed all over again, when Felecia spoke.
It was like God was using her to speak to me.
That's how it works. God amazes.
His joy is new each morning!
Saw Cal and Eug! (: Managed to tell them about the testimony. Oh and Pastor!
After Church, I spent quality time with Mum. Went to Great world to watch Australia. At 12, went straight from church. Mum thought the movie started at 2.35, but that was for gold class, the normal one was 3.35. Gold class tickets are $36 okay!
Wow. So we just waited around. Went for lunch at Kenny Rogers. Went to Zara. Shopping for CNY clothes (: Bought this nice skirt from there. I love new year sales too. Clearance. (: Then went to Esprit and bought like, 3 tops. (I love mum) Its really cold.
Haha. K i'll wear it to church one day, because i love you so much. :D
And now I have the authority to make Dwight MELT. Whoo!
Yeah. And then I got this zebra thingything from Dorothy Perkins. I love the deals ok. :D
YAY. I promised to go CNY shopping with Kaela, too. Pick out something for Ee Ee's wedding (:
And some other stuff. Now's the time to spend 2008's allowance. saved up like crrazy. Yay. Now can splurge.
Australia was pretty okay. THE CINEMATOGRAPHY WAS AWESOME! The scenes were so nicely filmed! Yeah. The plot was about CATTLE, for the first 2 hours. then okay, Hugh jackman (My mum paid to watch him for 3 hours), and Nicole Kidman ok kisskiss wdvv. Glancing at my phone clock. WHAT. 1 MORE HOUR LEFT. OMG la okay. HAHAH :D But the credit song is awesome. My mum cried! She's such a sucker for these movies! But i had a good time (:
Great World is great la! But its so inaccessable. :(
Amanda Goh
Amanda Low
Ashley Yow
Caitlin Choo
Carolyn's LJ
Carol and I
Claire Ong
Clara Li
Clara Tan
Clara Tee
David Lee
David Ong
Elizabeth Ang
Elizabeth Lee
Estelle's LJ
Estelle Goh
Fang Ying
Gin Yin
Gwen Seah
Gwendolyn Tan
Hui Ying
IJ Dance Ensemble
Isabel Lam
Jing Wei
Joel Lee
Justin Kek
Kimberly Chew
Kimberly Lee
Maria Mendoza
Megan Foo
Michelle Lim
Michelle Tan
Mr. Razali
Ms. Teo
Naomi K
Natalie Seah
Nicole Ann
Nicole Kee
Nicole Lim
Nicollette Yap
OneOne 08
Rachel Loke
Rachel Yap
Ru Hui
Sam Wong
Sarah Ng
Sarah Quek
See Teng
Sheryl Leong
Tiffanie Tan
Tiffany Tan
Valerie Leong
Valerie Lim
Yi Xin
6 Ixora
5 Ixora
6 Lily
Amanda Goh
Amanda Low
Ashley Yow
Caitlin Choo
Carolyn's LJ
Carol and I
Claire Ong
Clara Li
Clara Tan
Clara Tee
David Lee
David Ong
Elizabeth Ang
Elizabeth Lee
Estelle's LJ
Estelle Goh
Fang Ying
Gin Yin
Gwen Seah
Gwendolyn Tan
Hui Ying
IJ Dance Ensemble
Isabel Lam
Jing Wei
Joel Lee
Justin Kek
Kimberly Chew
Kimberly Lee
Maria Mendoza
Megan Foo
Michelle Lim
Michelle Tan
Mr. Razali
Ms. Teo
Naomi K
Natalie Seah
Nicole Ann
Nicole Kee
Nicole Lim
Nicollette Yap
OneOne 08
Rachel Loke
Rachel Yap
Ru Hui
Sam Wong
Sarah Ng
Sarah Quek
See Teng
Sheryl Leong
Tiffanie Tan
Tiffany Tan
Valerie Leong
Valerie Lim
Yi Xin
6 Ixora
5 Ixora
6 Lily
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