Saturday, February 28, 2009
" The Truth of the Matter is ; 7:40 PM "
Alleluia. Sing a Song.
27th February, Friday!
You can learn alot from the light and quiet spirit.
Sew... Friday. Kaela got sick... Oh dear. We ran 7 rounds, i think? Yup. Talked to Che and Maria in the morning, bout history and small talk (:
Complete this later, my minds really blank.
Imma the good little church girl. Max and Chris are in cahoots i tell yer.
Happy Birthday Cezanne Choo (!)

Omg missus, I love you alot leh. Thank you for being the clown in my life. To always be there to put a smile on my face. I remember we totally didn't like each other in P1! HAHA (: Back then when your hair was touching your butt! And you used to plait it everyday. Gosh now you're so grown up!
Lolzzar. Love you darling CEZANNE (: Hope you'll be my flenforrrevvver. Haha. ACJC perhaps?
You lay your life down for me
You took me in
When others failed me
You speak the truth
Placed time in its place
and i know that
Truth of the matter is,
You saved me
Truth of the matter is,
You've set me free
Truth of the matter is,
I'm your child for eternity
You've set me free
Yeah yeah yeah
Why my Lord, do you love us so?
We don't deserve you
28 Feb 09, 18:49 david: hahah. i don't believe it. BROTHER DAVID?! Okay sister caitlin. tsktsk. And I forgot so much of Joseph Chean's life story. Aw man. Your blog refreshes my memory (:(Yep, i tend to be very luo suo. I like recording every little bitty bit of my life, the viewers just come second. HAHA. Yes, adapted from "BRUDDER VEED!" How could you forget Joseph Chean though!) |
27 Feb 09, 23:13 Junyi: Yeah I do, play Ultimate or train throwing in school quite often.(:O HAHA. COOL!) |
27 Feb 09, 22:29 Kaela: Omg wth! Yall wanted to go for early recess without me?!?! ): Ass la! He like to pick on me one lor. Omg i feel so angry now. WTH WTH WTH really.(You were loving the game!) |
Thursday, February 26, 2009
" Everything that has breath praise the Lord ; 3:43 PM "
OM! Haha i'm so glad its OVERRRRRR. Hahaha Ms Tan said that our OM script was gewd.
She says it in such a sarcastic way, cracks everyone up.
Haha, during her play :
"Why are you two joined together!"
"We were born like that..."
Yeah its not funny NOOOW, but the way she sez it is like LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
Caitlin : Eh, what's Mr. Ho doing here, he does drama meh?
Rach : He looks hot from this angle...
Caitlin : Er...
that got the whole class laughing lar. He had little fishies on his socks. HUR.
Mrs Wong didn't come, we had Ms Ng for relief. Aiyee.
Where have all the good teachers gone ):
Someone's phone rang in class ogay. She was seriously pissed or something lar. Already aggravated her so much in class, because everyone was so heffed up about doing OM.
And we wanted to skip her teaching.
(Guess what, Ryan Goh's really Wonderwoman, and he's tons better than Lynda Carter :) HEH.
Its facebook, so some of you guys probably can't see it. HAH TOO BAD (:
Yup. Recess was pathetic. I'm so sad I can't keep my friends togethur. LeSigh. There were like what, only 3 of us today. I miss them toots lots man. Wyeah due to the OM rush la, but still...hy can't we just all go back to the nice young little talkative people that we used to be? Eh. Miss Tay speaks brilliant Engrrannnd. She sez our generation's english is horrible.
I agree. yeah, generally, the people I know are fine, but. I don't know bout the rest of some other 2 million kids. Wait. how many kids are there in Singapore.
Eh, anyway.
Chinese was just. very sleepy. I don't know why i'm so tired. Nicole Lau claims dancers are loud. Hello, so are we. Sometimes. Passionate people are loud. HAHA. She says the dancers who run in the morning are scary. Because we run in a troop.
HAHA. Lauser (: [Happy Birthday bt, I made her this awesome retro card which makes your eyes go POP]
I think 2/1's downfall in math is that we're just a bunch of people who think every question in the math exam paper is a trick, because Mrs Wong builds us up like that, and therefore fail to see what's right in front of us.
Like just now while i was racking my brains for a math problem. Only like after an hour did i realise that I already found x, and could have solved the sum a trillion years ago.
My birthday present to nicole lau was to let her mess up my hair and play hairdresser. Which I will never do again. And i'm not even going to show you examples of what she did to my hair, because its THAT embarassing. Yep. You ask me why i took pics, because it was part of the deal. Charmaine took pictures anyway. I was using the class computer.
Dang yknow,
I looked so disgusting. And i realise I've got a giant forehead.
Nicole Lau is a lauser.
It was raining so heavily today, i stayed back in school for nothing, for two hours, just to watch the rain pass. Nico Teo does that everyday. haha
Her insults are funny. She's so narcissistic, and sarcastic(FAIL!) its hilariouz.
She used charcoal on my hand. Reminded me of the burnt stick. Heehaw.
Went for lunch with Rach, JW, Lynette, Charmaine and the birthday ger.
Apparently Char Kway Tiao aunty's tog of the town. (IJ only lar but OKAY)
Fluid! dancers, anyone? This week passed in record time man.
OOH. remind me to post the notes cait choo and I passed in chinese.
Its quite cool actually. Shows different mindsets of people. Hmm.
She says it in such a sarcastic way, cracks everyone up.
Haha, during her play :
"Why are you two joined together!"
"We were born like that..."
Yeah its not funny NOOOW, but the way she sez it is like LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
Caitlin : Eh, what's Mr. Ho doing here, he does drama meh?
Rach : He looks hot from this angle...
Caitlin : Er...
that got the whole class laughing lar. He had little fishies on his socks. HUR.
Mrs Wong didn't come, we had Ms Ng for relief. Aiyee.
Where have all the good teachers gone ):
Someone's phone rang in class ogay. She was seriously pissed or something lar. Already aggravated her so much in class, because everyone was so heffed up about doing OM.
And we wanted to skip her teaching.
(Guess what, Ryan Goh's really Wonderwoman, and he's tons better than Lynda Carter :) HEH.
Its facebook, so some of you guys probably can't see it. HAH TOO BAD (:
Yup. Recess was pathetic. I'm so sad I can't keep my friends togethur. LeSigh. There were like what, only 3 of us today. I miss them toots lots man. Wyeah due to the OM rush la, but still...hy can't we just all go back to the nice young little talkative people that we used to be? Eh. Miss Tay speaks brilliant Engrrannnd. She sez our generation's english is horrible.
I agree. yeah, generally, the people I know are fine, but. I don't know bout the rest of some other 2 million kids. Wait. how many kids are there in Singapore.
Eh, anyway.
Chinese was just. very sleepy. I don't know why i'm so tired. Nicole Lau claims dancers are loud. Hello, so are we. Sometimes. Passionate people are loud. HAHA. She says the dancers who run in the morning are scary. Because we run in a troop.
HAHA. Lauser (: [Happy Birthday bt, I made her this awesome retro card which makes your eyes go POP]
I think 2/1's downfall in math is that we're just a bunch of people who think every question in the math exam paper is a trick, because Mrs Wong builds us up like that, and therefore fail to see what's right in front of us.
Like just now while i was racking my brains for a math problem. Only like after an hour did i realise that I already found x, and could have solved the sum a trillion years ago.
My birthday present to nicole lau was to let her mess up my hair and play hairdresser. Which I will never do again. And i'm not even going to show you examples of what she did to my hair, because its THAT embarassing. Yep. You ask me why i took pics, because it was part of the deal. Charmaine took pictures anyway. I was using the class computer.
Dang yknow,
I looked so disgusting. And i realise I've got a giant forehead.
Nicole Lau is a lauser.
It was raining so heavily today, i stayed back in school for nothing, for two hours, just to watch the rain pass. Nico Teo does that everyday. haha
Her insults are funny. She's so narcissistic, and sarcastic(FAIL!) its hilariouz.
She used charcoal on my hand. Reminded me of the burnt stick. Heehaw.
Went for lunch with Rach, JW, Lynette, Charmaine and the birthday ger.
Apparently Char Kway Tiao aunty's tog of the town. (IJ only lar but OKAY)
Fluid! dancers, anyone? This week passed in record time man.
OOH. remind me to post the notes cait choo and I passed in chinese.
Its quite cool actually. Shows different mindsets of people. Hmm.
26 Feb 09, 21:00 Junyi: frisbee is not boring.(I beg to differ! Maybe not your school la (: WOW you play FRISBEE) |
25 Feb 09, 23:03 Erin: "Totally didn't get to talk to you alot today leh Awesome." WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING FOO?!(Rephrase "Totally didn't get to talk to you alot leh, Awesome." Notice the 'A' is capitalised) |
25 Feb 09, 22:37 david: ...and in physics they took two bulbs and 6 battery cells. Poof. |
25 Feb 09, 22:36 david: ah in lab pracs it's common. people will start mixing EVERYTHING on the racks in front of them. once we took lots of magnesium strips and placed them in sulphuric acid...another time it was KMnO4... (Mad cows. Potassium what...? HAHA. Kaboom (: David. I nudge nudge you. You still haven't explained yourself. And stop giving me that (: < grin. Tell me nao) |
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
" The light and quiet ; 8:56 PM "
Well, i must say frisbee's the most boring game playable in a team. Haha. P.E was blurgh. Our OM is doooooomed. I want to laugh. Sighh. Ran a million rounds today la. Tired to the max. 2.8 km okay.
It was Ash Wednesday, so alot of girls squeezed into the chapel in the morning. My my. Justin cries over the smallest things. Nets of all things. Nets. -.- As in math, cubes and stuff.
K nyway. History was. Ugh forget it. I felt so tsk. Like taking the blame for the entire class. Then we had geog. Poor Sam... sigh. its exploitation i tell you. Poor lao shi, no body gives her any respect. and its so difficult to be taught chinese... Ting xie tmrrrr. >: (
I was so blurgh the rest of the day. Science was cool though. We did a really cool experiment, where all the solutions changed colour, and when we poured the stuff out of the test tube, it made the sink pretty.
Then the bench n front of us started mixing every single thing they could find. All the acids (explosive btw, H4 leh!) so Kaela was like, okay cool! So she started mixing also. Then after tat it suddenly led to a distilled water fight. HAHAH. I should not be announcing this to the world la, but yea. Gining squirted my whole pinafore with distilled water ogay.
LIKE THAT LARRR. Dr. Maha said our oral presentations weren't good. )): I tell you Gen Chiam has a crush on Erin or something. Haha yeah la, Erin pretty lar. (: Totally didn't get to talk to you alot today leh Awesome.
Mr. Seow let us off for recess really early. JING WEI LA. spoyyy our fun. Half the class was like. ugghhh, slacking after a failed attempt to play frisbee, and the other half played basketball and the primary school pulling the tail game. And JW and Kaela the loners played frisbee just them two. Then Mr Seow was like... Okay, shh, i let you all go off for recess quietly, don't tell them!
So we were like okay okay zao zao zao! Then this jw lar! Come and said, ehhh anyone wanna pla frisbee with us? Pleeeeasssseee? For my sake? Then we were all eyeing each other. "No lar, you can Kaela look so happy. Byebye! you go play!"
Haha. she wasted about 10 minutes of our time! HAHA. it was a failed plan. All of us sitting at the bleaches were like, Okay, i need water from the water cooler!
Recess, we were counting teeth! Heh. I have 29! :D I'm bloated seriously. Sigh. Toots table became so measely. rar. um. That was about it.
Dance was funny! Haha Kaela, Nadia and i didn't bring our tights.
Hamzah bought costumes. I must say they're pretty darn cool, though a tad uncomfortable. But after hearing his incredibly busy lifestory, we're like alright (:
He was high! omg he looked so studious today, and more fatherly. Haha, he was wearing specs and stuff, to look like a director, because of the Oscars yesterday. Hahaha. He was so funny. He had this shawl, then he was putting it on his head, one minute Mother Mary, the next Osama Bin Laden, and then after that started flinging it around like a ballerina, all this while we were dancing.
Then during Black Sweat, he took his umbrella out, and started twirling around singing Rihanna's umbrella. I was so distracted, kept losing my balance. LOLLLL (: The way he described our hair and make up is really kewl.
3.30 to 5.50 pm. Come support Vantage!
(Our group name's really cool, the Ij ones, compared to others haha)
Ms Lock came to take photos of the costumes. So unglam! Haha. Hamzah did buy bbg for us. Joanne pon! Mr. Tang was super nice! he was talking about fees, and CCAs, and dance alumni (AWESOME TTC!) and then the thunder boomed two times.
HAHA. He was all, WHAT? Just saying we have no money, cannot aahhh, you give me money lar, we need cash. People needa work for a living you know!
Dance was fun la! (:
Ooh, can't wait for MX's concert. :D
I'm so hungry and thirsty. (for the word of God)
* Relink Alex Fong.
Eh dude... I don't get it. nothing's wrong with iceroadtrucker!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
" Dear God, ; 9:40 AM "
O, my love is like a red, red rose,
That is newly sprung in June.
O, my
love is like the melody,
That is sweetly played in tune.
As fair are
you, my lovely lass,
So deep in love am I,
And I will love you still, my
Till all the seas go dry.
Till all the seas go dry, my Dear,
And the rocks melt with the sun!
O I will love you still, my Dear,
While the sands of life shall run.
And fare you well, my only Love,
And fare you well a while!And I will come again, my Love,
Although it
were ten thousand mile!
If I can memorise dance choreo. I can get this. Ohmy. Dr. Maha is making me memorise that solo to recite in class. "Might come handy in 20 years time"
ERM. HAHA. I'll be 34 when you next hear me recite that? :D IDK! It's a guy to girl thing, not a girl to guy thing. If i called some guy "bonnie lass" I think he'd run away.
Not only that...
This too.
Earth has not anything to show more fair
Dull would he be of soul who could
pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty;
This City now doth,like a
garment, wear
The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,
Ships, towers,
domes, theaters, and temples lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky;
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.
Never did sun more
beautifully steep
In his first splendor, valley, rock, or hill;
saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!
The river glideth at his own sweet will:
Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is
lying still!
Rah. Get a headstart my friennnnd.
Monday, February 23, 2009
" ; 9:48 PM "
Juηyi. says:
lol my class smuggled a sofa into class
Sigh. Chinese results were... (yeah nuff said)
So today... Had dance. Sigh. My OM group members do not wish to carry on our odyssey. Aaw. we were having so much fun.
I think all i did today was alot of sighing. Sigh. Um.
Had dance. The usual, pep talks and everything. Did pretty well, improving, vantage! Lunch was quiet. We were stoning in the canteen for about 2 hours. Mmm. Christopher Columbus is going to kill me.
The bright side : Mrs Lee and Mrs Mathews officially announced the approval of airconditioning in our classrooms. (:
Yes, even the strongest have their emotional and spiritual lows. Thanks for the affirmation, I guess. Sorry I couldn't do anything.
About time i replied these, though they're outdated, some of them. Knywayz.
22 Feb 09, 21:18 Glenn: I missed it Caitlin... Forgive me! Happy Birthday! Take care sister!(Its alright Glenn, and hey, Cheer up!) |
20 Feb 09, 21:23 Nicole Ann: Omg! I've been living in dark. Happy 14th BDAE! Oh crap. Your older! ![]() (HAHAHA. I'm fine, Gunn :D) |
20 Feb 09, 19:42 cheryl goh: hey caitlin, relink please, thanks ![]() (Its privated and you didn't invite me to read it! HAHAHA) |
19 Feb 09, 22:27 nicolelauuu: HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU! (: hahahah! (: yay, yeahhh (:(Lurbyou) |
19 Feb 09, 21:19 FANGYING:)): HELLO BIRTHDAY GIRL!:D HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND YOU'VE BEEN A GREAT FRIEND!:D i'm glad god made me know you,love you!:D(GOD BLESS YOU TOO!) |
19 Feb 09, 21:02 Mel: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM? Hhahahha:D(Thanks,trouper foo) |
19 Feb 09, 20:51 joel(:: HEYYYYYY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ![]() (Thanks, Lee!) |
19 Feb 09, 00:46 Jingles: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope you have a great day today!(I did, I did. Thankchew) |
18 Feb 09, 23:34 cassandra!: in half an hour i mean. -.- ![]() |
18 Feb 09, 23:34 cassandra!: HELLO HEELO!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU WONDERFOO. (:(You're such a wonderfoo flen cassim) |
16 Feb 09, 23:10 joel(:: AHAHAHAH |
16 Feb 09, 23:10 joel(:: sorry i meant foo |
16 Feb 09, 00:06 Moto Moto: I LOVE MAZZY STAR O: Hahahahaha(you can be Junyi's friend :) |
*Relink Janice, and correct Ange's HTML.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
" Majesty ; 9:55 PM "
Whoo. Thanks for everything, cell (:
Went for cell, quite a measely number of people showed up.
Shared about our week, didn't have word OR worship again. haha
Kai Feng came and randomly spouted verses which had no relavent connection. Cuz he was stoned from camp.
Yep. But I got some sudden "EUREKA!" when Ming Xiu mentioned the prodicle son.
Yes. i think i posted it somewhere. Fusion post I think. Anyway.
Before KF came, both Ming Xiu and Rachel went to the toilet together with their bags. And the rest were grinning and stuff. So okay... HAHA. then they came out with a homemade agar agar cake, one of ming xiu's specials. Haha. There was orange innit. Lol! Thanks guys (:
Thanks Gerald for the sunglasses (HAHAHA)
Aunty Mary preached today. Kind of cleared things up a bit.
About Spirit, soul and body. Yeah, they're different things. Good to feel affirmed that I'm not the only one going through stuff like this.
And Aunty Mary showed the trailer for "Confessions of a Shopaholic" as an example of temptation and testing.
I think Manga Messiah is for people just like Nico Teo. Hmmm. When's her birthday again?
Sigh, another one down. David Tay, CC left for melbourne today... Don't know him personally, but he was a KFC member. We'll be in J1 when he comes back. I fail to see myself in JC, somehow.
" WE LOVE OUR GOD! ; 5:05 PM "
20th February!
Hamzah was super super nice. Told us stories :D The wonders of Singapore, and theatre studies is v. interesting. HAHA. One assignment was to go shopping for 3 hours, zomg! And during an exam, the theatre study kids had to watch a Kylie Minogue video, while sharing the lecture theatre with the Econs students, poor them! HAHA.
And he wants us our facial expressions to be like that of Beyonce in Diva. Erm =/ No comment :D Paid $100 for the costumes, $50 for Kaela. Cheer up kiddo. Yep, so H cleaned up Britney. Haha quite cool. Though Daph and Anne and Kaela weren't here, Sigh.
Yep. So had a pretty good day :D More on alien-ation. Yeah.
21st February, Saturday.
Okay, sooo here, I shall post about my take aways from Fusion! I'll post the technicalities of my day on Fusion, which was really, the social aspect, the non-reflective-listing-our-what-i-did -today usual :D
So the first sermon I attended, by Rev. Dr Gordon Wong, was about Destiny, and about God's plan for us, etc. Yep, so we were in the book of Galations and then there were jumbled words on the screen, and David Ong Mr Legacy was one of the guys to shoot up and unjumble the words. What did he say...? I forgot. Haha :D
Yeah, Worship was super duper awesome, I mean, its not because of the songs that Planetshakers sing and etc, you know, most people were at Fusion for the Planet Shakers. But what I liked about them was that they really really connected with God, and got us all jumping in the joy of the Lord during worship. It was just really one of the first time I was doing that. It just broke through all self conciousness and really let it out and all.
K, after the "Destiny" talk, Reps from the different Methodist zones, East, West and Central, came out to share their testimonies about how God helped their church to grow. The guy, i think Bobby from Wesley is a really really really good speaker, powerful prayer warrior, I was so blessed to hear him speak. And then we were asked to pray for different church zones, so PLMC is in the East, so we were one of the first on our feet. Yep, had to stand up and have all the others stretch out their hands to pray for us.
there were only 7 of us from TNG at the 12 pm slot. Alison, Me, Brother David(Ong)! AHAHA, Nat Koh, Joann Ong, Joaquim and Amos. Yep. And it was funny because other congregations came together and sat together, whereas we were kinda split up. Hahah :D
But anyway, it was really good to see people we didn't know praying for us. Mmhmm. So then the other zones stood up, and it opened my eyes to see how really, God's working in our denomination, the Methodists. And I guess I'm really thankful for Fusion, because we never really have any other chance to come in touch with the other youths, and get together and pray and stuff.
Yep, so there was this point where Rev. Wong asked us to go pray for people we didn't know. So the girls sitting in front of us, Kristen and Eunice turned around, and I started prayer. They were nice. Eunice was from Wesley. They were from SCGS, and finished their swimming. It was really cool la (: Because though we don't really know each other, its just like well, we're sisters. Know what I mean?
Yes, but before prayer, there were two songs that Rev Wong shared, it was nice cuz i knew those songs, and could really pay fuller attention to the lyrics. Reggie(?) led Who Am I (which was just a reminder for those of us who feel so alone, and abandoned, that God predestined us to be part of his family) and... Made to Worship by Chris Tomlin.
And I was reminded that, yes, the Methodists are really the power worship people. I notice almost everyone can sing really well. (: K so after our break, Jamie joined us.
3pm Message was REALLY REALLY REALLY AWESOME. Pastor Joseph Chean is just really good. Fusion picked the BEST speakers, which is seriously GREAT (: Because though I was sleepy, I was still able to perk up and grasp the concept of the messages, despite my fairly short attention span.
Joseph Chean had a extremely interesting lifestory, and it's just so great for him because God was just so strong in his life. And I was thinking, almost all the strongest people of the faith, once turned their back on God, but the power of God just keeps fuelling them to come home runing to Him. Like the prodicle son who wasted his father's wealth. I think it was covered before, that we turn our backs, and then come back running to Jesus. I know Rachel asked this question before. Hope this answers it.
Yep, God led Pr Chean a really long way. He was sold as a baby, and found this out a month before his 'O's. He was a chinese educated guy in ACS, and obviously, got laughed upon, also being underweight. Qian Jing Lun! Money rolling :OOOO Yeah, but there was this section where he gave us this reflection paper, (I could have sworn Janella Fum, and if she were reading this now, I think she'd freak out because i've only seen her photos, since Rachel Yap,CA and Dahlberg talk about her alot.)
ANYWAY. Yep, we got this sheet, one side said "Die For" the other said "Die To"
The "Die For" side was really to get us thinking about what we would want to be remembered for, which was quite thing to think about when you're this young. And "Die To" was for the bit about which part of your flesh you intend to surrender. Quite alot to mull over. And because it was an awakening, really. Because when else are you ever going to think of your death?
God gives, God takes. Yes he does. He has his reasons, (I hope the right person's reading this). But God is merciful. He is gracious. They showed a video of Eliot Hartman Mooney, and it seriously gets your mind on track, that God IS gracious, and that he wants us to make the most of our time on earth, plus he shows us to treasure everything we've got.
"99 balloons, each one so beautiful, but gone so quickly, just like the days of his life"
And Pr Chean also mentioned that with death, there comes resurrection and life. (Yes i do hope you're reading this) So we were on our knees, praying before the cross, literally. And it was just really cool to see all of us just surrendering to the work of His hands.
The 7pm segment was TOTALLY CROWDED! Yay so many TNGers showed up. Saw many familiar faces =DD and we proceeded to the auditorium for worship, but it was too crowded, so we went upstairs. Wow, the entire hall was trembling lur! So awesome :D Though the Planet shakers repeated the same songs like 4 times, it was just as great. Stupendous! ((:
This time, Pr Matt Fielder preached. He's really entertaining, and he really paints a picture from youth's point of view. Yes. His sermon was about declaration, PASSIONATE PEOPLE WORSHIP RADICALLY! indeed, indeed (: WHOOO!
Fusion was toadally orrshum!
There's freedom in the name of Jesus!
All majesty, to the God of all creation!
All majesty, to the God of all generations!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
" Who I am hates who I've been ; 8:55 PM "
The milestone has been crossed.
The maturity, its getting to me.
God made it quiet for me today, to think. So thank God.
I learnt alot today.
And i was confused.
Sigh, i will post another time, i'm having mixed feelings.
Thanks for the birthday wishes guys.
I realise that no material thing can make me as happy as the grace of God can.
I was feeling really empty today.
Everyone was seriously in a zzz mood. Even my friends couldn't take the time to come and sit with me during recess, i was like sitting there alone. Chris didn't even come to school.
I'm just so hungry, thirsting for more. And reminding myself to stop being so headstrong and big headed. Go be humble. I don't know. The word's just empty. Emotionless. But I can't just compare everything to camp, can i? Not everything can be that emotional high, and I know that's not what its about. But i'm just longing for something. The thirst gets stronger everyday.
My. Just realised i sound like a vampire.
Anyway. Went to school... Everyone was looking at me like -.-
Nicole lau extracted $6 from me first thing in the morning.
Yeah anyway. Rach gave me famous amos, and had this really sweet note. I quote Mel.
"And the greatest gift of all is the gift of prophecy."
Well said, trouper foo!
It was supposed to be a wonderfoo day.
And she stopped in her tracks.
"He said your grandma's going to leave us soon"
She gains speed, we pass the clueless faces, we run through the
Again she stops, "He said she just left us"
She ran to a taxi. "Return this for me please" She gets in,
on the brink of tears. And i see it in her eyes "I didn't even get to say
She leaves, and I walk alone.
The whole while, God made it quiet for me.
Maybe today's not about you. You just really want to embrace life because you see how quickly it can be gone. In a flash, all can disappear.
A heart stops beating,
A limb stops moving,
A mind stops thinking,
A lung stops breathing.
Time just stops, and it hits you like a train. And that's it. the end.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
" Eternity in your hand ; 9:21 PM "
I am not ready to pass that milestone, which time shows me no mercy.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
" You above all else ; 9:47 PM "
Coming to a point where I don't even know what I'm doing. Yes, scarily, I'm talking academically. I really need to drive myself hard into the ground. I can't believe it. =/
Thank you for showing me two things today
- The need for self discipline, and perseverance
- a trial for faithfulness and loyalty.
Monday, February 16, 2009
" Praises from on High ; 8:25 PM "
Hey guys.
K wow, really busy manz. Science test was fairly alright. The temperature and humidity today was a killer. It was WORSE than total defence day lar ok. In the morning, I gave out cookies/brownies and cards. I'm so sorry for those people who didn't get cookies. Mel, sorry i lost your card! ): Sorry sorry. There weren't enough!
Mmm. Yep, anyway, morning jog was pathetic! )): So few people turned up, I know Che had to go for the ACSI invest, and i don't know where the rest went, but there were only 6 of us? =/ Hmmm. The haze is stupid ): ran with the SYFers, nicole is so skinny, she looks like she's floating when she runs.
The primary schoolers were having their jogs too, Mrs Redwan and Mrs Geetha were at the track! I miss them tons. Jia was quite upset, i feel for ya, darling =/ After that we went for assembly which was super super uncomfortable, what with my bags and buckets of sweat, and i don't know why, but i felt claustraphobic today.
Mm. Whatchamacallit. We had CE in 4/1 because the AVA was being used by the Sec 4s, I got stuck in the front row. Alone ): Haha, I was late, but i sat in front of Min and Sarah, turned around quite alot. Haha. Sigh. I caught up with Min Yee. Just made me realise how much I miss her. She's been in my class and by my side for 4 years. After sec one, it just sort of seemed different. So it was great catching up.
In Primary 4 and 5, she used to call me everyday and talk for at least an hour about anything and everything. Sigh. CE was about actively listening to people(Being a trustworthy friend, oh snap), we had to do a graded reflection, quite cool.
We played broken telephone, groan, of all things. She sells seashells on the seashore, her seashells were not nice so I bought seashells from another seashore. Lmao can. After CE, we had chinese, where we were doing letter writing. My head was on the table, and Cait Choo called lao shi without me knowing, so when i lifted my head to look up, i bumped into her stomach. Super paiseh, Cait Choo was laughing really hard. Grah, chinese. Super chim, not helping that lao shi taught higher chinese, so her standards for us a high...
I'm still writing like a Primary 5 kid. Mm. During the science test, I hit myself saying I'm awesome, forgetting that my specs were hanging there, and crushed them, and erin started bawling with laughter. Yep, then we had our science test, which was when i realised a bunch of colourful, non student bunch of girls. And i peeked out, and when Ms Tan said, you may start now, I cried out MY COUSIN! haha. Jie was visiting!
haha, did okay for science. passable. I'm going to sit for factorisation retest, i tell you. While filing out, met jie with her friends again, with Ms Teo PS, and she was tearing. Jie's friend asked Nat to take a photo for them, SLR cambrrraa. :D Then I gave jie a cookie. Then Ms Teo forgot who i was momentarily, so she asked jie, who's this? "My cousin!"
"Yeah, I'm Dr. Claire Ang's daughter"
"OH YOU! Plus two other sisters right? Belinda..."
Jie :"Brenda and Selina!"
Haha. super funnny, yep, never mentioning my mum to Ms Teo again.
Recess was... Eh chris, coldplay's sold out! I gave out cookies. I heard they taste more like brownies. Hahaha (: Then we had math, Mrs Wong's really nice, but we're going pretty fast, and i'm lagging behind. Sigh.
Finished school at One, went for lunch with Kaela, then packed up to the meeting room for the CDA interview prep. Mrs Matthews is super nice. (: Gwen and I were late because we thought it was at 2.30... Haha.
(Netballers were coming and fighting with each other about who got to hug me first, i'm so honoured, love you, Cezanne, Min Yee, Fang Ying, Sheryl, and Gillian the loser who lost a hug)
Dance was an interesting event. We weren't going full out for Vantage, and poor Jia was super pissed la, she's so nice sometimes. So the SYFers talked to us, Mars and Arielle. And we really pumped in lots of effort afterward. Yeah. Then when Kaela and I got downstairs, came across Su and Joce, they were in on the thing, really serious. But still, they're great, and yep, we know its true.
Leave your troubles behind, I'm gonna fix this world up for you.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
" Love unfailing, overtaking my heart ; 9:29 PM "
Aaahh. Jamie was the first cookie receiver (:
She gave me a cute cat thing from Ikea. HAHA, she didn't go to the Cedar carnival either.
Chia came in jeans. Haiyooo. -.-
Then MX came! Gave us marshmallows. Haha, soon after, Evelyn joined us in jeans. Then rach came late. We just chatted abit. Then we started crushing newspaper to substitute real balls, for captain's ball.
We played against. S.O.C.K. (WE NEEDA CELL NAME LIKE SRSLY) Cheryl Seah/Low, Nicole Chin's cell. Thrashed them. Haha, we were outnumbered and still won. But good game guys! HAHA (: Next time we shall shuffle teams. Lol!
KaiFeng "I heard you guys thrashed Cheryl Seah's cell."
"Haha yeah...?"
"So you showed them no mercy!"
"It was a friendly competition!"
"Blessed are those are merciful, for they shall be shown mercy"
"Haha ok laaaa, next time!"
He's super funny.
Was sweating like mad, do you know its 36 degrees out? yeah, changed, and was sweating all over my new set of clothes too. Rach brought her Biore powder sheets, which was good, made you non sticky. Let's go buy :D
Went up for service, but MX danced in the toilet for us first. HAHAHA. Yeah, Junyi got my cookies after cell and nicole chin. :D I want his camera, darn ):
Yep, gave Pastor 4 cookies okaaayy. For the family. Haha. Glenn didn't come because he went back to the army. Urmmm. Yep, Tessa lead worship, along with Dwight, Russell, Jo ee, Nigel(GREW A MOUSTACHE OKAY), Samuel and JLo.
Worship was great.
Hosanna, Hosanna, You are the God who saves us, worthy of all our praises
Hosanna, Hosanna, Come have your way among us, We welcome You here, Lord Jesus
Pastor Reuben's message was about the significance of Holy Communion. It was a really insightful sermon. Yep, we don't realise the power and importance of Holy Communion. It really explained alot, and I'll make sure the next communion, I'll give my full attention span. Yes. And then we had a special valentine section, where audrey asked us to pray for someone, and write an edifying note of love to someone. I prayed for Jamie, and vice versa.
She's a strong prayer warrior too. And I wrote a note to Sarah. Pastor Reuben showed us this forwarded email during sermon, the exact same thing I wrote in my valentine's day letters to my churchies.
For God so loved the world, that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3 : 16, the greatest love of all.
The dance ministry put up a really good dance. really good. Danced to Josh Groban.
Gave cookies to Tricia, Emily, Dwight(& Glenn), David Lee, Jian Hao, who gave me a dead rose HAHAHA. errm, Gerald, Kai Feng, Uncle Allan, Christie Cheah, Grace, Yi Xin, Li Ling, Ryan, David Ong.
First passed David, and asked him to pass cookies to Ryan, then he lead me to the vending machine, where Ryan and Junyi were at the vending machine, and Junyi was like "Do you actually listen to the songs I send you?" "You like Mazzy Star right!"
He was freaking out, I don't know why.
"Who told you! How you know, how did you know!?" -turns to Ryan-
"You sent her is it? Who told you?"
Ryan : Wait, what's Mazzy Star again?
(psst, i don't tell you) Umm... yeah. Cookies. :D Hope you people liked them :D
(Omg Timothy's gone)
Gosh. School.
Gosh. OM.
Gosh. Geog project.
Gosh. Science test.
Gosh. History test.
Gosh. Fourteen.
Yesyes, happy VDAY, Mel (:
Saturday, February 14, 2009
" Worthy is The Lamb ; 9:55 PM "
Whassup guys!
Friday, 13 February
Friday was total defence, and it was well, manageable. Had morning jog, and Su was my first valentine. (: Aaww i luvv you Su. Then, Jia Her gave Vantage-rs passionfruit jelly. Ange got us fasteners. Hahah :D I'm so sorry i didn't get anything for you nice people. (I'll try on Monday)
Yep, we didn't do any running, actually. :D Assembly was pretty draggy. They made us drink NEWater, by which everyone's response would be AHH ACK EEW. And here beside me, Jeanette goes, I like it what!
Yep. the usual motions lar. First up, we had science where everyone was sweating like crazy, and we had quite abit of fun teasing Ms Tan, about the heat and stuff. Hur. After science, we went for drama. Caitlin Choo spoilt our flow! HAHAH (Just kidding la baby) But our idea's just cool.
Halfway through drama, we had the fire drill exercise. Haha, Mr. Armstrong was cool. We coudn't hear anything from the Performing Arts Room. We just heard screaming and stampeding. Yep. And we passed the so called "attacked" area. The place with saurine(?) gas.
We took quite awhile to assemble. It wasn't a fire scene, so we didn't go to the basketball court. Went to the hall instead. Yeah, it was pretty funny, cuz OM came out in the police uniform again, and erin was laughing her hair off. Oh. And Gen Chiam helped me to french braid my hair. Didn't turn out so well. It was super loose after awhile. Haha. French braids, esp. on Kaela remind me of dragons. Yeah, after the exercise we had Math, mrs wong was funny.
Then we had history with Mrs Cheah, which was alot of laughing. She was telling us that she's cool, because the pain's all in the mind, and if we think cool, we will be cool. HAHA. so she was talking about how her friend slammed the car door on her toe, then when they were in the car, she wound down the window, and then looked out to see her small toe out of the car. HAHAHA.
She was laughing SOOOO hard while she was talking. We had crackers during recess. Better than canteen food laar. Nat baked brownies, it was AWESOME LIKE SO AWESOME. After recess, i wanted to change back into my blouse, and realised that the Jia's jelly leaked out and stained it. It was orange and pink, really cool colour. Thank God Hui Ying had an extra blouse, though i don't know why. Haha. Thanks girl!
Geog test was... fairly okay. Teased Ms Soh also a lil bit. Then we went for assembly, which was the best. Good sitting near Cassandra, who can appreciate the same sort of thing. ARTS came. They're like SUPER AWESOME! They played percussion, all kinds of drums from all over the world. The drummer at the drumset got everyone wondering whether he/she was a male/female. It was super funny. While he/she was drumming, he/she looked like a woman. But when he/she stood up and folded his/her arms, he/she looked like a man.
But it was super energy la. And we were sitting right in front, so you could totally get the whole sensation. Super super awwesommmme. The best assembly yet! :D yay, love you cass. Yarr. the best la. There was some cool monitor lizard skinn-ed drum that expands when you put water on it. Yep, they played this super cool piece, meant for indian weddings, seriously, cass and i felt like jumping up and bhangra dancing.
After thaaaat, went for dance, cleanups. And then Miss Jey made us go for EP for awhile. Poor thing, nobody comes. We missed Jenna's technique )))): Juniors came. Aaaw, i wanted technique. Hamzah came and reblocked us, according to tights colour. eew. Silver and gold leggings. Yuck yuck yuck. (Itchy itchy scratchy scratchy up and down my backy wacky) can totally see everything la, so skin hugging. Eeer.
I'm not in the centre anymore, which is good, cuz if i screw up it won't be noticeable, bad, because i can hardly be seen now.
Thanks all my friends for the wonderful presents (: Lubzyou.
Saturday,14 February
Went swimming today. Uncle danny got a new coach, sort of. To assist. And he's nicer and slacker. but still sexist. Sigh. -.- I found out why those previously slow swimmers are now thrashing me in sprinting. Cuz they go for night training. CHEY. I bet if I went i could totally make it la okay! Mmm. The dudes are all over the new coach, cuz he's YMCA camp leader material, omg i miss YMCA camp ): yep. Still can't get over the sexist remarks though.
Fraser lost to me.
"EH! You lost to a girl man!"
"Sooo? She's older than me what!"
"Yeah, but you boy you know! How old already still can lose to girl"
So mean la ok. Not my fault i'm not a consistent swimmer anymore. Torpedo came. Wow, so long since i've seen him. His hair grew longer. His build's totally like Kor's. Mmhmm. Then went for tuition, which was quite good. Lao shi got valentine present from her salsa partner! HAHA :D My attention span is really very short. tsk.
Ohmy. I turn 14 in less than a week. Totally does not feel like it.
Happy Birthday Sam Shum! (13 Feb)
Happy Valentine's Day
Love out, xxx
Love out, xxx
Thursday, February 12, 2009
" Its where I hide ; 8:39 PM "
Hey. Wow, God is amazing. Really. Just when you think its once in a lifetime thing, BAM. There He shows his works to you. Truly amazing.
Well... He showed me three things Wednesday and today.
yesterday, well, he showed me the undying support of my friends. And well, this inner bond that unites us all, and well, a revival spirit, and rekindling of an old flame(haha okay not really old flame, but you get the idea) and well, that we're just really there for each other, despite our setbacks, major and minor ones. Just like old times. So I thank God for that.
And well, today, He showed me two things. During class comm training, that I'm a consultative, and yes its true, I try and please people alot. Yes really true. (You know every part of me, You know every part of me) Mmhmm. And at the beginning of the year, I was just asking for reassurance, because of the new committee and everything, worrying about how I'd work with these people, and how we'd do our best etc etc. Yep, but seriously, today's training was good for all of us. This portion of the programme, we were made to actually discuss the problems within the class, and how to solve conflicts and everything
Yes. I thank God alot. Alot.
Second thing. Grandma. She finished reading my church article. She thought it was a fiction story. And then I told her it was real. She said, I don't have a calling like you, that's why I'm not a Christian. I feel unwanted.
I was so lost for words. My grandma's got it all wrong. So I was like. uhh. uhh! Its not like that Por Por! I mean... I mean... You don't get a calling to be a Christian, its a choice. Then I said you accept Christ before you get a calling of any sort, then she said she just can't accept it. Then mum told me to zip it already...
But. But.
So Justin was like. K Por Por, i call you now. So he called Por Por's handphone and she was like HUH HUH HUH, because she was washing the dishes. I don't get it lar okay. My grandmother, a woman of such tender loving care, hardships, suffering and loyalty, how could she not be basking in the truth? I don't know, was it because of the war?
I'll be sure to add an extra long prayer for grandma tonight, but at least she's getting closer. A little. Yes, i was just... disturbed and thoughtful, mum told me to leave her alone, which was quite a hard thing to do ): But well, time will tell right? I guess I'm just the sort of person who just needs to well... yeah, i'm a consultative person okay?
I guess mum just doesn't really understand how I feel. =/
But thankfully, God showed me one of the excerpts in Uncle Lai Yong's Just a moment, yes that book holds revelation for me.
I shall quote.
"We chatted and discussed various subjects including Christ. After each visit I would go away rather angry and frustrated with God. How could an utterly traditional Chinese granny be open to Christianity? The Christian faith was so distant from her...
But my granny... she just never had the chance. I complained to God many times that wekk that He was not fair to my granny...
One day, after a particularly pointed complain to God, I visited granny and asked her what she thought of Jesus Christ. Granny smiled, and then laughed a little. Her eyes brightened up and she said in Cantonese, 'Jesus Christ! Sure, I know alot about Christ. Do you know that I attended Sunday School as a little girl in China? There were missionaries in our village and I joined the Bible classes and learnt choruses' I was speechless"
Amen. I pray God will some how open my grandma's eyes, in the same way he did for Uncle Lai Yong's granny.
Posted bout my day on alien-ation. (:
I want to read david ong's blog which is locked ):
There will be no other.
Happy Birthday Kris, Jo Yee and Jono Otto(?)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
" God in all his glory ; 10:42 PM "
Shimona's party was a success! Seeing her face light up, hearing her surprised,(and very loud) "OMIGOSH!" from the 14th storey, seeing her sprinting down and saying "OMG YOU GUYS!... I"m soo.... shocked. I won't cry, I'm not going to cry..."
Was so worth it! I'm so glad we made it. Mel ah. Your loss you loser. Christie! Kudos, darling. And of course Gwen and Jane. Great job guys! Won't underestimate your planning skillz ever again :D You da bomb huns. Choo and I seriously thought it would be a flop, but it was the best! She didn't suspect a thing! You guys rule, so sorry, we should contribute more next time (:
Sorry guys. Chris I owe you money, chase me for it k. Pictures shall be up soon. Omg love you tooties.
I really thank God for all my friends today, Toots, Two Oners, other schoolies, dancers(: You make my day, you real supportive bunch, thanks a million. I love Mona's grandma. She's so cuuute. And her grandad knows his IT! ((:
The rest of the day was just tiring! Eee we are super slow for math ):
Have I told you lately that I loved you?

I've never seen Mona so moved(: Yeah baby. swave boarddd! Whoowow!
11 Feb 09, 22:57 Moto Moto: YAH OMG WE DAAA BOMB! LOVE YA TOOOO! ![]() ![]() |
11 Feb 09, 22:39 Moto Moto: \m/ |
11 Feb 09, 22:39 Moto Moto: Omggg ahma today was AWESOME!!! HIGH FIVE! YEEEEAH! : )(Love forever yaw) |
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
" Trust and Obey ; 10:16 PM "
I have no time for my blog, seriously ): Had aep today. Rather simple P1 work :D Haha. I loved free period. Sort of. :D did sketches, and recycling box. i've got a million tests next week. I'm going to have to study. Omg, Om's in 2 weeks. Danceworks is in 5.
Agh. I love Ashley Yowza and Tiffy boo! :D Heh heh heh. free period was unproductive. augh.
Come let me quote the fongstar.
(Some random FB quiz)
12. Caitlin Foo
13. Justin Foo
"Do you want to be 13's friend forever?"
"Who is 13 going out with?"
I bet his sister would know.
"Do you hate 12?"
No way!
9 Feb 09, 21:31 rachel: ![]() |
9 Feb 09, 21:31 rachel: I'll hunt you down k. |
9 Feb 09, 21:31 rachel: caitlinzzzzz. ![]() (Wouldn't miss it for the world! Fusion FTW! Yeah come find me, camwhore :) |
8 Feb 09, 21:30 Mel: Ehhhhh. Nevermind(Neh mind what!) |
7 Feb 09, 23:34 FANGYING:)): HEY CAITLIN!:DDD been a long time since i talked to you! Have a good talk on monday kay!:D love you and god bless you:D amen.(Ditto! YES we must talk, have good chit chat, and laugh) |
7 Feb 09, 18:41 ★RENEE★: relink me thanks!(aye) |
6 Feb 09, 22:35 Stelleeee: HAHA, omg, when was that taken? Dancers are just conscious people. (: YAY! See you love(FHL II! hahah. take more glam ones okay :D) |
Monday, February 09, 2009
" ; 10:10 PM "
I'm a cow Hear me Moo.
Science rocked. we played with acid, i tasted lime water and gin yin had to take vinegar. Kaela and I totally didn't know what was going on. Felt so bad, but had a nice long talk (:
Errr. I was lost in math. Erin was quiet today): CE was just... the best lesson of The day.
Although we don't learn anything new about our characters since our teacher never ever really gets to finish the lesson, but its hilarious!
Today was about controlling your emotions. Well i must say, Gen does that very well. Omg she's like some P1 kid pleaze -.-
I didn't want to tell her some random koochi thing, so she threw her pencil case at me. Then we passed it around and played monkey, like primary school kids. And then she burst out in laughable anger. GIMMMME BAAACCCKKK MY PENCILLLLL CASSE RAAHHHH.
So when asked to share about experiences about self control. i volunteered, and reanacted the genevieve scene but said it happened to me in Primary one. Ms Soh believed me. While the rest of the class was laughing their heads off. Thennn, second time we were asked to share, i volunteered again, and we started reminiscing about good ol primary 6 days. OMG WE MISS MRS REDWAN SO MUCH (:
So many Ixorians in 2/1 & 2/2. The whole class was laughing la. I miss them so much ):
Phototaking was alright. So many people looked super chio, so photogenic, i swear. Esp Val Leong. Aiyo. Morning jog was... aiyruhgh. I wasn't in a good mood, not really. I love the SYF dance. its the bomb la! Fariha likes Zazo HAHAH :D
What else? Um. aiyo chinese ah. aiyo. nuff said. Cezanne's like boy crazy la. From the Primary 1 girl i knew, who said Girls rule Boys drool, to the Sec 2 OMGOMG hot guyz outside my window please.
And Erin and I have concluded that Nico Teo's brain is the same size as Jimmy Neutron's and she's his best friend and secretly combs her hair like his when she goes home.
My mum said to go and make a study why so many people sing in the bathroom. (MRS WONG!) AHAHHA (: seriously, why in the bathroom?
Sunday, February 08, 2009
" ; 6:04 PM "

Cell ah Cell. (: Lead worship today!
Sermon was about baptism, Rev Peter Koh preached to us for the first time. It was a good sermon. Jamie gets super stressed up about colour codes for cell! HAHA :D
Omg ok. Today was timothy's last day in TNG )))))): And... next week, he's going to be gone. he is leaving on FRIDAY! ): I only have two photos with him nooow ): Ehh tim i'm going to miss you la ok. dwight i hope you melted. Who's going to poke fun at me and alison now, and steal grass during camp?
)): Its just not the same. Raarrr.
But sentiments aside, we're NOT your angels.

Keep in touch i tell you.
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX FONGGGG!(: yes fongstar, have a fabulous 14th alright! You idiot. Why can't you pon band for Fusion! I wanted to give you something. Yes alright, I hope God blesses you in every single way possible, and that your journey with Him will be a fruitful one. Have a really blessed birthday, and continue to grow with Him and in Him.
(And happy Taipussum)
Tongue piercing is so YOUCH!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
" Bounce! ; 5:44 PM "
Went for CIP performance with Dancers. Jurong laaar okay! I'm just summarising because i've gotta go for dinner soon. I'll finish up the post another time. :D and yesterday's unpublished one too. omg genevieve's a stalker.
MRT train ride was seriously embarassing. Performance was like what, 3 minutes? Seniors are awesome, but eyeliner is poky and makes me cry. hahaha. Ange helped me line my eye. Owww la, nat is steady man. Hurry upload those photos SP! (: Love you.
"I Love SP" HAHAH! We were all laughing at that shirt (pang pang!)
Hee hee. took the bus from one end of the island to the other. Tip : Don't do that.
But had a nice bonding with Victoria, Nai and Nat. (: Talked about good movies, hot movie dudes, subject combinations in sec three, and church :D
Aiyo. annagrace and naomi G not K, ran out of the performance halfway ): Wasted! But other than that it was great. Super funny man, lao shi said she had a performance at jurong at 3. we performed at 1. Same place man! Lao shi can salsa! Soooper funny (: Must tease her next saturday.
Jruong point is awesome, its just that i had no money, and its very very very far away.
Friday, February 06, 2009
" Take me to the secret place ; 8:48 PM "
Dance ):
Rawwrhhh I can't get choreoooo omg! Chris AND Cait didn't come today. So orhsum. Omg History was... Gin Yin! (: Smile.
(About immigrants) And comparing the olden time immigrants and the current day ones. Aawww.
Haha. I love Erin man. And Ginie. :D
We were trees today during drama! Hahaha super funny. the whole class was so sleepy, so when Mr Armstrong turned off the lights and we were all supposed to be seeds or something, so we slept. My arms are super suan noow.
I had a sudden snap! and now i'm just anticipating to see what God will do during retreat (:
I can't wait for retreat,
Krispy Kreme is awesome!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
" And when you call I won't refuse ; 9:07 PM "
Whatsup. Well, today was fair enough.
For once, Min Yee actually came over to my class, and we had a nice talk. Like old times. But sadly, i was writing a letter, and well, I just hope that Min yee comes talk to me everyday. Like old times. (Revival Fire Fall)
Choo totally ditched school ): Aha. Temperature taking was super funny. Mrs Chu is very cute leeeei. Then Mrs Wong was nice enough to give us time to discuss our NE things, and Fiesta. But our class is awesome.
No response. Except for a few. Wow. I seriously miss last year's super ON, active class comm. Yeah, we had math and i got back my test. Augh, my gosh. not good la. I feel like such a dunce la okay. So many smarts around class, I need to be better. I don't know, one thing goes off balance and everything goes down the drain. I need to pull up my socks. Really Really Really high.
I mean WOW. I'm so laggy la okay. Augh. Yep but well, its just ONE test. So i'm going to pass everything else nicely. Lao shi let us watch ice skating during Chinese today. it was scary, the woman could have totally cut the guys neck off. Our english lesson with Ms Tay was quite enjoyable. We managed to progress, its my most progressive project so far. I'm doing the cop with the new york accent TEEHEEZ.
God was good to me today. Erin is really nice. Sorry for being so temperamental, and people besides Erin. He showed me something through Mrs Wong. While she was talking to the class about responding, and country pride(Yes, psychological defence) , she was telling us not to stand by our immature opinions. She said that we're too young, and we sometimes have to accept the fact that we're wrong. She really sounded like Dr. Maha! (: "Don't be bigots" and don't be a pile of dough that just squee! squee! absorbs! And I realised how little we all know.
And this applies to our spiritual journeys too. So hopefully, when the time comes
Hahah :D Mrs Wong is the best la okay. "Ear drum blaster!" heeheez. And she sings in the bathroom and loves Korean dramas(not personally a fan, but its interesting that students and teachers have common interests academics aside)
Ooh. Then went down for recess, which also reminds me to thank God for Tiff. She's just one of the really few people in this world who TRULY have a pure heart. I'm sure she'll be, (as her name suggests) a 'manifestation of divinity'. She's just so totally innocent, indifferent to the negative influences around her. And she's actually one of the most optimistic people i know, i've truly never seen her angry or sad, she always gets back on her feet fast enough. Maybe being blur is a defence. (;
Faith like a child, yes? So recess was a quiet event. Hmm. I sat with Val during chinese since Choo absented herself. Some people can be seriously double minded(NOT YOU VAL). hmm. Valerie lost her voice ): aaw poor thing! Yup. I went back to class then to the library shortly after. The Audacity of Hope is too hard to read la. I'm just skimming through and not getting anything in my head. Augh. The whole class is like yo what?
After we finish reading this, I'm sure we'll be more well versed in American Politics than the Singapore government and also the majority of the young dependents in America itself. OM was pretty productive, I'm so proud of gowri, really. Let's do this right people! (: Mrs Brenda approved our script, GOOD(: We need props noow. And memorisation is the top priority, soo. Let's get goooing. :D
I'm going to stop here and continue elsewhere, yeah where else. You guessed it.
5 Feb 09, 21:23
Stelle: Hey girl! Stay strong, the road is going to be pretty tough but remember that God never gives us too much to bear (: Always be there if you need a shoulder!
(Without fail, Estelle, without fail. Thank you so much :)(haha we look like some aliens here, we take better ones ok!)5 Feb 09, 18:11
Mel: Errr WOMAN. I want photos, thank you very much.
(In due time, friend)
4 Feb 09, 22:44
Erin: You compare yourself to God? o.0 Harsh, Caitlin, harsh. Eh don't be so sad leh, no one to laugh with me when Nico/Anne says something funny. =(
(I will laugh, Erin! (: Haha. Yes we should all compare ourselves to Jesus, its how we measure right and wrong, we compare, and we improve on ourselves, to be more like Him, geddit geddit? :)
4 Feb 09, 22:18
Gwen: hey you okay? you sound sad ): don't be sad if not i'll be sadder (: smile and let me see that pretty face
(AHAHA. did you not guess the inspiration of the post?)
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
" The state of my heart ; 7:32 PM "
Man. What an emotional roller coaster ride today.
Felt like some crap today la. well firstly, in the morning, went for morning jog with Vantage, and whilst going down the gallery steps, i slipped and fell and scraped my knee. Like oww okay.
Then i had a good heart to heart talk with kaela and the 6 rounds just seemed to whizz by. Erin got a stress ball for her birthday, from Annabel, which was extremely useful for me throughout the rest of the day. (which isn't good, by the way ):
So after our History period, which was quite great, we had geog. Ack. Ting xie during Chinese was pretty okay. Poor Lao shi. Then we had PE. which was pretty okay, played basketball. Mm, I ran with Nicole Lau, had a nice heart to heart talk with her too. Then went for recess. After that, Science is confusion confusion.
And we finished the Rosa Parks story during English.
"Rosa Parks sat, so that Martin Luther King could stand. Martin Luther King stood so that Obama could run. And Obama is running so that we can fly."
Dance was pretty good. Super tired out. Hamzah was late and strict today, which was good, because Vantage, WE'VE improved! (: Orshum. Yeah super tired thou. Keep at it (:
I've let you down, I've let myself down, I've let God down. Lord you've been so good to me, you take me as I am, all my mistakes, all my sin, all my fears and failings. You heard me God, you hear me. Lead me down the path of righteousness.
You've just given me a trial Lord, and God, help me make things right, now. I need to learn to love like you've loved me, its only fair i inflict on others what you did on me. God, take away all my guilt, all my strife. God let me rejoice in your name, you've revealed James 1:2-7.
2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.
Father Father! you've shown me endless mercies, oh sovereign. Why God? Why? I don't deserve you. I am not any more worthy than the next man. I am not worthy of your shed blood. I am not worthy of your Son. I am not worthy of your forgiveness. Yet Lord, your patience and love for me grows more and more each day.
Love unfailing, God, why? All the more you love me and teach me, the less i understand. Father, I only have this heart of gratitude to offer you, only one thing that's not a measure of what You gave for us. And i can't even do that right. You commanded us to do your will, you wanted us to love our neighbours, yet i have failed you God. But still You accept me all in all, God you are good. You are beyond all measure.
And every single time i compare myself to the Almighty, it just makes me a lesser man. I am nothing compared to Him, and the oblivious. The oblivious. The guilt. all in all. Why am i caught in all this again? Either path i choose, i'm going to be in the wrong, Never abandon a friend, or your father's friend.
Which voice do i listen to? There isn't even a conscience. Its getting the better of me, its getting the better of me. Why can't you see, we're driving ourselves apart. Where is this going, where now. Why is it so hard to understand. Why do I find it so difficult to put my foot down for what's right? Why is it so hard to choose. Why do i feel so alone? Why Why Why! its foggy now, and i'm sounding double minded and contradictry. But what is God showing me now?
I'm always trying to clean up the messes made, and it just gets worse. I'm portrayed the bad guy, but who really hears me out? I need help I need help. God save me, save me. God save me.
So who are my true friends now? Why am I acting like the person I don't want to be known as? Why am I being illustrated as the villian? Why can't anybody just see the light and come help me out? I'm not going to abandon anyone. God taught us that the world is evil and vile, You've proved yourself right, God, so now please. Please. Give me strength to overcome.
And as we're born again, we will make new friends, and new enemies as well. What do I know? But I'm not complaining, because I know that one way or another this will straighten out. Eventually. Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord. I will rejoice, because no way ever am I giving back anything i've received.
God keep me going strong.
2 Feb 09, 22:20
Mel: OI, NEVER BLOG ABOUT ME. I'm Jealousssss
(You can go blog about me first)
2 Feb 09, 22:15
Kaela: I cant stop reading it over and over again, thanks for the dedication, (ill copy and paste it onto mine.) Thanks for everything too, sry for being so ~!!@#$ sometimes. Lurbzx Chewx.
(We ~!!@#$ ALOT. Wish i could just erase all those stupid stupid naivety and crap.)
2 Feb 09, 22:13
cjwei: yup the ottos ppl were good
(To the Core, Amen)
2 Feb 09, 22:03
Kaela: Aww why suddenly blog about me? Love you babe, 4eva! Hee.
Happy Birthday Gwen & Erin.
And just so you know, it was all i could think about all night, it was the one thing that held me back from having a good day, what was going through my mind the whole time was "I'm sorry i failed you, I'm sorry i let this happen, traitor, traitor, that's what i am. How could you?"
So don't say I didn't give a dang.
Because I gave more.
Quote of the day :
Nico Teo : "My gardener's assistant keep on asking my maid for her number! Trying to flirt with her or something lah!"
STOP FAFFING AROUND YOU GUYS(: haha I luv Mrs Cheah. I'm just going to quote from Kaela's blog.
"we had History with Mrs Annabel Cheah! Few minutes later, Meldee appeared and this is what happened.
Meldee: Um, may I see Anabel please?
Mrs Cheah: Oh, me?!
(everyone bursts out into laughter)
Meldee: Haha, no, Annabel er, Tan.
(Annabel Tan walks forward)
Meldee: Eh nono, Anabel Ng. Ng.
(Both Annabel and Anabel didnt hear what she said so Annabel continued walking to Meldee and Anabel continued doing idk what, something stupid i bet. Hee.)
Meldee: No, Anabel Ng!
Anabel: OHH.
Annabel: Next time, get the surnames right!
Mrs Cheah: Yeah get the surnames right!
HAHAHA, omg i seriously love our class and teachers. (: Talked about leaving Singapore for other countries and i got damn high when Cass said she wanted to go Japan
Mrs Cheah: Oh, okay. Kaela! Why do you want to live in Japan?
Natalie: Cos there are hot guys there.
(class bursts out laughing)
Me: :O
Mrs Cheah: Kaela, you think the men there are HOT?
Me: Nonononono, er cos ___________ (blah blah, anyhow crap)"
'Me' being Kaela.
Erin and i were like SIGH! We can't believe that 3 people in our class want to migrate to Japan/Korea for the men who are barely even their age, and without a proper career in mind. HAHAH. We were laughing our heads off.
Omg I want to go see Timothy off on Friday! He's going to melbourne alreadyyyyy ): I need to know Johnny Woosh! ): Eh Timmmm. Must come back i tell you. If not i will cut off your "grass" supply.
be brave be strong.
Labels: Emotional meltdown
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
" So I give you my all ; 9:14 PM "
Frustrated Frustrated. BECAUSE. people are so clueless. And its so sad. we're not on the same page. Ever. With open eyes its ten times easier to see.
Val. Val. I thank God for Val. I thank God that God GAVE me Val to SHARE with. She was on the brink of tears today. K i shall say some more a lil while later.
OMG TODAY WAS A SERIOUSLY GOOD DAY. Err. Math test and Chinese aside.
Our first period was math. Whoo. Joy, an expansion test that counts for CA. Dang. Urm.
I found out at the last minute that i lost two marks because i checked the answer with my calculator and then realised eet was WRONG. ): hopefully method marks. I was all groggy la. Mind went BLANNK.
But the whole class was groaning away so maybe mrs wong will be nice enough to moderate it? uh. Yeah fat chance. Nico Teo made this really funny 'Huhrghh' sound during the test, and Erin started sniggering.
After the test, we had Lit. Dr. Maha's lit skills are the pro. Sherie and Anabelle came in to tell the AEP girls that there wasn't AEP that day. AWESOME. free periods and NO aep on the same day. Awesome or what!? Then we had an tremendulous 3 periods of art :D I was working on my sketches. And science. Then uhmm. well, i started talking to Sheryl, Nicole Lau, etc.
And somehow i got tired of their gosh-knows-what-they're-talking-about, and started talking to Annabel. I went back to my sketches after awhile, and Michelle started talking to Annabel. I don't know why, about church. So we were discussing the differences between Christianity and Catholicism.
Then michelle suddenly asked me about tongues. Urm. I told her about the people whom i knew spoke in tongues. Yeah and she was like can you do it? No, sadly. (but i'm just going to wait wait wait) Arrr. then she said, can't you just remember and memorise any words? what does it sound like!
But i know better than to do that. Sorry dear. Then Valerie joined the conversation, with Megan. Then we were telling her all the things she doesn't know. And she was going to cry and stuff, she's just so poor thing! So clueless, so... innocent. So... I don't know! But i was talking to her for the whole art period(s) And it was super good.
And wow megan. I'm proud of you. I saw a new side of you today. that's really good. Nicole Lau too, a lil bit. I'll elaborate more another time. I'm getting bugged off the computer now.
"I have menopause! I have Pre-
Justin, my brother, who's a
Poor science teachers.
I had a wonderful surprise when i got back home.
Monday, February 02, 2009
" Worthy Worthy ; 8:55 PM "
Christie claims i'm converting to tamil.
Hahaha. Bride wars is a funny show. Went for dance today. I REALLY CANNOT dance with my callus! ): it hurts to the core la okay.
Aw man its back to school tomorrow ): I'm getting used to it. Wow a million people's birthdays are in February. I'm broke, and clueless. Chris! Our idea didn't work.
Mmm went for dance in the morning. Guess who i saw at the bus stop THIS time. Hahaha. Sharlyn! (: My official dance junior. Wow so pretty man, never imagined she'd be the sort that would wear such cute clothes. Hahah :D She wanted to join ELDDS but missed the auditions without even knowing, so she went for dance instead, because Jia and Stelle were her PSLs, so they convinced majority of the class to audition for dance. But only Sharlyn and her classmate got in. heh :D
She said not THAT many dance clubbers got into dance. Urrm. Yeah dance was pretty good. Quite hot though, got stuck in the hall because the dance studio was locked. The fans were super heavy, which got me appreciating the school's handy men and stuff. :D lug the heavy thing from level to level.
Poor bel lam, she was sick =/ Get well soon! :D i was tired, but i tried. VANTAGE BONNNND. Danceworks is at VIVO! Apparently we've got some rivals Phat nuts. hahaha. Hmmm. We managed to clean up some steps. Hung around school for a while more. Seriously like half the school was in school for CCA. Fine david, you win. IJ will never be on par with ACSi in terms of holidays D: <
Alot of us, esp in the bus etc, got real strange looks from the people of he public. HAHA. in the morning i went out of the house after my bath and my hair was let down, like some mad woman, so people were glaring at me and stuff. HAHAH. quite funny, really. :D I hope someone calls the school and says, hey loads of your students are playing truant you know, better do something about it. HAHAH that will be funnny :D
where was i? Yeah anyway! went to class to get books for Lam and Lim. There were 6 people in class, totally proves my point. The flutists, Amanda Yee, I think I saw Clara Li and Anne. Haha were having sectionals.
Yeah. I really have to thank God for Kaela. Yeah, even though we've had some rather petty fall outs in the very long ago past... Like what... 5 years back? mmm, i must say that i'm really grateful for her. Honestly, even though I can never find the words to say to her directly, and even though i'm quiet sometimes, I'm so thankful that i've found someone like you. I mean, the fun and laughter aside, darling, you've got a real knack for hearing me out. And its been a pleasant time together. Haha i'm so glad you're my shopping buddy, roughly the same height, weight and size ehh :D I don't know, today i just thought i'd say thank you to you, for all the times I haven't. Yep, and its been hilarious seeing our growth from tiny pipsqueaks to will, large fries now :D HAHA. You help build my confidence too, and great, i learn lots from you. Whether its the word "pang-seh" or dance choreo, you teach me loads. Thank you :D
Mmm. Tiffanie is very cute. She went home with meee today (: Whoo!
taggers :
2 Feb 09, 19:29
nicolelau :D: your fooooott?!?! ah, ANYWAY, WHO IS JUNYI?! AND WHAT IS BAN MEN NONG FU? :O what farmer? :O
(Your photography skills very goood meeeh! Haha. Ban Men Nong Fu = Showing off in front of the expert. junyi is expert photographer. :) 1 Feb 09, 22:59Kaela: OMG HAHAHA THE PPL IN THE VID DAMN COOL
(HAHA YEAH I KNOW (: they performed at my church on sunday! hurhur :)
Sunday, February 01, 2009
" Father to the Fatherless ; 3:24 PM "
Well, churched today. One word, breathtaking.
Well everyone, k mainly, Jamie, Rachel and I were superdee bushed.
So we were kind of quiet. Yep, but then the others came, and we got talking about our week.
Ming Xiu did worship. We had a really good talk with each other. like really personal. Yeah, its so easy to open up to them. Rachel's Word on dynamic faith really had us going about all the mistakes and crappy things we did before in our lives.
And we were just talking about change and everything, then Rachel and MX were telling us about their experiences, and Sarah was talking about her being afraid... I was just super touched when Sarah said that God's going to do awesome things with our cell. And amongst all this I felt relief, and warmth and... well, great things.
Yeah, its been a brilliant journey cell. We shared all our burdens, and prayed together, well something every cell usually does, but today was specially... special. Yeah we went up for service, high-fived glenn, got teased by timothy (why is your hair red now!) , and the surprise band was this sibling band from Aussie. The Otto Band I think? Is that how its spelt, I didn't really catch that.
THEY'RE THE BEST. Jonah, Melissa and... their younger sister. Gosh, they have got looks to kill really. And value added, they've got TALENT. they write all their own songs, and its really amazing. Goodbye Old man, Who is it, Its alright, Come baby, While you are sleeping, Be Magnificent, Father to the fatherless, and some other really cool songs.
Jonathan did guitar, Melissa did vocals and acoustic, and their younger sister,
Then Jonathan spoke.
Gosh Gosh Gosh. One of the most inspirational sermons EVARH. Seriously, the guy speaks and the whole church is just like glued to him. His topics were ENTIRELY relevant, and his personal experiences were just something everyone could relate to. (love the accents)
It was about how cruel the world is. Like Destiny's Child's Bootylicious and Nasty Girl, the message : Why are you even here? It hit all of us like WOOOWWW. "So I've been practicing my Singlish la, and its really interesting and unique because you guys just toally make up a bunch of words, and I've had experiences where my friends have betrayed me. Like one time during a mission trip to Africa, they told me, say Nina Himba, and the first person he said to, kind of a high up person, he said NINA HIMBAAAAAAAAAA. GASPGASPGASP."
"What did i say?" you just told me you were pregnant, why did you tell me that? "Because those guys told me to" Oh those bunch of people behind you are your friends? "No not my friends"
It was super funny. His reanactments. VERY GOOOD. Then he also touched on topics that I was wondering about the other day. About my social life, you know, everything. And I know the segment about jealousy totally helped us out alot.
"You know that feeling, when you're all having fun, with people crowding around you, and you feel like you've got it good, and then suddenly you just draw away and sit by yourself, and you just suddenly feel so empty and lonely. Then you cry. And you have no idea why you're crying. But there's this deep deep feeling in your heart and you feel like its crying out for something."
Wow. and it was a really heartfelt, confident sermon. And he just got up and spoke like snap. "Ehh you guys pang seh-ed me!" HAHAH. hilarious. Than he was talking about some bully in school. And the things about Dad.
"And this boy, Daniel in year 6, wrote : Dear Father, I'd call you dad, but you haven't exactly been a dad have you? I'm rebecca's son, if you even remember my mum, you probably don't think about her, or me, but i think about you all the time."
Woah. And the overall message is that God sees you for who you are, and all we have to offer are our hearts of gratitude. And we should give that up for him. And that we're all beautiful and God accepts us for what HE made us.
(I bet you all are feeling, what do you guys say? See-an? Sian!)
Then Prng gave the Benediction, and also prayed for those people going overseas, majority of them to Aussie(Tim was wearing and Aus shirt haha) And then for the closing song, they made up an impromptu song on the spot, about going to australia, be careful, don't speak singlish laaaaa,
Then after service (<3!!!!!!), href="">
I love them.
This one's called its alright
She totally sounds like Colbie Callait okay! I love all of them beautiful people they are. Heehee, on youtube, she's in the same dress that she wore today.
They make up songs like that on the spot! That's exactly what Jonathan did just now, and it was funny TTC! :D They can make anything sound nice la! "Look at my hair, look at my teeth, i'm so beautiful i could be a model" And somehow they managed to change it into a worship song at the end. WOOW.
Haha and he rapped on the spot "Yo i'm MJDAWGS i'm the maaan! Riding in the taxiiiii, kay i don't have it now"
1 Feb 09, 17:06 jamie: hey dear! re-link me pretty please! thankewwwww!(<3,> |
1 Feb 09, 16:35 Kaela: Omg meldee with her long hair |
(Hahaha yeah she looks so different now!) Erin: YES NICO TEO = O W N A G E.31 Jan 09, 16:05 |
("Why are they laughing at me agaaaaaaaaaainnnnn.") Junyi: Whats your MSN31 Jan 09, 01:30 ( |
31 Jan 09, 01:30 Junyi: As in time haha |
30 Jan 09, 01:27 Junyi: Yes its 1.27(SO WHAT! HAHAH :) |
30 Jan 09, 01:27 Junyi: Ehh type out the emoticon on MSN and erm.. link-link-link-link-link? haha(orrhh why you wiggly eyebrow me! I have linked you for a very long time, where's my link!) |
30 Jan 09, 00:16 nicolelau :D: i see my awesome photography skills on your blog (: WHOO (:(ahem ahem. My FOOT) |
HAHAH! Wow if nicole lau knew who jun yi was, she'd be, as they say "ban men nong fu"
OOOOH. Melissa Otto has FB! I think I'll go add her nooow.