Tuesday, March 31, 2009
" Age to Age he Stands ; 8:52 PM "
So link, Ru, Jang and Ariaga(http://www.illusionsofadramaqueen.blogspot.com/). Relink Evin(Who should know that my blog isn't exactly the most secret place) Mm.
Ehh. some girl in our class going steady ah, i wonder who. (WIGGLES EYEBROWS AT YOU. cough)
Choo and I were cooking up interesting plans during chinese today! HAHA. And we were reenacting those cheng yus channel 8 drama style.
In the morning we had a math test. WHOO! i thought i did fine, i was like. AHA! I know what Mrs Wong is doing (hawhaw). But the rest of the class, yeah including Nico and Danielle weren't content. So I don't think I'm able to judge my own work now.
Geewhizz. Eh i really really love Mrs Wong, she's just one of the best teachers i know. Good math tactics and the most unbiased person I know. Yep. And 2/1 was a total nonresponsive sponge today. Haha, can't blame them, but AHEM! THE QUESTION WAS HARD. Today's announcements were funny!
Meldee : Hey Joce, I haven't talked to you for a long time.
Joce : Hi Mel, what's UP?!
-blah blah blah, IJ Fiesta, and their very dramatized commercial-
Then Gwen breaks out into : Announcements for today.
In monotone. :D
After Lit, we had ART. Which was spent learning ting xie and doing the City of the Future thing. Ah well.
Fong smsed me just now to say that ACS(I) got a Gold with Honours. Sigh, how do you compete with that? Plus that's including JUNIORs, as in Sec 1s. I heard Vincent was playing. Wow. Some more Dr Lee left them already. BUT KUDOS.
I don't think I know anyone else in the band. Ah well. DANCE! MUST GET GOLD! (WITH OR WITHOUT HONOURS IS FINE)

Yeah roomie, looking forward to all the possible camps to come, and hope i'll be able to room with you! See you at church, clusters and all the other churchie stuff! God bless yur.
(Sigh what is up with you? Take a joke, man. I've been getting put down by you for the past few days. Annoying, is that what I am?)
Technique AND PE tomorrow. Double dose. Ugh.
To Glenn : "If He broughtus(you) together, He can carry you through"
Hope that helps you with you know what.
Mama mia, here we go again.
Technique AND PE tomorrow. Double dose. Ugh.
To Glenn : "If He brought
Hope that helps you with you know what.
Mama mia, here we go again.
Monday, March 30, 2009
" You made a way ; 7:07 PM "
Yesterday I sat through my mum's adult jazz ballet class. Wow do not underestimate them man. I was so lost. Because they've been doing this choreo for a few months, and its super complicated, rolling on the floor with splits and kicks and turns and everything. Then i was so unfamiliar with the exercises and stuff.
The ang moh ger v pro man, so clean. I want technique like thaaaaaat!
Mmm. HAHA. today we were going totally bollywood!!!!!
Our class ah... This morning like a whole bunch of teachers came in to observe our classroom's new "renovated" state.
The back looks like there was a hole knocked out and it's a temporary patch.
Eh nawt fair. IJ band SYF was today, and the non syfers could go support. I DON'T CARE DANCERS APPEAL!
I'm so full today, i'm growing a potbelly or somethang!
Yes, imagine this "Yes, I vant my roti prata and my tandooori chicken naooo"
REMINDS ME OF CAMP OMG CAROL. "I laugh so hard just nao, i vant to rolypoly down the stairs"
Science was funny! Gawsh. I needa make Humanes notes, and study Oral. I'll probably hiatus soon. yeah i always say i will make make up posts, but i never do. So i won't make any promises. Heh. Mrs Wong was cute today! I went home with Spastic Rachel(:
Yes good day today.
Ciao now brown cow.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
" May you receive the Honour that you're due ; 2:55 PM "
AAACK. the weeks eez starting again.
time passes so RITIKULESSLY fast.
Went to church and reached the same time as Rach and Ryan(tiki-tiki-BOOM!)
Talked and caught up with Rach a lil, since we were early.
On the way to church, my mum and i were discussing the extent of people's blur-ness and sense of timing.
Anyway. I really think that cell consists around sharing about our week. They're always so lengthy, we don't really have the time for prayer and word and worship. Its always rushed. And we don't even have the prayer circle thing anymore...
Haha, we really need to try harder, maybe share bout our week last or something. I really want a cell retreat! Like the school retreat, it was orhsum. Or like camp, where we solely go somewhere for one purpose.
Mm. I think a windy day at the marina barage is a very cool place to have cell. Evelyn went there yesterday! To stargaze. Darn cool.
Earth hour was hopeless, i think.
Ryan and his Tiki-tiki-Boom!
I quote Rachel who was quoting Ryan.
"He ran out of the house and in the middle of our street. I said 'Ryan! What are you doing!' and he said 'I want to see the giant blackout, the tiki-tiki-boom!' So cool, we all thought that there would be this massive blackout, but in the end, only four houses switched off"
HA. My brother called Reuben before the thing, and he was watching The Suite Life.
So in reuben's loud voice over the phone, he shouted, WHY ARE YOU WATCHING THE SUITE LIFE OF ZACK AND CODY! WATCH NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.
haha. Yep. My brother's so easily influenced.
Q box has the awesomest stuff. Used to have Lomos. Its such a wrong time to be in a shopping spree period. Eh. I feel like movie watching with cell on sunday. I realised I haven't had movie dates with any of my churchies before.
yay i like Ms Selfridge's jeans.
(Lord i lift an offering of worship to you)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
" Defying the laws of Gravity ; 4:21 PM "

Whoopee doo.
Went for tuition at 11. HAHA. Chris the loser. Last time she came was Feb 28. She hasn't come for a month. Mad cowwww.
Wang wang waaang. We were talking like mad again. Hur. Think we scared the beejeebies out of Jolene's lil sister.
The high rise flats being built next to lao shi's block is CRAZY. 42 stories omg mad. 1200 more families. Lao Shi wants to ban jia.
Wah. Chineeeeze ah Chineeze. Had a nice long talk with Chriz all the way to burger king.
Mushroom Swisssss. I need movie dates with my homies yow.
Yowza. I wanna watch Confessions of a Shopaholic, Going 17, and something... I forgot what.
Must watch wimme.
Toots, Dancers and Cell! (: KKKKK?
AHHHH. I CAN'T FIND MY NICE PHOTOS )): I can't find my Australia and America Photos.
The stewpid younger me stupidly totally lost them or something! RAARRR. Now I have better non tacky photoshop skills i wanna put them to use, because since I got facebook i can't find my holiday photos! >: (
I will cry if i've lost them. I VEH SSADDD. screw.
Nothing else eventful happened today.
I really really don't understand math. I wanna dance.
Keep your hands off my gurl.
Paula Abdul is super super soooooooooooper short. I wanna see HER dance.
Can't wait for dance night to be. Save december dates. HAHA dunno when also, but i'm happy cuz they're gonna start training from June. And SO NICEZX. Dance camp is AFTER OHANA!(: So i can go for both. WHEE!
There are like 4 Vantage Videos, but I have to Facebook them...
Friday, March 27, 2009
" Words say it all ; 10:41 PM "
I lubz my Photoshop.
Justin's got the Methodist Walk tshirt. I want also! Still think Hops is Hots.
The weeek passed superdum fast.
Slept before assembly. Nice 10 minutes or so. First period was science. Ms Tan is going like a train. I really hate physics. And then we had drama(: We digresssed looootts. Our class only good at complaining luh huhh. But mr armstrong was super nice.
Improvised again. About some scene where this P4 boy cracked under pressure and ran away from home 5 times. -.-
Yeah. Anabel and Gen are the lousiest cops ever. HAHA. Su Lynn was my "husband" uhh.
No chinese. I like (:
Geoffrey = RITICULOUS.
got on the topic of marriage. Again.
Assembly was prize collection! (: After school, Mr. T maade me climb three stories with a very very veeerrrrryyy super heavy box full of danceworks door gifts because my two wonderful classmates were busy. My arm is sore to the core nao. He was telling me stuff that got me quite disappointed ):
Sigh. Technique was good. Pirouettes! And when Mr T mentioned that the Sec 4s hadda step down in two weeks, i wanted to cry like mad. Hello. That's no time at all. Last year we had seniors coming back til May...
Can't wait til dancenight. niahniahniah.
Seniors: love you a whole bunch!
Thanks for the nice note, Daph. Love you too.
Sing a Psalm.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
" I'm caught in your grace ; 9:09 PM "
What's up with Blogger? Omg i'm so happy, there's dance tomorrow (:
Ah, that's it, i'm done with my milo foolscap pad. HA.
My internet has issues. Ack, so unfair, the Goh's car has a tv, Justin and Reuben were watching Hillsong in the car.
WEll. so today everyone was dead bushed. The school's initiating the Pri. School equivalent of Fruit Friday/ Tutti Frutti Tuesday. Mrs Wong had Math for 3 periods :O
And after that, we had chinese, and for the very first time this year, I UNDERSTOOD.
It was about this kid who lost $6000 due to gambling. And we hadda write ying yong wen.
Today was sooper quiet w/o Erin luh. During Oral, we practiced reading. Wah the Ming Da feller who got 7As for As, after his dad's death. we were made to read that. Wah crazy mianz.
Then Gen was telling me stories, and Sam was laughing at my spastic faces in the library hgnhg.
Anyway. Teacher was super strict, strictly chinese speaking. AAAh. so embarassing. 3 more lessons. 3 periods of chinese. that's...
Omg. 12 periods of additional chinese. Ew. CAITLIN CHOO IS A FAILURE REPORTER.
not fair. Therese, Gen and Nat will get 10 points extra for oral if they lived in beijing. whud luhr.
Math is annooooying me again.
Link Ru Hui:
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
" To God be the Glory ; 7:12 PM "
HAHAHA. Mrs Cheah got facebook. And Ms Tan has too!
Heh. Ahh today we didn't have PE, so we had
Mrs Wong snapped up our PE slot ): Haiyee. I don't really get math now.
Ayee. I hate physics, i'm so lousy! Raah. Anyway, today was soso i guess? Nothing much happened. Geog was the usual, funny... class. :D
English was quiet... Recess was lame HAHAHA. Christie Yeo Qing Wen will
Yes, the red bean got stuck in her braces. GROSSZX. you see la, give poor jane a heart attack. Ick.
We had science, yeah, i said earlier, i suck at physics. And Kaela was being really really reallllly weird.
Anyhoo, went for lunch with Kaela, Nat, Nicole, Pet and, Nicole's friend (Marianna?)
It wuz super dee retuded lar. All of them were all HIGH during lunch. Pet spit ice at some random woman at danceworks. Then halfway through laughing, i coughed out a french fry. Oh the irony right.
Yadeeda, and some other worthless random things.
I lost my train of thought, because math melted my brain. i'm so sad.
yikes. my posts have gone down down down, in length.
I'm losing my depth and volume as a person, gosh. Wonder why.
Ut Deus exsisto Palma
(Pick me up
I need more of you)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
" Was it something i said or didn't say this time ; 9:15 PM "
Hey guys what's cooking?
Ahh. I can't slack for AEP anymore. Ms Teo is very particular about our attitudes towards art. Woah, didn't know she could be so scary. Good in some ways. Eh.
What is it, scold your kids' week? Majority of my classmates, including myself are getting thrashed now. I don't know. A sudden urge to push us over the top.
Aye. I miss dancers steel. Haven't watched kevjumba in ages. He's inactive now.
Uh. Yeah. okay. So i thought it was going to be a stupid day. Because its tuesday...
Yeah. So math was a little.. ugh.
English started to get kinda funny. Then free period was spent very fast. Ugh.
After recess, we had lit which was one of the funnest lessons with dr. maha. HAHA. she started out by asking : How much of the stuff in your class can be considered rubbish?
Then suddenly the whole class got out of their seats and threw the rubbish. Then she said "I don't know whether to laugh or to cry, i asked a simple question"
Annbel Tan : Yes, but we were observing your connotations, the things you weren't saying (Which was the learning point during english)
Nico Teo's book sharing presentation was hilarious.
"He stabbed the painting, and thus, he died."
Dr Maha : Nico introduced a new word. (HAHA NEW? Its our language)
Nico : Is it vanity?
Dr. Maha : Write "narcissisim" on the board.
Nico Teo goes up and writes "Narcissisum" on the board.
And then i point out, Nico, there's no "u"s in "narcissisim" only "i"s
Got high and everything during chinese again. Despite failing ting xie. HAHA.
I found out I could do a Gollum voice during art, like nico seow, i was going My precioussssss the whole time.
Monday, March 23, 2009
" They call me Mr. Farenheit ; 8:28 PM "
So today was the first day of school. Gosh, it was such an empty point of time in the morning without the usual hullabaloos the dancers cause.
Sigh. We were rushing our math homework in the morning, and nicole lau stole my whole pile of books and i was freaking out, because i couldn't find them and the bell was ringing. She thought they were Cass's. Seww, i just went for assembly, and scolded nicole lau in the process.
zohmygewdnezz. Everyone's been going VA VA VOOOM, after Mrs Zailee I miss dance so much. Yeah. Then we had CE, and natalie and i were half emo-ing half getting high, a contradiction yes. But CE was fun as usual. Good that I had entertainment during every period because my eyelids were drooping. one of the 4/6 people poured water all over the place, and they hung their math worksheets out to dry (sounds familiar)
CAIT CHOO GOT BRACES! and we were all laughing during chinese. Chinese, lao shi was telling lame jokes about dumplings(Kaela's 'no fillings' one), because lesson 7 was a very deetailed description of dumplings. -.- Choo and I were talking alot alot alot, and lao shi kept picking on us. Good thing I learnt the lesson already, yay lao shiii (:
K anyway. Recess. HAHA, someone got scandalous secret ahhhh (: whheeeeee pionnng. Sheryl and Chris and Bel and Max keep going VAVA VOOOOM! Not my fualt la, Mrs Zailee pinpointed me! Bel was sexier looorrr. I'm not a sexy cake. HAHAA.
I mizz Vantage, wow Dapooonee cried for 24 hours lar. Made me sad. Pssdhxz. Science is retarded.
Why is the energy unit same as the unit for newtons(or sumdin liddat)
B) It is difficult to think of a new unit name.
Erin and I were LAUGHING our hearts out.
Ms Tan : Option A, cannot be right? because blah blah blah, Option B... aiya stupid la that one.
Theen during Math we were laughing at Gen Chiam's stoner face. And we were imitating her then kaela and nat started laughing at me. Had a good day. Went to subway with Tiffy boo (: Saw ping en and Laura on the bus, omg they live so NEAR. OMG I remember Ping En from Primary 4! She was P5, and i remember the science quiz thing thing. HAHA :D We won, awesome!
(BTW I got a free Wii on Friday because my mum got 2nd place for the Serangoon Garden Story)
First place was some vacay for two, THE WII PWNS THAT LAR.
Naturally 7 is bomb! (Hops darn hot)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGDhyIPdLps (The disabled the URL)
Composed by the "tromboner", dwight. A love song from God's point of view.
They're obviously better live, ALL the "instruments" you hear, are actually their voices. The best thing is that they're Christians (:
Wah Kaela, thanks for uploading the photos i love you tons.
22 Mar 09, 20:05 Kaela: "Watching SJI guys trying to pump is the funniest thing ever." HAHAHA(ISN'T IT! HAHA PUT ON FB HOR!) |
21 Mar 09, 22:24 Chris: VAVAVAVOOM SEXY AHMA ![]() (Lurbzx chew! Thanks for coming down to support again, you flakey muffin lizard thing) |
21 Mar 09, 19:58 sk: i watched that video before! i was like 'wow'.(Cool right cool right!) |
(Hear Hops come in bass! EEE! Warren darn cool also! Percussion!)
God Bless! (: Have a great week guys.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
" Highest point ; 3:45 PM "
Vantage, guys, you've made my first danceworks experience the bomb! We killed it on stage guys! (: Love you all, and also, thanks for the support from the entire dance ensemble and Voltage, you people are the most hyperactive bunch of dancers out there!
Eeee. Everyone had high hopes for us eh, I personally thought that both teams were finals material! It was a tough fight man, but anyway we all know that we're the best, and we danced our hearts out there.
Anyone with photos and videos please send to me thank you.
Today is the last day of the holidays,
kwork you la. HAHA.
Just wanted to say that.
Watching SJI guys trying to pump is the funniest thing ever.
Aaaah. Today was such a loner day at church. Sarah came, and then ditched me for one of her school friends, so went upstairs and then sat down alone, then dwight came down and talked to me for awhile. He made this pig face and said "Hey imma mirror" -.- And he sat with me during service, aaw so nice. Thank you family friend! :D
HAHA. more than five minnnits already right. Yep, then halfway through worship, evelyn came. And I thought service was really long, but we ended at 12.15 which was like woah early. I think it was all that time usually spent to settle the whole congregation down. Today, so few people came that we could all fit into the centre block, with seats to spare.
Hello, Worship was darn gewd. Rev Tay spoke today, very interesting message today.
Then we went down to talk talk a beet. HAHAHA.
Glenn : "Yeah, she called me Glenn kor kor, not uncle Glenn."
AHAHAHA. Dwight was laughing like maad.
Glenn : Who drives a car?
*Junyi's hand shoots up*
(While people started walking out of service)
Clement : Ok TNG, we haven't collected offering yet, so the ushers will be standing at the door, and as you leave, please put your money in, God bless the money, in Jesus' name, Amen."
Dwight just hacked into Ryan's account.
Friday, March 20, 2009
" ; 9:53 PM "
Danceworks is less than 24 hours away. Time passes.
What holiday was that?! My homework is suffering man. HALP ME.
Happy birthday to Kaela, Ming Xiu, Cheryl Low and Gwen Seah (the church one :)
Sorry I don't have time to write long long things for you. (yet)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
" ; 10:40 PM "
Whoopdeedoop. Stupid VPL. OMG LURH.
2 days to danceworkszxzxxzxzzx! O: or :D ?
IDKKKK! Stupid stupid VPL. bleddy obscene can. zomg, it is super hard to dance in the high heeled sneaker things. I'm being ridiculously pained. I'm still very uncomfortable in the costume. Ughhh.
Full run tomorrow, i'm so bushed. Hamzah pushed us really hard today. We had to dance in the CANTEEN. because the SYF girls were in the hall, and Voltage was in the studio.
Su made me day :D had to miss my planned subway lunch. RAR >:(
post some more another time. Aiyee. Have lots to say but i've got limited computer time.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
" You Colour the Red in My heart ; 10:43 PM "
By the time my computer starts and warms up, I've lost my train of thought.
Today was what, 34 degrees out?! Like a frying pan man.
Well. so I started out in the morning, with work. Zomg zomg, itw's WEDNESDAY, there go my holidays down the drain.
Sigh. My homework stack is still THAT high. Aiyee.
So yep, watched a lil tv. ladeeda. Then I went down to meet Bel at TP at around 1. I think 73 hates me or something. I was at the traffic light and it zoomed passed me. -.-
Well, just as well. If not I wouldn't have overheard(NOT EAVESDROPPING OKAY) the two women's very interesting conversation at the bus stop. They were talking religion! It was quite cool. One woman was telling the other that she spoke to God in spirit, then the other one kept glancing at me. I DON'T KNOW WHY. But anyhow, it was just quite cool, though i couldn't catch what they were saying.
I was four stops away from the interchange, with 4 minutes to save the world to spare before one, and bel just kept rattling via sms about how i was late. Bel is superdee talkative. HAHA (: I have very interesting friends. (: She’s super funny. She found out I cut my hair because she read my blog. Wahrao! :Dwight’s like the first person to ACTUALLY notice. Bel I thought you were observant for once Keeding.
Anyway, on the train, Bel continued to scold me for being late. And we were talking about… homework WE HAVE NO LIVES. STUPID ISABEL LAM. Know what she ate for breakfast and lunch? Breakfast : 4 cream crackers, lunch : a pear.
RAWRRR. That’s barely even a meal put together!
WE WERE THE EARLIEST ONES AT ORCHARD LA. And she was very hungry Bel and I started to people watch.
Omg there were these girls whose shorts were sooooooooo tiny, that she might as well have worn undies out. OMG LA. Looked like swimming costume okay. GROSS. Isabel and I kept thinking the same things, WE ARE GREAT MINDS! (: either that or fools
And Bel tried to make an acronym for my name, like i did hers.
"How to spell your name ah? Cailin...?"
“Wait… Newton is a planet? No right?”
HAHA QUOTE OF THE DAY! “Neptune my friend, Neptune.”
Soon after, Nad, Che and Justina came. HAHA. Had a nice time. Went to Wisma to eat. And ice spilt everywhere. Nad’s feet are tiny!!!!!!! She has to wear kid’s shoes, hahaha. So sad really. Then we went to Lucky Plaza. Nadia and I were so scared to jaywalk, and the rest were all. Heehee haha. Aiyee. Skary lei.
Yep, found the place. Went to bata first. Zomg, Lucky Plaza stuff darn cheap. So many 3 for $10. HAHA. NEVERMIND. Then we went to try the other shop, D&C. We spent about 10 minutes trying on shoes, and about half an hour calculating and recalculating money. ZOMG. HAHA.
The shoes are super hard to dance in, they’re like high heels.
I am nevah gonna get my FBTs. (HAHAHA TIM)
Went back to school with Nadia, took the lift up with 9 boxes of shoes, to the dance studio. And nad was like, k think the SYF girls are in the hall. So we tried the back and then it was locked. So assuming that the front was locked, too. I called Arielle. Then Nad went to the toilet, and just to try my luck, i opened to see if the front was locked. AND IT WASN'T.
I wasted time and money. -.-
But i was kinda stupid la. Nadia was planning on climbing in through the window. HAHA.
We did the SOS banner ad labelled shoes, then tried dancing in them. Ack.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
" Say it if its worth saving me ; 11:27 AM "
Herrow. Omg.
The homework pile is not going anywhere ): The progress is SLOOOOWWW.
yay. I saw rachel yesterday. Haha they were walking Moby. Justin and Reuben were pining for each otherrr.
Sigh my internet connection ah. After holding up for about 15 minutes, it crashes...
I can't go for an hour without my internet screwing up.
My mum had bible study this morning.
Haha listened in on abit. They do it soooooooooo into detail. like WOOWZ.its interesting.
K. nevermind. Shall just play with Photoshop.
Yadee da.
I'm so jealous when i see people's blogs with like a million cool photos. And my stewpid uploader does not enjoy co-operating with me.
Monday, March 16, 2009
" ; 11:37 AM "
Marhaba. :D
Well its still early morning, with nothing interesting yetz. So anyway (: I shall continue posting after dance. Yippeee.
please go ahead and boost my ego, everyone's welcome. Esp if you have FB!
Okay. I'll post pictures now.
you want thumbnails, or you want self pictures.
Guess what, I'll do both. :D
K scratch that. Blogger's uploader isn't working ):
Sunday, March 15, 2009
" A love that never asks for anything in return ; 9:11 PM "
Hellooow (:
Went for cell this morning, and the PL girls brigade were everywhere. So we waited about,
Faith came, then Jamie.
AHAHA. Without planning it, we were all wearing converse sneakers and skirts. it was cool, ACK. we should have taken a photo.
Anyway. we went to the benches and started talking about our shoes. And they were jealous of my laces cuz they were short.
HAHA. Because I tied them under the tongues, THANKS MELISSA FOOZ. :D yep yep. So we spent about 15 minutes relacing shoes. MX came shortly after. AAAH.
jamie. we didn't get the hooha on our cell lead's hotstuff! Rachel didn't come! ):
Anyway, we combined cell with Gwen(: And Sarah, the other one. Because others had their camps and stuff, Yi Jing had NPCC CAMP! HAHA. it was quuuuite a crowded bench.
Evelyn was talking about astronomy for 15 minutes. HAHAHA. It was funneh. Lih Yu and Sarah Q came. Gwen led worship, we sang Amazing Grace and For who you are, we had no time, we were supposed to sing Who am I!
Haha. anyway, combined cell experience was quite alright, though we never have time for Word and Worship, we're always sharing bout our week. Haha. oh well, there's time. MX did word about an orphan heart and a sonship heart. Quite cool, because yesterday's devotion was about people have skewed images of God, because they compare God to their earthly fathers, which shouldn't be the case.
Anyway, after that, we went up for service. TNG worship's going acoustic! With only Nigel on guitar, and Glenn on a set of Congas and snares. No keyboards, or bassist, or drumset.
Better in some ways, today was REALLY fullhouse, cuz the GB company went for service. Worship went oldschool. (: Anyway, uncle jeff spoke about applying God's word. Let's press in! Nigel composed a song, ohmygewdness. it was so...
I don't know, its just the kind of song that you just expect to be moved by, and expect God to be moved by it. And there was this video, which was seriously the bomb. These scrolling words were read downwards, very very pessimistic. Talking about divorce, and work before kids. but if you reversed it and read it backwards, it would mean the exact opposite. SUPER COOL ONE. see if i can find it.
Here go (:
CAIT FOO CATHEDRAL! HAHAHA. i think our class shirt's going to be darn COOL! 8)
Went for lunch with my cellies. At the place thing behind PL. the western place, its so filling. And Lih Yu has a funny theory of meat. she doesn't eat cows, pigs and chickens because they are kute, but eats fish because she hates them.
Saw Glennie! (: And Nicole Mao.
:D anyway, after that we went home (:
that's abourrit.
HAHA YES DWIGHT. you are the first guy, family aside(my brother didn't even know) to notice that i cut my hair, Uncle Allan was second. HAHA.
14 Mar 09, 22:31 naomi: all the best for danceworks! sorry i won't be around to support cos i wont be around. GO VANTAGE!(Thanks nai! (: its alright, if we get into finals you better be there! :) |
13 Mar 09, 20:05 Kaela: Aw man, i wanna jump rope!(Pain lar) |
12 Mar 09, 22:44 MEGAN!: relink btw ;D thunk yoooo.(Its privated! invite : sophistication@gmail.com) |
12 Mar 09, 22:44 MEGAN!: my gawwsh. i dont suppose u could teach me how to write longer posts ;D nice blog[!] |
12 Mar 09, 22:05 valerie: CAITLIN! ms googly eyeballed grandma! PLS RELINK! (:(ditto) |
11 Mar 09, 22:51 Erin: Yes, YELLOWCARD BROKE UP. Unofficially.(aaw, erin aww) |
Saturday, March 14, 2009
" I gotta shout and praise your name ; 10:07 AM "
EEEyuck. I'm so disgusted with myself.
I was so dead beat yesterday laaa. After "dance" I went to cut my hair, and then cause the hair salon people always wash before they cut, it was no use bathing. So I just changed out of my uniform and went to Klearcut.
Yes, we left the place at about 8.30 and finished dinner outside at 9.30. SO, after going home, i read my book awhile, and told myself to go bathe. But instead, I konked out, until 8 am this morning. I am so disgusted!
My first
-time I didn't brush my teeth (EW)
-time I had ONE bath in the day
-time I didn't do devotion.
OMG OKAYYY. One day's worth of germs from school, canteen, classroom, assembly hall... ON MY BED.
Going for lao shi's now, and then Ee Ee jannifer's wedding.
Talk more about yesterday later.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
" Glory in the Highest ; 6:43 PM "
Ew. why do websites keep trying to upgrade. WHAT THE PONG IS UP WITH FACEBOOK. its ugleeee.
Please remind me that I've got more than enough reason to smile.
OKAY. So enough being negative. Lets flash our DAZZLING smiles NAO.
Everybody thought phototaking was today! HAHA JOCE! :D
sooo, in the morning, charmaine helped me to french braid my hair. (Sorry man! You have to redo it for me tomorrow ;) Jia gave me Danceworks posters to put up around school. Ms Cruz's idea. Jia's posters are so nice. When danceworks is over I'll take them down and keep some for myself. muahahaha. They're so pretty.
Kaela still MIA ): And Bel got sick. Sew, what do I want you to do? I want you to pray for God to restore their health. We will not be shaken, but in faith we shall pray that they will be healed, and they WILL be healed.
Jeremiah 30:17
"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the LORD.
So anyway, started of the day with Math, and left halfway to confirm if there was phototaking or not. Quite a few juniors came up, and Rajali, the only senior. Then on the way to chinese, saw joce, and said JOCCCEEE. ): We went for phototaking. Haha, then she said, Aaaw! No wonder you guys all tied your hair so nicely! :D
Wow. I got 86 for ting xie. :D I'm overall pretty satisfied with my marks, although i know I can put in more effort. Mmm. Nico Teo was super angry during recess, over the funniest thing. She came over to our table swearing. She has a warped sense of humour.
"If I had the arm strength, I would take her by the neck and bang her head against the wall"
HAHAHA. We went positively mad during the OM period. It was 3 periods free! Mrs brenda was collecting and tabulating receipts. Anyhooz, Nat and i went to advertise for danceworks!
Then after that, Erin took out Vivian's googly eyes and tried them on. It was funny. Kinda freaky, we all went HIGH. The pre holiday hyperactiveness. I've got PHOTOS! Wait. I will upload soon.
Glenn Seah is a genius. He wrote a song, and its so nice! Its on his iMeem, he recorded it (: Sounds pro.
And wow, thank God for Glenn, and I shall take a few snippets from his verses. because its just a nice reassurance, good job Commando! :D
Lord, i thank You for the rain
It's washing off my pain
I lift them all to You
You are my shepherd
I shall never be in want
Your staff comforts me
You are my shelter
My strength when i am weak
My hope is You alone
Lord, Your Spirit lives in me
In You i have everything
My praise goes out to You
(Let my faith be renewed, I just need You to pour your love down on me, and consume me whole)
Just please, PLEASE, please, pray for Kaela and Isabel. They're both not coming for
And for Claudia's injury, Jordan's knee, David's unrest.
Lord, heal them all.
Matthew 5
3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
Lord, i'm poor in spirit, pick me up, and draw me near
Lord, comfort the mourning,
Lord make me meek, and remind me of your sacrifice
Lord, I'm hungry and thirsty for you, fill me up and make me whole
Lord, make me merciful, help me show mercy to my enemies
Lord, help me be a peacemaker, I want to give you all glory.
You showed me life, you opened my eyes, now I give you my all.
Forever be, Amen.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
" In the Chaos, In Confusion ; 8:30 PM "
Drama, Drama Drama.
Wow. What a day. Kay it was a seriously HECTIC chaotic day manz. I shall first bore you out to keep you in suspense.
Kaela deed not come today. So poor thang. Anyway, Che, Diy, Nat, Bel and I ran like two rounds in the morning, then Jia came and told us that we were skipping rope. Haven't done that properly in a looong time! Tripped alot. Wahrao.
Wow. What a day. Kay it was a seriously HECTIC chaotic day manz. I shall first bore you out to keep you in suspense.
Kaela deed not come today. So poor thang. Anyway, Che, Diy, Nat, Bel and I ran like two rounds in the morning, then Jia came and told us that we were skipping rope. Haven't done that properly in a looong time! Tripped alot. Wahrao.
Netballers can run 2.4km in 10 minutes. OMG PLEAZE. that is my aim by the time i'm sec 4.
Anyway. Anabel and Nat said i jump really high with the rope. HAHA. its habitual. I dunno how you can jump low and not trip. And how to skip across the basketball court with one leg jumping rope. WOW. Joce can.
Mymy. So our first lesson was history. Yay. I did fine for the test :D Whoopdeedoo. Then we had GEOFRREY. it was an interestingly funny lesson. Kept disturbing Miss Soh.
Talking about Primary(Primbree), Secondary and Tertiary activities. Miss Soh said, being a teacher is a tertiary activity. Majority of the population in an urban settlement do alot of things under the moonlight. Then were all like WHAT? So ANNE, the gynae wannabe, was like, so Miss Soh, what do you do under the moonlight?
Talking about Primary(Primbree), Secondary and Tertiary activities. Miss Soh said, being a teacher is a tertiary activity. Majority of the population in an urban settlement do alot of things under the moonlight. Then were all like WHAT? So ANNE, the gynae wannabe, was like, so Miss Soh, what do you do under the moonlight?
Then GY passed down a note to Erin, saying : So is moonlighting considered a tertiary activity?
Erin : Why don't you go and pay a visit to Hotel 81 and ask Ms Soh when she is moonlighting.
Wahrao. Mad cowz. Chinese was ting xie, haha BLAH.
Wow. PE was kind of freaky. We all went down ladeeda-ing, thinking it would be all sweaty, 2.4km day. But no.
-OKAY Chris told me not to post about some stuff, I don't know if its the PE thing, but i guess i'll stop here for now, til i get her thumbs up-
One word though, ouch.
OH. Chris the genius spilt milo on me EVERYWHERE. on my math homework and foolscap. My pinafore smells like coco puffs now. Ugh. It's so sticky and blurgh. Quite a funny story. Shan't elaborate, will do soon.
Gasp, i doubt i will have time to edit the million and one blogposts that have been "saved as drafts" during the holidays. Dance everyday except Thurs. so you guys better come and support us.
My mum had a printer mishap, wow she's an IT klutz, i quote her. she wanted to print something, opened the printer top while it was printing, and thus, jammed the entire machine. Then called it a stupid machine.
11 Mar 09, 21:49 Chris: Eh don't post about some stuff today hor. You know. Yah. Haaaha i dont know if you know. HAA.
(no, Idk my frienddd)
8 Mar 09, 23:28 caitchoo: haha. my armstong? Lol
8 Mar 09, 21:49 Gwen: HAHAH your german is so wrong, except the Guten Tag bit (: <3
7 Mar 09, 21:48Kaela: We so arent mad lor! Nic and I are smart and cool. ^^ Youre just jealous.
(that you're clean? wow)
Eh. Dwight Chew Pin Ern. Why you dao me you ang moh with sweaty palms.
(I know that you're sovereign still)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
" Look To You ; 9:59 PM "
We had a surprise Lit test today )): Shucks. There go my Lit marks. Math is fun, Mrs Wong is ultra cool. "Why the dickens would you factorise this?!"
Quote quote. Erin and I were laughing our heads orf. We had photo taking. My hair is like GIGANTIC. Heh, had to sit in the front row again. Candid was funny... Erin and I were having spasms. Wah Chris, look so guai in your council uniform (:
Charmaine better french braid my hair in time for Dance photos. Snigger snigger.
Jing Wei and Nicole Seah(WHAT A WASTE) Nicole Seah had gorgeous hair last time! :D
She totally looks like Rachel Yap from the side now.
Yay I have nothing overdue. Whoopdee dooo.
Miss Teo is nice. You guys should have seen Smritz's eyes pop out of her head during her oral presentation!
Annabel : One minute's up
Smritz (Eyes open WIDE) : WHHHHAAAAAT?!
Pong. So funny. We were getting high during art! Sarah's feet are gigantic. We switched shoes. Hai.
Classic. "Think you very cool is it?" "Think you very smart is it?" "Why? Want to fight ah huh huh!"
Our class was so messy we spent 2 periods cleaning it up! ):
Join 2/1's FB group! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=55236152899
"Whatever pain God allows" ?
Hello, wrong message here, zomg.
Monday, March 09, 2009
" Set me Free ; 10:19 PM "
Sunday, March 08, 2009
" The God who Gives and Takes Away ; 5:09 PM "
And though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm.
Heeellooo. Well, church was great. I think i posted tons on alien-ation. HAHA.
Gleeeennnn :D I don't see Calvin anywhere!
K anyway. A million people are getting sick! But omg, God answers prayers like snap.
Thank GOD its not dengue! (: Yes, please continue praying for Kaela and Bel though.
Homework is nuts! ): I need to find dang proverbs everydayyyy. Who wants to go to Fullerton at 6.30 am with me (: HAHA. You know what. We should totally have cell at 6.30 am in the morning, give the morning to God! (Since we're missing cell on sunday anyway)
Kay. Anyway. CIAO (: Blogger uploader's not working. SOWEE.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
" Danceworks Cat III ; 10:56 PM "
Omg lovely girl. I've known you since Primary 5 :D whee! You're the most entertaining person in AEP knowwww :D And very inspirational. Don't leave us yet! ): Love you for all time.
Happy Birthday Sausage!
Miss the camp days. Now you're going to be Dr. Chen. Carolyn and I don't go for camp anymore la, see la, all your fault. Pangseh us. COME BACK TO YMCA OGAY. And bring back an ang moh chick. (Babe seeker HAHAHAHA!) You have been annoying me since I was Primary 2. Pronounce my name wrong! You're like damn old already la. Twenty what alreadyyyy! Classic. Wild Wild Wet! :D And all those camp memories la okay.
I was so uncomfortable. Wasted alot of time today. Sigh. updated on the other blog, no use repeating myself.
Friday, March 06, 2009
" Your glory steals my heart ; 9:37 PM "
Kwe! Today's Physical Training, i shall just call it that, was super retuded! Fun not to mention! (: Jia didn't come, i think she PONNED :O so Nadia asked us to go run, and all the Vantagers were going UHHHRGHH. But the SYFers wanted to jump rope. Sew, we all jumped rope instead. BEATS RUNNING.
I haven't used a skipping rope in ages. It was so funny i tell yer, we did about 100 jumps. Chels, Ange, Ru and Ju can jump rope man! Mine kept tangling and stuff. I just tripped over the rope and started laughing. This morning was all wet and there were tons of puddles.
We had science first thing in the morning, we did experiments to do with SPa and stuff. Our fiesta idea got rejected ): So we were trying to come up with alternatives. Drama was fun! (: My armstrong let us play games. I was the first kitty in 'Kitty wants a corner" HAHA.
A Gen Chiam sort of game. Dog and bone, too. And this random concentration game, where we should count from 1-20 in no particular manner, and if two or more people say the same number, clashing and stuff, we had to start over.
Not as easy as it sounds ): We only got to 20 once.
Afterddaaaat, we went for our early recess, so to speak. Hrhngruhh. NutRodsz (: history was fun! "What IF?!" (Raffles Institution wasn't founded?)
She was so nice today! Talking about Cabaret girls for some reason, and talking about her days in IJ. She got taught by Ms J Teo too! And got scolded some more. It was a good laugh.
Then we had geog. And I was kind of feeling moody and pissed off because everyone was just taking so long to settle down. Like what, 20 minutes rearranging tables and things like that... Gah. It was only cuz I wanted to listen to the full debate, but had to run off with the class commers for the invest ):
Plus Gin Yin and I were judges. We only caught the introduction of the debate. Not everyone was hyped up and feeling it yet. We JUST missed the rebuttals. The passionate bit. The best parts of debates.
Prop won leei. I thought Op was GOOD. Anyway... So went to the hall, wasted some time getting ticked off for not being orderly, and our IJ fiesta idea got rejected. So the class commers were brainstorming. WE'VE GOT A COOL PLAN (: teehee. RC's Chairperson! And joyee and marie looked so reluctant to be on stage.
Had to wait a real long time for Kaela, the smart girl who refused to change into her blouse, and ironically i TOLD her to during recess, but NOOO, she refused. So i went to have lunch with Nut Rod, after ordering dance tshirts YEZXZXHZXHXH.
"Don't friend la(: You can go for lunch alone"
Nut : OH YEAH HOR. Kay I friend you again!
Had a nice long talk with Nutty! About dance and everyteeeng. Blurgh. Our rehearsals were scrooed up. Velly urglee leh. It was not THERE. Super disappointed. Everyone was annoyed! Gah. Then we went for SPA. It was funny. People in my class FREAK OUT LIKE NUTS. Gosh. Jeanette and Tiff super funny please.
Tiffanie used the acid and limewater from the rack instead of the tray provided. HAHA BLURR! i was writing my answers with my goggles on. HAHA. Laugh.
Went to the dance studio for rehearsal. Stayed in the canteen with Kaela and Farihahahaha for a lil while to wait for techniques to finish. Then Mr Tang talked to the ensemble awhile, and then we had rehearsals. Gawsh. So messed up.
HAMZAH SPRAINED HIS ANKLE >: ( great timing... AHHH. I'm so nervous for danceworks, he hasn't completed it yet, we're supposed to be flawless by now!
Goodness. Never knew 8 sketches could be such a chore.
Anyway. Yeah man, brother's starting to listen to Christian music, that's how it starts.
i think it'd be better if we just dropped the subject.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
" Skeptics and True Believers ; 8:56 PM "
Whassup man. I'm still bushed from yesterday's hike. Geez. Dance tired me out. Hamzah sprained his ankle! ): How very very unfortunate. Gasp.
I was so hungry and thirsty. had to lug OM boxes back myself. Wonder how the netballers did. Oh shoot. Class comm invest tomorrow. LMAO PLEAZE >: ( Don't wanna stand up and receive a badge in front of the whole school.
I like Ms teo, she's nice.
Man Oh man. Our fiesta idea got rejected! And we need to discuss Class shirt designs. Mrs Wong changed seats today. I didn't; thank God. I'm such a glutton. We had some so called zuo wen competition today. HAHA. Wrote stuff like a primary one kid. Lao shi will be so sad.
Fridays are french braid days. HAHA. Tomorrow's the geog debate. Thank God I'm a judge. But i gotta leave half way through the debate for the invest. Man. That makes Ginie and I. Waaaay to go/ We've also got double History tomorrow, because Mrs Wong's not coming.
My whole life now is occupied with dance, I have totally no time with the toots. Gosh, how did we make time for each other last year? Apparently it gets worse. Wish we could go back to just being the fun loving loud bunch of people that stuck together and talked so much the whole canteen knew what our conversations were about.
Now I stand on what you do.
Yes, it is confirmed we use the term "like" too much. Learnt alot at Ms Tay's oral class today. True that, its habitual. Heh.
seriously, you should see the card trick video, its retuded.
was paying attention more to his "accent"(its natural anw),
cuz i totally didn't get the card trick. UNTIL JUST NOW.
seriously, you should see the card trick video, its retuded.
was paying attention more to his "accent"(its natural anw),
cuz i totally didn't get the card trick. UNTIL JUST NOW.
2 Mar 09, 22:40nicolelau (:: YOYO!!hello, omg, i am so random (: hahahahha, meow (: cheer up you (: smile smile more yes (:
(But I'm not emo!)
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
" Trading my sorrows ; 9:13 PM "
My ankles are burning. Gosh so sorry I don't have the time to post, guys. I'm so lazy. Can't believe my mum and Aunty kuech walk 10km for fun. -.- Geez.
Guess i wasn't the shining light I was expecting of myself, but i pulled through. SUPER TROOPERS! That was our group name! So awesome right, i came up with it. :D And the cheer was funneh, too! We had to compose a cheer with 4 languages inside. Hurhurhur.
(I'm just going to use my very inaccurate phonics here)
Guten tag! Vere zen de Super troopers!
Super trouper lights are gonna find me
dan we bu hui pa! Hei!
Ganmatei Kudasai, feeling like a number one! Ha!
Heippa hei heippa heippa hei heippa
(I'm trading my shame)
I love dance.
Kaela and nicole seow are so mad. They bathed after the hike.
Meow. Thats about I can be bothered to type.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
" Come Holy Spirit ; 8:58 PM "
Hello! So today was a pretty good day.
chris miss what the heck are you doing at 2.49 a.m in the morning?!
Anyway, love you to the max babe.
Til all the seas go dry my dear, I will love you still.So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
And maybe, I'll find out
A way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you
Through the darkest of your days
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Well then I hope there's someone out there
Who can bring me back to you
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
Run away with my heart
Run away with my hope
Run away with my love
I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart, in your mind
I'll stay with you for all of time
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could turn back time
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could make you mine
I'll go wherever you will go
I'll go wherever you will go
(Thanks God, that was the quickest prayer ever answered)
Anyway, Happy Birthday Therese! (:
Whoo! They're using my designs for dance shirt hnggh. Today was SOOOOOPER cold after the heatwave in the morning!
After Math we got our essays back. Sigh, guess I just don't do very well at argumentatives. Erin and her perfect gorgeoud Mary Sue! "One fine and dandy day" she passed fine! Yep. In the morning, everyone was frantically trying to memorise "Composed upon Westminster Bridge"
Nico kept making fun of me. The free periods were somewhat unproductive. But it wasn't a waste of time. Had some bonding! Talked quite abit to the AEPeers. Some people just don't get it. Hmm. Well. Hopefully Nico Teo learnt something today! ((((: I'm so happy I got the opportunity. (Yes you know what)
Recess was nice! We actually caught up a lil. Laughed together in a long time.
We were laughing about Trinisha, the falling tower who tripped over her shoelace! Hnnnghh (:
And Cait Choo is a bouncy babbehh. Sheryl sez she walks like a bimbo! HAHAH. we were laughing damn hard at that one.
:D Love ya'll.
Gosh, class comm invest rehearsal is the retarded most boring thing ever. So pointless omg.
AEP was quite cool. Miss Teo is nice.
Don't wanna go to Bukit Timahhhz.
Haha well. I'll stop here. Ta.
Monday, March 02, 2009
" Praise you in this storm ; 10:19 PM "
So is this the end or what?
Just one recess or all the recesses to come?
The cat went YOW!
Legs are a whale of a time!
C : "I've got giant calves"
E :"I've got a cow"
C: "I've got a whale"
-reminded of IJ fiesta shirt-
thought we'd last longer than that hmm, couldn't even pass sec 2 could we, so how now brown cows. Why, were you guys seriously expecting it to come to this? Why am i the only unsettled one here, you guys prepared yourselves for it without thinking about me hmm.
rachel: D:
2 Mar 09, 21:44 rachel: I'm a little scared now.
2 Mar 09, 21:43 rachel: with your friend.
2 Mar 09, 21:43 rachel: caits, helpzzz.(WHICH ONE IS THIS? OMGOMG WHAT?!)
2 Mar 09, 19:05 Gowri: relink(Eat well please, promise me.)
1 Mar 09, 21:58Kaela: WHAT LOVING THE GAME?! I wanted to pass time. Omg im still damn pissed about it you know like AARGH!!!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
" My Life is in You ; 3:42 PM "
Cell was tiny today!
Talked talked talked.
And again, no word or worship!
Service was the best, one of the things i really needed to help me start my week.
Prayer was good! Wanted to go up and share the verse that the ushers handed it out.
Whoo! A sign from God, finally, after a week of prayer.
Yes, so everybody feels like bleah don't they? But after today's sermon, and Romans 12 :21,
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good"
Plus during cell, KF was talking about getting rid of bad habits by cultivating good habits.
All this tied in with what i was going through this whole week, and the message really ministered to me. I'm so happy. I'm alive again (:
Ryan led worship. Good song choice man!
Went for lunch with Alison and family.