Chinese : Nuff said right, i guess you can guess as much. (: I mean, its chinese.

I'm using this girl's face, and hair
Remember this? Imagine what they'll do with swine flu! Should have totally heard the Muttons one just now! Eh dance step super cool worh. PIERRE PNG'S LINEDANCING PART IS HILARIOUS. When I was Primary 2, i didn't have a blog and the brain capacity to think and reflect about this. HAHA. USE YOUR BLANE USE YOUR BLANE USE YOUR BLANE LAR.
I love you bacon! HAHAH. Oh Crispy Baabbby, and if its quite alright i need you baby.
Then something about bak kua and char siew.
Susan Boyle's accent is blaardy kute.
ACCENT! and the indian guy, Manjit Singh. Super :OMG. Got Scottish got Irish, aaah darn cute la dey all.
"I think you enjoyed that just a little, how do you feel?"
"Bloody fantastic!"
Labels: .
(7 more to go)
JUSTICE LEAGUE. Ooh i wanna watch Wolverine. On Friday mum's havinga prayer session for her new medical graduates at our house. 40 PEOPLE OMG. MAYDAYMAYDAY.
ENGLISH WAS ABOUT TELEVISION. then there i was, writing my first argumentative essay during the exam, thinking okay, that's pretty good, when i come out of the exam hall to find out every idea has been photocopied onto everybody else's paper.
I wish I wrote something else. I can rant about blogging til no end if that came out as a topic.
We can do this! Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding! (:Holy Spirit, Touch Your people
Teach us the ways of God
And as we live, As Jesus did
You are honored and lifted up
There's a stirring in the Spirit
There's an urgency in this hour
We as children must obey
Can you hear
The footsteps of God
God is moving, God is moving
Can you hear the sound
Of revival
As we praise You, as we sing
Draw near to us O God
As we cry out for the nations
Pour out revival in the land
There's a stirring in the Spirit
There's an urgency in this hour
We as children must obey
Can you hear
The footsteps of God
WHO KNEW THAT NICE SONG WAS ABOUT DRUGS. What's the song called, Justin? Don't stop me now.
Aaaah. Justintooots. Aiya.
Glenn. Glenn, thanks for the awakening, I didn't realise that, totally, and I'm the sort of person who would have DONE that. Thank God you said that first. Thaaaaanks.
i wonder what her response will be.
1 more day, today's the last day for City of the future prep. Oh thank God.
Today was an okay day, pretty quiet. Toots were bullying me. All Cait Choo's fault.
She's the one that can't survive without hearing my voice.
AWESOME. Yay you know i can REALLY concentrade without Erin around, i finished two math papers before Nico Teo! MUAHAHAHA.
And Nico ahh! I don't suppose you're going to dictate your workings in the exam are you, because your voice is more than audible!
Jeanette was blurdy kuutttte! She finished her math paper, and in this uniform, abrupt moment of silence, she declared : HAO LO WO ZUO WAN LE.
HAHAHAHAHA. Even Mr. Lee burst out laughing like a kokonut.
Gaaah, Chinese was just horrible. I thought i mastered the 30 stupid 4 word phrases, but NOOOO, my brain refuses to retain information.
A genius uses 5.5% of his brain capacity in a lifetime at most.
I bet I only use 2.1078362816389216837618706%. At most.
Science was smelly melly. I lub camera.
Rawr. I was supposed to go home at 3.30
I ended up going home at 6.
Danggit. I wanna leev a normal liffe. HAHA this doom is over TOMORRAOOO.
So mean to me for what.
Think so ku la huh huh huh.
You know how angry I am? HUH HUH HUH? Know how angry anot? You dunno! I'm very angry. BANG BANG BANG.
What I might say to you in real life.
I looked at Ee Ee Jannifer's wedding album.
Quite cool, alot of time spent. there's this AWESOME pic of my grandfolks, Gong Gong NEVER looked so cute.
See! He's cute if he smiles. I'm kind of glad he has dementia, although its a strain on por por, because he doesn't recognise his hated granchilddds and treats everyone the same. And he can't hear properly, so he isn't as grouchy. Its cute!
I think he was a nice man. Once.
He doesn't even like my mummy or aunties. Sigh. Wait, i think Gong Gong hates all his children, and only befriends the contracters and people in Mua. (izzit how its spelt? Talking bout some Malaysian state he goes to to excape family festivities like Christmas and Chinese New Year) Never seen him once at those.
Sigh Poor Porpsz.
yeah but its a really nice pic. I shall see if i can get a scan in.
CE today was quite okay, Miss Soh was in a gewd mood. We talked resilience, HAHA VELY FUNNY.
"Watch bad boys" HUH?!?!
Ms Soh was talking about her childhood! I don't care, one day cluster games we play one of those cool vintage games, go longang or something!
OOH! And we saaw Guitar chicks in skirts and makeup, i'm talking GIN YINNN! WITH FLOWERS IN HER HAIR and Erin. Who looked so PRETTY! oh so Pretty! (HAHAHAHA) joke joke.
Alooooominiumm FOILL! We can start a musical TIFF!
Bah! Cait Choo and Chris you meanie bombeanies. Congratulations on crabbing my day.
Hi special girl i miss you like loads can. WHOO! Toa Payoh in Nov ah. happy homecoming man, come for dance night, whoo really can't wait then we can keep in touch again! (:
YAYAYYAYAYYAYA. Our YMCA dream plan from primary school has been crushed man! How can they take thataway from usss...
Happy Birthday Viviana!
Eh luv you nights.
m |
26 Apr 09, 20:39 Ssarah: hey tagged ![]() (Hi friend, go studdddyyyy man) |
26 Apr 09, 20:24 Mel: Eh! Why i not invited for study dates ah?!?!?!?!(You wan commme! You neh sit with us for recess!D: ) |
24 Apr 09, 23:04 gwen: hello! hahah don't stress (: you can do it! (: ![]() (Tanksss) |
24 Apr 09, 20:14 nicolelau: today was great (: THANKS FISH! (: haha, keh, cheer up (:(Bray Bray Neigh Neigh) |
22 Apr 09, 14:59 BARGANES: HI SWEETS, DO VISIT OUR BLOGSHOP FOR APPARELS AT GREAT DEALS!(Gosh i think thees people are skary) |
21 Apr 09, 23:57 Erin: You won't quote me because I'm so much more awesomer than you, so if you did you'd pratically be admitting defeat. HA.(Cough cough) |
Glenn chooses the best songs for Worship.
Christie is so mean.
I was looking through my lit book, and remembered that Dr. Maha showed us these. HAHAHA. That was the MOST hilarious lit lesson EVER. Oh it was English.
1. It is forbidden to enter a woman, even a foreigner, if dressed as a man.
(A temple in BANGKOK)
2. Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar
(Cocktail lounge in Norway)
3. Specialist in women and other diseases
(Doctor's office)
4. Drop your trousers here for best results
(Drycleaner's in Bangkok)
5. Customers who find our waitresses rude, you ought to see the manager
(Restaurant in Nirobi)
6. Take notice : When this sign is underwater, this road is impassable.
(Road sign in Nirobi)
7. Are you an adult that cannot read? If so, we can help.
(Bus advert)
8. Open 7 days a week and weekends
(City restaurant)
9. Persons are prohibited from picking flowers from any, but their own graves.
(In a cemetry)
10. Guests are requested not to smoke or do other disgutsting behavious in bed
(Hotel in Tokyo)
Nirobi sounds like a retarded country. Bangkok... not surprising.
Another 10 coming up on alienation.
Equal weightage la huh (:
Tuition was mad. Hrum.
Annoying speakers la. Why can't they work. PISS ME OFF.
This weather better stop soon. I'm getting worried. I may just melt like a popsicle.
After chinese, where we rushed like mad to drill 30 cheng yus and last minute mugmug chinese into our heads, Chris went home with me
Ate lunch and then sort of studied, but ended up talking alot. She bully me ar. And she copy me and my red sneakers. ):
WHEE, we were having a good laugh at Primary School yearbooks HAHAHA. And comparing the ACSJ yearbook with the Steeple, really got alot of people that look alike. Angeline Keh looked like Xu lao shi in the yearbook foto last year! Realllyy!
Yep, she left after an uproductive hour, and then Abner came over to get help for Lit from mum. The Outsiders is such a cool book. I wanna finish reading it. Sounds like Remember the titans or something. There were bimbos manning Epitome. Some cheerleader girl was with her friend, and i think the manager was away or something, they were talking very loudly.
And commenting on the apparel and prices and whatever. Gosh, don't like then don't work there laaaa. We ate dinner at Ristorante De Parma.
Well I am happy that i successfully memorised 20 cheng yus, although i can't seem to recall any, AT THE MOMENT but it'll come back to me.
What's Nebo, why doesn't anyone wanna tell me! WHAT'S A CAMBIUM MINYEE!
H is so darn photogenic! She got kewl hair too.
See the sparrows in the sky, undaunted by the cares of the world, I feed even them, How much more would I care for you than these.
Father, how great thou art.
Rachel Yee is the biggest moron in the world. I was on the edge of losing my mind because i couldn't find my spegtickles which are essential to attend class btw. So. On wednesday. Left my specs at her table, she didn't tell me, and then she hid them because i sat on her.
I am so put off. Art is totally ruining my life.
I really feel so helpless and vulnerable. I am breaking down more and more each day.
Nothing is working my way, i don't understand why, i've been faithfully praying everyday, i know there's a glitch in my mindset, i just don't know where.
I am feeling really helpless.
I can't think straight, my mind isn't focus. I am dubious, and I know i MUST have total faith in God. But somehow, i just feel like i'm resting on my laurels doing nothing. I want to work hard, but i just don't have the strength, and this whole post is an oxymoron i know.
I just feel like a failure, and i know all these thoughts are coming from the devil, i'm like on spiritual dehydration. Gasp gasp. My life feels so empty. I feel like i'm off balance. i feel emo all the time without knowing way, i'm walking astray, I don't WANT to turn away from God, but the bitterness of this world, its getting to me, its getting to me.
So thirsty, so hungry, when Lord? When? I need you to come breathe in me.
I was sure by now
God, You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with You"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with You"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
Though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I want to scream my head off.
Pointless, so pointless, this world is pointless, but God, you know all this.
And I know that even in times of trial, I must bless your name, because you are good all the time, no matter where i am.
Song of the day is I could sing of your love forever, Sonic flood version. Aww it is awesome. Its a nice mix.
The irony is, yesterday was anger management class.
Well, in real life situations, people don't have time for immediate yoga, areas for sudden cold baths.
Oh! But for the happy happy part, CONGRATULATIONS ON THE GOLD, FOR CHOIR, CHOIR GIRLS! (:
Cute girls looked so scary with their makeup this morning, piles of eyeliner made them look EMO.
Anyway, Lit lessons were funny today. Even though the story "My Bird" is pointless and annoying, the analysis is hilarious.
"My Bird! No MY bird! Damn you, My Bird"
I'm quoting from the story itself. -.- who fights over ducks.
Okay yeah, AEP just totally gets me down. and angry. Wasted a heck lot of time. Running around, carrying tables, assembling, re-assembling paper boards and other useless shizz.
The cycle : Come up with a plan, use up alot of effort. Scrap it in the end.
Its just running around talking and talking and talking, and no real work getting done.
And i put so much effort into this crummy project when i could be studying.
What happens? I'm graded only on MY building, without being recognized for my other efforts for the REST of the city. This goes for all the regular Two Oners who give ALL their time helping out for this project, which is a flop btw.
GAH. I wasted THREE periods doing THAT. When i could be doing something valueable like GEOG. Eh i want Rachel to tutor me, lets have a cell study date. OOh, i can't wait for St nick's to come to the TP holding site, then I can go for lunch with Megs, and Carol, and Jamie, and Jac. Wah i miss the ex TPs.
Recess was very fun. After following chris back to class, she was showing us the how Xin yan grunts as a response to tickling. HAHA. and we revived the PONY DANCE.
Um. I had lunch with Cass and Sheryl, and then sat awhile with the Celestians, had a wiggling eyebrow competition with Su. :D They eez having withdrawal symptoms. Yep, miss dance, too! =/
UR. Ms Low taught us SOVA, I miss Ms Low! She looked so happy today! I wonder if its coz she will be leaving us soon. Hope not. She laughed and smiled during our presentations, WHICH WERE AWESOME. HAHAH! I was photographer for the presentations, i'll probably upload on the AEP email when i have time. Gewd job! (:
Annabel was timekeeper, and when she got our attenshun to stop talking, She did the ILY handsign, so me and Yowza started laughing, and because the person whom she was siganlling to, not sure who it was at the time, didn't notice, we said. "Annabel! raise both hands! Shake them! Head bang!"
Then we all started rocking out like a rock concert. OMG SO AWESOME! Georgia took photos of us, and Miss Teo took photos of us. Krystle(SHE'S SO KUUUTE) started joining us, and justina and esther were too busy laughing.
MISS LOW AND MISS TEO ACTUALLY CRACKED UP. and we got the speaker's attenshun! It was so fun! Headbanging at an AEP presentation(: That was the only fun part.
SAW GIN YIN IN A SKIRT, (the guitar wun)OMG SEXAAYE OKEH. Gin Yin, yay, i therefore conclude that you are straight, no matter what you say. Very cute leei.
After AEP, Tiff, Max, Sarah, Sheryl and i all went to United Square for B&J's Free cones day. So many peeepleee!
So Sher decided to take a pigture of them. And started talking to her flen. At that time, Max, Rah and I were already across the road going to Rah's car. OMG HER SIZTERS SO KUTE.
Aiyo they all LUO SUOOO YOU KNOW. So we were in the car sweating our heads off. Drocas is sucha cute fairytale name.
Reached United Sq at about 7. OMG lost track of time. Mum called and asked where i was, i said the car. Then she asked, To or from? And i said To. She said, WHAT!?!??!, and i said, is it so late? Then i checked the time, and i was like WHURT!
Um. Yah, ran up to B&J's upstairs. And we saw the queue, quite long, but still okay. Then we turned around, and saw that the queue extended the WHOLE way round the back. -.-
We tried tuh queue, but the people said it stopped at 6.30 pm. DANG IT.
Waste time waste petrol. LeSigh. NEVERMIND! AEP BONDING LUH HUH(: Met HuiYing and sister at UNSq, then caught the train to AMK and went home with Tifffyboo, talking about her parents' boyfriend preferences. HAHA so funny. I can't imagine the day tiff gets a boyfriend, HE WILL BE SO LUCKY. He better treat her right. whoever he is. HAHA. The fact that I can't get a straight bus from Bishan or PL is just dumb.
Yeah She doesn't have one in case you're one of those people who just read the capitalised words. that's partial reading, cheaters. Never skim my blog, because you don't get the full story.
HAHA, Thumbs up for lesley anne foo! For making my day! You just made me laugh even without being here physically, YOUR FB VIDEO!!! "When too much gold gets into the head" IS JUST PRICELESS. wow man, the fact that you can make me laugh like a mad cow, despite my failing speaker system, IS AN ACHIEVEMENT IN ITSELF. KUDOS MAN. We need people like you in OM!
Need. To. Study.
More emoshunerrl on Alienation. Whoo.
wow, post 501. + 421st post on alienation. That is a grand total of922 posts i have made in 3 years of dedicated blogging.
*Link Clement
WTP!!!!! Sarah Ng bought me on FB as her "CE Boyfriend" (VERY HOT BTW!)
I don't understand why its not applicable in real life, i mean for the future pleaze.
How do you buy people. I DON'T COME CHEAP YOU KNOW.
OKAY. So today's CE was pointless. Character Education is supposed to nurture you as a person and develop your EQ. But every year we get stuck doing crap.
Today we blew bowls/spoons into plastic bags. Apparently they were supposed to make us feel frustrated. BURRT. we could accomplish the task in about... 10 seconds.
My group awesome lah. Minnie, Sarah, Sheryl and Ashley.
So the scene.
Caitlin - super super hothothot handsome boyfriend
Sarah - Girlfriend
Sheryl - Prettier girl
Ashley and Min Yee - Yoga friends.
Dum deedum dee dum.
Hot boy friend and girlfriend come walking in
"OH lao po, you're so pretty, wah, i'll never leave you. So pretty eh my girlfriend"
(Sheryl walks by supermodel style and waves)
"OOH But she's prettier!"
Sarah : OH NOOOOOO. I just lost my supersupersupersuper hothandsome boyfriend! You know how angry I am? You don't know how angry i am! You know how angry I am anot! I'm very very very very angry!
-Bangs head against board-
Yoga friends : EHHHHH COMMME, let's chillax, don't angry already, I know he's very hot, but there will be nicer boys! But not as hot la. OKAY LETS DO YOGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
its possible, just not probable.
Chinese wuz... I can't remember what we did.
Wah, Jeanette looks terrified of AT. Science pardners. HAHA. Jeanette's incredibly cute.
Um. after that, choo and gwen rushed down to try to lure chris to our table, while i got her lomo and camera and cards. HAHA. Quite cool we were so worried, because the science lab clock was VERY slow, 15 minutes late man. We werr quite worried.
But anyhoow it was a success, despite 4 cups of sugar instead of 2(WE THINK YOU'RE SWEET), and uh, the fact that her mum got her a lomo, too, and teh fact that we were all SUPERDUM OBVEEOUS, because everyone ran to the back. HAHA you would think that we'd get better after a million surprises.
SHE KNEW SHE KNEW. but aaaaaaaaaw, love us don't you cwhiz.
HAHA, we had to throw alotta cake away.
HAPPY BELATERRRD. we pwn pwny(pony).
Anyway, yep i was HIGH, after that. I made cow sounds during math. MR LEE VERY CUTE. ahyaa, the super negative, critical bunch of commentators ah. Appreciate man. He's so cute la, he looks like a peanut, and he banged his head against the wall. he has such cute old man explanations for everytiink. (OMG MISS SWAN!)
Mr Lee was staring at us. HAHA. Anne had a record of 3 quotable quotes in a row! at the same time, I WON'T QUOTE ERIN, BECAUSE SHE'S A WANNABE, NOT FUNNNY AT ALL! HAHAHA. Erin, suckerrrr. (:
Anne : I wanna try for I.P, we have to pay for O levels you know. Waste money.
My dear anne is gonna I.P for the wrong reason. What else did she say?
"Why do you like touching people's privates huh!" - Referring to armpits btw. Gross la Annie bananie.
"Does anyone want to pee with me?" (Anneooo)
Okay so i went to the toilet, and then when i came back, my chair was overturned and chucked under the table, so i had this heck of a time tryna wrestle it out. SIGH.
AEP waste my time. Mr. Tang said he's going to "exploit" me, now he's discovered I'm in AEP and can photoshop. HAHA, he plans to do a reasearch paper one the cons of our MRT system.
(When he's 40)
Went home with Tiffie Boo, she is such a... nice cutesie little innocent girl who never gets angry, and finds solice in her toilet reading, if her parents flare up.
Chelsea looks very refined and genius in specs.
Anyway, in the morning, the whole lot of them, Nicole Lau, Charmaine, Anabel and Nicole Seah had a whale of a time laughing at me. Because i was... spasteec. Then Kaela came.
Dear dear. I don't think someone's considered a friend if they judge you, please stop thinking so much about what other people think about you. I was like that once, but really, it restricts... everything. I mean, if let's say i was being stupid, would you think imma loser? And really, everything's just a big misunderstanding, if she sees what's wrong, i don't think she'll mind that things actually got exposed, and well, if you clear things up, i don't think she has a reason to judge you.
(If you think i'm spastic, I've seen better, got so many billion church inspirations yeah :D FUNKY PEOPLE!)
My moodswings were DRASTIC today
20 Apr 09, 23:26
cLemon: ooooOoO! i just popped by your blog to see the post on the 15th of april! hahha.. thank you thank you! =)
(Welcome! You found me via who? (:)
20 Apr 09, 19:38
(Aawwww, you're welcome!)
20 Apr 09, 17:41
Mel: HAHHAHHHA. I did:D It was like quite obvious actually. SINCE EVERYONE WENT TO THE BACK. Hahhahhaha.
(AHHAHA, yep chriz knew! But it was a great effort!)
19 Apr 09, 16:01
Mel: Hi Babaababbaabba. I'm bored. LALALLALA.
(LLAMALLAMADINGDONG. darn ancient you know. LIKE HURLOW)
19 Apr 09, 14:05
Jw: HAHA ERIN! so bad ar! you better not be a VIP next time. the title totally doesn't suit you lor
(I second that, IJ ftw)
16 Apr 09, 21:16
Erin: We DO have loyalty!!! ... Until we heard about IP.
(Bah. Good luck finding someone with as many spastic faces as i have, as a close to Barberella as you can get, who is awesome at Naturale Tears Free eyedrops, who has funky shorts, and spastic hand movements, good luck with that in I.P my friend!)
15 Apr 09, 22:46
Jw: MRS CHU IS SO CUTE! hahahaha. and mrs Alex too (: made my day la
(I love them!)
Erin: ZOMG I saw that vid about AIDS before.
(Applicable to you maaah)
12 Apr 09, 23:39
justina: thank you caitlin foooo (: i love youuuuu! I just realised i have the same birthday as one other person too. happy birthday caitlin's friend, hahaha.
(Welcome, luv ya too)
Haven't blogged like this for a long time. But thanks to my 2.5 hour nap, here i am.
My mum wonders how DisneyChannel recruits their stars. she says the standard of Disney is going down with people like Miley Cyrus and Hilary Duff.
haha, funky.
(Shows you just how impossibly dedicated i am to writing eh, oh how bored, actually)
We got crazy days, we got sad days, we got bad hair days, we got bruises days, we got heartbreak days, we got gung-ho days, we got lazy days, we got lie-on-laurels days, we got loser days, we got spiritual days, we got bimbo days, we got lumbei days, we got lianzie days.
But i love you everyday(:
Yes Chwiizzz! :D We have had many many many many many days together. like, 8 x 365.
Omg Judge James PWNSSS! (: Isaac = Guilty,
Uncle Jeff (playing Mr S.A.Tan) : "You see ah, guilty, so guilty, think you so good la, already forgiven then you still want to do this kind of thing, you can't do this with the EZ link you know, cannot, its very bad"
Joshua(lil kid, i think he just started talking, omg so cute) : Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!
haha omg!
Uncle Jeff : Then still want to go to porn sites some more
HAHAHA! it was such a cool skit.
There were so few of us during cell today. Rachel told us the lightbulb story about the JCs.
If AC's lightbulb spoilt, they would hire someone to fix it,
If VJ's lightbulb spoilt, they would cheer for the person who fixes it,
If RJ's lightbulb spoilt, they would get many professors to find a reason why it spoilt,
If NY/HC's lightbulb spoilt, they would use a chinese lantern(HAHAH I LIKE),
If CJ's lightbulb spoilt, they would be happy and use it as a reason not to study.
Got more, but rach forgot. And got the evangelistic drawing which she'll teach us next week.
I wanna go out with celllllz.
Worship was POWA. Glenn's drumming is solid.
I studied quite alot (: Happy with myself, my nerdy self, thus FB status
"Caitlin Foo feels nerdy"
Sorry people. I really guess my mood's affecting everything I do. I just feel lifeless and dry nowadays. With exams coming up, i have to hiatus, and I can't really recall what happens. My memory is failing me.
Maybe I'll blog some time. But i've got no inspiration. I just feel so lost without her. I mean what, is she sitting with us out of guilt or what. Man, i thought they'd really last forever. It boils down to only 3 of us now.
Not happy.
Not happy.
Formula for cute cartoons - Big head and small body.
Blaardy cool la that cartoonist guy. Omg i love.
Wow. Kidnapping. Gosh. can't believe that this sort of things happen. Quite skary ah. But Aunty Wee Kiat and her mum are tough nuts.
Sigh, went to look at SYF photos. Everybody this morning was high. WOW. VJ didn't get GWH. WOW. CJ did apparently. Wonder how
Anette did! I heard MGS did well too, but how come Zaki didn't have to go with the other teams that he choreo-ed? HAHA.
He loves IJ i bet. Today was like some crap day. I think if it weren't Friday, it would've been worse.
Sigh, we're just everyone's fallback man. At least mel sat with us today, with kaela and nicole. Hmm.
Amazing how people respond around you when they're with different people.
The indonesian girls left today. They were'nt as close as last time. no more tears.
But. i really wish we had more time to get to know each other. I really want to pour my heart out to someone. I don't know how
people trigger these conversations.
Well, at least its Friday, and at least i'm on task for studying. Mrs Cheah was nice today.
We love you Mrs Wong. Come back soon. It was her last day today. Sigh. Here comes someone grammarcop worthy.
Anyway, the 3/3 girls veh nice. they put lotta effort into their gifts for us.
Whoopdeedoo. Assembly was kewl. We learn to draw nerdy, cool, cute and ugly cartoons. haha the cartoonist guy darn funny.
Paid a visit to the doctor's. Stupid light was so BRIGHT. nearly went BLIND.
But my eyes are good (: ugh. Justin wasted ALOT of my studying time. I need to run.
17 April, 17 SYF girls, 17 Again.
Table spinners.
My E-Z link photo is so gay.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAAAAL. zzommmggg. I will post a pigture if i had time. Aaaah.
today is such a busy day no time no time.
Oral tomorrow, wish me well.
Aw. My eye actually has a condition. I'm such a lousy person. I can't drop eyedrops into my eyes. they will start tearing like mad, and ironically, i'm prone to dry eyes. eegad. But the thing will clear up in a few days. If i take steroids it might get inflamed. (No M.C HAHAHA.)
Easter is not about eggs.
(Of the Gospel of your name)
(For my ransom)
I remember the most touching songs, and the most impactful ones at The Real Camp.
Consuming Fire, of course. Desperate people, All I want is You, You'll Come, Came to My Rescue and Better is One Day.
And today, I wanna remind us of what happened on this day, Good Friday.
Savior I come
Quiet my soul remember
Redemptions hill
Where Your blood was spilled
For my ransom
Everything I once held dear
I count it all as lost
Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross
You were as I
Tempted and tried
The word became flesh
Bore my sin and death
Now you're risen
Everything I once held dear
I count it all as lost
Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross
To your heart
To your heart
Lead me to your heart
ARH. I missed service. I heard nothing from cell, and thus missed Maundy Thursday and Good Friday service, and I'm still unaware if there is cell on Sunday.
Ahh, Hopeful on Fridays, (:
I wish I were able to support OM.
I lift my praise to You
I lift my hands
I lift my worship to You
And I love You more than I can say
Oh I love You more than I can say
Ever I will sing only You will I adore
Glorify my Lord only You will I serve
For the world
will fade away
Still my song to You remains
Only You will I adore
They look happy jumping around.
I tell you I can't harmonize. I think I'm tone deaf or somethang. Mum just told me I had to start studying very hard. Omg its two weeks to the exams. Warrr. Today was the last day of the Sec 4's official dance lyfe.
Cry ar. Nadia was gonna. I was catfighting with jia er just now, woah she loves dance so much she came for technique. We were catting the Hamzah smile. HAHA. then i suddenly went SCORPIONNN! aha, no snake. FAIL.
Seniors made some group for dunno what. the sirens. All of them were like. WHEEWHOOWHEEWHOOWHEEWHOO. Jia mad lar.
K so the rest of the day was alright. Mrs Cheah didn't come in for history today, wonder where she went.
Erin : AAW! Where's Cheah Cheah!
HAHA sticks doesn't it. But it really suits mrs cheah, its so typical IJ ger nickname.
Anyway, without Mrs C, history was pointlerrs. Didn't learn a thing, Waste time
OOH. we did the flower experiment today. Heh. Recess was just dumb. Only Cait Choo and I. Then Kristel came to join us. We were discussing how we were the only ones who don't have fallbacks, because we ARE their fallbacks. I don't know, if something were to come between us, i just... Don't know.
Thank God for Choo though. I know i can count on her, no matter how ah lian she feels like being, or how much conditioner she decides to put, or what days she feels like copying off my chinese worksheets, or the times where she's just quite and twiddling with her braces. She is my short donkey whom i love to squeeze.
She's a failure ahlian, she's more the American beembo type.
OHNOSE. tomorrow... Ah one week since april fools. tomorrow got that weird chinese oral comms thing. eew.
Friday this way comes. I did not know that Good Friday is a public holiday. I'm so disappointed in Ryan. RY HOW COULD YOU. gasp gasp gasp. No more "Because its easter sunday!I WANT IT THAAAAAAT WAY"
K THAT'S NOT THE POINT. anybody going for sunrise service? Sounds good! OOH. so much of church(: I like. It will satisfy my thirst. I hope there's cell. THEEN I will go for sunrise at 6.30 with mum, cell at 9.30, and TNG service. YAY!
Sermon topic is Redemption. For TNG that is. I really wanna hear that.
Foo Ah Beng. HAHA. Anne shall be a surrogate mother. Because she claims that she's the most fertile person in the world. Okie dokes anyways.
The egg was GROSS. it was bouncy eew. My computer bengko. I'm using justin's. Found lots of cool webs, i had to fave it on his computer. shucks. some more to write, but. I dont know. I wanna blog, but i just can't. HAVE TO HIATUS SEWN.
3 Nails + 1 Cross = 4Given
I was just reminded of that.
I really wanna let Su read that.
(Tested and True)
Just because you got into a tiff with him earlier, and because he's showing you attitude, does not prove fair to me if you inflict your frustration on me. I need help alright, not my fault i'm failing literature, and i do not have an attitude problem.
Haha. My mum has some interesting life. Today she was interviewing potential doctors. She picked four people.
First, this super cool girl, who was from IJTP sec, but went to RJC, and wants to be a pilot, but got rejected by the airforce, so she wants to be an airforce DOCTOR. that was COOL OGHEY.
K then this soft spoken girl with potential. I think from VJ. And then she picked this guy called Justin, who was funny. His sister is in med school also, so my mum asked him, what's your relationship with your sister like. The answer was "A love/hate relationship"
aahah. sounds like us. And he played Raffles Rugby, and tore some part of his eye. GROSS. then Mum asked him about why he continued. The answer was "Passion". And then she asked about the ACS Rugby team (Cez swoons), and he was actually gracious about it. Ehehhh.
Eh. Its just a warped version of the truth.
I like fake angry-ing at Val, because she takes me seriously and freaks out, hur. THE LOUVRE IS COOL. I.M. Pei is such a cute old man.
(More than the sweetest of words, this is a love I have found, and by this love I am found)
"Our journey towards the Passion, Cross and Resurrection of Jesus has begun, and the call to prayer is ever-present."
Hey guys. I'm doing notes. Just wanted to remind us of that.I've had a crazy long day, very high one too. But i'll refrain myself from taking all my time on the computer to type those.
I've got them all recorded, maybe another time.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAO SHI! Thanks for helping me pass chinese for 3 years (: You're still young lao shi, rollerblading? :D
Congrats on the silver, barker.
Well today's service was pretty darned good.
Cell was great too.
During cell, we managed to finish sharing bout our week on time, and word was about Faith, we studied Hebrews. Yep yep. We discussed Abraham, and well, you can get ALOT out of a simple story that yo've heard since you were 5 or something.
I guess lit helps (:
Then we went up for service, and well, cell was rather large, which is good. Luke lead worship, I found the generation to generation that Justin was talking about. I was like ORHH that song. Its a nice song. Anywayz...
Pastor Reuben preached, and he hasn't done so for a long time. Message was really good. it was to prepare our hearts for Easter, and everything, i think he did a good job, because so many of us were moved in the spirit.
"TNG, you are not blessed because you have a stable government, you are not blessed because you have a good education and a bright future. TNG, you are blessed because God sent his son down to save us, and walk that green mile(movie) for us. You're blessed, and you don't even know it."
And now after hearing the repeated story of Jesus' crucification, I realise that you learn more and more after hearing it more and more. Pastor Ng let us watch The Passion of Christ. (UGH) and my gosh, it is gory. It was a five minute clip on what Jesus felt when he was on the cross.
I realise ALOT ALOOOOOOT more.
So first...
- What Jesus experienced, was what was in store for us, if he didn't come down and save us.
- Only he could save us because he was BLAMELESS.
- God cast his anger on him, because he was bearing the weight of OUR sin.
This is the God that we worship Sunday after Sunday.
I mean, there's alot more to learn, but you have to watch the video for yourself. I mean, you could literally feel his pain, i had goosebumps. Even Sarah cried. Which is... a hope.
In my mind, its just dawned upon me that every time we sin, God gets angry, but that anger got inflicted on Christ. And that every time we sin, it was one more drop of blood shed from OUR God's body. K the video freaks me out la, the thumbnail is on Clement's blog, but i had to cover my screen half the time. So I'm just going paste the url here, and just hope you gain some sort of revelation.
And to think some people don't even know that they are saved.
Just the talk about subject combinations and everything, suddenly got my mind thinking about JC and all, and man, i haven't even gotten NEAR to 'O's yet. I mean, there are like a million possiblities now.
And i don't know what the future holds for me. People already have their aspirations. No clue what to take.
Considering 3/2, 3/3 or 3/5. Was thinking about 3/1, and now i'm strongly not going to do that. I don't wanna do trip science, and compete with scholars either. And I'm all emo with all the stress and everything. Plus, the thought of seperation... I mean, 2/1, we got off to a rough start, very bumpy along the way. But really, i think we've come very far, and i'm so glad to belong with you all.
Yeah sure, we may be more on the quiet side, but what else don't we have? We can be loud when we want to, we've got the artsy fartsies, the initiative, we've got sports, and lots of musical geniuses. Not to mention a well furnished classroom (Muhaha).
Yep, so if i can't bear seperating with 2/1, how can I bear graduating from IJ, and saying goodbye to the dancers? I didn't know that admission to the ACS IB prog was the same as getting into ACJC.
Tried weighing my choices. If I wanna do dance, i wanna go to VJ dance, but the thing is that its an IP school. Ack, and competetion is very high. yeah, ACJC, I like the atmosphere there I guess. And well, I never ever considered ACS IB before this. But the IB is probably chosen over As. Never considered IB because when I think of IB i think of Col. Col is the smarts. Col is like, the genius, so never thought of it. Until yesterday.
At least I'm not really alone. Cait Choo is considering IB too! Her parents wanted her to go to SJI IB from sec 1, but I don't think she wants them to blow another $20,000. So she's also considering both ACs. I like the uniform lar. (:
And I hear stuff like going overseas and all, Waliao Chris i will miss you like chrazeeee if you go after Os or As or something. Then I just worry so much about keeping in touch, because, my gosh. after 10 years at IJ, I will be damn sad to depart. Yeah sure, we all complain so much about how the discipline, and annoying school homework and everything.
But compared to anywhere else, seriously, there's no better place you can be. Velly worreed yknow. Yep, the future is scary to think of. Thank God for Facebook! And I know that somehow God will just keep my wonderful peoples close to me.
Well, it was a VERY long week. I have about 3 weeks til exams. I better start making notes. haha I'm posting the NON emo stuff on alienation yep.
(Miss you like churazzaye)
<3 Cait Choo, Gwen, Nicole Lau, Kaela, JW, Nat, Sheryl, Nicole Seah, Cass, Danielle, Charmaine, Megan and Gowri. TWON ONE DINNER BUDS.
4 Apr 09, 19:49NICOLE LAU: SHAITLIN! (:
Mrs Wong : Where's Duh-nelle? Absent ah?
Danielle : I'm right here.
Jeanette calls her Daniel. HAHAHA. Speaking of that, I wonder how the Tangs are doing.
Stressed out and driven up the wall or something.
I can't forgive myself for being the disorganised slob i am. I'm losing things, losing track of things. Sigh. everything's just so hectic now.
Thank God I've found peace in Him. And well, today I was affirmed with the knowledge that God is sovereign of it all, everything. And that without him, i truly can't function.
When I find success, I'm happy, because I know that my strength is the joy of the Lord. And I know that if I had been successful via my own means, there'll somehow be a glitch in it, and I'll be stage 3 emo or something.
In the morning, I lost my chinese workbook, then found out i accidentally passed it up without completing it. Ah nuts. Thennnn, after that, found out my chinese textbook is missing. Genius, wouldn't you agree.
Rah all my notes from tuition all gone! ): Now i don't understand a thing.
And I also forgot my geography assignment. Left it in school. And my drama journal as well.
Anyway. The day passed sinfully slow. The hands on the clock just CRAWL. The only nice periods of the day were HHF and Math. The class was a lil more participative this time, though we really need more class cheers. Since our trademark One OOOHH, cheer doesn't work anymore.
But the weather was cool enough. And our class was quite enthu (: Then because we had a certain $89 rug stinking up the classroom with the stench frightfully similar to sweaty feet, Mrs Wong took us out to the Gallery Steps/Canteen to do our math. I can function better there. And our seating arrangement was totally un clique-ish. It was refreshing.
Kind of like our seating arrangements at the beginning of last year, since we didn't know who to sit with anyways. Math was good! Love Mrs Wong. Urmm. We did some random compo during chinese. Ugh. then we had oral comms, MISS TAY HAS THE FUNKIEST SHOES! today it was near electric blue, as striking as that, but slighty purple. And the soles were red. Miss Tay has like super cool clothes lar. Her belt/tie around her skirt had her initals.
HAHA. We were watching Obama's Victory speech. Erin has established that he's hot. Sounded like some pep rally la, his speech, LIKEA ROCKSTARH. He was like, HELLO CHICAGO!
Yep. Recess was so... quiet. (Sam Tay! I know you love me)
The lmao chineeze thing put me to sleep lar. Tomorrow's friday, FINALLY. And i have to wait for Parent's night till its over! I've already been bombarded with work. Whoopdeedoo.
(you're becoming one of them)
2 Apr 09, 20:30 Erin: Caitlin, you will find something in your bed tonight, I swear.(You're Catholic my friend! And I'll get even with you if there really is) |
27 Mar 09, 19:42 evin: heh moved my blog but let as few pple know as possible ![]() (-.- as stated before...) |
Today was eventful. Psst. (Happy April Fool's)
I don't know of anyone who's birthday falls on this date.
(Til i check FB at least, which i haven't)
Kay nobody. Though it is Vivien Gan(MY BELOVED!!) And some random Vivien Ho, not the ixora one. Annd another Tan Jia Hui. HAHAHA. Yeah i only know Vivien Gan.
I was so sleepy today, that thing in my eye still remained, i was annoyed, because my eyelids were droopy and uneven.
Anywayyy, in da morning, we had history. And we told Mrs Cheah that we borrowed the DVD of her educational music videos from Ms Ng, and uploaded them onto youtube, putting the link to her FB account.
HAHA, she believed us (: Zomg then we had geoog. Where we learnt about
I'm such a vegetable.
Then we went for chinese. And some unexpected things came out for ting xie. aiyo, seriously. We had PE in the indoor sports hall after chinese. Played Hantam Bola. Retarded la.
Had no bats, yeah due to the claud incident.
So we hit the ball with our hands. THE FIRST BATTING TEAM, (mine) WAS ORHSUM! we played like darn well! We had a homerun by Erin when we started. After that, it just became boring. Mr Seow threw the ball and it smaked me in the head. Ow okay.
Geez. Recess was spent... wisely? Chris was being suspicious but she didn't pull anything on us. Anyway. What cake to bake? Melissa Foo burps in alto.
Hopsnoggles. K back to nuffnang.
Anyway, we pulled the April Fool's prank on the teachers, after our brilliant genius, Hui Ying thought up the plan. HAHA. We darn ohrsum.
2/1 and 2/2 decided to swap classes. Our science period was their geog period. SO, we double fooled our teachers, both miss soh AND miss tan.
But it wasn't all that successful, half of 2/1 went into 2/2, and half of 2/2 went to the science lab. Both teachers were late however. That Bel lam REALLY had to ask Miss Soh something, so the suspicious looked unsuspicious. So Miss Soh came in, and said, DON'T TRY ANYTHING FUNNY AH. I will tell your teachers?
So before the prank we all planned to say HUH? To every question. HAHAHA. Huh? What teachers? Huh? We're from 2/2!
Then we started laughing. HAHA. She spotted me and someone else first. She only thought 2 of us from 2/1 were there. So she said, ok SHOO! Go back now, or you will get into trubble! So then! Half the class stood up and said Thank You and God bless you, Miss Soh, Happy April Fool's day!
And she said HUH! So many of you?
Then Ms Tan came up to get us, BUT SHE NEVER MADE IT TO THE LAB! HAHAHA. so it was a FAILURE. yepyep. Science was ok. did some diffussion experiment. We were having this quite interesting conversation, our bench. Then i just had to break our experiment test tube. Heng it wasn't Mrs Tan AL, she would have sliced my head.
I got this damn deep cut in my finger. it was more of the shock than the pain. But the pressure hurt it, esp under water. Yurrhk. But thank God there isn't pyrex glass in my finger. Though typing with a stubby, plastered finger is very hard.
We were experimenting with Potassium Mangnatate right, so Erin the smarts dips her fingers into the container. And she swabs it across her mouth. But it didn't leave a brown mark, although it did on her finger. So Gwen the genius, told her that she had a potassium Mangnatate moustache stain. And Ms Tan was VERY nice, and played along. She said :yeah, that's going to take two days to come off.
HAHA! but there was actually nothing on her mouth, but i was told to play along. So i pretended to stare at her face, and act as if she had a moustache. SHE HADN'T FIGURED IT OUT. can't wait til she finds a mirror. HAWHAW. (loser!)
We wanted to swap Math periods with English, but we were quite scared. Hur. I've got a mountain of homework.
Had technique. Jenna dragged. We did handstands! Didn't know it was critical for dance. But yeah okay. And we worked on splits and pushups. HARDER THAN IT LOOKS. Yep, the handstand classified "experts" gosh, should not have volunteered, were made to stay in handstand for a minute.
I remember Mr Lim's training, where we had to handstand against the bars for 5 minutes, in the hall, on the bare parquet floor. OWCH. that was P4, i was lighter than. NO WONDER I HAD ABS AND BICEPS AND TRICEPS. They're all gone now. I WANT THEM BACK. K don't care. Must split and handstand everyday.
NUT ROD SHALL BE MY INSPIRATION. since sec 1, she couldn't split for nuts, she told me herself. But she just recently did a full split two weeks ago. I SHALL BE LIKE THAT. By the time i graduate, i shall be able to full split both sides. Yipeee. Shows that it can be done. AND I SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO TRIPLES. at least, not by accident.
Wow. Ok, quite a wordy post I would say. Wednesday attendance was lacking.
When will Friday come?
Foo(ls) in April.
Geez, its APRIL?!
a third of the YEAR is gone.
I'll make a supersonic woman outta you.