Sunday, May 31, 2009
" SHAKE AND BAKE! ; 9:49 PM "
Well, first in the morning, we hadz JONAHFEST! I came pretty early, and didn't know jamie was already there because she fell asleep. So I didn't think to go to the bench, and hung out at the walls like a loner. UNTIL, the comms people came along.
DWIGHTZ. With his "two in one" camera lens from Glenn, which was a grand total of 1 year's accumalating of allowance. The guy was HIGH. on NO breakfast, but high on wee hours of sleep. MAD COW.
"Help me hold this"
-hands me $807610832628015638127863872638 lens-
"The other way! ... You have sweaty palms"
-does some porfesshunal camera maintenance-
"Now hold this... YOU HAVE SWEATY PALMS!"
-Tries taking a picture-
"Eh still not working"
-Fiddle fiddle-
"Help me hold this again... YOU HAVE SWEATY PALMS!"
Goshness. Then Jamie saved me by calling me. HAHAHA. Vely goood. Then the rest of my cell dressed up super siu jie lah! Jamie in flats, Alison in jeans+flats (epic!), Rachel in sandals and some very high crass looking shirt. Haiyoyo!
But we lived (: Until we started the Jonahfest that is! We were TEAM NUMBAH 1! Which was ironic to our position! We set out to Maplewood park, innocently. And we met Victoria, and someone else. We did the whale race station, and the challange was to walk around the "massage" stone-path you find in the parks, WHILST acting like a marine animal AND making sounds to match it.
MY CELL, were PENGUINS which went QUACK. The stone path was dirty and painful, but we did okay. We got our next clue and then we were lost for half an hour walking around aimlessly. We ended up wasting alot of energy singing songs and running and walking. Haha but mostly nobody really cared bout the actual "race" bit of the "amazing race"
At Crab Crawl, we attempted a 6 legged race (For 5 people), and that's when Ming Xiu whipped out her spanking new Canon EOS 500D O: Yup, but crab crawl was MAD painful. Our third stop was back at PL, and we had to make up a fish dance, and do that scissors paper stone game. Becca was laughing at us big time. ): Man, should have taped her doing the shake-a-bon-bon thing HAHAHA.
We lost to the guys at that game ): Our next station was all the way at Lor Liew Lian, and all of us were shacked by then. Three cells were loooking for the station, and we were all... aiyooo, can we just go back now. THEN. Somehow we found out Kai Feng was the station master, and we ran to find him and scold him and complain to him.
This challenge was the hardest. Kai Feng gave two blessing cards per group, and we actually had to walk around the area to try and get prayer requests from people. From their perspective, its pretty scary for them, too. And I salute them! But after praying, we got two responses, TADA! :) And Kai Feng took away our "torture" penalty because we were praying so fervently (:
We really had no money for our bus fare la, had to take all our coins and tell the bus driver : Liang ge ren!
Anyway, while we tried to get to our final location, Junyi came to us and told us to go to the auditorium, and we were all YIPEE. Upstairs, we had a compromised version of Scenes from a hat. I THINK CHERYL SEAH IS THE FUNNISET PERSON ALIVE. Shesa hasa kewl accente.
Then there was a Mocca Ad challange! MX photographed Isaac and Joseph perfectly. HARHAR.
Chia got food poisoning, and now i know what it feels like, so i can relate, so OUCH. Uncle William came to fetch us, and we were listening to oldies on the radio. So funny, then he was telling rachel. See! Last time the songs so simple, simple tune, simple words. Not like music nowadays.
Know what, Alien-ation's lacking, but baking was the best part of my day! (:
(My feet hurt like cuhrazy)
Rach : Ooh! Tomorrow I'm not working!
Russell : I don't have anything tomorrow...
Reuben : Me neither.
Ryan : Hey people, I'm taking a National Exam tomorrow.
We lost to the guys at that game ): Our next station was all the way at Lor Liew Lian, and all of us were shacked by then. Three cells were loooking for the station, and we were all... aiyooo, can we just go back now. THEN. Somehow we found out Kai Feng was the station master, and we ran to find him and scold him and complain to him.
This challenge was the hardest. Kai Feng gave two blessing cards per group, and we actually had to walk around the area to try and get prayer requests from people. From their perspective, its pretty scary for them, too. And I salute them! But after praying, we got two responses, TADA! :) And Kai Feng took away our "torture" penalty because we were praying so fervently (:
We really had no money for our bus fare la, had to take all our coins and tell the bus driver : Liang ge ren!
Anyway, while we tried to get to our final location, Junyi came to us and told us to go to the auditorium, and we were all YIPEE. Upstairs, we had a compromised version of Scenes from a hat. I THINK CHERYL SEAH IS THE FUNNISET PERSON ALIVE. Shesa hasa kewl accente.
Then there was a Mocca Ad challange! MX photographed Isaac and Joseph perfectly. HARHAR.
Chia got food poisoning, and now i know what it feels like, so i can relate, so OUCH. Uncle William came to fetch us, and we were listening to oldies on the radio. So funny, then he was telling rachel. See! Last time the songs so simple, simple tune, simple words. Not like music nowadays.
Know what, Alien-ation's lacking, but baking was the best part of my day! (:
(My feet hurt like cuhrazy)
nat seah says:One of the smartest girls i know, ladies and gentlemen. Eh? How come Nat watched Veggie tales before me?
what eww lor
omg zac efron is so hot
!Caitlin Death Couldn't Hold You Down says:
that's grosser than your peeing.
nat seah says:
scato who?
EH how dare you insult my husband?
!Caitlin Death Couldn't Hold You Down says:
Oh sorry, okay, i'll apologize to him
bring him to the computer for me to provvve.
nat seah says:
!Caitlin Death Couldn't Hold You Down says:
Scatalogical, aiyo no one rmb Mrs Alex' joke alr.
husband you say?
nat seah says:
i remember luh
its something about toilets
AHHA yes in my dreams
!Caitlin Death Couldn't Hold You Down says:
how sad for you
dreaming/dreamy husband
I'm so sorry you can only have a relationship with him in your subconsciousness
oh well at least he'll never divorce you.
nat seah says:
HAHA okay
i dont really understand what youre saying
Rach : Ooh! Tomorrow I'm not working!
Russell : I don't have anything tomorrow...
Reuben : Me neither.
Ryan : Hey people, I'm taking a National Exam tomorrow.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
" Chemistry of a Car Crash ; 8:39 PM "
Hi doods! Rachel has comfortable shoulders to lean on in the bus and sleep. NUS IS HUGE
Whats up with guys' jackets getting prettier and prettier huh? You can walk in to stores like Fox or Topshop or something, and you compare the guys section and the girls one, and then just totally wanna buy all the stuff off the guys' shelves. Their jackets abit feminine ah, rach and anabel have got really really PRETTY jackets from the dudes' section.
I'm gonna get one if i see a nice one. THE PURPLE ONES ARE SERIOUSLY SUPER COOL ONE.
Things cleared up a little bit today, i guess. TIFF. I WANT YOUR GREEN APPLE & GUAVA. As sick as it sounds, its AWESOME. Erin has no variety in her life, ONLY in terms of ice blend flavours la.
bah. I'M UNRESPONSIVE IN HER CLASS?! I DON'T BELIEVE SHE SAID THAT? AM I? AM I? What do you want me to do... Shout every unintelligent answer that comes to mind? I go for quality, not quantity.
Ah well.
I can't skip rope and I can't play badminton. Eh. bad workman blames his tools, and i shall do that.
jamie'd rather be a dolphin! reet reet. "hope-ing" or hoping? HA. HOPING. no underlined word in spellcheck jamie, there is a verb! And its not hopping!
I said if you're not responsive, I (as in genevieve) is dead
!Caitlin Death Couldn't Hold You Down says:
why would you be dead if i don't respond?
is it cuz you can't live w/o me?
i'm full of OHs
!Caitlin Death Couldn't Hold You Down says:
oh, OH.
the onyl word to describe you: OMG
!Caitlin Death Couldn't Hold You Down says:
Okay, tag replies.
29 May 09, 18:07
joel(:: HEYHEYHEY. lol buttache hahahah! get well soon xD(Haha thanks for dropping by, Lee!)
28 May 09, 18:23
genevieve: HELLO. i read your other blog, but decided to tag here. What do you mean by "gen ah gen"? hinting something? hehe... the ego?(I can't remember, i use that very very often)
27 May 09, 15:25
Gen: Why doesn't anyone tag here?! that tag board is dead, but I, the pro, revived it!! (: haha. i realise how EGO i sound. HAHA(Because... I don't know, WHY DOESN'T ANYONE TAG ALIEN-ATION?! You are ego, but you wouldn't be Gen Gen if it weren't so. So nice of you)
Friday, May 29, 2009
" When will this war end? ; 3:31 PM "
Honestly, I feel like a dirtbag. And right now I feel that my only Friends are the ones in the TV, burnt into VCD discs. But even they've got their own lives.
And I know I shouldn't hold grudges, or judge people, but instead love them.
And I HATE this feeling because I know i'm not supposed to go to bed with an angry heart, but its just so hard to forgive, especially after being treated like dirt.
I have issues man.
Just never thought they'd be in IJ.
- My results are, well, they dropped stupendously, but I'm not that trouble about it, though I'm sick of people who have way to high expectations for me, and have a super morphed expression when my grades don't come up to those expectations.
- Dance night got scrapped, there goes ALL of our quality time with our fantabulous seniors.
And well, lots of people have failed me today. So much for a pleasant last day of school. Founder's Day mass was brilliant though, quite happy with Ginie! (You don't know half the brilliance of it, sista!) Didn't really get to interact with other people during mass, because we were quite confined.
Yup, and I absolutely hate this feeling because it causes me to feel guilty at night, when I haven't resolved those issues, and i have to do devotion. And well, everything is affected la.
I don't know, maybe its PMS or something, but nobody just really cares to think of including me anymore, AT ALL. Thanks alot.
And how can anyone expect me to cheer up if the world just keeps beating me down?
How do I celebrate if I'm just not in the mood, today being my mum's birthday and all. I mean.
This screws.
Think about my mum. Hmm. Today, for her its like any other day. But instead of having her children and husband home, her son would rather go out to a concert with his friends.
She has to go to a meeting, she has to pick up her super moody long-faced daughter, and know nothing about what is wrong in her life, and all the restaurants are fully booked on her birthday. Her best friend is going to go out for a regular outing with her kids.
She deserves better, my mum. This person who my brother and I fought over when we were younger.
"She's my mummy! Not yours!"
I honestly don't know who will be reading this, so i don't know who i'll offend or "leave out",
but I just want to thank Rachyee and Nat Seah for making me feel a teensy bit better today.
What happened, why am I here? How did it all come to this?
Games invented specially to exclude me, opportunities created to leave me out.
I'm that bad, huh.
I really feel like talking to someone who hasn't already... metaphorically punched my guts out today.
I wanna talk to minyee about everything, suddenly. She's neutral towards some stuff I guess, because she just knows me inside out, and well. I just can. I really need to talk to her. I haven't poured my heart out to someone for a real long time, because I can't just do that online, and mention names, because I don't flame people, because that's just mean and will further complicate things.
Homily was cool today though.
There I go, human contradiction.
Congratulations, you're friends with the world's biggest oxymoron.
Hmm, today's a little hard. But. I think I'll thank God for... the good homily and Fr Simon.
Just never thought they'd be in IJ.
- My results are, well, they dropped stupendously, but I'm not that trouble about it, though I'm sick of people who have way to high expectations for me, and have a super morphed expression when my grades don't come up to those expectations.
- Dance night got scrapped, there goes ALL of our quality time with our fantabulous seniors.
And well, lots of people have failed me today. So much for a pleasant last day of school. Founder's Day mass was brilliant though, quite happy with Ginie! (You don't know half the brilliance of it, sista!) Didn't really get to interact with other people during mass, because we were quite confined.
Yup, and I absolutely hate this feeling because it causes me to feel guilty at night, when I haven't resolved those issues, and i have to do devotion. And well, everything is affected la.
I don't know, maybe its PMS or something, but nobody just really cares to think of including me anymore, AT ALL. Thanks alot.
And how can anyone expect me to cheer up if the world just keeps beating me down?
How do I celebrate if I'm just not in the mood, today being my mum's birthday and all. I mean.
This screws.
Think about my mum. Hmm. Today, for her its like any other day. But instead of having her children and husband home, her son would rather go out to a concert with his friends.
She has to go to a meeting, she has to pick up her super moody long-faced daughter, and know nothing about what is wrong in her life, and all the restaurants are fully booked on her birthday. Her best friend is going to go out for a regular outing with her kids.
She deserves better, my mum. This person who my brother and I fought over when we were younger.
"She's my mummy! Not yours!"
I honestly don't know who will be reading this, so i don't know who i'll offend or "leave out",
but I just want to thank Rachyee and Nat Seah for making me feel a teensy bit better today.
What happened, why am I here? How did it all come to this?
Games invented specially to exclude me, opportunities created to leave me out.
I'm that bad, huh.
I really feel like talking to someone who hasn't already... metaphorically punched my guts out today.
I wanna talk to minyee about everything, suddenly. She's neutral towards some stuff I guess, because she just knows me inside out, and well. I just can. I really need to talk to her. I haven't poured my heart out to someone for a real long time, because I can't just do that online, and mention names, because I don't flame people, because that's just mean and will further complicate things.
Homily was cool today though.
There I go, human contradiction.
Congratulations, you're friends with the world's biggest oxymoron.
Hmm, today's a little hard. But. I think I'll thank God for... the good homily and Fr Simon.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
" Skip,Skip, Skip to my lu ; 9:56 PM "

Nicole Lau is a super giant stalker. Man.
I'm really freaked out by her. Anybody in the whole of the Toa Payoh estate wearing the school uniform I bet she also stalk. My goodness. I thought it was just like, okay okay, bloghop. But omg, she reads super in depth lah!
I don't want to think who actually reads this stuff, and not actually KNOW me.
Well at least she has career options as a FBI agent if all else fails la.
On her resume it'd be like... I know every single person in the school because I read what they have to say on their websites and when I see them on the street I know what they're depressed about and I know what their last name, middle name and chinese name is.
Laugh at her.
Anyway, skipping was surprisingly fun today.
Little girls double dutch on the pavements.
So cool, if i ever had a band... or a clothing line, I'd call it double dutch. It sounds so nice.
We got free ropes, and Kaela sings, dances and steals things.
"Who's rope is this! Eh nobody take I'm taking it ah"

Look at him, seriously. Maybe its an ang moh thing.
YAY SO FUNKY. MRS ALEX IS GOING TO TEACH US LIT. Oh, and if you haven't noticed, the King Lear version we're reading is ridiculous. It has an abnormal Introduction which takes up half the book, and tiny little words written in ye olde English.
5 politically correct books we have to read this June. MAN. And Mrs Wong came to visit us today! But her main purpose was basically to give and photocopy our Math Hol Hw.
Mmm. We really need to start on greenwave man oh man.
Caitlin Choo is horrendous at skipping rope.
Anne is very giddy, i think she's on vodka majority of her life. She's so SQUEALY.WIZARDS CAN DOUBLE DUTCH.
Look at him, seriously. Maybe its an ang moh thing.
YAY SO FUNKY. MRS ALEX IS GOING TO TEACH US LIT. Oh, and if you haven't noticed, the King Lear version we're reading is ridiculous. It has an abnormal Introduction which takes up half the book, and tiny little words written in ye olde English.
5 politically correct books we have to read this June. MAN. And Mrs Wong came to visit us today! But her main purpose was basically to give and photocopy our Math Hol Hw.
Mmm. We really need to start on greenwave man oh man.
Caitlin Choo is horrendous at skipping rope.
Mmm. tomorrow's founder's day, and my mum's birthday, so its special. Yup.
27 May 09, 22:03Mel: Eh eh was your name on the profile always jumping or did you just make it jump? SO COOL MAN.
(It was always that way! HAHA, there's a HTML code for it.)
Tomorrow's officially the last day of school, unlock the gates to freedom.
: )
Yes, I do realise that The Alchemist, is... Well, anti-Christ, and I've gotten hints that she is too.
You can totally tell, and I'm pretty disraught. Because i guess it doesn't occur/matter/affect anyone other than myself.

Today, I'm thankful for exercise, because it just motivates people, and gives them endorphins, which makes them happy, which God wants them to be. Make sense?
My goodness, she's genius! Her cornflake-raisin whatever is brilliant. MY GOSH.
Oooh Photo uploader is working, better take advantage of it and make you guys happy.
Skipping rope scares me to bits, brings out the child in me, flicks my hair around.
But its good fun.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
" We play so clean we don't need your mop ; 9:29 PM "
Labas, what's up.
Interclass games today was cool. Not the weather. But...
I think i've got a newfound love for netball.
No not the competitive one, the netball where you getta have fun with your friend, and laugh it off if you lose, which is basically what we did today.
TWO ONE TEAM IS SO COOL! I like the feeling of jumping high and catching the ball.
But i don't like sweating.
YAY. We came in overall champion! We put up a nice, CLEAN fight,
not like some people who call our players 'assholes' when we intercept the ball.
And lots of other very mean things.
(The ball actually bounced off her head)
Yup. But anyway, our class shirt's cool, too, though XS fits perfectly, I bought M without knowing, and I look like somebody competing in a potato sack race.
Lynette Chang is the best GA, and Kaela is the best GS, and Val is the best C!
: )
I love playing WA.
We had a million players down though, SHIMONA IS HILARIOUS, i love watching her play.
"Mona! You MUST put the alcohol wipe!"
(This is like 5 people around her trying to dab her knee)
"I'd rather a kiss than THAT! At least i can bite you back."
"Gimme another one gimme another one"
(Mona's hands flail about)
(she puts the wipe on the cut"
(The alcohol gets in, and shimona starts kicking everyone in her path)
Yup Yup. Just Dance is one song i did not dwnld, and Lady Gaga is a super annoying dingdong.
So today we learnt 4 eights of the Sanguine dance. Yadeedadeeda.
And my muskels were hurting bad. really bad. And all the sec twos nearly collapsed after an hour. Well, i'm tired and confused, okay night night.
BUT, I am thankful for... Soap, because it cleans up real good.
Really, like in the morning, while we were stretching and touching the floor and pespiring, my hands felt like crap, and after washing my hands with soap, i could play netball. BADMINTON PWNED. Gen ah Gen.
But, the power of prayer was wonderful! Got our spirits up.
Oh, and just recently i've had flashbacks about my childhood.
Yesterday i had the worst pins and needles in history, and i remember when i was young, we told mum that our feet were "crumpled"
And something else which i've forgotten at the moment. Ooh well.
You can always get what you want, bai bai.
"anabel says:
what's redonkulous?
i checked the dictionary!!!
cannot find. why so chim?"
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
" How can anyone stand before you and not be moved? ; 9:10 PM "
Times like these I absolutely love my brother!
And Hell, i love Facebook.
Anw! If they delete it, I have screenshots! And I won't invade their privacy by putting them here, but they talk bout my brother behind me back.
And the relationship is really quite funny, Singapore is really tooooo small.
So, here is what I may say to ... them? her?
- Don't mean to intrude, but how come you seem to talk about my brother like you've known him all your life?
- Haha, I'm quite amused that I'm not the only one my brother annoys, and i feel so loved right now.
- I believe I have the right to know what you people are saying about my brother behind his back because its his sister's job. And you're not allowed to annoy him more than I do.
Today's NECIP thing was...
Sorry I was feeling ultrasonic bimbotic.
Sorry, but Mr. Bombastic really called me fantastic, and i don't have eyelash extensions.
Super freaked Annabel Tan out though, she never expected such unintelligent things to spring up from my mouth.
Ann Tan with a very shocked face : Caitlin! I have to say this is the most bimbotic I've seen you, and I didn't expect it!
But being bimbsy made the whole NECIP process much more pleasant.
yeppp. I can't remember much because it was really boring. NECIP shirt is...
well, orange.
Dance was tiring! but it was really nice to see all the dancers all over again! Joyee was very funny! Joce gave us all a ballet crash course, and i heart Sam's jetes, with the french ponty thing, but my computer can't do that.
My limbs are acheing, and i have no clue how to play my interclass games tomorrow. =/
So many people are sick or something, WHY!!!
Kaela has to replace so many people.
Haha, some class spirit they're showing, basically retreat had no effect on anyone whatsoever. K. YEAH.
My June holidays are TOTALLY RUINED,
I have some science partner experiment crap with GEN, which is okay,
I have GREENWAVE, with Genm Anne and Gwen, which is so difficult to fit into our clashing schedules.
I have... DANCE NIGHT AUDITIONS, which scare my brains out of my skull.
I have SHAKESPEAR assignments.
I have a chinese compo about an unforgettable HOLIDAY.
Gosh, i shall write "This June, because I was totally occupied"
I'm not feeling bimbotic now. But. I am pretty... come-at-you-that-may-cause-you-to-like-you-less.
I don't know why. Hmmm.
Guess i'm just VERY sore bout my already-planned-for-me-no-time-to-chillax-"holiday"
And maybe hungover sore-ness that i'm not on Bus 12.
Sorry! But when I think of all the MONTHS i spent dreaming and thinking about camp(INCLUDING THE RETARDED BUS JOURNEY), I just can't help it. ):
10 hours with TNG people. where else do you have so much time with each other!
but through it all... I have thought bout it...
(Day by day)
Haha, no more being green or photos... But i still quote people sometimes. So here is what I am thankful for, for the day.
I Thank God that... I have 46 chromosomes, and not 47.
Happy Birthday Liao Yi Rong!
(Mr. Soda Ralph Lauren)
Eh yep. that's it.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Today i was having a total bimbo moment or something. Other than retreat. But yeah.
Interclass training was... "bimbsy"
Okie dokes. Well the weather is super killing me.
HIA HIA. Okay WHAT. How sad, i was actually feeling intellectual this morning. Hmm. Maybe all the emotions from the day's morning will flow back when i recall it.
Kay so this morning i carried in baking whisk in my bag for tiffanie's birthday present (JANE ARE WE AWESOME OR WHAT) Apparently Tiff has two at home,(I HAVE NO WHISKS, IRONICALLY, I USE A SPATULA TO WHISK STUFF) But! They're her mom's :)
Yeah and it was so hot i couldn't do anything without sweating so i just slept in class. Anne's still being a meanie bombeanie to me. ): Sad for me anot. GIN YIN'S A WOMAN. Did you know Did you know?
Anyhoo! We went down for retreat, and well, i think Fr B had a problem trying to quieten down the classes this year. ): Well, retreat was sadly, not as good as last year's. Though there was much more open sharing. SO SWEET LA, CC & RL. Carebear.
"You wanna come up with her? You can (Carebear)"
Mel Fooo! : "IT'S A HE!"
Mmm, anyway, after recess, i got the guts. Heh.
I actually planned like a 5 hour long speech or something, but once tears get in the way its just a hell lot harder.
Well, 2/1, we have come thus far, no matter how you guys feel right now, i really appreciate you all. But lately, we've been losing it. I don't know if its the lack of comm members this year, or the constant changes in form teachers, or academic competition, or stress or what, but we're losing our class spirit.
I know we're all super intelligent, and independent thinkers and all that, but we really have to give in to each other man. We can always have our way alright. We may have different beliefs after all, but it all boils down to the fact that we're a class, and we should be together, to be happy together, to forge friendships and memories that none of us will ever forget.
So that in the future, you'll look back and say, MAN, that was the bestest class ever, ever, ever.
Yep, its really our last year together, maybe it hasn't hit you yet. But I don't want the class spirit to be on and off, like only during retreat, and for the sake of beating 2/2 or something, but other than that, we got clique problems and miscommunications lah.
And I know i've made like a trillion and one mistakes with you guys, as a class comm member and etc, so I apologise, really. And I just really hope we can work things out alright. Especially if you're not feeling any emotions right now, I'm aiming this at you.
THAT WAS WHAT I WANTED TO SAY. but apparently, my tongue gets in the way all the time.
So yep.
Super worried though...
They introduced the new "Minimum 3 items" rule for Euphoria II
I had a grand total offff!!!
yipee, no? I AIM TO DO SIX. THAT WILL BE COOL. K nvm, i think i'll be stressed out. maybe 5.
So Vantage and Mass Hip Hop is already 2...
BROADWAY! And... Breakdance, and CONTEMP.
Versatile enough for you?
C : Mm, you smell nice.
C : You smell like best friend.
Jamie Jamie Jamie Ye SHU YI.
Guess what dear, i pwn you (:
A thousand times, I love you.
Can't SARS me baby.
(But goodbye doesn't mean forever)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
" MATTHEW 2 ; 8:40 PM "
just going for the briefing today makes me feel all tingly with excitement.
AWWW. S Factor finale today.
Keh anyway.
KaiFeng sort of did cell with us this morning. He got a new guitar! So kewlz. The acoustic kind that you can plug into an amp so its half electric.
Yup. And he did a recap of all the Jonah sermons, so it was good! Since I missed Jonah 2 due to food poisoning. YAY. I got my full sermon series in my Faith book. Rachel did really well with worship playing chords at the top of her head.
So our cell population after Kai Feng left was FOUR. Jamie, Rachel Evelyn and I. Haha, but we talked to no end. Actually Evelyn la, but it was interesting!
Rachel : Anything bizarre happened to you while you were gone?
I really want to watch the St Nick's SYF dance, the Ma Jie chinese dance, sounds cool!
Yep, so we had our own word and worship. Before we knew it, we had to go up for service. GLENN DID A REALLY DARN GOOD JOB ON WORSHIP! power know!
Wah so awesome. And to top it off, Prng preached very well about not judging others and why in the book of Jonah everybody was evil except for God, the fish and the worm.
Its some amazing race thing based on the Book of Jonah, and i realise i got the perfect shirt for the job. The SHARKS shirt. HAHAHA :)
Arh. I went for lunch with Rach, Jamie and Evelyn, the rest didn't go. Hmm. Rachel's too nice! Just cuz she's working she WANTS to treat us to lunch. So nice, but i didn't accept it. The weather was killa.
We then made our way to the main church. Saw Charlene and Diane on the bus. And Samuel at pedestrian. The camp listings were sooooper long. It was an eyesore. WE'RE NOT ON THE TNG BUS, NO. 12 ): eeeehhhh that really really really really really gazillion jillion times STINKS.
(its not "just a bus ride") its THE bus ride.
AND! Jamie's not in our DT(Disciple team)! ): Let alone LG(Life group). Haha, i didn't really expect that they'd have worship for a camp briefing, but they did! So yea, as the title proclaims, i'm in Matthew 2. Which is okay, my group mate is my brother. So... kudos. I think.
BUT AUNTY MARY CHAI'S IN MY GROUP! Which is super duper cool lah! I'm gonna wear my Obama shirt again cuz i think she forgot. HAHAHAA. So cool, maybe i'll be able to pick up some tips from her. Awesome. :)
Yi Xin and Jian Hao and Yi Ying are in my DG, we is matthews.
So funny, Yi xin and the Teh's are in the same group again.
Tiff - Chocolate fudgesicles!
initialevinking. I'm going to do some digging. Watch out.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
" ; 7:19 PM "
Hi Boobs.
Or as Mel says, POOBS.
I LIKE MY HAIR NOW. i don't even need to tame it in the morning. how conventional.
I lazed around the whole day today.
Haha, mum was telling me about fiesta from her point of view.
(evin's a loser! :)
Final Fantasy was boring. Only 1 cool song, and we didn't know what was going on.
Su Lynn was there.
: )
22 May 09, 20:18Gen: HAHA. you are, don't deny. Hugging me like mad... then why did sam tell me that after the HK trip, she'll have hundred over hrs?! LIAR.
(Maybe because Sam has done more CIP in Singapore than I have? I only have 8 hours btw) 22 May 09, 19:37Mel: HI Fooooooo. I didnt see you today. Did i? HAHHA. Nah i didnt. POOOOOBB
(Yeah la you! All your fault, how could you not! YOU FAIL. Bad things will happen to you!)
Friday, May 22, 2009
" ; 6:15 PM "
THANK GOD ITS FIESTA! (should have used Ama's one)
talk another time, i love my pwens. Ward D34th (Which Su Lynn could not read), was funny!
Su Lynn : HA! My wrist stub very cool, got my initial S L.
Me : Sore Loser?
: )
I love SL.
AND ANNE IS A LOUSY GIRL. how could she leave fiesta at 10.30!
Haha, and walk across the street home la.
yeah i have more to talk. I LOVE MY HAIR.
Its green and gold, no more purple, ):
its got BEADS.
HAHA. I shall do that to my hair during the holidays. I KNOW HOW TO (:
BUNGEE RUN IS ORHSUM! i'm so nice to Genevieve,
can't wait for pics from Tiff. I GOT TONS.
Bungee run pics very cool.
We'll be like them one day! Su said they were 'shitty'
Hello, their shitty is like our pretty la.
i think you guys did AWESOME!
The (rock) band was great! : ) Drummer was KEWL. I guitar and drum i learn. Sewn.
I have to go to some Final Fantasy concert nao. CIAO.
Gen: Why do you need to do CIP? since you are going to get like 100 over hrs from that HK trip! (which is totally unfair) ):
(I don't think its 100 hours lah! Not gonna build toilets 24 hours x four days what. I think about 10 hours a day. 40 only. I really need to do, and i'm not a lesbian :)
I'm kidding. but it hurts.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
" Penny for your thoughts. ; 8:47 PM "
I did not become a fan of American Idol until i watched the rerun of the finals just now.
har har.
yeah but, really, American Idol has stepped up, all the hooha and cool stuff they do for finals makes Singapore Idol look pea sized. Which it is, and i don't see why they are going to invest in yet another season. -.-
Kris = Hot.
Adam = Kind of gross.
Justin : Wait wait, Kris is it the cock eye one?
NAM was cool! Night at the Museum that is. But i guess there was no time for the story to build up la. Okay, laugh laugh. It was quite funny.
Mel was a very mean bombeanie. Mona and Choo crack me up. HARHAR. Stupid Sheeemona, saw her classmates there after lying to them before. Loser! I'm glad Cait Choo is someone else who does NOT want to watch Drag me to hell, because it is a stupid movie.
I think the cupids were played by Jobros?
(Back to N@M2)
That's one movie Junyi's never watching. Cracks me up.
Today's AEM presentations were just sad.
Not as sad as recess or my Lit scores.
Did you know that 86.5 is below the class average of math?
And no matter how sick you are of hearing my rant about it, too bad you have to read it and hear about it too.
But that's just obscene. I feel like kicking a hole in the wall!
4 people got full marks for a Sec 2 math paper. Not obscene? I think not.
I don't know. Mids this year, not so good.
I'm going to have to start whipping my own butt to be the super nerd i aimed to be at the start of the year.
So much for all those new year resolutions.
Its not that I did badly, its just... everyone did better. And well, competition level has to be stepped up. because i am not going to screw up my future by not doing well now.
And to like, the majority of my class - Thanks for making me feel like pond scum la, okay. Too smart for our own good, competition gets in the way of being HUMANE.
PMS + Bad results = Very unhappy person + Relationship drama.
There's a word formula for you.
I am very demoralised now. Sometimes I just don't NEED the pressure and competition of a top class. It stinks, even though, hell yeah the people are nice, but when it comes to the battlefield, things get down, dirty and messy.
(Even with my friends)
And i'm not cut out for that.
(Enough, Caitlin, Enough. That voice in my head tells me to come back quickly)
So I shall.
Yep, I'm definitely sure that you're one of the friends I can keep for a long long time. I guess you're pretty much one of the most resilient, non emo people i know. grow up to be nice and lady like won't you? You're almost there. 14 already. 7 years til our driving license. luurbbie.
ack. its interclass next wednesday. Wish they had dddaaaannnnccce. Okay I MAY take that back. but it beats simply, purely ball games. Well, and badminton. Its only a four people thinggg.
Anyway, I'm down for netball.
Because i feel pressure of competition, I don't really like playing stuff like that anymore. yes, the once sporty girl you knew has become a couch potato of some sort. I'm disgusted with myself, I used to be really gung ho about PE. But I'm not physically unfit, so nope. I need to restart the ball rolling.
Whoop. But i've never had an interest for netball. The positions restrain me. WHY CAN'T I RUN FULL COURT IF I WANT TO. I wanted to play Capt's ball, but i was too slow, and I didn't wanna get myself involved in the hustle and bustle of Twooners pushing to put their names on that list.
You need me, you got me.
I just don't guarantee I good game.
time to punctuate with a haha, i think?
I don't even know why I'm complaining.
I mean hey.
I've got a roof over my head, its one of my best friend's birthday, i had a fun time out at the movies, I have a comfortable bed, and a great church.
In fact. it was nice sitting on the bus. Sometimes i just get this feeling, where all i can picture in my head is a country side, and how everything and everyone's life just fits there.
Standing in the MRT, watching people come in and out of the train, corporate people, national servicemen, students.
And i was there at the back observing. So, I just suddenly get some nice peaceful feeling. And outside, it starts to rain, and on the bus, the whole sky is grey. And i just pass by every sight and feel like i'm home. For some strange reason.
But i've lost that feeling now. I want it back. It sounds like a nice life, but i doubt anyone in this country has a life like that. Countryside, butterflies, grass and sunshine.
June -
I need to mug.
I need to read.
I need to play.
I need to dance.
I need to do CIP.
I need to make time for my friends.
I need to pick up an instrument.
I need to tidy up and organise.
I need to make time for my God.
4 weeks is not enough.
Blow the candles out Looks like a solo tonight I’m beginning to see the light Blow the candles out Looks like a solo tonight But I think I’ll be alright Been black and blue before There’s no need to explain I am not the jaded kind Playback’s such a waste You’re invisible Invisible to me My wish is coming true Erase the memory of your face
21 May 09, 20:44Someone: Everything will be fine cait.
(Thanks, who i think you are)
21 May 09, 16:39MINN. (:: YO! why's my name there? O.O
(You were emo yesterday! I didn't know what was up. It was a rhetorical question i guess :)
21 May 09, 16:09Gen: Aiyo,You get happy so easily. haha..And you didn't get to lvl 10 cos everytime we played, it would get interrupted by some programme
(Because you make me happy. HAHA, yeah i believed we only finished the game once, and that was my very first time)
20 May 09, 23:57passer: i don't think the vandals are from ij. I hope who ever they are they will get caught and punished!
(Haha, I know who it is, but i don't know what's gonna happen)
This is all i feel like saying for today. Good bye, go enjoy your results won't you.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
" ; 8:07 PM "
Hey ditzy.
We-ll, today's events were totally boring. Aaarrr.
Fiesta briefing was cool though, Amanda was very funny,
"Yeah, and then no spaghetti straps, and you can't just walk in with your... whatever clothes"
Aayeah, we played 7-way stupid! (: Hawhawhaw. Eh i not bad ah. YOU'RE WRONG GEN, YOU'RE WRONG.
Yup, that was in the morning. The rest of the day was pretty much a waste of time. Uhh. Apparently LPI is seriously some corporate... adult... managment, working people boring survey la. And we paid for it I think?
yup, but as they said, we people change, into adults, and since the survey is for adults i don't see why we can't wait until then to take the LPI.
haha, anyway, whole day everyone in class was like CHAARLIIIEEEEE, CANDY MOUNTN. CANDY MOUNTN!
Gin Yin was incredibly gentlemanly today. HOHOHO.
So yesterday's Brazillian Hiphop was pretty cool! It was really abstract la, not pure hiphop.
More contemparary ideas, but crumping moves.
Super cool la, those dudes super buff and there were these super cool moves, they ran backwards and did some crab turn on the floor.
Audience was superduper annoying though! All these super loud girls shouting in cheena piang language all over the place. Annoying man. And there were all these guys, the you know, wannabe B Boy type.
Then they were all making so much noise, because the performance didn't really have alot of music. Then they were all laughing at the wrong moments, what Dr. Maha said was very true.
Aiyo, poor Min Yee ahhh. =/ What happened! bumbumbeedumbumbumbeedumdum.
OKeh. yeah. That was abouteeet. Can't think already, i feel like i'm having a hangover.
20 May 09, 19:53trinisha: ya i can't wait 4 da retreat too!!!
19 May 09, 18:53Gen: I learnt STUPID from su lynn (if i remember correctly). and're lousy at that game, slow reflexes (: go train with your brother! (what good suggestions i have)
(Hello, it wasn't me who got Level 10 okay! My brother too stupid to understand ah. two people not funnn. You come my blog i happy alr lah, call me stupid I don't care aboutxchewzx.)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
" Don't look away ; 6:12 PM "
I'm not angry at God, I'm not angry at anyone else, I'm angry with myself.
I just woke up from my nap. Well, it was quite a good one. Very hot though. Two hours hahahaaar, I'm gonna watch the Brazilian HipHop crew at the Victoria Concert Hall later (: Whoop.
I can't believe she gor straight As! Gosh, all this time, what a faker la, what's her plan? To make everyone underestimate her or something? Aiyo, Maxeeeene, don't be angry kay, i know you all were surprised, you have no idea how surprised WE are.
We still have a looong way to go (:
Christie Yeo ehh :D so articulate eh, i think you did beautifully! You sounded very ang moh, so cute!
I read "manage the increase" as "manage to increase"
Makes a big difference in a question, don't it. Yup. And for History, apparently, 3 marks makes a difference of 14 marks upon 100.
Ouch oui? And my class position is just waaaaaaaaaaay loowww. Oh maan. I tell you I'm like the worst of the lot la. Everyone did really well for History because the teachers were linient this year. And its not as if i didn't study okay. I want to beat myself up lah. I've got ugly hair and ugly marks can anot.
As if that's not enough already. Class drama is about to start again. Hm. Can't wait for retreat to clear all this up la.
Cliquefest! Isn't it pretty?
History, ah History. From an A1 to a B4. Its laughable. And its an A1 to a B4 not because of a valid reason. And its not as if its happening to other people.
And what's up la. As if my marks aren't bad enough already is it, and then everyone HAS to go see what I got on the namelist?
Thanks a million, btw. How can you do that, i mean i know you can get competitive, but this is like. Beyond.
Friend ah. Friend.
And if i do better than you, you ask me what i get and then i don't look sympathetic enough and i'm called insensitive.
recess was pathetic too! : ) so awesome ah.
grr. Well. Okay i guess the nicest parts of the day was playing "Stupid" (GEN CHIAM AH WHAT KIND OF GAME LAH YOU) but it was FUNNY, competitive people are you all. HAHA. And playing tiati. (I pwwwwn) Gin Yin has jay Chou cards.
Eeew, and Nico Teo's the world's worst shuffler. Heer.
All I have to say good bye.
Monday, May 18, 2009
" Carpe Diem ; 6:35 PM "
So, this new canvas, waiting for me to drip ink on it.
Gosh, school was totally cordoned off today, you couldn't find a way to get from one location to another.
I heard that there were vandals in school, who spray painted lots of stuff due to stress. Father barre got a paint job, and the few 3rd level classrooms at the end, and near the toilet it says this.
"We are spawns in an oppressive educational system"
Well, i thought it was pawns. But mum's alumni meeting got cancelled because of that. Eh. why got people in our school liddat.
So surprisingly, i did okay for English despite the constant freak outs in class. Hmm (: Sigh, one of my pet peeves is really, the competition in the class.
Ah well, then Chinese, same old same old. Science was alright! But everyone basically did better than me la. Quite surprised at my marks for english. was NOT expecting it.
Yeah, my hair funky la.
Justin's getting complacent! O: Aiyo. ERIN LAH SMART GIRL. PON SKEWL AH.
Okay, well, there go a few salvaged friendships.
But then again, there are some being torn down.
Poor Nicholas Barre, i think he'd be in a state if he lived to see what was a century worth of rich culture and history, turned into a school for ah lians and inconsiderate wannabes who take things for granted.
I mean srsly, you come to IJ and just totally ruin its image and name, while forgetting the 150++ over years of what the Irish, French, British nuns had to do. They had to go on like a million day journey to come to Asia, and suffer all those ancient time diseases, so as to set up the Convent for deprived young, poor girls.
And now IJ's just being over run by... ugh, ew, you can't even describe it. Its just SAD.
Caitlin Choo : OMG OMG! I just realised something! David Archuleta's songs are all the same tune! Just change the lyrics only!
Uhh. I know what those yummie biscuits taste like! FORTUNE COOKIES. i'm gonna help meself to a jar.
Haiyee. Class shirts, omg. (: Everything is BORING me nowadays!
I just hope i continue staying on fire for God though! I think i will.
I still have no clue whether to join Comms or not, any churchies reading this wanna help me out!
Uh. Yep. Well that is all i can say, really. Can't really think of anything else, UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO BE EMO.
I will try and refrain from, but THAT would mean reading loads of empty, bottemless, superficial crappy blogposts.
Want anot?
Gosh, i was reading my archives, THEY'RE SO SWEET! esp late last year when i was rather insightful. I loved the dedication bit to TNG! OMG i'm reliving camp again. Aaah.
("Sorry, did my back hurt your knife?")
har har.
Strange to have metal in your ear. Feels kind of weird. Heh. Just not used to it, sort of like a bee sting.
So on Sunday, i was really mulling about what worship is.
Well, i mean it means so many different things to so many different people.
And its so amazing like that, it can change people with all its character-transforming power,
Isn't that stupendous?
You see like an entire auditorium filled with avid, passionate worshippers, just coming back home and surrendering, really at the heart of it all. And just let everything else melt away into nothingness, so that they can macro-zoom in on the sweet, gentle presence of God that seems so tiny during the rest of your week,
but then when you're at that point of stillness and praise, everything just totally clicks in place.
And all the passion just flows and swirls around you from top to toe, and you don't even care whether you have vocal chords of a crow, you just want to tell your Dad in heaven how much you appreciate him, you just go ahead and do it.
All the jumping, hand-raising, fist-clenching(in a good way), all just automatically comes in. And its just you and God, face to face.
But hey...
That's just worship for me.
Whats bouts yous?
And i just want to enter back into that over again, its one thing i'll never ever get sick of. Despite all those crummy days i know i'll have to sit through.
But see our God is huge, ginormous, gigantic. And his greatness and magnificence just makes all our puny little problems look like microscopic amoeba. And yeah, the same corridor or hallway or street you walk down, where you feel there are a thousand eyes waiting to judge you, with the peace of God, you're above all that. You're just, contained, and at peace, because you know you are magnificently, awesomely, greatly and amazingly made with the hands of a miracle.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
" A Magical Feeling has Begun ; 5:04 PM "
Hey, so i did worship today. It was only 4 of us for cell. Gosh. We talked about the MG girl who jumped, they all found out one way or another. But its so traumatising, omg. eeh. I don't even know her, and i'm freaked out. Sarah Sarah why aren't you freaked out. you KNEW her.
aiyo, so sad ah the story. My mum told me stuff that Andrea told aunty eelyn. Eegads.
boombaaa. I wonder if she had known God. I mean one way or another, in MG you would have heard that you shouldn't commit suicide, or. heard about God, right? I seriously would be at a loss of something like that happened.
Anyhoo. CELL. Okay, Rachel's Word was really helpful. Cleared up some stuff, and misconceptions that we children of God have. Yep, even though God seems seriously authoritative and very scary. And its hard to believe that he's love. But after today's word, i know he is, for sure.
Even when he seems like so far away and "way out of your league".
His Will is absolute and we can't do anything to change anything about it. His Will contains plans for our future. And we can't be seperated from it. Though we still have the ability to make choices, God has to power to adapt to these circumstances all for the better good.
Clears up things, don't it?
And then yep, only Jamie, Rach and Alison did worship. Sarah and Lih Yu came halfway. Yep.
Service was GREAT! I need new adjectives to describe service! We "learnt" the Ohana Camp Theme song. Heeehh. They played it too fast though, everyone was like HUH? But nebbermind, i have a feeling I'll be hearing it alot very soon.
Anyhooz. I really feel that Worship is getting better every week. Its more... I don't know, more whole? Maybe its the super loud percussion, or the dimming of lights, or maybe the worship team is suddenly on a caffeine diet, but worship is getting really good. You can really TASTE the atmosphere.
Yup. And Prng did a FANTASTIC sermon.
He painted the perfect picture of how we should help those who've turned to wicked ways. Like the people of Nineveh, all Jonah did was say an 8 word sermon, and Nineveh(A giant city of evil), just repented, and God forgave them.
See how God's power can just make people fast and wear sack cloth? Anyway, its in Jonah 3 if you wanna read it.
See how God's like our stain remover. All he asks for is a change of heart, and for you to come running home to him, failures and such, and you'll be clean and set free.
And Prng just made a very good example of what we are to God.
Picture a 50 dollar bill.
A crisp, clean, white, stiff, paper-smelling, ooh-la-la 50 dollar bill straight out from the ATM machine.
And your eyes would probably go something like this.
Yep. And then, you just walk towards a coffeeshop or something, with your note in your hand, thinking of how you can spend it. Right, and then, along the way, somehow. a bird poops on it, and some guy just happens to be able to spit on it.
Well, you'd still use it, right? it's still $50 bucks.
And well, just imagine every single little thing you can make to make that $50 dirty.
But it's still got value right?
Then. You rip up the 50 bucks. Its not 50 bucks anymore innit?
See, that's how God views us.
No matter how dirty we are, and gross we are. God still values us.
But see this, we are more valueable than $50, hell duh.
And, we get dirtier than a 50 bill ever can.
But God just wants a change of heart, and he won't ever give us up or tear us down.
Well, you'd still use it, right? it's still $50 bucks.
And well, just imagine every single little thing you can make to make that $50 dirty.
But it's still got value right?
Then. You rip up the 50 bucks. Its not 50 bucks anymore innit?
See, that's how God views us.
No matter how dirty we are, and gross we are. God still values us.
But see this, we are more valueable than $50, hell duh.
And, we get dirtier than a 50 bill ever can.
But God just wants a change of heart, and he won't ever give us up or tear us down.
Omg, XiaXue is SUCH an SPG. She dyed her hair like plantinum blonde and wears the blue contacts. eeeyur. But she still has that damn cheena face lah. Kiampah can. Aiyo, i seriously wonder what these people do for a living. How do they get money by sitting on their laurels and blogging? Hello, our blogs are 781683762812638251896178265695796x more interesting than theirs.
She's such a barbie doll! Heeh. OH NO WONDER TIFF'S CAMERA IS SO GOOD. its SEMI-PRO. She got the same one as her, but its so much classier, and non pink.
Dinner was fun! Ee Ee Brenda intimidates me. Yay we got raisins! And Jie skyped with us. COLIN'S IN SYDNEYYY. For sailing training, and he gets to SKIP N.S.
Dinner was fun! Ee Ee Brenda intimidates me. Yay we got raisins! And Jie skyped with us. COLIN'S IN SYDNEYYY. For sailing training, and he gets to SKIP N.S.
Should I join Communications?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
" ; 10:26 AM "
Stupid horror movies. MAN. I get scared easily, i couldn't sleep last night for a very long time. I was so chicken i camped in my parents' room with my brother. HAHA.
And i was still like wide awake. Dang it, my alertness was uh. very high.
Aiyo. So sleepy. Went to Plaza Sing. Aww man. I'm doing worship tomorrow cuz MX isn't in town. Shiok la her life. Hmm. I'm just so so siiiaaaannzxzxzxz today. I guess now there's no baking I'll pierce my ears tomorrow.
Ryan Reynolds and Daniel Henney were still very hot.
I hope I get back on track soon. I hate feeling like this.
Chris ah how you wake up at 3 pm!
Anyway i went for lao shi alone. Lao shi was very nice! (: Since it was only two of us we talked quite alot. Haha.
Anyone wanna join me, go skating for about 3km? I wonder if my HK buddy can do that.
It'll be a really cool experience if we did that.
And we talked about weight loss. HAHA she very funny lah lao shi.
Your ideal weight : (Height - 100) x 0.85
For dudes : (Height - 100) x 0.9
I must lose 0.3 kg. HAHAHA. Jane has to put on like... 9kg. That's seriously underweight.
Brother dear has to lose more than 10kg. Eh Heh Heh. Sorry i'm just not really in the mood to
post, sorrrayye.
Wah, Chris on pledge duty ah (: I'm so proud of you,
More than a nice melody,
More than the sweetest of words,
This is love i have found,
and with this love i am found.
I just want you jesus, i just want you my lord,
I just want you jesus, i just want you.
Never could i comprehend,
The love you so freely give,
Never could i be with you,
But you love covers all of my sin.
I just want you jeses,
I just want you my lord,
I just want you jesus i just want you.
There is no greater love than your's,
Nothing else could ever compare,
And even if i search all the world i will never find a love like your's god.
There is no greater love than your's,
Nothing else could ever compair,
And even if i search all the world i will never find a love like your's.
I just want you jesus,
I just want you my lord,
I just want you jesus,
I just want you,
Falling in love with you all over again, my Lord.
Makes me want to learn the piano. Again. And play this.
Friday, May 15, 2009
" ; 11:21 AM "
Well, i got my haircut.
I'm still deciding whether or not i like it.
The guy put wax on which means my hair is tamed.
So i'm not sure how "pong" my hair will look if its in its normal condition. HA.
Yes, my mum even admitted that my hair will be abit "pong"
15 May 09, 09:08
Son: hey mom...why the frown? must always smile...cannot sad, the whole family oso sad must be happy...kay...
(Uh. Shi Ying? Aaah. Okay.)14 May 09, 20:07i would rather be anon: bye14 May 09, 20:07i would rather be anon: people from your class feel like you too:DD so don't be too sad. there are people who know how you feel:D14 May 09, 20:05i would rather be anon: hey,read ur long post. just so u know, u ain't the only 1 like tat. i tink i've got a bff n then she leaves me in the dust. i feel e loneliest wen im wif my fwens,letcha know ur not doing this alone :)Kaebabe: Hey! Dont be too sad. Heart-to-heart talk soon k.
(Haha, hey. I don't know who you are, but thanks, i think. :)
14 May 09, 19:12
(Promise! :)13 May 09, 21:48Mel: EH EH. you got sister?!??!? How come I didnt know that!!?!?!?
(Where did you get that idea? HAHA NO I DON'T, MEL. Like you don't know me well enough)
Happy Birthday Jian Hao : )
Thursday, May 14, 2009
" Worst day of school in history ; 3:01 PM "
Today was seriously one of the most crappy days of the year. Well i came to school feeling emo from yesterday. And nobody made me feel any better at all in school. I just got demoralised and insulted and just yeah. thanks lah.
(Hey, its that time of year again! Yep! It's Everybody-hate-Cait-Foo-day! So let's all make her feel like crap so that she feels like ripping all her intestines in two) You should make cards and greet each other, and like, put adverts up or something.
My train of thought processes too far for my typing and this post probably won't hold as much depth as it did when i was thinking it through.
But anyway, right now I feel like like shouting out a whole string of disgusting vocabulary. But i won't, because its against my morals. first thing i got to school got wrongly accused of something in a joke joke way. Okay, let that go, but some others just like totally harped on the subject la.
Okay, then i try talking to someone, and then just totally get insulted, seriously, so pretty boys from hollywood are more important that what you have here in the real world? As in everything i do is just beaten down by you, and its not as if you even KNOW me that well to crack jokes like that so i won't be hurt.
You haven't even shown me your nice side, where you can just talk about stuff not related to what a terribly loserriffic life which YOU think I lead. And all the vibes I get from you is just that, i think i'm so awesome, so everybody just bow down and worship me now. Yeah, so i think i've seen hints of a nice person inside, but you just haven't proven yourself good enough a friend to throw insults at me without hurting me inside.
Number one. Next, well i totally get ditched, nobody wants to hear me out. You know its so easy to SAY you care, but nobody actually SHOWS it. I mean yeah okay, so i play a fool most of the time. That's called being positive. But that doesn't mean i don't have the right to be emo. But instead of asking me what's wrong or what, i mean YOU're good enough a friend. Instead you just leave me alone and run off somewhere, rubbing it in my face that Oh, I have friends, I have a life. And seriously, i know i should be looking on the positive side, but all the negative just supersedes everything.
Nobody's making ANY effort to cheer me up whatsoever, saying "Cheer up" or "smile" just ain't going to make things better. Okay so you ask me what I want? Well i never expected ALL my groups of friends to come against me at the same time. I mean you people don't even know it, but you think I can take all your snide remarks all the time. Sure you mean it in a joking manner, but I don't take everything as a joke okay.
Jesters have feelings too. And well to SATISFY you, because hey, nothing's about me and nobody cares about what the pong i think, i play nice, and i make jokes, just to make you feel better. And as a response i get hit down. Okay, you don't know what i'm going through. I've never felt so lonesome.
As i said, I do have friends, but nobody takes me seriously. I've got bloody problems too, alright. And this stupid emotional breakdowns caused by NEARLY everyone i know, is affecting my spiritual life, which affects my relationship with God, and then I'll just feel like crap the whole time, and take it out on my mum and family or something, which they don't deserve.
Would it kill you to include me in something? You people just go around announcing stuff in front of me, i'm not in conversations, I'm not included in anything. Well and its not as if i don't KNOW it, but its like i'm there and you deliberately don't ask me to join in.
You'll probably just exclude me, and later bitch behind my back saying, omg she's so annoying, keeps butting in to our conversations. So how? What do you want me to do. Stay still and not talk to anybody so later you can call me emo? How about that. I just feel so used.
Man this sucks. Everytime i just get over something, one of my other friends come and say something to slap me in the face. You know what this feels like? You know what clenched fists are? Okay yeah, clenched fists, coming at you. times infinity. So what do i resort to? Humour. Yeah i've got lots of humour buddies. everything's just fun and laughter isn't it.
You know that's not a friend. A friend yeah sure, has to make you laugh, but that's not ALL there has to be. I mean, say if someone died, you can't make a joke out of that can you. A friend has to be really there for you. And no, i don't have anyone for that right now. Because nobody's exactly on the same page as I am. I haven't been able to find someone who can totally relate to.
Anyway, and because i have so many humour buddies, i have no real buddies. My there-for-me buddies seem to have disappeared, haven't seen or talked to them in ages. Okay there are nice ones who are there for me, but they don't really know what i'm going through, because they don't know everyone i'm talking about. Humour buddies, make you feel better for a short period of time, but then after they leave, you just feel more empty.
Gah. But don't worry, because everybody expects me to be resilient enough to bounce back and be my normal self. Not that easy you know. And while i'm here typing, sounding like a pathetic pile of dung, everybody's having a good time out there with someone else, right?
But you all just carry on. Just continue living your wonderful fantabulous lives okay. Go play yourselves silly, because no matter what I say or do, I'm not seen OR heard. The people who I'm aiming this to, are probably NOT reading this, and will continue their ruthless,relentless ostracism, or if they read it, probably will get the wrong impression, and then won't BOTHER coming to consult me, and THEN REALLY start hating my guts.
OR, the people who i'm NOT aiming this to will probably read this and go, omg, is she talking about me? And then after that, they get the wrong impressions too, then the whole world will end up hating me too.
I'm just... confused; I don't know what I want, I don't know who my friends are. And i just feel like shutting myself up under a rock and hide from the whole human race. But i know it'll help if everyone just starts being nicer, and picking the right moments to NOT rub it in, you know, kick me when i'm down. And just include me.
Everyone just ASSUMES i'll be okay with it. Like, "Oh I'm sure she'll be okay with it", "Yeah lah, nevermind lah, I don't think she bothers"
Well, I'm definitely NOT. Why, is it because I've changed, and i think supposedly for the better. Or is it because all of a sudden, you just don't feel like i'm WORTHY of basking in your suddenly self-realised glory? i really don't know what's going around here, i just didn't expect to be put down by so many of my friends at the same time.
Worst of all, is you don't even know what you all do, right? Been there, done that. Have I been such an incredibly horrible person who doesn't engage in stuff that doesn't sit well with my morals, just so as to be friends with you people.
Heck, I don't even know why I'm making such a big deal of this.
Yep, and i haven't even had a complete talk about stuff like this with anyone. Well Kaela helped me a little today. But we didn't really have the time to have a long talk, but it helped. Okay, but how do you start talks like these? Yeah, but at least she has people. You hear, okay she's my ------ buddy, this the ----- clique. Well there's not THAT much wrong in that.
But seriously now, when you realise you've got nobody left, well, everybody's drifting apart as you can see, you just realise that its so nice to have someone. Like super through and through.
It used to be Minyee. But. Well. Things have changed, since she got in to 2/2 and all, Primary school had brilliant memories, its just that i seem to be the only one hanging on to them (for dear life), and well, you can't base all your present relationships from the past. But after you don't really talk and all that. We sort of drift apart.
(Hell, i always thought i still have you, i think i still do. I hope i still do. But. I just don't really know)
What, hey how you doing. Since you look all happy and smiley and have a brilliant life, why don't i tell you all the problems in my life so you'll be emo like me? Yeah. I just need someone, to talk to. Gosh. I don't mind talking to kaela again, hell we have lots of time for that, so (:
I mean, yep, i know. We've got problems, but i think i'm in a slightly more tangled one than she is.
(I promise though, some how I will find a way to pull through)
Yes but for the sake of God, and my self confidence, I will not resort to inflicting physical pain on my self, thank God I'm still sane enough to know that's stupid. And I won't do anything rash. I will continue to see what the purpose of this trial(yes, it is a trial, and i won't let Satan win this one by telling myself I'm not good enough, because i do know i am strong enough) is.
Yep, like I said, my train of thought processes faster than my typing. So this post is really a contradiction, because at the end of it all, i do realise the good of things. But i just want to let it out. Rather than keep it inside. Its better that the rest of the world is aware of what I'm feeling, and then not continue doing the stuff that's affecting me.
I love God.
And also, I promised Glenn to never ever forget what I've been shown.
But still, that doesn't mean I'm alright with stuff you all do to me, alright?
This is some Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde post lah. Schezo or what. Maybe its just PMS. I hope so.
EDIT : I love my toots.
EDIT : I love my toots.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
" Mine forever, love ; 4:07 PM "
(I believe that angels breathe and that love will live on and never leave)
Beautiful sonnng.
I am free I am free I am free
Imma Loser Imma Loser Imma Loser.
HAHA I finished Paper 1 in 10 minutes, and I was totally dying for paper 2. SO IMBALANCED WUN THE PAPER. Arrow invigilator agaaaain. Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle. WHAT IS THAT SMELL?
Anyway i'm freeeeeee.
AND THERE'S SCHOOL TOMORROW. Ehh since 8 in the morning I wasn't planning on going to school because i reckoned there wouldn't be. HELLO.
so i waited quite awhile to find interchanging budddeeehs, omg yeah because i'm a loser i don't go out x) went with minneh and maxene and sheryl and sarah and isabel and ashley, those hoohas. They went for some EP briefing and i waited for them like 1/2 an hour? And then out they came! And then they were going out so i went with Tiffyboo instead.
She's so fun. She's a fun girl. She's very cute(yes i say the same thing everytime) and everyone should be like her. Aaaw, but we got the old bus today. Hur hur. I need to do CIP with her!
I wonder if blogger feels like uploading pictures today.

I found this from Chris' birthday last year.

Don't know why my vocabulary's been cut short today, i seem have nothing to say. its just like this empty void of nothing. Ha. My thursday haircutting plans have been disrupted. Lol, i need to go and swim, get my tan line back and get longer legs.
ERIN!! JAI- HO! JAI-HO! omg your bollywood dance vely sexy lah. Ok i did not take any pigtures tooday okaaay. I'm at home counting money while you guys are all out there spending it. HAHA.
nobody's doing anything and i have no inspiration to get up and do something. WHAT TO DO? My eyes are going to DIE. Class Teeshirtz how. I go find supplieeerrrr.
My brother can't pick his moments. He just says something wrong, really rude, and then adds a just joking! after that.
I tell you he can't get girls this way. Its not funny. Its stupid.
Aaaw, mum and por por and jie aren't going to Italy now, because the hospital caved. So mean, somemore the thing like $1500++ and mum can't get her money back.
sometimes families so strong just seem to strong, but really they're crumbling from within.
Maybe that's just me. I just give you a poker face because nobody wants to hear me out, and I just seem like its okay because I generally have crazy antics and spastic faces.
But that doesn't make things alright.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
" My dead heart now is beating ; 4:00 PM "
(Now I'm blessed, now I'm free)
Aaaw, i honestly can't be a judge of my own work, hehhh. I was on a photo editing rave yesterday.
I don't know how i did for geooog.
Seriously, what's up with my trashy, no content post? HAHAHAH! Nicole Lau and Gen Gen daresay they watched S Factor! HAHAHA. They so funny, while we were supposed to be revising geog this morning, three of us and erin were sniggering at Sunday's episode.
Uhmygawsh, Erin was totally having a bimbo moment, and you could see Michelle's facial expression change, in utter disapproval. And JEANETTE! Who was it that didn't believe she had a bad streak? (I think Choo) Well here's your proof, Jeanette suggested that Erin go join S Factor.
She should actually. She's lost her marbles. Stupid library shut down the photocopying machine, ugh which defeats its purpose. I have to find substitution problems online now, because i lost my algebra book.
I had to walk in the rain, and then found out last minute that my brother and his carpool buddies were having lunch at the market, so i hadda go there for lunch since i was home about 10.
So many small ACS boys in the market today, saw Abner and Axel there, too. They can misbehave all they want, because their uniform looks like any other school's one, whereas IJ's one is just snap of fingers, ORH HOR ij ger.
Anyway wish i could upload pictures but guess what! Blogger uploader hates me.
Ok I shall be frank.
I am very worried about July when my HK buddy comes. I mean during recess and all. Where to sit? I mean, i know she'll love to sit with her other hong kong friends, which means sitting with Twoones, but then if i go 2 weeks without sitting with the toots, i may just be the cause of the not talking and being together.
its two weeks.
Man, yeah there you go, out for the whole world to see. Yeah i got shallow problems but you don't even understand. More to it, just in a nutshell you knoooow. I just. Need to incessantly blog.
Yeah, that's it.
Hey, you'll stand by me... right?
Monday, May 11, 2009
" Got Lobang Anot? ; 4:04 PM "
Aiyoyo! Whats going DOWN.
How is your in lieu Vesak Day school holiday? Glad to say that my tummy's all better (:
But my brother's being a boob, WHAAT DO YOU WANT, LEAVE ME TO STUDY YOU PANCAKE.
Nia nia nia nia nia nia niaaa. WHAT CHU WANT (:
Anyway, finished studying and practicing geog, and i did math already, i still feel no anxiety.
Dum dee dum dum. I was just picturing how i'd look like with short hair, and by golly i hope it
looks lyk d!ssh.
itz sew pretty donchu agreee! yeah yeah, but then i discovered that my hair was very fun and i can play with it anyhow. HAHA So i took the liberty of taking peekchures for you, i just couldn't resist. Look at my hair, not at my face, though both are very pretty, i'll forgibb you.
Me thinks she no like my anymore ):
Me thinks she no like my anymore ):
one day i'm going to look back at thees and say OMG that was younger me, so embarassing! :O

Click to enlarge, this is what my cool hair is capable of.

This is what happens when I find mum's cool hospital equipment at home when i have nothing to do. GOGGLES! i think from some epidemic breakout, NO WORRIES its sanitized and unused.
I like the first one. HAHA never knew my face cool be so demented.
10 May 09, 20:39Ssarah: hey hope you are feeling better 10 May 09, 16:56faith : ohyep and relink 8) 10 May 09, 16:56faith : hello hope you're better take care and cya next week
9 May 09, 22:36MARIA: HEY HEY!! ROCK ON! I MISS YOU:(
Thanks (: Love you all.
edit// I just got off the phone with my gwanniemudder (: SWAA GUUU! So cute right, the word! I shall be frank tomorrow, OH DID CHU KNOW MY GRAND DAD'S NAME IS FRANK. HEH. Okeh, let me tells chu wats picx i needs to takes after the examie wammies. I need lianzie pic with errrinnn, hallelujah-the-exams-are-over picture with valerie, uhh, jump shots with whomever wants to take them, class photo with uhh... TWO ONE (: , AEPeer fotooo! And of course, Ohana camp pictures! Nerd picture with David and Tiki-tiki-boom picture with Ryan. And a whole lot of other bunches of pictures in the bus with my cell mates! WHOO OOOH, and baking of course (: hawhawhaw. |
Sunday, May 10, 2009
" Speak of the devil ; 3:47 PM "
What a bummer!
I think church was so awesome today! And I didn't even STAY for service.
Cell was so good. We were having a really good time, worship was good, then we had cell breakfast because of jamie and alison's belated birthday celebration.
Then during word, I suddenly had a really really really bad stomach ache, and broke out completely in cold sweat. And I was pale and weak, and couldn't even struggle up the stairs properly. And I was so dizzy i couldn't balance properly, and it was like vertigo or something.
This was happening during service, worship. But i was conscious enough to know that worship was totally awesome. I mean, if i wasn't sick i would have totally been giving my all, but instead i was just arrgghh.
And i feel so lousy because i know worship was really goood. and I had to leave service halfway through worship because the pain was killing me so bad. Alison and Sarah were so nice to help me out.
rah i felt so lousy because i was so excited about church! And jamie and i totally looked the same today, and there were so many people i wanted to see, and we were gonna take a cell photo and talk some more about baking.
But noooo, my large intestine bailed on me.
And I managed to see calvin, and omg i haven't seen him in so long and wanted to make fun of his hair and rub it in about him being in N.S. But most of all i really wanted to hear sermon.
I couldn't even get through worship. It was so good! The worship team's been doing a really good job with worship the past few weeks. I think its Glenn's doing! He was playing drums today, but seriously i feel so super duper lousy.
And I love my cell alot because they were really caring, so thanks guys!
Ugh. Yeah with reference to the post title, we learnt about this in science the other day. So i know why everything's happening, just wish it weren't so painful.
At least its not appendicitis. Gosh i think even child labour isn't that harsh.
Happy Mumsies' Day, make your old woman feel special even though Mother's day is just a commercialised event for card companies to manufacture cards and make more useless money.
My mum had a childhood outta this world.
Back in the day where you could get orange juice for 5 cents,
when she topped the level she got a paper doll book and a radio,
when her older brother set curtains on fire,
and when her younger brother drove the car out of the house and nearly banged into a lamp post.
Haha so fun, i wanna have 5 kids.
Gee, I don't like it when people who you wouldn't really consider themselves my friends, just rip your photo and reupload them on facebook and claim them as their own.
I shall learn to control myselfff.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
" Plunge into the symphony of sound ; 3:12 PM "
Aaaw, I can't find the farewell video from last year.
I was such a mac movie noob, and now i can't find it. Why can't Mac and Windows be friends ):
Aaah. Geog's not retaining in my head. i wish i head a clayey braaain to retain information.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH NG! Yeah. The aluminium foil empire! (:
Yesterday we raged and tore down the city. HAH. we took down City of the Future yesterday. Amazing how long we took to put it up, and within minutes its gone. HAHA.
Felt like giants. Terrorizing the city. HAHA Wall of Jericho or something!
I remember the Real Camp game! Where we had to parade around the toilet roll! aaah. Camp (:
And I remember the piggyback ride that calvin and eugene gave nick to reach the top of the coconut tree.
Wah so fun. OMG i must really go and revise harry potter after exams. MAXENE WILL WATCH IT WITH ME WON'T YOU HARRY.
and then we'll squeal at our British counterparts. Yay so eggcited. But i have totally no recollection of what happened in Half blood prince, at all. I just remember the first part. something about severus snape.
I could totally play hermione granger, i have the hair for the part. Except i'd have to dye it red (:
Oooh lala. I can't wait for Wednesday, i'll scream in the halls i tell you. YAY we can finally plan on our class shirt.
Whoopeedoo. I realise that the people going to hong kong are all from the class comm.
Justin : Ryan, do you know Koon Min?
Ryan : Uh.... Isn't that a country?
Where's Koon Min(KunMing)?
:D hargh.
oghey i go now and attempt geog.