Saturday, September 26, 2009
" Swear to you I will. ; 4:41 PM "
Now would be a good time to think about our drama stimulus.
"We're not one, but we're the same".
It makes me glad that I'm living in this wonderfully diverse society,
and i say it less than i usually do, but i'm glad for the exposure and safety here.
Okay, nuff said, that was pretty lame.
Today's been such a dreary day. I think this feeling will be lifted once exams are done.
Yes i can't thank God more that it's the weekend.
Oh sweet sweeeeeeeeeeet freedom.
This calls for deep thought.
This calls for some reflection.
So why am I feeling so empty?
Are we unencumbered by the issues of the world, or do we not show it because we simply don't dare?
Its so scary when you don't know what's going to happen next.
Its scary when you can't plan.
That's what I'm feeling now.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
" Some blue sapphire sky ; 10:08 PM "
Please refrain from reading if your mood/day/week/ has been a bed of roses.
And if you do, sorry if you lose some respect for me, I'll bounce back soon, I promise.
Sorry, I'm the kind of person who'll have to let it all out now, grumble and then laugh about it later.
First off, King Lear was absolutely agonizing to watch today. It triggered this whole thing of me being steam engine like ): Like flaring up at people for some reason. The play was dull, not to mention the acting wasn't... nice. The characters were SOO annoying you wouldn't know who from who, the backdrops were so fake, and it was quite scary also, and not to mention the filming.
Then, in Chinese, the class seemed to be in a racket, nothing uncommon, but i just for once wished they'd ALL shut up. Totally lost my train of thought, with everybody shouting about. Grr.
Hmm, and furthermore, the subject combinations offered all suck, and I think I won't be happy in any class. I don't see why the combination that majority of us voted for didn't get through, BLEAH. And perhaps because of the final thought that the exams are near, I haven't started my revision, and the fact that I may ruin my whole life.
Also, to top it off, I'll have to waste lots of precious time learning a dance to teach our level HHF on Thursday, majority of which won't even bother paying attention anyway. Besides, nobody's even gonna remember the dance after two weeks, which we'll have already stopped.
>: (
This isn't called standing down.
And by the looks of my mood, the weather seems to agree with me.
I'm an emo nemo.
Hopefully this will make you laugh after reading this, I apologize, and this shall make up for it, though I can't seem to think of anything that will make me smile.
Oh, btw. Kanye West is stewpid. Not that I favour taylor swift or anything, but I think that's just plain rude. tsk.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
" I love you This Much. ; 8:04 PM "
Oh my eyes are killing me. Shoot I forgot the umbrella ):
What a long busy day today. I'm happy because I now know that I can talk to Janey Paney just about anything under the sun.
Chinese tuition was productive today, and i'm glad Jane can go wimme again now that her band has stood down.
What a long busy day today. I'm happy because I now know that I can talk to Janey Paney just about anything under the sun.
Chinese tuition was productive today, and i'm glad Jane can go wimme again now that her band has stood down.
Something weird for you.
I've got a sudden addiction to smoked cheese and I like the smell and sound of butter being fried
I also used Su Lynn's 10 year old violin as a phone.
And I i actually said this phrase : I want all my sons to be male.
Have no envy, no fear.
The rain was wicked today.
It made the whole day cool.
I watched Aladdin WHOOPEE!
(I love you this much. )
shi si ru gui.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
" Eyes of your Grace ; 9:26 PM "
Dramaz cool bananuhz. Wow I haven' been online for so long, and since blogger's fine for once, I'll do the honours of (other) people's photographs.
I guess I have to hiatus soon since exams are coming up. I want to study with C.O.W.S on Hari Raya.
To my dramatizers : Guys, I think we're awesome.
This week has been extreeeemely tiring, I'm glad the long weekend's drawing near, and I've got my Culture Vulture(LAME RHYME OR WHAT), project done and handed in. I bought a portfolio for nothing ): And stupid plastic is FAILING ME, so not only does it release like tons of chemical gases into the atmosphere, but it decides to tear when I most need it.
The week's been interesting. Hmm, I saw Ms Soh at Gardens today whilst walking home, haha, she looks chao tah, I forgot why she's not in school, but i think I really miss her geoffrey lessons.
I realise that after Jamie and Lih Yu go to VJ, Alison, Sarah and I will be the only chicas doing 'O's in two years.
Hmm. Shakespeare has lame toilet jokes, tsk. Mrs Alex's lesson today was so... well it was funny for one, but it also nudged something in me to make me think about stuff further and really want to make something happen in the future. So... much... drugs...
Aaah, anyway, during EP, we watched Erin Brokovich, which is this really cool film, so far. Its quite adult and serious, but I think it's content was really the bees knees. The plots great, I don't know how much is true and how much Hollywood exaggerated, but this is the first time I think Julia Roberts was good.
Other times I just think she's blaaardy annoying. Was she in My Best Friend's wedding? That was a good show though. And I know my mum loves Runaway bride, but that's cuz of Richard Gere. She was really tall in this movie, and really hot, some parts were just gross.
But either ways, the number of times she cussed was seemingly unacceptable to be loaned from the library, but it is. I think the theme's along the lines of empowerment and the power of one.
Jeepers creepers, I'm about done. We had a really interesting debate about Singlish vs. English and I'm putting my views on alien-ation.
Okay heebijeebies i'm on the run. Ciao.

Hug gum trees (:
which reminds me to link JW
Above photos are mine.

The notorious whale handshake that the whales actually responded to.
Credit : Ellen Degeneres for Dory.
All above photos credit to Kaela.
Eehh, brisbane seems like a dream already. NOT GOOD, memories are sliping away, and my mum wants to thwack me for being such a scatterbrain, i swear its genetic, my dad the genius has managed to miss a jabillion flights in his lifetime, lose his wallet and keys so many times that he could make a sandcastle out of the number of things he's lost.
13 Sep 09, 21:23
10 Sep 09, 21:08
Sunday, September 13, 2009
" In Your Presence healed and whole ; 8:45 PM "
Phrase of the day : The Bee's knees.
That is exactly how i would describe my day at church.
Cell was really cool today because we had lots of time for worship and word.
Then Rachel shared about her week, and i was close to tears, because
she has this amazing, beautiful nature of hers, and she's such a person of
strong character.
Worship went quite well, before today, I was debating whether or not to use 'Your Name' for worship,
and I decided against it, part of the fact that I had an inkling it would come along.
So after a wonderful time of fellowship, we went up for service.
Sitting there in my seat, I looked down, cuz it was pretty high up.
I got a good view of the tons of youth that I've grown so much to love,
and I just felt this blanket of peace around me. I watched Clem talk to Ry, and was reminded of
the wonderful relationship, mentor-wise,
I watched Glenn slap his pals on the back, I just saw so much, all the mingling in cells, and the smiles on all their faces, it was just something to make me smile. I think it's got something to do with the fact that I haven't been in TNG for about a week, last week was just sort of an hour and people were away at YMLC and stuff. This week everybody was back here.
Then I saw the worship team hop on stage with Luke in that notorious bright red.
Worship began, and I was once again amazed by God's wonderful blessing, the worship was incredible today
God never felt closer. And guess what, Luke sang his own song, and I was like (:
Because I think the power of affirmation does great things.
I mean, though its just a simple thing like a matter of song choice, it makes you feel like you've been heard,
I prayed for God's presence here in church today, and it was really cool that i got it.
Rachel and Jamie also mentioned 'Your name' for cell worship context, but that wasn't the best part.
I think that today is the first time that I'm happy that I wasn't the only one who received. (realising myself at least, without people actually telling me that they heard from God)
with all the shortcomings, pain and grief of the week, in knowledge of the hurt people went through this week,
I saw today, that God was speaking to each one of them with broken hearts, and slowly mending them.
No, it wasn't me that felt the pain, but after hearing from all these guys, I'm glad service did something for them. I mean, it was really applicable to some of them, and it was the first time I felt grateful that God actually managed to speak to all of them in a personal way.
From the altar call, and sermon, even the video. I just know that God's heart is so great, it seems he has like 6 billion eyes to watch over all the people who roam the earth, and he has the brain the size of Jupiter, to contain thoughts and concern, and plan for those 6 billion children.
I also think God has 12 billion ears, two each for all the prayers that come knocking on his door, and that He has hands the size of the milky way to hold us all in the palm of His hand.
And a few days back I posted that video of Jon Otto speaking about a person's selfworth. It pretty much summed up the sermon topic for today.
Aaw man, embedding was disabled. But here, I thought it was awesome.
I love you this much.
Three men were walking on a wall,
Feeling, Faith and Fact,
When feeling got an awful fall, and faith was taken back,
So close was faith to feeling, he stumbled and fell too,
But fact remained and pulled faith back,
and faith brought feeling too
I'm standing in reverent awe
Friday, September 11, 2009
" Find yourself. ; 9:19 AM "
Thursday, September 10, 2009
" ; 4:32 PM "
Let me fix the world up for you.
I miss Brisbane man, and I shall offer you guys some photos.
: )
Day I

Photocred : Nic Seah, her underwater cam gives this photo a nice tinge
though I have my version, her version's nicer. We were being in tact with the fishies (:

Underwaterworld was flopping good fun!
Fraser Coast Anglican College campus was superduper nice.
Photo cred : Kaela, because her cammy nicer than mine.
Day II

Go-kart like noobz.
minigolf like noobz, except I got a hole in one (:
Jumping for joy. WHOO!

though I have my version, her version's nicer. We were being in tact with the fishies (:

Underwaterworld was flopping good fun!

Photo cred : Kaela, because her cammy nicer than mine.
Day II

Go-kart like noobz.


Dolphins didn't come for us ): So we resorted to doing a dolphin calling dance.
Which didn't work either.

I got my butt stuck up a tree, protecting my beehive.
alternatively, kookaburra don't sit on the old gum tree, merry merry queen of the bush is me.
Technically, if I remember right, its not a gum. :D
alternatively, kookaburra don't sit on the old gum tree, merry merry queen of the bush is me.
Technically, if I remember right, its not a gum. :D

We visited the sandman in sandland.
Day #3
Day #3

This is my song in the desert, when all that's within me feels dry.
Was all I could think about during the whole time at Rainbow Gorge.
Day 4

Pee-ers YOUNIGHT! Mr Lynch cheat our bladders.


what an anorexic person would say : a moment on the lips, forever on your hips.
OKay, that's about all my blogger uploader can take for today.

I don't know how many times you've heard this, but he's up there, without a doubt, watching over you with pride in his heart. (Its, goodnight and not goodbye)
Mmhmm, I want to linger,
Mmhmm, a little longer,
Mmhmm, a litter longer here with you,
Mmhmm, its such a perfect night,
Mmhmm, it doesn't seem quite right,
Mmhmm, that this should be my last with you,
Mmhmm, and as the days go by
Mmhmm, I think of you and sigh
Mmhmm, this is goodnight and not goodbye.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
" Delicate. ; 9:54 PM "
How amusing.
When I can't feel you, I have learned to reach out just the same
When I can't hear you, I know you still hear every word I pray
And I want you more than i want to live another day
And as I wait for you, maybe I'm made more faithful
I feel real blunt. I have nothing to talk about. And i know I have lots to say, i'm just in no mood to do so.
Wonder what's gotten into me.
Something's missing,
something's empty.
Monday, September 07, 2009
" Speculation. ; 9:27 PM "
Yayyy. New kid on the block, found LANDON AUSTIN on youtube (:
Great songs.
Small innocent boy much (:
I watched the Proposal on the plane a total of two times to and from Brisbane, zomg felt like hugging the screen and Ryan Reynolds! Zomg zomg, haha, quite stupid but i was so happy when he whipped out the N76 in the movie. I was like THAT'S MY PHONE THAT'S MY PHONE. hahaha. Pretty dumb :D
I notice that I stayed in school for 8 hours today. Gen and Jing Wei so nice to me today! :D
Ooh found another one. WILL ARTHUR. wowee, does that not sound like a very royal name? He looks like some British prince also. HAHA. Changed my mind. He's very monotone. Good voice, but too monotone for me =/
Love Teitur.
I wrote a poem for you two, dahlings.
Zamie cute worh.
Still bashfully love you
Sunday, September 06, 2009
" As soon as I can ; 9:30 PM "
Service was an hour long.
The sky was grey today, and its been so cold the whole day.
CALVIN NG FEELS ALL WARM AND FUZZY INSIDE. nice catching up withchew bonjourer.
FB uploader being annoying again ):
Madly tryna get work done. Some holiday we're in for.
So much to post. okay but first off, i owe you this from nong nong ago!
I had a extremely WEEEEEEEEEEEIIRRRD dream (nong nong ago again) but it was very vivid! not to meniton, random!
First, i dreamt that CHANDLER got more chicks than JOEY, because of this SWEATSHIRT,
that they swapped as a practical joke. HAWHAW.
Then i was transported to Vietnam and I was at this concert where TNG people were performing.
The drummer wasn't though, it was played by Kevin Durand (The Blob in Wolverine. Then half way through, he got up and left the drums.
Then I saw Glenn signal me to play the drums, and i was all HUH HUH HUH ?!
it was quite funneh (:
Awrh well, i shall update about Brisbane another time. no modd, i have a 2 hour jet lag. HAHAH!
Cal, sorry, I didn't know! Hang in there my friend. Be strong, be brave, this cloud will clear friend! Don't forget what God told you @ The Real Camp!
I pledge to wake you with a smile.
I pledge to hold you when you cry.
I pledge to love you till I die
Till I die