Friday, October 30, 2009
" :'( ; 5:36 PM "
I want to linger.
A little longer.
A little longer here with you.
Its such a perfectnight
It doesn't seem quite right,
that this should be my last with you.
A little longer.
A little longer here with you.
Its such a perfect
It doesn't seem quite right,
that this should be my last with you.
You've made me, changed me, loved me.
You guys are more than I could ever ask for.
You guys are more than I could ever ask for.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
" Rendezvous ; 9:41 PM "
Hello world, hope you're listening.
Well HI. I'd like to officially announce that i disappeared off the face of the earth over the past couple of weeks, but everyone knows i've been away studying.
I spoiled myself today and had some genuine quality time with Choo (& Tiff) for a bit.
'll take the pains in explaining though i'm kind of having a rough time with my hormonal brother. I guess its part of growing up, I'd like to think every family has times when one can't stand the other, and I'd like to think I'm just slightly more at peace, and say that I'm content with my family and the space they give me.
But times like these when my brother decides to be a real jerk and has a total disregard for other people, it just brings out my older ugly side, that I can't stand showing off in front of other people, because its not a very pleasant exterior.
The kid's barely twelve, and he acts like he owns the world or something. And because I'm just two years older than him, he feels I don't deserve any respect. At all.
On the sunnier side, I really did enjoy my date with my galpals. I haven't had time for a social life, and I'm having second thoughts about Hong Kong, but i guess there's no turning back on that one. My mum claims its a happy problem.
Okay i'm digressing, that topic was meant for alien-ation which i'll probably do later.
So today I went to Choo's house and got to Plaza after that (twice in 12 hours, people).OH YES. I must speak of the coolsome time i had with zamie laterrrr.
Okay i'm digressing, that topic was meant for alien-ation which i'll probably do later.
So today I went to Choo's house and got to Plaza after that (twice in 12 hours, people).
So today was CRAZY. We managed to catch THREEEEE movies. And I'm so weak in the knees from sitting around all day. We pciked a really good day to watch movies, because it was so empty. 11.40 a.m on a thursday. Hmm. I was totally digging those looks of disgust from passers by, and the feeling of, tsk, they're playing truant, but then actually not.
We watched My Sister's Keeper first, and we have learnt from the grand masters, Anne and Therese, thohugh they probably won't waste their money on movies, to save on food. We sneaked in majority of our food, and brought chips from home and stuff.
geez, if you haven't watched My Sister's Keeper, bring a bucket for your tears. Seemed as if i was the only one amongst the three of us who actually cried though. Tiffanie and Caitlin seem to be void of feelings. Empty vases. tsktsk.
Anyway, I loved the soundtracks for all the three movies I caught tday! My Sister's Keeper had nice acoustic sounds for the sad parts, and the special effects were something different. Though there were some pretty distrubing scenes in the thing, I'd say it was cool. I think mainly becuase of the plot, but they changed in the end, they always do. Maybe I didn't read the book that's why I neh cry.
So after MSK, tiff went to lose herself in the library, and Choo and I went to catch500 Days of Summer. We seemed to watch movies with really weird chronology, and out of the three PG rated movies we watched,two no goodness, three of them had the F word. How is the board of censorship doing their job? Or is it currently acceptable in our society now?
Choo didn't really like 500 days of summer. But the casting was awesome. And it was indie and so different. But geez, the cast were so cute! Zooey Deschanel reminds me of Katy Perry. She's so swinging 60s! (: I like. I think people like her bring some sunlight into the world. I also liked the way she totally stones out when she talks, and the way she has this really pale, fragile, calm and innocent exterior. Heehee.
Joespeh Gordon Levitt was small-boy cute,too! i think the he and zooey really worked. They always looked so happy! :) There were really funny lines in there too. I especially loved the You Make My Dreams Come True scene.
Ultimate coolness. I think Joseph Gordon-Levitt looks like a postman. And the whole time I was thinking, ZOMGOODNESS! DANCERS SHOULD DO THIS. And I've rekindled my love for oldies! Everyone looks so happy!
We watched My Sister's Keeper first, and we have learnt from the grand masters, Anne and Therese, thohugh they probably won't waste their money on movies, to save on food. We sneaked in majority of our food, and brought chips from home and stuff.
geez, if you haven't watched My Sister's Keeper, bring a bucket for your tears. Seemed as if i was the only one amongst the three of us who actually cried though. Tiffanie and Caitlin seem to be void of feelings. Empty vases. tsktsk.
Anyway, I loved the soundtracks for all the three movies I caught tday! My Sister's Keeper had nice acoustic sounds for the sad parts, and the special effects were something different. Though there were some pretty distrubing scenes in the thing, I'd say it was cool. I think mainly becuase of the plot, but they changed in the end, they always do. Maybe I didn't read the book that's why I neh cry.
So after MSK, tiff went to lose herself in the library, and Choo and I went to catch500 Days of Summer. We seemed to watch movies with really weird chronology, and out of the three PG rated movies we watched,
Choo didn't really like 500 days of summer. But the casting was awesome. And it was indie and so different. But geez, the cast were so cute! Zooey Deschanel reminds me of Katy Perry. She's so swinging 60s! (: I like. I think people like her bring some sunlight into the world. I also liked the way she totally stones out when she talks, and the way she has this really pale, fragile, calm and innocent exterior. Heehee.
Joespeh Gordon Levitt was small-boy cute,too! i think the he and zooey really worked. They always looked so happy! :) There were really funny lines in there too. I especially loved the You Make My Dreams Come True scene.
Ultimate coolness. I think Joseph Gordon-Levitt looks like a postman. And the whole time I was thinking, ZOMGOODNESS! DANCERS SHOULD DO THIS. And I've rekindled my love for oldies! Everyone looks so happy!

She somehow reminds me of jamie.
The kind of people I associate with buttons and polkadots.

Interesting STUFFZ.
IPism. HAHAHAHA. Sucker.Then Choo and I were SO hung over, and we couldn't walk around, so we stuck around at spotlight, where I managed to get Nut and Stell's confi card stuff. Til we realised we were LATE, because J&J was at ze Cathay, we were roaming around tryna find mosaic tiles which Spotlight discontinued ): Then with our knobbly knees and hungover attitudes, not to mention our lack of physical education for the past few weeks, we had to run to Cathay because they don't have crazy 15 minute ads like GV does.
Julie and Julia was quite cool. Meryl Streep was so cute. SHE USED THE WORD 'DICKENS'. hahaha! And the hot dude, Chris Messina, from Made of Honour was Julie's husband. fweet fweet. FRANCE IS BEAUTIFUL. Then halfway through the movie, Choo was like HEY I'VE BEEN THERE. strangle her, I wanna go to Paris. I think I preferred 500 Days to J&J. They were both pretty funny, and I liked the cinematography. And my mum thought I would get mixed up with the details of the movies. HAHA oh wdvvv (:
After that we were too lazy to walk back to Plaza, so we went to get Starbucks. My chocolate frappe totally pwned your stupid Vanilla frappe, cait.(In prices, too). Then guess who was there too: GLENN AND CLEM.
Glenn : WE'RE GAY.
Clem : When we walked in, the bar was blocking your face and then I told Glenn, eh! That looks like Caitlin's eyes, but we couldn't see your face, then we got up the steps and we were like OH! It is Caitlin!
"Hi guys! This is my friend Caitlin."
"Yes it is."
"Same name? Same spelling?"
"Same school?"
"Same class."
"Nearly the same surname, too."
"What's your surname?"
So free ah guys.
ANW. Had a nice day today. THANK YOU I NEEDED IT, CHOO.
Muffin reeks! HAHA. floop, today's probably my last full day to play, before next week rolls in. GAH. Next week is such a baaaaaaaaaaaaad week.
OH YEAH. ZAMIE. Wow yesterday! I had dance for 3 hours, and Nic Seow and I were late, so embarassing, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS UP WITH THE TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN GARDENS. i can leave my house like 40 minutes early, and still be late. GEEZ. And when I get there too early, i'll end up burning time in school with nothing to do, like a suagu.
So after dance, I went for lunch with the dancers, and then I was debating between home and Kaela's house, cuz they were gonna watch Korean stuff the whole time, which wasn't too bad actually, I understand what they're talking about now. So somehow i had an inkling to go to Kaela's house, lucky I did. We watched ze dream concert thing, and i think the girls are much hotter than the dudes.
BUt I know why people are so crazy over them. I mean, i still can't stick the songs and their singing, but I think their performances and showmanship is what makes the Koreans different. They're really energetic i feel, and perhaps more humble than your typical American crap. I MEAN HAVE YOU SEEN MISS CYRUS' PARTY IN THE USA VIDEO?
Jeez she's shaking her hips, and doing that crude squatting thing in negligible denim shorts IN FRONT OF THE AMERICAN FLAG.
I mean what's wrong with her.
Anyway, at Kaela's house, gosh her dad is so alike to mine, Jamie called and said she'd be done @ 3. So i left the house at 2.45 and took the forever train to Plaza, where Jamie called again to say she hadn't left yet. HAHAHA. She was like SO YOU'RE AT YISHUN? HAHAA! Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but whatever, I was there and I went to lose myself in Times Bookshop. Thank goodness Plaza has a million and one things to look at.
NEBBERMIND, ZAMIE. :) We spent about an hour +++++ in Made with Love, without knowing it. Pretty. I actually bought something this time. Heartbreaker bbbbbabbeee. ITS KEEWEE SEASON.
We left about 7, and then i went for dinner with my dad, who picked me up because he needed my housekeys. -.- By 9, I was still in my uniform, and managed to single handedly plan a movie marathon for today. So claps for me! Keeeeding. Oh and I got emotional at night too. But i shall discuss it on alien some other time. WDV! BYE!
Julie and Julia was quite cool. Meryl Streep was so cute. SHE USED THE WORD 'DICKENS'. hahaha! And the hot dude, Chris Messina, from Made of Honour was Julie's husband. fweet fweet. FRANCE IS BEAUTIFUL. Then halfway through the movie, Choo was like HEY I'VE BEEN THERE. strangle her, I wanna go to Paris. I think I preferred 500 Days to J&J. They were both pretty funny, and I liked the cinematography. And my mum thought I would get mixed up with the details of the movies. HAHA oh wdvvv (:
After that we were too lazy to walk back to Plaza, so we went to get Starbucks. My chocolate frappe totally pwned your stupid Vanilla frappe, cait.
Glenn : WE'RE GAY.
Clem : When we walked in, the bar was blocking your face and then I told Glenn, eh! That looks like Caitlin's eyes, but we couldn't see your face, then we got up the steps and we were like OH! It is Caitlin!
"Hi guys! This is my friend Caitlin."
"Yes it is."
"Same name? Same spelling?"
"Same school?"
"Same class."
"Nearly the same surname, too."
"What's your surname?"
So free ah guys.
ANW. Had a nice day today. THANK YOU I NEEDED IT, CHOO.
Muffin reeks! HAHA. floop, today's probably my last full day to play, before next week rolls in. GAH. Next week is such a baaaaaaaaaaaaad week.
OH YEAH. ZAMIE. Wow yesterday! I had dance for 3 hours, and Nic Seow and I were late, so embarassing, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS UP WITH THE TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN GARDENS. i can leave my house like 40 minutes early, and still be late. GEEZ. And when I get there too early, i'll end up burning time in school with nothing to do, like a suagu.
So after dance, I went for lunch with the dancers, and then I was debating between home and Kaela's house, cuz they were gonna watch Korean stuff the whole time, which wasn't too bad actually, I understand what they're talking about now. So somehow i had an inkling to go to Kaela's house, lucky I did. We watched ze dream concert thing, and i think the girls are much hotter than the dudes.
BUt I know why people are so crazy over them. I mean, i still can't stick the songs and their singing, but I think their performances and showmanship is what makes the Koreans different. They're really energetic i feel, and perhaps more humble than your typical American crap. I MEAN HAVE YOU SEEN MISS CYRUS' PARTY IN THE USA VIDEO?
Jeez she's shaking her hips, and doing that crude squatting thing in negligible denim shorts IN FRONT OF THE AMERICAN FLAG.
I mean what's wrong with her.
Anyway, at Kaela's house, gosh her dad is so alike to mine, Jamie called and said she'd be done @ 3. So i left the house at 2.45 and took the forever train to Plaza, where Jamie called again to say she hadn't left yet. HAHAHA. She was like SO YOU'RE AT YISHUN? HAHAA! Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but whatever, I was there and I went to lose myself in Times Bookshop. Thank goodness Plaza has a million and one things to look at.
NEBBERMIND, ZAMIE. :) We spent about an hour +++++ in Made with Love, without knowing it. Pretty. I actually bought something this time. Heartbreaker bbbbbabbeee. ITS KEEWEE SEASON.
We left about 7, and then i went for dinner with my dad, who picked me up because he needed my housekeys. -.- By 9, I was still in my uniform, and managed to single handedly plan a movie marathon for today. So claps for me! Keeeeding. Oh and I got emotional at night too. But i shall discuss it on alien some other time. WDV! BYE!
Love you homies.
I love the Smiths (:
Sunday, October 11, 2009
" ; 4:36 PM "
“The single greatest cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, and then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable” – Brennan Manning
It is true. (however I've got no time to elaborate, I wanted to share something but have decided against it)
I think Glenn did a great sermon today. YOUR HAIR WASN'T THAT BAD TODAY :D
Saturday, October 10, 2009
" Make me a Servant ; 5:58 PM "
The Doulos - "To serve"

(GBA = Good books Association)
I thought at first, yeah alright, sure its just an international book fair that happens to be in a ship that sails around the world. Interesting enough, but when I went on the ship tour, it changed my perspectives altogether.

Our tour guide Jeff was from Paraguay, South America, he'd been aboard the Duolos for three years and he showed us around the boat. It was interesting that the ship is 95 years old. built just two years after the Titanic.

Jeff said "You take all these people from all around the world, and we live together in one ship and this is possible because we all believe in Jesus Christ"

This is what a unified church means. Its not just getting comfortable in your cell groups and service, but a unified church is when the church community goes beyond and builds a church without walls.
I was just totally digging the old school maneuvering system, with the magnetic compass and old parquet flooring in the Captain's den/ (Bridge)
We viewed the engine room, SO BOOMS LEH! Literally, very big, very loud, very hot.
We walked down the corridors of the cabins, so many families! We passed the children's school, paintings were kewt ttum! it was so new to see everyone speaking a different tongue, patting Jeff on the back, holding the door for one another.

All the staff are assigned to a family, to share anything with, so you won't be lonely, have prayer and devotion with them as well. Also there are so many people from different walks of life, all on that ship, and have explored God so in depth. They've got heir own firemen, cooks, engineroom boiler people, lifeguard specialists, doctors, nurses, plumbers. Everything.
Not only that, they've got room mates to hang with. And during dinner they gotta sit with someone from a different nation, so its extremely diverse and you get to know everone on board. Plus plus plus, the nicest thing is that they just give and take, everything belongs to everyone, because aboard the Duolos there is no currency.
Hey rach, you were right "all you need is the language of love".
No communication errors when it comes to Jesus! I told my mum I wouldn't mind being part of the crew for the 6 month period, because i don't think I can be away from my lovely people here for so long.

but it's nice to go for an exposure trip, its an entire family on board, and I'll bet its just friends you'll never forget. Do missions together, reach to the helpless, spread God's light, see the world, grow in God. It seems like such a sure fire plan. Maybe when I'm older. Paraguay accents are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY cute!

All above photos are not taken by me, they are credited to the users on flickr.
Wow amazing, type a long post, and instant response. Heh.
9 Oct 09, 22:49
(Eh toadally)
9 Oct 09, 19:33
gen: 2nd time visiting this blog today. i didn't even study today -_- slept like the entire afternoon ..
(So i'm guessing you gave up on history!)
9 Oct 09, 18:19
Jing Wei: lol. Gen has short attention span man. I tegged! :]
(Thanks for 'tegging'!)
9 Oct 09, 14:15
Gen: Your latest post is soooo long. SIGH.
(Doesn't that define the term 'updated'?")
9 Oct 09, 14:13
Gen: See i tagged
9 Oct 09, 14:13
Gen: I know my singing is the BEST (:
(I think you should audition for Singapore Idol)
23 Sep 09, 19:15
Erin: Don't worry Lin, I thought Lear sucked too; it looked like a $500 budget film which even our Local TV can scorn.
(Dr. Kirp Singh thinks its 'a good version to watch')

Thursday, October 08, 2009
" Objectives. ; 6:33 PM "
Do you think its bad that even at this point of time, less than twenty four hours of my English exam, which marks the start of my exams, I am feeling no sense of urgency?
Perhaps I'm being probed into a more contemplative mood, but I think the realisation, panic and urgency will only sink in tomorrow, because right now I'm still obsessing over Owl city's to die for lyrics.
I watched half of she's the man, and I think Channing Tatum is at the paramount of his hotness in there, despite the fact he's fat, ugly and married now. I also noticed that Amanda Bynes looked into the camera countless times.
Oh yes. HHF. Today was a disaster. I was so flustered while teaching the dance to about 300 of my peers, and couldn't differentiate my right from left.
I am really in love with my seating arrangement for the exams, I've got the coolest people within a two table radius. Chiamz, Kaela and Rin a lin. Nico Teo is in hearing distance and Jeanette "The sun is round!" is right in front of me. Therese, also who takes off her shoes and socks in class, and snorts and sneezes is also someone entertaining to gawk at.
Well it seems I'm not the only the only one without a sense of urgency or panic. My class used our free studying time today, taking photos with the freeze feature on the visualiser.
Okay, i admit, I'm trying to write with swirly twirly, nice to hear English.
I realise how much Singapore is scorned upon by the other countries with a native tongue. China looks down on us because we're a society of mainly Chinese, but fail to speak the language properly, I think the Indians and Malays in our society are definitely effectively bilingual, better off than us at least. Also of course the fact that majority of us fail to speak standard English.
Also, with many last lessons with teachers, I felt some melancholy, because I knew for sure this would be our last with Mrs Tan Aye Leng, who's recently subjected to lots of cute lady laughter. Our last with Mrs Wong, who always always always puts us first. I think she's always favoured our class and given us lots of moral support, she always seems to have so much to say to us, so much to share, and so willing to tell us things for our benefit. Not only that, she puts tons of effort into helping us excel, of course she's undoubtfully intelligent.
Our last with our Chinese teacher who seems like to he, its a giant relief. (: We had the most unintelligible with Miss Soh, but I think we'll be seeing her again. But moreover, it occured to me that we, as two one would be together for our last time, together. The times forged in the classrooms and hallways, so much so that everyone in class seems to have a piece in the puzzle, and, I think without even one of them, our class identity shrinks a little more.
I hope people share my sentiments so that i won't be the only who feels too attached to the class, and i hope my feelings are returned, because I think despite the times we felt nobody belonged, nobody fitted in, I think as the year has rolled by, we've all matured and grown onto each other, subconsciously acknowledging that we're definitely a class now. A pity that this happpens only during our last moments, but Two One, officially, I have to say that we're more than we are, we are one.
Two One, second to none.
I don't think I've seen so much emotional roller coasters in my school life, than in this class, and everytime I feed upon the mental images that you guys have penned and buried in my heart, I get a new found adrenaline, and it burdens me to think what beholds us as we walk our seperate paths in the very near future that beckons to us.
I know that everyone of you all, suns and moons will be forever the on peaks of the mountains of challenges you face. So though we may not be one in body, we'll be one in soul.
I'm feeling light, dreamy, and expository.
Love you, Lynch-Laurie truck gang.
Inevitably, days roll to an end, and darlings we have to part.
As many times i've done this before, I've always found myself trying to hold on and somehow close my shell to live in the past and solely reminisce whilst the rest of you have moved on.
I've learnt my lessons, and I'll face this with calm and poise this time.
So the silent sadness beseeches me, so I shall endure.
God's centre is everywhere, but circumference is nowhere.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
" ; 9:44 PM "

Enjoy the show.
Ally and my secret cool photo taking area, won't tell you where (:
Ally and my secret cool photo taking area, won't tell you where (:
Mrs Tan AL was the kewtest today!
"Does anyone know why a rainbow is always semi circular?"
"Yes Jeanette?"
And the Mrs Tan laughs the cutest laugh and goes : Jeanette! I think you're studying too much.
Laadeeda. Guides cookies finally came.
RIP OFF. i didn't know they were manufactured by khong guan!
UH wellz.
Mygoosh. Genevieve Chiam's singing is the ULTIMATE best.
"Oh Su Lynn when you dance like that, you make Genevieve go mad, oh Genevieve, oh Genevieve."
There's something strangely addictive about Owl City.
All the lyrics and song titles and music videos are as cute as a button!
So sad it went mainstream.
He sounds like daft punk, these are one of the rare moments I don't mind bit of techno.
Puts me in a good high mood, but I can't help but think psychedelic, and the fact that maybe this guy gets his high from drugs, like yellow submarine or something.
heh, but anyways, shan't look too much into it.
Good stuff.
"Does anyone know why a rainbow is always semi circular?"
"Yes Jeanette?"
And the Mrs Tan laughs the cutest laugh and goes : Jeanette! I think you're studying too much.
Laadeeda. Guides cookies finally came.
RIP OFF. i didn't know they were manufactured by khong guan!
UH wellz.
Mygoosh. Genevieve Chiam's singing is the ULTIMATE best.
"Oh Su Lynn when you dance like that, you make Genevieve go mad, oh Genevieve, oh Genevieve."
There's something strangely addictive about Owl City.
All the lyrics and song titles and music videos are as cute as a button!
So sad it went mainstream.
He sounds like daft punk, these are one of the rare moments I don't mind bit of techno.
Puts me in a good high mood, but I can't help but think psychedelic, and the fact that maybe this guy gets his high from drugs, like yellow submarine or something.
heh, but anyways, shan't look too much into it.
Good stuff.
Monday, October 05, 2009
" ; 7:55 PM "
Hi Genevieve.
This is for you.
I'll try to be as uninteresting as possible
I know you're playing pet society.
I won't 'lesbianise' today. PROMISE!
HAHA. Tomorrow, during pledge duty, i will go School attention.
Genevieve are you ready?
Genevieve attention.
Then everyone can see how awesome you are (:
Wow i broke my busy schedule to post this crap for you!
Just in case you find a way to hack my account, i will update for the sake of the rest of my blog.
Good day Genevieve, I know you'll have lots of fun studying history.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
" Little Musings ; 10:05 PM "
Sorry I can only provide ya'll with this little entertainment, i doubt i'll have many readers for awhile.
This sms came for my mum from her registrar. Medicine. interesting.
"I feel like I'm on call with two ahlians. One clerk from Marie Lee Beauty salon, and the other is a handphone salesgirl."
My mum suggested he wait for me to grow up and marry me.
nooo way.
Another day.
I was cashing a cheque.
Jus : Wow Jie Jie's so fast.
Mum : Yeah Jie Jis is veeeeeerrry pretty what.
(I enter the car)
Mum : I thought you said Jie Jie was very buff.
Jus: No, i said she was FAST.
Punctuation play
Woman! Without her, man is lost.
Bye guys, and wish me well for exams which are round ze corner. :D