Monday, November 30, 2009
" Reminiscient ; 10:12 PM "
Hey guys! I came back from Hong Kong today, and I'm feeling rather nostalgic.
First the amount of juicy things I learnt whilst on the plane ride home, geez. Why IJ girls and SJI guys like that...
Anyway, i'm feeling so confused. Like so disorientated. It was so utterly weird seeing IJ girls at the Hong Kong airport. Just... weird. I really miss St Paul's a whole bunch...! ):
I've been thinking some things, and yes you guessed it, i'm going to tell you, duh.
First off...
I think I've never met anyone like Rachel Li Chi Lok!
This girl huh. Self proclaimed tomboy, but has all the feelings and mannerisims of a girly girl. Cries so much during movies, though i haven't seen her actually do it...
But can dress top to toe in black, wlaking around all emo,
yet sit at home and collect Blythe dolls and clothes for her dolls.
This girl hor, seems so inactive in class, yet she's so intelligent when she puts her mind to it, and so politically updated. Rach has such strong views (against) the China government, I agree to an extent, a rather large one in fact. She's so quiet in groups, but when we're alone, chat her head off like mad.
She has all these crushes on Taiwanese and Jap people, but she would rather study in an all girls school. Rachel Li Chi Lok has adult taste buds only, what with weird herbal things, veggies, black coffee?
Interesting right?
Yep. Proves how individualistic the whole wide world can be. But yet I have so much in common with her, and our conversations can either go on forever, or get cut short with awkward silences. I wish I had more time with this quirky girl.
Her family was craaazy fun too.
Anyhoo. BLITZ.
I got the H&M stuff I wanted. I'm so surprised with myself.
And somehow, I didn't feel so bad missing two weeks of church, just can't wait to see everyone again though.
Anyway, I guess what God wanted me to do was to plant seeds everywhere, and stand back to watch. yes. That's it.
And another thing that struck me in Hong Kong was when Su Lynn said... so passionately about an avacado sandich.
"You don't know what you're missing! Its the best, its sooooooooooooooo good."
Isn't that true about the greatest love I have found?
I can say the exact same thing to the rest of the world that's been blinded and concealed to these things.
Friends in high places.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
" Corn starch and paperbags ; 11:36 PM "
Up til today. Just now, in fact, I've never really thought so in depth about poverty. Oh sure, we usually just associate poverty with like, Mother Teresa, and dirt and no food.
But today, things changed. Yes, poverty is about those things. But through our stimulus at Crossroads (They really should have one in Singapore), I've gained so much respect, and a whole mass of sympathy for 2 billion people, i've never felt before.
We arrived at the Crossroads Organization going all huhhhhhhz what's this. But it got off to a good start, because our 'guide' or facilitator was really friendly and funny. He had this really passionate look in his eyes. And he sort of reminded me of Glenn.
He told us of how Crossroads started out, and how they put resources and needs together, and somehow it was just darn amazing. We were split into families, and we were grouped with people we barely knew. Sam and i were together, and we didn't even know any of the dudes. But we just worked really well together.
I mean, it was just a simple game, which all of us knew, really, that after a few hours, it wouldn't really matter. It didn't only open my mind to the objectives of the game : to stay alive, but also it opened up this window to a whole new perspective on things. I guess i can't really speak for everyone, but for myself at least. And i guess you really just have to be there.
So Crossroads is this charity (QI SIN!) organization, where DJ(David James and gang) are a helping hand to those who need it. The way it works is amazing, people may say its a stroke of luck, that it started out with 2 million people in China who suffered from a flood. But i know otherwise, and i guess you all know what I'm going to say, but i'm going to say it anyway: God's timing is perfect.
2 million needy, homeless people, with nothing. A family of four? a visit to the hospital and unintentional eavesdropping? 19 boxes of clothes? 48 boxes of clothes? 72 boxes of clothes?
Where can you get that kind of 'luck'? No where. Because its not luck. And not just once. Computer lab in Afghanistan, with one less computer than one : a picture of a computer. World Bank upgrade of computer system? 300 discarded CPUs. With no monitors. And a sudden find of 300 (fat) monitors at another bank, two weeks later?
No way that's luck.
Furniture for two empty apartments, where do you get that?! surprisingly enough, some rich family calls up and tells Crossroads that they own too many houses, and want to close down two.
No way that's luck.
the list goes on.
We visited the stimulated slum, and in our families, we sat in a 2m by 2m canvas sheet and started folding paperbags. our paper bags our life. 10 minutes represented a week. And so many other factors contributed to the saving of our familie's life.
There was flurry and activity throughout the whole field, it was really really... different. To see students strip themselves of dignity(Okay, i think we were having a good time doing that) by kneeling or lying down and begging the 'shopkeepers' to buy their bags, no btw it was nothing like the leadership game we played in school.
These things, we realised, are real life. People actually do these things. We didn't even have to go through the motions of picking up other people's crap from the rubbish bins and bringing it home for dinner. And we only did this for thirty minutes. These people don't take a break, they don't rest, they work for hours, they pay money for the toilet that they have to to wait 3 hours for.
These people, they don't know anything, they survive on less than a US dollar a day. They don't earn 70 fake dollars for 10 crap paper bags. They earn 99 cents for 22 bags. They don't get free paper from the shopkeepers by giving them a two-squeeze shoulder massage. They obviously cannot trade iPhones or watches to pay rent.
These people, they actually work for hours long just to make about a dollar. These people, their rent is probably paid for by means of a limb or kidney. They suffer from HIV, they don't go to school, they use flying toilets(your excretions in plastic bags), they live like this every single day.
They sell themselves for 50 cents. These people, they're so beautiful, and they don't even know that they're just as valuable as each and every individual on this planet. They don't know, that no money in the world can buy them. They don't know.
And we don't know that.
i think the only way that we can see how these people live is to experience it for ourselves. Thirty minutes, just thirty minutes opens up your doorways and lets you see poverty in depth. It makes it real.
As we sat in the grass, sharing what struck us most, while plucking corn starch off our hands, what was moving was that everyone had something to say. The words that came out of these people, these people i barely even knew, they were words of humility and sympathy. Maybe its got something to do with the St Paul's culture, which i really admire.
Everyone participates. Actively.
It also makes me extremely glad to be in a Convent school, where we are more aware of things like these. Where we know more things beyond the books. But today, I was just really glad for once, that i was able to share it with someone else. The most powerful thing was that these were people I didn't even know the names of.
These were people that barely knew me. These were people being open about their feelings. These were people I knew were city kids. These were people who seemed to transform in thirty minutes. These were people that I'm sure will definitely be pioneers and donors for the poor.
And here I am sitting in front of this computer screen, thinking about what this monitor will do for someone else. In a land not so far away.
People in the slums, if they see 5 tourists with giant SLRs, the things moving through their minds is this.
SLR = education for my children + money for food + money for rent + money for medicine + money for clothes.
Its strange, isn't it. How on one extreme, people own about 7 houses or something, in the city, summer home, winter home, autumn home, sprint home, giant condo with a rooftop garden, houses in the maldives.
While on the other extreme, we have people living in cardboard boxes, or wooden huts held together with nails the size of a king size bed.
Funny isn't it, reality.
Well. its like 12:42. The latest i've ever blogged. rachel's kinda sick.
I haven't even talked about the second crossroads activity and after.
But tooodles anyway.
Love you guys, you know who you are (:
Monday, November 23, 2009
" How Amusing. ; 5:39 PM "
HELLO GUYS! I'm having a whale of a time here in Hong Kong.
I just got back from Nansha today. It was quite sad because we didn't understand everything, but got a chance to make more friends.
Nansha's veh ulu but we stayed in this 5 star hotel thing with amazing food.
I wish i learnt cantonese man.
It sounds like quite a cool language.
The ong kong accent is catching on.
hahaha i love 3E! (: Man i was so sad when i learnt that i was only gonna be in St Paul's for 4 days ): Geeez.
SUCKS BIG TIME! RAR. Sam and I kenna cao! HARHARHAR.
Okay i'm coming home with a full sentence of Cantonese. :D
I just got back from Nansha today. It was quite sad because we didn't understand everything, but got a chance to make more friends.
Nansha's veh ulu but we stayed in this 5 star hotel thing with amazing food.
I wish i learnt cantonese man.
It sounds like quite a cool language.
The ong kong accent is catching on.
hahaha i love 3E! (: Man i was so sad when i learnt that i was only gonna be in St Paul's for 4 days ): Geeez.
SUCKS BIG TIME! RAR. Sam and I kenna cao! HARHARHAR.
Okay i'm coming home with a full sentence of Cantonese. :D
dang funnaye reaction.

Lai Yik Wing Wesley
we are wei yi dang
14 minutes ago
Caitlin Foo
12 minutes ago · Delete
Lai Yik Wing Wesley
you ask your buddy to explain it to you in PTH
9 minutes ago
Crystal Chan
let me translate it for u caitlin!wesley said "we are hoodies party" x)
8 minutes ago
Caitlin Foo
♥ Crystal.
7 minutes ago · Delete
Lai Yik Wing Wesley
ya! x)
7 minutes ago
Crystal Chan
yay!♥ ♥ u too x)
7 minutes ago
Caitlin Foo
7 minutes ago · Delete
Beanka Chiang
aiya crystal so nice :DDDDwesley m considerate! .v.
7 minutes ago
Lai Yik Wing Wesley
I am bladder than you la
6 minutes ago
Lai Yik Wing Wesley
I am better than you la
6 minutes ago
Caitlin Foo
i am kidney than you.
6 minutes ago · Delete
Caitlin Foo
i am kinder than you.
6 minutes ago · Delete
Ying Carmen
5 minutes ago
Crystal Chan funny ah.we just went to the kidney of guangzhou and we become kidneys x)
5 minutes ago
Beanka Chiang
LMFAO :Pcaitlin is so humorous :P
4 minutes ago
Lai Yik Wing Wesley
moliu moliu--- batch 1 spirit
4 minutes ago
Beanka Chiang
hai mo mo liu liu xd
3 minutes ago
Lai Yik Wing Wesley
you are so moliu lor miss chiang
3 minutes ago
Beanka Chiang
shut up nah mrlai loloh wait mrlee lol
about a minute ago
Caitlin Foo
2 seconds ago · Delete
Beanka Chiang
woah SO EARLY :0)good night caitlin :)
26 seconds ago
Crystal Chan
haha i m mrs lee x)
20 seconds ago
Caitlin Foo
Aiyo cannot sleep. Got nightmare of Ryan. HAHAHA!
2 seconds ago · Delete
Lai Yik Wing Wesley
50 seconds ago
Beanka Chiang
hahahhah this is ABSOLUTELY THE MOST NOT LAN GAG xdaw poor caitlin :P
30 seconds ago
Crystal Chan
hahahahaha GOOD JOB Caitlin!
26 seconds ago
Lai Yik Wing Wesley
beanka, do you want to look at liu's photo again
22 seconds ago
Ying Carmen
before Trip:110.2 lb After trip:112.8 lb
14 seconds ago
Beanka Chiang
6 seconds ago
Caitlin Foo
3 seconds ago · Delete
Sunday, November 15, 2009
" ; 8:55 PM "
Hello guys.
This are my last few hours before i take off to Hong Kong for wo weeks
I'll miss you guys tons.
Hong Kong seemed so far away.
Haha. its supposed to be months ahead!
Everywhere i go, God's with me!(:
Uncle Allan was a real comfort, like the most reassuring one about me missing camps and stuff today.
He prayed for me after service and i don't feel so bad about missing out now.
Watched 2012 today.
It was rather draggy.
It was cliche, and really funny at the same time. They killed off all the hot Russians.
I don't think the story's plausible though.
After church today, i just don't think the world will end THAT way. God promised with the dove and rainbow after the flooding where only Noah and gang survived, that He will never do that to humanity again.
And well, the whole prophesy in Revelation describes something different.
There were some mirrors and hints at revelation, like the part about the zoological animals on the whatchamacallit, and the lil boy being called Noah.
I shan't spoil it anymore for you. Have i? Nah.
Saw my churchies there. HAHA YA'LL IMBA LA. JW David and theodore? Neckache. muahahahaz. And i just happened to BUMP into you, i've got better stuff to do than to stalk you.
Bye! ): Miss you guys so much.
so much.
Councillers - Happy Birthday Saira Rooop. in advance. HAVE FUNNNNNN(: SORRY WE CAN'T BE THERE GWENNZ.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
" ; 10:11 PM "
Spent the day at Choo's! But before that, AHEM BIG NEWS GUYS.
and out of the five of us, only Choo's been to Ion. SO.
That means.
I pass.
Jing wei.
AUNTY TTUM! she's such a hoot.
I think I want to work for paperchase in the future.
Didn't get to watch our movie ):
And shopping for hong kong gifts wasn't the most productive either.
Rachel's so hard to shop for.
Lunch was great.
Haha i think choo and rin bin had a good time lianzie watching at Far East.
The place is so huge and you still can't find the right gift.
Something will come our way.
We had fun playing cooking mamaaaaa @ Choo's house.
And we pushed Erin into the pool.
it was uh crazy day.
Glad i had time to spend time with my gal pals. Its like the first time not going to school.
Oh well.
Oh i must mention that our dance board thingies look incredible.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
" We can take this thing outside ; 10:29 PM "
i'm taking you're nicole keeee!
Hi munchkins. Okay not so munchkin, but anyway i think i'll take forever to link ya'll up. HA. HA.
Dance was quite good today.My splits are improving. great.
I love Miss Wee's choreo. its beautiful. And so flowy.
And nut has started my obsession over Imogen Heap's hide and seek.
I mean i knew about it and listened to it, but until today, when it was suggested as a piece for lyrical dance, I didn't think it was all that great.
but now it provides this nostalgic feeling, that is really hard to capture these days.
I'm really feeling that i have no time to myself.
Just like quiet moments at home with myself, the rain and a book.
God perhaps.
We went shopping for deco after dance. Hmm. Interesting. Won't say much.
but the thought of taking over office next year scares me. Its a rarity now, to be able to kick back and enjoy what other people put up for you.
Unless you pay for it.
but I think i've been involved in every school concert.
I mean, every moment of it is fufilling, but i'd like to enjoy something else for awhile.
Just a passing thought.
I think i've to stop being so selfish.
My mum expects us to be saving up for college.
Scary the way she confronts the future so directly, but i shan't share anymore about the finance bit.
because it scares me myself.
which isn't good.
but we'll get by.
we somehow always do.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
" Real love ; 4:09 PM "
Real hope, invade us.
You illuminate us.
Hellow wello (:
Don't have much to say, except that I'm glad I know Clement and Luke.
And I can't wait to catch sample this!
Church was hyped today.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
" You had to be. ; 10:37 PM "
Hope is stirring, hearts are yearning for you.
Hello! I've had the longest week. Ever.
I just want to lose my head in my pillow and stay there forever.
Went to school today and the meeting was... =/
I don't think I like being in charge.
Only when I'm comfortable.
Drama show case(other than the rehearsals) were fun.
I had a really good time with my drama group.
And Maribelle looked like a coffee shop aunty with oversized t shirt, rolled up track pants and slippers.
I though the DEP girls were superb, and everyone stole Roopie's M&Ms she had so little left for the performance.
We had so much fun laughing everywhere. WHOOHOO. Love you(:
I thought our performance was really great, despite the hiccups and whatnot ahem cough, changes to our scenes.
And This is it... we watched it, the dancers were cooliewoolies!(:
I am going to learn THRILLER, or at least the parts idk, Beat it, and some other songs. OH BAD.
This is it doesn't have bad.
HAHA. Losers we ate pastamania for lunch, and those woosies, Choo and Rin a lin had to take forks and knives to cut them into small pieces to chew on daintily.
GWEN AND I REAL MAN. but in the end, gwen was the last. muahaha. But it occurred to me that maybe its wrong that i'm so good at scarfing down pizza.
We were late back to school.
That's bad, that's bad. YOU KNOW IT YOU KNOW IT.
We started MJ-ing around at theBishan interchange with all these people staring at us. Not the best time to crotch grab in your uniform.
HAHA. And we named on of his moves the
Go watch this is it.
Its good for laughs and watching dance.
Anw we were making up excuses about why were late. HAHA.
"We felt the need to watch This is It, to get rejuvinated by the King himself, in order to better our drama performance for tonight."
Had tons of fun today after the Arts Jam meeting. so called.
Went out with councillers and Cez.
I'm so scared for next year. I'm the only toot in 3/3 please.
There are 4 in 3/4.
3/4's a real rojak class. I wonder what will happen to all of us next year.
I just hope everyone is friends with everyone.
Isn't it easier that way.
I can only hope that much.
I just hope I don't lose anyone as a result of impulse.
Chris and Mona came over to my house for lunch. Those two pack down alot.
And I follow.
I must learn to have more self control around those two.
But they're good and fun.
Like old times, huh?
Then they left. and i got ditched by ze dancers who were supposed to go for Nut's confi with me.
But they had their reasons. And i guess if I had gone for rehearsals i wouldn't be in the mood to go either. I feel you guys! ):
But anw, bel lam came anyway to pass me gifts, epic! She thought it was only nut's confi and forgot to buy a gift for stelle. HAHA. So i had to split them.
I FINISHED 8 SKETCHES TODAY. which puts me well ahead of my task (:
Anyway. my mum offered to drive me up to SFX to pass them the gifts anyway.
So I did.
And I saw so many of my peers. Haha.
Gwen and Sheryl the checker board chicks.
But i was thinking. geez seriously, gwen and sheryl didn't even plan on coming til last minute, and they still managed to show up together, while we actually PLANNED this. and in the end i had to go alone. Well, not for mass. But to pass them the gifts.
It seems to be happening to me alot lately.
but at least I got to see the confi girls all decked in white.
They were so beautiful.
I think SFX is beautiful too. I always wanted to go in every time we passed by.
It really is a beautiful church. Its so... I don't know what's the word...
it feels.
Like a sanctuary.
Okay, well i'm done.
And i still have this blasted cough.
gobble gobble.
I just can't believe some people.
Okay this has nothing to do with any of my friends or events of this day.
Just randomly blog hopping.
What the dickens are these people up to?
Maybe their heads just aren't on straight.
The nerve.
I don't even know her that well and I'm already pissed off.
Note to self :
Link Gwen, Gin Yin, Wen Jin.
haha. habbn't gotten round to doing that.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
" ; 9:18 PM "

And to Ee Por, my grandma's younger sister.
Isn't it cool that they have the same birthday?
I can't find a photo of my grand aunt. I'm too lazy to upload one. hurhur.
I'm quite excited about tomorrow.
I'm sorry I haven't been updating, but if you know what I'm going through, you'd know its been this crazy whirlwind. But ironically this running around hasn't allowed me to lose ANY weight
I think i binge when i stress out.
Hopefully I'll be able to watch This is It tomorrow.
And people wonder what I do with my spare time.
The answer is I HAVE no spare time.
No time to make Christmas cards. And I already cut down the size by two thirds.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
" Long and overdue. ; 3:28 PM "
Who's feeling blah?
Well I'm having a serious case of PMS, but i think Prng's sermon today helped quite alot. Maybe its just because I'm being negative and speaking death words upon myself, which I've resolved to stop doing.
I've been planning to do this long overdue post about all the stuff that's going through my brain right now, i'm so muddled up though, i've been doing so much thinking, and its crazy because I've barely had time to breathe, and yet i can still think such things.
Things about the future, things about relationships, and other stuff that might just be too much for a fourteen year old to be thinking. I don't know, I've been having bad cases of insomnia, and I found out you think best just before you sleep, so my brain's been working overtime.
I've also had tons of things on my to do list that have been collecting dust from my neglection. First off, I had some time to spend with my folks, and I just realised how very depressing my grandma's life seems to be. She's like what, the second eldest, okay now the oldest, since her older brother, whom I've never met before, died quite recently, and life just has been a whirldwind for her.
I mean, she has 5 kids right, with an arranged marriage, and my grandpa, with a tragic life of his own, and i don't know how my grandma managed to chuck all of them into college, 3 in medical school for that matter.
And how she still found the time to cook and clean and teach music I wonder. She's such a toughie, my grandma's truly a remarkable woman, and though she has a small and fragile frame, she's really weathered and wise. And cute as a button. I haven't appreciated her enough since she's been taking care of me for ages.
And everyon takes her for granted. Geez. She's such an inspiration. But she's yet to see the light. She thinks the whole idea's absurd, and its not like she doesn't know. She's a convent girl. Of course she does. She just thinks that its strange that you could love someone more than your parents, family and life itself.
Poor granny.
And I've been down the whole week, though I must say my brother's prawning parteh was quite a pick me up. Despite the thunderstorm. Limejews anyone? NONONO. Limechinese.
My voice is not doing any better, I swear some of my classmates (coughahemanabelcough) are in love with me. I do like the way my voice sounds, its COOL, lower than most people I know, raspy like David Cook. But i can't sing. Aaw.
I'm tired. I've got this crazy week before me and i don't know what to do.

And how she still found the time to cook and clean and teach music I wonder. She's such a toughie, my grandma's truly a remarkable woman, and though she has a small and fragile frame, she's really weathered and wise. And cute as a button. I haven't appreciated her enough since she's been taking care of me for ages.
And everyon takes her for granted. Geez. She's such an inspiration. But she's yet to see the light. She thinks the whole idea's absurd, and its not like she doesn't know. She's a convent girl. Of course she does. She just thinks that its strange that you could love someone more than your parents, family and life itself.
Poor granny.
And I've been down the whole week, though I must say my brother's prawning parteh was quite a pick me up. Despite the thunderstorm. Limejews anyone? NONONO. Limechinese.
My voice is not doing any better, I swear some of my classmates (coughahemanabelcough) are in love with me. I do like the way my voice sounds, its COOL, lower than most people I know, raspy like David Cook. But i can't sing. Aaw.
I'm tired. I've got this crazy week before me and i don't know what to do.