I love Chrisssss (:
Hahaha, you know we can talk non stop, for about... 3 hours.
She came to my house and then we talked all through dinner, before and after.
Our conversation was...
"Yeayea very funneh."
Mum: So you want Funghi? Make sure you don't burn your tongue-y.
Yes, and then mum was telling us about how earlier in the afternoon, at around two,
Timmy got lost.
Justin was like "Mum, you know Timmy got lost and they had to file a police report?"
Everyone : Yeah right.
Justin : REALLY! YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME? CALL PORPOR (grandma) LAH. Call lah Call lah.
Mum : Really? -Picks up the phone and dials-
-Justin starts laughing-
Chriz and I : YOU SEE YOU SEE! He's joking! AGAIN.
Mum : Hello? Mum ah? Timmy got lost today?
Me and Chriz : O:
Justin : Told you so.
See what happened was Timmy didn't go to school cuz he was sick.
So he stayed home with Lynn(his maid), uh huh.
And his MATERNAL grandma (Aunty Karen's mum), came around and took Lynn AND Timmy to Vivo, for some particular reason. Without telling ANYBODY.
Yep, and then by that time, PorPor came over to give Tim his lunch, but couldn't find him.
And also, Lynn just left the mop where it was, so PorPor, the poor lady, thought she was going mad. So she searched the entire premises and couldn't find them
The poor old woman was so worried. And then she called Unc and Aunty Karen.
"Is Timmy with you?"
And Unce and Aunty karen flipped out, so they rushed home all the way from Mount E, and when they came back, Tim still wasn't home.
they went to the police station to file a report. And then when the police came to their house, there they ALL were, Tim,Grandma AND Lynn, sitting on the sofa.
For real.
And the officers were at Tim's house, and then they had to file a record under Tim's grandma's name.
WTH! HAHA. you know why?
Tim's handphone was flat(HE'S SEVEN ONLY,OK), His grandma's phone was spoilt, and Lynn has no handphone.
So mum asked PorPor, why she didn’t call Tim’s maternal GRANDPA, and then the answer was… THEY’RE NOT ON TALKING TERMS.
How can! Then how to sleep in the same bed righhht?
They’re old people, they’re supposed to know better.
Tsk, how immature man.
Haiyoyo. So now Tim’s grandma has uhm, a police record. O;
AAHAHAHHHHA. :D Funny eey.
Chickybun is an idiot. Made Mika’s stupid Happy Ending get stuck in my head, and I was singing it all the way from the time we were walking home, til dinner.
I'll sign off noooww.
OMG, 4 days til elections!


I think i look pretty adorable here. I was escaping from watching shutter, and Tiff took this.
Labels: elections, police record
I need to link Angie, too :D
happy birthday, troll.
i wanna gooooooooo.
Okay so it's settled, i'm going to Bintan,Club med and then Bangkok straight after.
Zac Efron is not hot :(
What's so hot about himmm! So so so...
Scum natalie's going to MURDER, if she sees this.
i'm typing in kaela's house
Went to AMK to watch HSm 3 and yes now kaela's breathing down my neck.
go figure.
tennis, my method PWNS.
"OooooohoooOOHhoOooooh! Zac Efron's hot!"
That's what Nat just squealed in my ear.
okay now I shall attempt to edit photos using Kaela's computer.
she she she...
omg so gaaaay!
and now Kaela's going to take a peekcha with my phone.
Hello. So this is my plan for the rest of the week. Blog blog blog blog blog blog blog halloween party blogblogblogblog and blog some more. I am going to fill in every single detail of my life that i've missed out. So. Yeah. sorry for making myself scarce for the last couple of days.
AAHHH. i missed my chance to tell GinYin my iPod consultant that I got the nano chrome. Haha.
Well so anyway. I'm reading Change of Heart by none other than Picoult. I'm just happy that I live in Singapore. Yep. No murder, i mean. look at it, Jennifer Hudson? Triple murder please. And with all due respect, beggars on the street, doods with guns?
Oh well. And did you hear that the FBI arrested two people plotting to assasinate Obama? I seroiusly think that they should get rid of their White Pride and all that. It's like Abraham Lincoln all over again. Man, what is their problem?
Yes, emphasising on the fact that I played around with puns, if i might say so.
Rah, the photo uploader is not working AGAIN.
Okay, so anyway. I will go back to ranting. I think I need to get ALOT done during the holidays. I need to blog about BeiJing, that was a good 4 months ago
And dear me, tomorrow, my little brother, that fat munchkin, he's turning ELEVEN tomorrow. By Golly. Rar. He's growing to be taller than me, the idiot.
But he's still as childish as ever. OMG. today's Jay's Birthday. HAHAH! Happy Birthday Dude!
Hahah! Roar, what to do now. Oh yeah. I went to HMV yesterday and bought Iron man,The Pursuit of Happyness, Parent Trap (It was bloody Code 1, but mum said it was time to change the pokai DVD player anyway,) Made of Honour and Camp Rock.
WAITWAIT! Camp Rock ONLY beacuse I didn't really get to finish watching it because yeah i don't have disney, and also, they have really nice closeups on Nick and Joe. Demi Lovato has major spasms when she sings. Her movements are really awkward.
Yeaaaah, and they're all pretty much pretentious. Plus I already got the fact that I shouldn't pretend to be what i'm not, but i guess american tweens haven't. =/ Oh well. And I really love Made of Honour.
HAHA! it's a damn feel good movie, no matter how predictable the storyline is. Plus Patrick Dempsey is to die for! :D Yeah uh.
Damnit, there's something wrong with Photoshop.
Grah, how do you fix your pen tool. :(
I mustmust link Nicole Ann Gunn and Isabel. Lam is it? Erm, Annagrace, Estelle, Ambra, Sarah Ng, Samantha Tay, Dance blog.
kay, guess what, I've lost my train of thought, so I'm going to edit past posts.
Alrighty, ciaoz.
Tag Replies!(;
(haha, sorry, Lee. :D Christmas perhaps. :D I went through alot of begging ok.)
Chris: You're four lah! : D Yes, be honoured, you've got the underlined one! O: Lurbchewzx(:
Chris: I am smart yes? Realised i typed wrongly after four hours. GENIUS!
(Does that count as shit you've done? HAHA KIDDING. Lurbchewzx too, :D *heaves sigh of relief* And you were already
gwen: caitliinn!! no fair you got the ipod thingy and nice nice songs D: i never get anything D: hehehe
Chris: HAHA NO LOR! Tearing is the word, tearing. Heehee
(Yes, Sure. Got that.)
MELL: no! i'm not like that.. dont misunderstand me leh!!!:( look at me!! i'm such an innocent child!
(i'm looking, I'm looking. We are, we are, we are all innocent. YEAH LAH I LOVE YOU LAH.)
fangying:)): TAGGED:DHAHA:)
(I'll tag you back sometime, too. Thanks!(: )
kaela: you liar, you neh blog about my chocolates!
(Going to, going to. I have no time, see.)
isabel: relink me yo !!
(Will do, eventually, love.)
cait choo: OMG! you got nano chrome. bet its orange. Haha. right?
(Haha, didn't I say so? :D )
Later, chickas.
By George, Justin Foo you go to hell. just go to hell.
And stay there.
Effing bitch punched me.
What the eff has gotten into that kid? he's going to be screwed up so bad.
Just cuz it's his effing birthday tomorrow gives him the right to bloody come at his sister?
Who does he think he is?
He kept touching me weird places you jolly well don't want to know, but i'd say it's a tad early for his effing male hormones to be arising.
WTF OK. He freaking molested his own effing sister. And so i ask him to back off, and then he hits me.
And what do i do? I scream and yell at him, with my actual lungs.
And ask him to Go to hell and that he's a bloody effing bastard who is not king of the world, and he should bloody well know that he should NOT touch me. Plus, i storm out of grandma's house, with the poor lady trying to calm us all down, and my wretch of a brother just says "It's my birthday" and then i shout some more and say So if it's your birthday you think you can go parade around geylang and be an effing gay prostitute for all i effing care.
Labels: Jay, Photoshop, white pride
Today I woke up at around Elevenish, and lolled around all day. Spent the whole day reading Change of Heart, then after scraping blu tack off the ceiling, went to HMV before picking up the boob from band.
Yeh. My day was boring.
Class comm! yeah! We outdid ourselves people!(: We rocks socks.
We did it people.
Woke up at 9, and then packed myself up, with about... 5 bags.
100 ping pong balls, 3 water guns, a bazillion picnic mats, one turtle shell havasack.
Grahhh :D
I was the first to arrive at Sam's place. Justin and Jared went to Vivo, where I would later learn that brother dearest got the blue nano chrome. yeah, sorry to disappoint Chris, flowah wasn't in the car. :D
Anyway, got to Sam's place, and called Nicole Lau, and coincidentally they just arrived. And i helped to unload their stuff. She, val and Anabel came with Jing Wei. NICOLE LAU HIAO ZA BOR PLEASE.
Translated to be VainPot. Wahlaoo eeehhh. She was wearing this black spaghetti strap top, and skorts so short like FBTs, and she painted all her nails black except for two, which were red.
HAIO PLEAASEEEE. Thwack her head, and she's like EEEH WHO GOT COMB.
Retuded lah. Yeah anyway, so I showed them the video dedication, and they liked it, I hope.
Gwen came late as usual. We started setting up. made water balloons, blahblahblah. yep, waited around for lunch. Then SuLynn, Michelle and Sheryl came early, and we were upstairs doing decoys.
And the games began!(: First was the broken telephone memory game that Violet pwned! The aim of the game was to memorise 10 objects under a cloth, and broken telephone the message down to the last person, and the objects have to be specific detail. Harder than it sounds.
Haha, then we played Caterpillar, where we lined two rows of people up like a caterpillar, and stuffed heavy balloons filled with water in them, and we randomly stuffed them into the row, and it was a race to see who could make it without dropping the balloons.
And I modified the rules, by saying that you're your own caterpillar if you break the chain, and the class comm was bombarding the class with water bombs as a distraction. WHOOPEE DOO!(;
After caterpillar, we started the treasure hunt, haha good one kaela, hiding the bottles in the float. it was kinda fun watching your classmates struggle to remember the mass dance, and dance it in synchrony. :D And Jing Wei said that the bursting balloons was funny,
they took my decoys for real.
"My dog's armpits are itchy"
"Kaela is a potato"
"Caitlin has small boobs"
"Anabel takes drugs"
"My panties, not your's!"
HAHA, Maribelle was like "WHAT DOG, WHERE?"
her reaction was indescribable! HAHA :D
EEEH. yep, and then we cancelled the telematch(what a waste of 30 bucks), cuz everyone just went cowabunga into the pool :(
but it was fun.
Everyone was going gaga over marshmallows, and we had a nice conversations with Miss Tan and Mrs Wong :D giggle giggle. Food was okay, but next time, it's too much of a hassle, so next time, PIZZA.
Dedications took a long while to get everyone to settle down. And the class comm is absolutely terrified of sam's mum. Anyway, it was a blast. we must do it some more.
"CAITLIN(Choo)! The Salad is GORGEOUS!"
she's so funny!
Wow, what is it with Hwa Chong guys on blogskins?
The scary thing is that, they're good...
Labels: class party
Kaela got the black nano chrome! Awww, should have totally gotten purple. Then Cait Choo, me and her would have cool colour combo :D
Yaya thanks Jus, for the secret. I lurbchooz.
I seriously can't wait for monday.
I miss the toots! Can't wait for the halloween trick or treating chriz!(:
Love ya'll.
I could be any of those five, so i'm going to respond to all five.
the choice lies clear I hope, you know I put you guys before the rest, and i'm sorry we've been drifting further apart, but you know deep inside me, you guys shine above the rest.
our happiness before their's.
I do hope, Dear God, you're talking about me, and i wish to be the best person you can turn to for comfort and solice, and if you didn't already know that, well babe, "I've got your back", and you shouldn't care to be yourself in my eyes, and it's okay, for what you've done is far from shit.
if I'm number four, i do so very sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding, and sorry for taking something so small and turning it into a big deal, i couldn't be more sorry right now.
Forever means forever, and I won't let you go.
The scary thing is i'm fit to be catergorized under all 5 categories, and...

joel(; : haha. my results were great like overall 3 A1s and 5 B3s. quite ok. i think.joel(; : i changed to bass clar cos we really needed one. so i just went over :D haha.and yeahh. band is hectic..
(haha yeah, SYF, I know, feel for ya.)kaela: heehee okay the syf one makes me wanna cry. EH MY DAD FREAKED ME OUT! he just randomly said "hey mei, your teacher call me today, you got 3rd in class" then im like WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? then he was like laughing laughing so he was lying! >;( coincidentally mrs tan said she will be calling our parents today lol... and my mom made me sadder HAHA, but kinda funny too. she was like "haiya how come sumei never get into SYF ah? i very angry i want to complain" HAHAHHA DAMN FUNNY. okay yay i love my daddy and mommy and you too and dance too and everyone. (: oh ya i feel so embarrassed that i cried lor... like make su think its her fault which it isnt... aiya MY THROAT PAIN! k la bye, too long alr my tags!
(wow, yeah looong tag. :D Su knows lah (: Yeah love you too. )
Erin: ZOMG CAITLIN. I AM SEVENTH. I REFUSE TO BE ANGRY AT YOU. Nice one, Caitlin. Nice one. Really. =)
(YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE AT BEING 6TH. term one,term one. HAHAHAH! It's okay!4 marks only!)
STELLELOVESCAITLIN: Hey Caitlin! Thanks so much for the nice post you have there! When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place alright! WORK SUPERR DUPEEDY HARD FOR DANCEWORKS (: I have confidence that you'll get in! Love you to a million pieces! (:
(Thanks Estelle!(: You work hard for SYF too alright :D Don't worry, we won't let you down(:)
MELL: hey!!! err i need your help can yuo change the colour of mytagboard? to black and white. THANKS:D ily!!! k nevermind.
(Smart lah chicken, only say ily when you want help right! (: will do.)
lesley: hi! haha , bradarr :D
(Bro!(: Congratulations for SYF! Don't take Miss Wee too hard alright :D)
Erin: She's cool because she was wearing eyeliner!!! And don't have to be so touchy, Caitlin. =/
(I'm not touchy! HAHAH yeahhhh, her eyeliner was cool. I thought you said she was cool cuz she did everything for you?)
cassandra: HULLO ROBOT. (: heh. randommm. xD whooooo.
(Hi non robot!(: Thankchooz)
kaela: WAAAHHH CAITLIN CAITLIN OMG OMG OMG IM HYPERVENTILATING. IM DAMN EXCITED FOR MONDAY. like finally, its been a long time since ive been to any party la! so exicited, we are so cool. its gonna be damn un! all the games ahhh everyones gonna be happy! (: anw the chocolates are nice (:
Love out!((:
Today the class comm took a long trip down to Sam's house, to plan for the class party.
it was pretty fun,
just remind me never to be on time, when kaela, natale and anabel are involved.
We trained down to harbourfront and met Sam there.
She was wearing a skirt! haha, it was so cute.
Apparently her mum disallows her wearing shorts in public, because it's disrespectful?
Anyway, reached her cool condo. yep, it's really secluded, and quiet, peaceful.
Plus, the architecture was interesting.
Heehee, and we sort of planned everything out nicely.
So we left, and then went to vivo. Yep, walked around, and finally had lunch at burger king.
THEN, had to rush back to TP for open studios, AND THEN,we stopped by at Candy Empire.
Everybody had the sugar rush, and the reactions were HILAROUS,
the people were DELIRIOUS, to buy candy.
You should see the sparkle in their eyes, the enthusiasm in their voices, and their wide, wide smiles.
"Heeehehehehehehehehehehe, CANDY! hehehehehehehe! hehehehe! CANDYY!"
wow, you guys.
haha, after the long MRT ride with obsessively high people, i got back to toa payoh, and dropped by Popular to buy Faith and A little Bit longer.
Then mum picked me up, and i rushed home to freshen up, only to come back down to toa payoh for open studios. Surprisingly, Su Anne was there, and directed me to the AVA studio.
Where prize giving rehearsals were going on. Cool right, Mr. Razali let us have a peek at our prizes, BORDERS GIFT CARDS! ;O haha. yepp. cool aite, be jealous. And then we looked at the ppt, and we asked him to upload onto ijaep.
Uhhuh, and Joyee is a mad cow.
Patricia Tey's speech was funny "Goggling at our teachers' girlfriends, who became wives"; "my dear indian friend, she was known as Xiao Hong!", "Made us draw trees, spoons, cups, spoons in cups..." highly entertaining, AEPeers, we should do that some time, breaking into the teachers lounge and confusing subs.
Ahh, and i couldn't really say anything much. Open Studios. :D Mum was introduced to Mrs Lee, by Mrs Matthews and Mrs Tan AL, very entertaining, mrs tan.
"Ehh, and your daughter can dance also you know"
"Yeah, she gets her jeans from me lor"
"YOU? You can dance? no lah no lah"
and then because Val didn't turn up, and Nicole Lau had to leave early, I had to drag 12 toilet rolls that we stole from the toilet in the canteen, the class banner and the class rubberband home :(
EEew, today was the HSM opening, can't say much about that.
Erin - HSM = Highly Shitty Music.
pray nat won't see that.
Open up your fists This fallen world, Doesn't hold your interest, Doesn't hold your soul.
Lord I give you my heart, I give you my soul.
Today was the last day of school.
it didn't feel like it at all.
it feels like I JUST came in to sec one,
it feels like I'm STILL the most junior.
I'm going to miss playing the 'noob' and getting cut some slack.
I miss being the one that was excused when we made mistakes, I just got used to liking that.
now we're going to have to make way for the juniors.
the juniors.
They get worse and worse every year :(
but most of all, i fear living up to my senior's reputations.
I'm just not... good enough.
I don't want to give up being a junior
I need more time, i need time to be better, stronger.
Hallelujah, here we come.
I don't want to let them down.
Labels: I need time., Time
It's over, but it's not the end.
Whatsup Chiquititas(:
Haiyo, today's post exam activites were the most waste of time ever. We had craft making where we made our own notebooks and earrings, which i have no use for.
The instructor was... well Erin referred to her as "cool"
Her fats were bulging out of her shirt, and her neckline was so low, you could see her disgusting cleavage.
:( And so we started on our oh-so interesting NOTEPADS. Joy. How ironic lo. She came over to show us an example of how to paste down the spine of the notebook thing, and used mine as an example. Okay, half an inch. FINE.
AND THEN. she went to another group for awhile, and we just started putting glue, so she came back and went ALAMAK SO SLOW. Why you so slow? HAIYA GERR, (to me, who else right?) WHY YOU PASTE UNTIL LIDDAT. It's more than half an inch okay! Do properly.
then she ripped out what SHE did and then pasted it down again.
HELLO HELLO HELLO HI? But I decided not to care, and laugh at her self contradictions instead. That was better. :D yep. So whatever, I just never aim to be an overweight woman with yellow teeth and very obvious saggy cleavage who teaches 13 year olds who to make notebooks for a living.
Then we got to go to recess late, well of course. I don't ever see adults admitting they're wrong, you know. Seriously, they are the ones who walk in late, she came to our group last and called us slow, then she said the quality was no good, blahblahblah. And her ALAMAK.
And we go off for recess late. Cuz of that.
Yipee. And music was a drag, although i just tried to make the best out of it, but everything seemed like noise.
We-ll. I can't believe it.
Bring the house down.
Filed report books with the comm today! Got to go into the staff room for the second time. And i was being gracious by not looking at other people's report books, WHILE AHEMAHEM. what were the DEAR others doing?
Labels: Craftsmaking.

Labels: confusion, disappointment, relief, SYF auditions
So lovely til words merely mean so much.
Guys, I just want to say that everyone who's known me has changed my life one way or another.
Pardon me,
If I've been acting strange
I haven't been myself lately
What you seeIs a person rearranged
Someone affected me greatly
And I've got so much to say
Ever since Jesus looked my way
Gonna raise my voice like thunder
And leave the world in wonder of the change
The change inside of me
And I will never stop believing
That you are the reason for this change
The change inside of me
Everyday I'm taking in the view
Of His glory around meI'm awake
And I have been made new
By the One who has found me
Words just can't say enough
When all I can feel is love
Your life
You gave for mine to save
Its nothing less than a miracle
Your name I praise, because the change
Inside of me is so beautiful
Gonna raise my voice like thunder
And leave the world in wonder of the
The change inside of me
And I will never stop believing
That you
are the reason for this change
The change inside of me
To the Toots.
Hand Clapping, Hip Shaking,
You nine are the best I ever had, and when Mona talks crap, when Gwen gets high, when Chriz gets all sarcastic, when Kristel tortures some poor creature, when Mel makes impromptu songs on the spot, when Caitlin Choo goes 'Doggy doggy doggy", when tiff gives her onemillion dollar 'Huh?" stare, when Jane forgets her socks, when Nat's hair gets in everyone's mouth,
I know I belong here, right there and then, it's home.The spasm, the craziness, the ecstasy of it all. Nothing compares, especially when it's all happening at once, when we just won't shut our traps, when we get those looks from bystanders,
I just don't ever want to let you go.
To my classmates
Thank you, OneOne, for all the effort you've put in. Gracias, for what you've taught me, be it academically or emotionally, sorry for not always being the most sensitive, or most understanding. Sorry for letting you down, for all the times i've been incapable, an incompetent leader.
All i hope to see in our class is to keep that spirit alive, and no matter grim or gain, we stick up for each other for all eternity, and that in 20 years time, you all will be all rich and successful, more importantly, happy and a child of God.
And you can come jetsetting back home from all over the earth, just to be with your class, because we are that special to you, I hope for peace throughout, and the art of communication.
To the people I've never really got to know, and rekindling friendships
Jeanette, Danielle,Zi Ying, Su Lynn, Erin, Annabel.
and many others.
We will get to know each other more yes? I'll make sure we won't waste our 4 years away neglecting each other.
To Church Cell
You've been the biggest influence in my spiritual journey, so thank you for letting me know that there IS indeed a God, and I'm so grateful that He's blessed me with you guys.
To my one in a million best friends
I want to journey with you. I want to have a covenant with you. I want to grow spiritually with you. I want to share with you. I want to live my life knowing it would never be the same if it weren't for you. I want to know that you'll be there for me too. I want to grow in God with you. I want to maintain peace with you. I want to bury the past, and be thankful for each others' presence. I want to let you know that I'm a listening ear, a crying shoulder, a place where you can run. I want to move mountains with you. I want to change the world with you.
To my fantastical seniors, and fellow dancers
Shine, shine shine on.
Thank you for teaching me, thank you for the patience, thank you for changing my mindset, thank you for boosting my confidence, thank you for teaching me to tear down stereotypical barriers, thank you for a common passion we share.
To the dudes
Thank you for reminding me to be a kid once in awhile.
It's enough to make me fly.
To you, dear reader
Hey there, thankchooz for making me a better person, one way or another. And thanks ever so much for journeying with me by bothering to read what i've got to say. There is a higher love, a higher power, that made us all who we are today.
Give thanks.
There is no hope too small.
And thankchooz, Erin, for the Obama/Biden badge from the NY.
"A change we can believe in"
Labels: Just be with me
Cell was the awesomest. Again.
Pray for Alison Chia as her grandad's health is in critical condition.
Today we elaborated further on Trials and Temptation.
Hold me in your arms, never let me go.
I want to spend eternity with you.
Now that you're here, everything is different
Everything's so different.
Jesus you're all I need.
I love having cell with uncle Allan, because he's really close with God, and really optimistic. He makes impacts on people. And you come out feeling lighter than air, and you hunger more for Scripture. yes, i love cell.

Okay, for once I'll be using Sophisticaited for venting my anger, although i've been trying to be a happier person. But today was okiayish, but math totally ruined my mood.
So go read alienation if you don't want to have your mood obsessively ruined.
Got the results back, except for math, I guess I got what my studying deserved. And yes, i'm totally disappointed with math. And no, i'm not one of those people who excessively flaunt their awesome marks.
"Aawww, i'm so sad. I did so badly"
"Why... how'd you do?"
"Haiya... I got 91/92/93/94/95/96 (Gigantic numbers that make your eyes go POP)..."
I could just faint and DIE. Yeah, i know some of you are kinda reading this, but yes, don't get pissed, just don't DO it anymore.
Gosh, talk about kicking someone when they're down, sure i know you did your bit of studying and got what you wanted, yippee hooray, but spare a thought for the people who didn't. You know?
You're just there going on and on about how estatic you are, that you don't even pay attention to the people around you who look all gloomy and are in need of comfort. Just, be gracious okay? I mean... Go happy hooha and all, just don't OVERDO it. We respect and congratulate you on your effort, but pleaze, don't rub it in.
Personally, i was like that before. But then when I got hit right back in the face, I didn't like it. Not really. I feel for the people who didn't do as well, so yeah, if you want them to go kick your crying ass when you got hit in the face, then yeah carry on.
Open your eyes, to see it's BOASTING. mmhmm, yes, and whoops, okay, you people are really going to hate me and whatever, but, i'm kinda over that. So if you want to carry on flaunting your oh so awesome talent. Well, okay that's who I am aite? Honest. Honestly speaking, i don't have anything against anyone PERSONALLY. I'm just saying those people of that kind.
WHOOOPEEEE. And I don't like it when people go all "You so smart whaaat."
Grah, is that like some sort of EXPECTATION I'm supposed to live up to?
I'm not just saying this because I didn't do well okay? It's just not primary school anymore, quit being so immature. Gosh.
Two examples today, about how INCREDIBLY insensitive some of them are... Again, nothing personal.
"What did cha get for Math?"
Me : "Umm... ---"
"That's kinda lowwww..."
Me : "Yeah, uhh, thanks, I kinda realised that, but thanks for reminding me."
Somebody's crying, I shan't say who.
"I did so badly... I got ---" (Amidst the tears)
Me : It's alright ---, I mean you tried your best right, nobody will blame you for it. You did your best, you can't do anything to change it alright? there will always be a next time k, calm down.
"Okay... I'm okay now."
Girl #3 (Also crying) : "---! NEVERMIND. I did very badly tooooooo! It's okayyy, i only got 80! I didn't top my SA1 score :((((( "
--- bursts out
Way to go.
Come guys, now. Proper MANNERS. Somebody's CRYING. You do not go OMG HIGH, I'M BETTER THAN YOU. smack in your face. Blurgh, I just feel so weird, i mean i feel bad for you, but I don't know if people WANT the pity? So, I'm stuck for words, sometimes, okay? I don't have all the right things to say, but that doesn't make me any less a friend.
I just don't know how to EXPRESS myself to you. I mean, personally. in your face. just all choked up alright...
You don't do that, ever. Right (?) Grnhzx. You're not better than her, she's no better than you. Why can't you just respect other people?
And yeah, once again, my awesome class has let us down.
Gawd, I had FAITH in you guys,
please you can't even co-operate a little? Drive us nuts.
Here goes the WHOLE cycle again.
We want to take some initiative, pass on the news for something we need to do. We ask you guys what you want, if not you'll be unhappy. But you don't want to say ANYTHING, so we're just staring at each other STONING.
So please, what? IT'S GETTING HOPELESS. I thought we could be like some Coach Carter miracle. But the difference would be that, we're just not underdogs, only unparticipative, un enthusiastic, selfish, and insensitive.
Guess what. I was wrong, you people are still like that. And i can't do it anymore, i just don't want to be EXPECTED to do all your crap, and have you complain all day about how I DIDN'T do things the way it was EXPECTED to.
It's a scale of one person to the entire class, i mean, the class comm is OUTNUMBERED, very much as you can see, we can't SHOULDER all your blame.
Seriously. You guys BUCK UP. understand? For a bunch of Einsteinettes, you're pretty immature. But if you want to be stereotyped as the NERD GEEK PEOPLE WHO ONLY KNOW HOW TO STICK YOUR HEAD IN THE FREAKING BOOKS, AND DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE REST OF THE WORLD AS IF YOU ARE THE ONLY LIVING AND BREATHING GODDESS IN CONTROL OF THE UNIVERSE, then guess what?
I'M NOT EVEN GOING TO BOTHER ABOUT YOU GUYS ANYMORE. I might as well be one of you. I don't see why you guys can't contribute as much as the comm does. I see no initiative, no respect, utter selfishness, disunity and limitless COMPLAINING.
Pssh. Welcome people, to um. Reality. YOU HAVE TO STICK UP FOR EACH OTHER. Either that, or you'll end up pushing each other off a cliff.
Seriously, what would it take to CHANGE your mindset? You want me to scream? you know as hell i can do that. But NOOOO, you'll stereotype me the class bitch, then what?
Nobody will do anything, we'll just all SIT on our lazy asses, and just DEPEND ON THE FORCES OF GOODLUCK(Bullshit okay), that something's going to get us by.
You want to avoid disappointment, but you don't want to make any effort. Is that it?
Okay, so I'm sure as hell you don't want me to scream. Hmm, what if i beg? Or you want me to tattle tale to a teacher? Hmmm. nyah, won't work either.
WHAT WILL SATISFY YOU HUH? More talk, more action.
Does EVERYTHING I say NOT motivate you people? None at all? Doesn't it piss you off a tiny bit that I'm saying these things, and gives you a tiny urge to prove me wrong?
Doesn't it?
We can only do so much. We referring to the class comm. The rest of the class, you either make us or break us.
And hell, regarding the other class discussions. I ask you. You want me to draw lots? Silence.
How do you want us to solve this problem?
Seriously, if you don't speak up, NOBODY WILL HEAR YOU. and then you'll be discontent, and start COMPLAINING again. This is "constructive feedback" alright? So if you're taking it as an insult, than I couldn't be more sorry. This was meant to be motivation. So anyway, I go about asking how to solve a problem in picking teams blahblahblah, in the most FAIR way right?
Fine. I do it, and apparently, the piece of paper JUST DOESN'T HAVE YOUR NAME ON IT. I drew LOTS. You can't expect me to change it. Face it ok, you volunteered for a job that only had TWO positions, and like 8 people volunteer, I can't expect to make the post have 5 BILLION positions...
Not fair. Complain lah, complain some more. I mean, i could have said, nahh, i don't want to do mass dance. But I didn't did I? You think it's EASY trying to choreograph a dance that EVERYONE can be satisfied with, and nobody will be embarrassed about?
C'mon you try. Oh wait, I've kinda tried ASKING before, what did we get?
So if you're unsatisfied, i suggest you FORGET IT. BECAUSE. it's just endless complaining that will not get us anywhere, and will not do anyone any good. So just try and make the most of things, LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE.
Don't just think of saving your own butt. Face endless embarrasment in front of your friends, blahblahblah, talk about materialistic, i've heard it all before. Let it go, it will pass. You can't always expect someone to do ALL your bidding. Okay? And Sure yes, I DO WELL IN TERMS OF ACADEMICS.
Yes little miss technical, but do you have a heart?
It will never end, if you don't do anything.
So do something.
We're all more than capable.
Just zip the trap, and open your heart.
Of Course Dear Lord, you made us all this way, you're testing us and putting us through trials, to strengthen us, no matter how misleading life can get.
Labels: Give me hope?
First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNETTE CHAAANG ;D happy 13th baboon, welcome to the
TAG REPLIES } Here you goo.
Carly: HI CAITLIN (:
(Caryl Ann!:)
SAMANTHA!:D: HELLOOO KAILIN CAILIN CAILIN CAILIN. (: typical cheena pronounciation la, what you expect :D
(The art teacher's MALAY, dude. -.- )
SAMANTHA!:D: relink!:D and ask me to invite you .
(Idiot, haiyo.)
Cheryl: you sure have alot to write about
(Goh...? Yeah i do.)
Erin: Obama supporter, yo! VOTE FOR CHANGE, EVEN YOU, RACIST!!!!
Erin: And, you are seriously lagging. The Yes We Can video was posted, 6 months ago? Hi? You are voting for Obama because McCain will die in two years. So, you are still, racist.
(NO OKAY. Yes I AM lagging, but I'm not voting Obama cuz McCain will die...)
Nicole Ann: Oh politics. At least its better than talking about boys. Hah. No.. no. I don't mean you, Caitlin. Heh.(: Anyway, my vote goes to Obama for president and Biden for vice-president.
(NICOLE ANN GUNN! Where are you online nowadaaays? High five, Obama for the takings!)
Chris: If jay can learn how to dance like THAT. I'll be all ZOMG, seriously. JT WAS NEVER SEXIER!! HE IS THE KING OF DANCE! (and omg did you see the BEATBOXING?! : D)
Dumdeedumm. RAAAARRR. Col came over for dinner today! Came from camp, since Aunty Brenda and Uncle Chris are in Shanghai. HE HAS TO FUNNIEST STORIES LAH. hahah!
"Justin, what house shirt is that?"
Me : LSG?
"How come your sister knows then you dunno?"
HAWHAW. Then justin's stoooopid genie question comes up, and you'd think Col would be like... yo wuhdever dude. but NO! He was explaining about air particles and denisty of the GENIE. THE NON EXISTENT GENIE. Yes we were having a heated discussion about a non-existent Alibaba myth thingamajig.
"What about if the genie's in my head?"
Dua Gu: Your head nothing inside wun lah.
(Mum starts sniggering) : There MUST be something there, if not you wouldn't be asking this sort of question!
Col : I know lah, your head has a GENIE. and it's TALKING to you :O
Well pishposh. THEY'RE ALL THE SAME. All the ACSJ duds, and the old IJ girlies at the dinner table :D hahahah. And then you know Jie's in melbourne right?
So apparently, they were on this bus to the city with 2 other Singaporean girls,
So jie was socializing, and showing them family pics(aaaaw), and then the one with her and Col came up, then one of them was like OMG! THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND'S BEST FRIEND! apparently Col's best friend was the dude who played the saxaphone at Uncle Chris' party last year.
YEAH! And the other girl was like HEY! I KNOW HIM TOO! he's my friend's friend's friend something something. HAHAH Then Jie was like HE'S MY COUSIN! haha col just came back from Bali cuz he was there for the National Sailing Championships thingamajig.
Mum: Col, you don't even KNOW what they're saying ABOUT you.
Col : Neh mind.
I feel like I'm not a part of it anymore, like I'm not even, I can't even...
I'm not even good enough to be there for you.
Yesyes, Lionel IS hot. i didn't say he wasn't, i just didn't wanna say anything, hahahah!
Val couldn't stand his skinnies.
Yeah lah, hot lah hot lah.
Yes, i'll do what Chriz is doing, Min Yee and Fungi are paying for my ticket if they drag me to watch HSM3.
Biennale! :D I think that was the bestest art exhibition ever. Firstly, cool art pieces, secondly GREAAAT company, and thirdly, retarded tour guide! Hahah.
Yepp. I came to school late, cuz you know, my dad the genius 'doesn't think when he drives', and ended up taking TWO wrong turns to get to MY SCHOOL. yeah, from my house to TP, how difficulttt?!
Anyway, got to school late. And um, jus was even later, so we got up the bus blahblahblah. Okay, then got to City Hall, i mean the old supreme court. yeah, so we met our tour guide, Reynold, and I was like DOOOOODSSS, CHECK OUT HIS SHOES.
Ashley was like O: OHEMGEE, I love... I love.. HIS SHOES. ROARED WITH LAUGHTARHH.
Hawhawhaw. Yeah, then we went to check out MAGGOTS. By that vietnamese artist who's name I accidentally pronounced correctly! Yeah, then Ash was jsut STAAAAARING at Reynolds' shoe. And so, asherzz was all. CAAAIT, TAKE A PICTURE OF THE MAGGOTS AND HIS SHOE. send ah send a send ah.
But then, as i was sneaking the camera around, he saw, and he was like... DON'T TAKE PEEKCHA OF MY LEG HAIR :O and ash and i were like, WE'RE TAKING OF YOUR SHOE. hahahah! and then he just stuck his foot for us to take.
HAHAHAH! Maggots. "Why do you think the artist made the maggots yellow?"
Maxene "Uhh, because the artist ran out of white?"
HAHAHA. Max was cute to the max!(:
After maggots, we travelled around abit. And there was singapore 2008, where we spotted our houses.
it was this giant satellite image of singapore and you could paste stickers on your house location.
And reynold's gerflen put one on redhills
"MY BEBE'S HOUSE! love you! heartheart"
and we spotted IJ (YEAHHH)
and at Serangoon, the stickers were like GEORGE YEO, GEORGE YEO!
Teehee, the Biennale’s really interesting know.
And we got to south beach and stuff. And there was some cool floating rock, this steel thing that was revolving around electro magnets,
Also this piece by a gay artist (HOW COOL IS THAT), called the dancer, with a female body and male limbs.
Also, there were cool photography pieces.
And there was this installation, which I wouldn’t call art, but it was under this tree, where the artist just threw piles and piles of soap bars all over the place. It smelt like car wash.
The part of the piece was that an old man went there to bath everyday in the early morning. Gross right? Well, if peeing in a bottle and cutting off pubic hair is an art, then hell yeah, this is tons better.
Ick =/
Bleaaaahhzx. But it was overall pretty cool, I’ll be uploading pics.
There was this on piece “Hair Salon” then everyone was like WAHH TIFF, YOUR BEST FRIEND! Hahah! It was cool! It was this two rooms, where it was a mirror image of the other.
We were stunned at first, we all thought it was mirrors, but it was an actual room, but the artist arranged everything symmetrically, and even took the liberty of flipping stuff in the other direction.
Biennale’s definitely expanded my views on art though :D
Kewl beans. But the highlight of Justina’s day was that Reynold had an iphone.
I saw it, then I was like JUS, he has an iPhone.
After that, she just grabbed it, and browsed through his pics and songs like he was her best friend or something
THE STRANGE THING WAS THAT HE DIDN’T MIND. He was like, yeah sure, go ahead. So nice ah. Even with pics of him and his girlfriend, Felecia.
He was just letting us kpo as if it was the most sane thing ever. All his photos comprised of him and his girlfriend.
Wow you know he got his iPhone for a mere $100. And he has THOUSANDS of songs. Iphone is cool! Yep. And Ash and I were disapproving of Jus. So rude.
Anyway, thanks doood. :D
All the promises she told me she’d be.


Nicely done, Asherzx.

BLACKFIELDS! that was cool.

not black anymore!

Singapore 2008

three d thingy.

this is actually very interesting, the artist built it because of the backdrop. Supreme court. it's just cool.

Reynold's iPhone!(:

Dancer! (: Homo homo.

3-D made using 2-D

The man and his moon!
:D I love Biennale. It was the best art exhibition EVER! And I love my AEPeers (:
Jus, Max, Asherz, Tiff, Nat. :D
Labels: Whole new ball game
Raaahhh, what a day. Okay whatever. I've promised to be a more happy person.
Omg la. HOW COMME. I didn't find out til today from jing wei. gaaasp :O not fair, like YO!
5th Avenue?? YAAAAH.
wow, she'll be gone til FRIDAY? :O what will school be like without her! hahahaha! okay that sounds les, but she's really entertaining. Hahaha.
OH you know what? Bunnylia's only blogging to see how long she can keep her identity a secret. Woah :D but it's pretty plain obvious who she is. Since i talk about her almost everyday. hahaha! That's interesting a reason enough, and i'm sure her identity will be revealed because of me. So sorry Bunnylia, :D but your pseudonym fools nobody.
Raah. We-ll, tomorrow's the AEP biennale. Val and Lynette aren't going :( I'm going to grab Tiffy boo as my partner :D yay.SHE'S SO BLUR IT'S CUTE.
like today, i got a phonecall from christie. She was going out with tiff, and yknow, tiff doesn't have a phone. So anyway, chris walked around gardens for an hour, because she was on the bus, and she saw tiff FROM the bus, tiff so blur, obviously missed it. And did not see Christie mLove, hammering the glass window with the people on the bus looking at her disapprovingly.
So chris called to complain to me in apprehension when she could not find tiff. While the sotong stopped at every bus stop to check. Hahahah! and finally, tiff comes along as i hear ear piercing calls from chris. "I SEEE HERRR I SEEE HEERRRR! TIIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! okbye"
anyway, after biennale tomorrow, i'm going out with chris,cait choo,mona and mel, possibly gwen to watch either eagle eye or house bunny. (Did i get that right?)
Blah, so yep, i'll tell you how that goes.
tough luck dudes, i intended for this to be long, but i just feel so uninspired to write.
I'm gonna attempt to write alienation now.
Pray for my brother yeah, he's having papers now and has problems with concentration.
Labels: new york
Today's service was truly eyeopening. It wasn't just any ordinairy service, well first, it started with cell.
I went to church half an hour early as usual, and saw ming xiu on the way. She asked me to come join the cell leaders cell, and i thought :O okay... but i didn't wanna wait around sadly, so i followed her.
Uncle Allan,Rachel and another girl was there. I don't know what's her name. But anyway. i was the youngest, Uncle Allan was leading worship, with his guitar, i didn't know he could play so well :O
Anyway, I felt real awkward, i mean.. I wasn't a cell lead. So anyway, Uncle Allan continued preaching, i confess I felt kinda scared of him. Cuz he's like such a yknow... Staunch Christian,
and i didn't seem faithful enough or something. I don't know. I felt like he knew all the stuff i did wrong.
But he shared the word of James, and told us stories, and you know what? It was a really good experience. He had this to say :
you know the word Christian? See what happens when you take away 'Christ'
IAN = I am Nothing.
yep. I'm really scared that I'll lost the gist of what he said.
But i remember, that you MUST remain positive, when faced with trials. And it's not a coincidence that all my spiritual happenings somehow connect with everything I learn in church.
I pray that God will give me the power to share the gospel with those who are lacking in faith.
"Consider it pure joy brothers, when we are faced with trials, for trials develops peserverance"
God tests us, the devil tempts us. These tests are to test our faith, if we fail them, we will face temptation.
Trials can make us either better or bitter. It's up to us to pray for overcoming power. God does not give us overcoming life, he gives us life as we overcome.
We should not pray for a bad situation to go away, we should pray for the strength to overcome.
I am now going to face all my problems with a positive outlook. Starting with comm meeting tomorrow.
I am not going to complain, it's not going to help. I don't care what you guys might say about me, I will put God at the top of my list of priorities, and I'm applying his word in everything I do.
I don't care, if you guys want me to lead, expect me to lead with God. With God on my side, i can overcome anything. So if you're not happy or anything, I'm not really going to care, but I'm going to do what the Lord tells me.
And comm, out of 8 members, 6 of us know God. So, i may share some biblical stuff tomorrow. Without the truth(the word of God), I will not be able to do anything, so don't expect me to do anything if you won't let me apply some Christian values into our problem. Okay?
Christianity is a pure religion, not a manly religion. It is a relationship, with God. So you know what, you ask me where i get my morals and values from, I'm telling you, God.
So if you want this problem solved, you have to take things seriously. And you'd better. Please?
I have to explain things from the top, so it may take awhile, but I believe I've got a solution.

I bet i'm the sucker who's been in Danny's class for the longest ever time. Claire Lim should come back and help me kick some guy butt. RAHHH. It's cool that i used to be able to beat people twice my size, but darnnn. that stupid kenneth got fast, he's actually damn fast, just doesn't swim fast to purposely defy Danny.
EEEEEEEEE. And Danny keeps MAKING me compete with them
"You make sure you beat him/them ah, if not I won't be happy."
Rar. But anyway, i was quite satisfied with my freestyle 50 metres timing today. 40 seconds yo, that's the best since i became a couch potato :D I'm sure i did better last time, but well, there's always room for improvement.
Rar, did you know that MG Primary gives out Crumplers and iPods at their lucky draws for grad tea! :( And they pay $38. While we paid $26 for Singapore Swimming Club and er... a self done concert. NO LUCKY DRAW. :(
OhMyGoodness. I just watched the video Yes We Can, I don't know if i'm the first one doing this, but i swear I got goosebumps. Obama all the way, America really needs a change. Tuhwwet, i'm not racist, see Erin, I support Obama an African-American-Asian Man.
He's the best. Why do you think we should care? Because I fear America has the intention of taking over the world, when one day Arabia runs out of oil, they'll be the ones controlling Earth. Know why? Cuz they've got plenty of oil, and they just plan on taking and using everyone else's resources up, so that they'll be the only ones with the goods, they'll get rich, and the world we live in will go to the dogs.
Especially if McCain wins. Obama WILL CONQUER SUPER TUESDAY. Republicans will go doowwnn. The Iraq War will STOP. Understand me? :D It's good to see that some Americans actually care, (:
Of course, there are, on the other hand, Americans like this.! (: OBAMA ALL THE WAY OKAY.
And also, I genuinely care about the fates of the material hollywood stars, the pink fluffy poodle lovers, the couch potato at home, the strippers in the club, the racists, the drug abusers, the muggers, the blonde cheerleader. The Paris Hiltons and Palins in the America.
Lauren Caitlin Upton(I am so sad my name has been abused like this) Miss Teen USA
"Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?"
the famous response, adapted from Wikipedia
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as, uh, South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our [children]."
Hi,uh, what?
I got albums i want for Christmas!
Nicholas Jonas, Songs for you truths for me (James Morrison),Under the Radar (Daniel Powter), A little bit Longer (Jonas Brothers)
Back to American Politics. We are the Ones is moving too. Yes, some people in the generation actually care, and want a change. Those are the people who will change the world. Obama!(: we are the ones.
people say
Obama's words are just words...
but...when was the last time "words" weren't important...???
...when was the last time a great leader didn't use words to lead...??...
when was the last time a person didn't use words to describe how they felt...?...
when was the last time "words" weren't empowering...?...
and we can all recall the last time "words" were used to divide us and install fear...
Bush used words to fear us into voting for him the second time around...
terror this...terror that...nuclear here...weapons of mass destruction there...
and those words effected a lot of people's choices..."enough is enough"...let's rebuild...let's change ourselves...let's allow positivity to guide us...
let's take action....let's activate our passion...we are Americans....and this is the first time in forever that someone running for president represents "US"...some say this is all excitement...
I call it "proud to be an American"...some say this whole Obama movement is "cult like"...well...if it comes across cult like...then...the cult is called America...
the Obama movement is connecting America.and it has made "US" realize our importance...the youth is excited and activated...
adults are passionate and motivated...the elderly are proud to know the country they built is in safe hands...we are one...
for too long politics has been corrupt...separate from the American people...with agendas that go against what the American people "need" have spoken a different language...
making it so the youth and poor people feel as if voting was only for the wealthy and old people...making "US" feel as if "we" had no voice...
making "US" feel powerless...making it feel like if "we" did vote it wouldn't change anything...but wait...that did happen...some of us voted, and it didn't change anything...we were in the dark...we had no voice...
we were powerless...because America was not a united America...and "they" spoke a different language... and they had an agenda different from our well being...
correct me if I'm wrong... or speak up if I'm missing something... we want education, health, safety, and good jobs...right???... oh yeah...and "a healthy planet to live on"...but here we a war... poor education... poor health programs... the dollar is down... the planet, polluted...the rich, richer...
and the poor, struggling...with sky high gas prices to top it all off...and now even the rich aren't really rich internationally because our dollar is has fallen so far our slumber...
a very small few got really rich...because when you're sleeping..."it's hard to change agendas"...we know what happened in 2000 and 2004...but in's different...we are awake...and there is a movement...and "it's hard to change a movement"
...last time "we" didn't have a movement...America wasn't united...and now "United and "Standing"...for something...we know the power of "US"...and we have a person who represents the "U.S."..."US"..."we are the ones we've been waiting for"...I'm proud to be an American...
And with that, I applaud the Youtube host of the video : illywilly
The most striking songs for American Politics
Waiting on the World to change, Man in the Mirror, Yes we can, We are the Ones, Dear Mr. President. YES WE CAN
Labels: Democrats, Obama, US politics, we are the ones, yes we can
yes, as you know i had my art exam today
And sorry in advance, because i really can't blog with all this blinking orange MSN windows on my toolbar.
I'm not in a mood to blog. Kinda hyper on the fact that i finished my last exam of the YEAR.
Eh but today was the sec fours LAST day in sec school, i mean with assembly and all, O's start next week, and today they specially sang the school song for them, but half the school wasn't there... -.-
Oh nooo. I don't wanna move on.
yes, and because of mr. Razali today, I became KaiLin.
Tiffanie : Is that you?
Caitlin : Sure, I dyed my hair blonde :D
Carolyn says: ask him(sausage) to come back to see us.
Caitlin says : yeah man. WAIT HE GROW BEAR
Caitlin says: *BEARD
Caitlin says : I SCARED.
carolyn says: HAHAHHAHHAHAHA
Caitlin says : OH NOOOO i bet he's totally mas selamat lah
Caitlin says : but if we went and told him that
carolyn says: YEAH
Caitlin says : he wouldn't get it
Caitlin says : because he got no straits times.
carolyn says: YEZZZ
Caitlin says : HAHAHAH!
carolyn says: HAHAHAHAH
OMG LUHVVE. :D I found out Christie's (who's "sick" apparently) method of photo editing. HA!
Gosh, I swear that Annabel Tan's a freaking genius artist. She's better than than than...
She's going to be the next big thing. :O SERIOUSLY. SHE DREW MC CAIN,OBAMA AND PALIN FOR SURREALISM. :O
not fair SNG had GAMES CARNIVAL?!
I notice that we are drawing to the end of 2008, and next year, policemen will be happy on the 9th of september. OH YEAH.
JANE IS FRIGGING GROSS. we were talking about... Lao shi MIGHT be moving house IF HDB builds a new building. because lao shi hates looking into other people's houses. So jane was like. YEAH ESPECIALLY IF IT'S A BATHROOM. :O
Jane : "Oh you know one time, I went to my cousin's house, and you could see the neighbours bathroom. I saw a guy in the bathtub..."
Jane : "I couldn't help ittt! It was enticing, I could not take my eyes away!"
that better be one hot hell of a guy, but i doubt it.
JANE WAHRAO EHH! polluted my MIND.
Jane : "What?! IT WAS COOL! You haven't seen it okay."
Me : "Hello? Brother, father..."
sure, and I'M the weird one...
JANE LEOW JING YEE. stupid pervert. Yuck. And SHE's the one with a father and brothers
Ohnose. HAHAH. ee. Okok. bye.
who ah who ah who ah? :D snigger snigger, gringrin, evil cockeyebrow.
So what, I'm still a rockstarI want a sausage from Sydney,
and fries from an army dorm.
We may even offer melted durian lollipops
Yeah okay i know i replied on my tagboard, but here's the FORMAL one :D
justina: omg, my name aint bolded. i slaspppp you. hahaha slasp. lol. eh
the joel that tagged. is it. RACH'S YEE'S BROTHER?! HAHAHAH.
(NO LAH. That's Joel LEE. not YEE. HAHAHAH! Rach's brother finds my blog
boring. Because um. That idiot rachel favourite my blog. Slasp me? okay what's
that :D)
justina: hahahaha. her brother reads your blog?! HAHAHAHA.
oh & whats rach's blog? AND MY NAME STILL AINT BOLDED ):
(He read it once... rach has no blog, your name isn't bolded is cuz you're
special and i love you)
shawn: pantat. (:
(back at you suckah.)
justina : oh oh OH. RACHEL FAVED, your blog. chey. i thought like she had a
blog then go put heart heart or something. haha.
( :D )
diy : relink girl(;
(Do-it-yourself! GEDDIT GEDDIT?)
FOR LIBERAL WUSSES!!!! Don't worry, Caitlin, Paper One was hell for me too,
despite my awesomeness and stuff.
(Laugh Out Very Loud - LOVL)
lesley: hi braddarr! link me!
(Of course, homie)
New word new word!
created by myself.
Fong should just totally
Carolyn and i will be the next sausage and fries, bacon and chips.
aaaaw, i miss that girl.
Faith like a child.
Gah. that JMac now is so reggae, it's disgusting and pointless.
Zomg, math was a nightmare. :( am i the only one who thought so? Because some smart asses in my class claimed it was easy.
Hi blind please, earth calling over sized brain planet? Oh yeah! I'm posting this from my phone too! Oh mao:( PSLE'S OVER. SO FAST. NOT FAIR. PLUS WE STARTED BEFORE THEM.
ZOMG LAH. This was me one year ago. I just became sec one, i don't want to leave that :( get special treatment. And i will cry when the dance seniors leave. :(
Wah lao i'm still mugging la. :( saw zara just now. Hahah, their so called post exam activities is equivalent to chinese news broadcasting.
Oh carolyn! If you're reading this, the ymca brochures came today. CAMP! The ice skating dates are more suitable. Eh. Math sucks.
I had a seriously fun time last year sniggering at all of them. I actually had thoughts of writing in to the paper about how i think those mums are over paranoid... And how as a student i feel that they're just pansies and that just face it, your child didn't study hard enough, so get your facts straight and just face reality what you're not the smartest kid in singapore.
Ok. Gotta ciao, jie's on skype, video calling from melbourne.
5 down, 3 to go.
Freaky dream buddehh? OKAY, FONG. while not my fault that you came after me with a jackhammer... in my sleep. -.- But i'm not the one who dreamt 25 years into the future.
Anyway. well geog was... devastating. I was SOOPER careless for MCQ, dammit. Haiyoo. I wonder how chriz and vacca did. hmm. Oh well. moving on...
Tiff had her first bubble tea today. :D And i brought her.
HAHAH! i'm so honoured, thank you.
And before, that, the SOTONG made me laugh.
Because Mrs Wong gave us practice papers for the Math exam, and then mine had a printing blotch on it.
So we were looking at the questions, and I pointed at operations and equations and said I HATE THAT!
Then Tiff said "You want me to change with you?"
"Are you talking about the ink line there?"
And before that, Tiff and i showed Mrs Ng our Crocs, because Ms Low wasn't in. She said it was cool(?!) HAHA,
Oi Fong, you should just forget about being a Corporate Lawyer.
You should go.
You should just go and be the creator of Fong's Fongtastic Dictionary For Fongalicious words.
Face it man, you won't even need a alphabetical index. :O
Phone Bill came today, and i exceeded by 73 messages. :(
Labels: exceeded smses, freaky dream buddy
oh my dear Lord. The economy is bad. It is so so so so so so bad. The german bank just collapsed. Oh God, get us through this. Suffering will come. Ain't got no money in the bank. The irony of it all is that our generation just doesn't realize how drastic it is. And they'll just continue splurging away their lives.
Church ah todayyy :D Well Pastor Reuben preached, and as usual sermon was funny. We were told to CHILLLAAX. Worrying is good for nothing. Check out Phillipians 4:6
mm hmm. And then only Jamie, Evelyn and myself turned up. Along with Cell group leaders. We felt really really really young. Yeahh :( But then before service, the fire alarm in PL went off.
So we waited around for about 15 minutes to try and stop the alarm. but to no avail. Anyway, we continued worship with the bell, and I tell you, it was really awesome. Pastor Reuben pointed out a very important point. That's what Godly peace is like: amidst all the troubles and problems around you, you are still focused on worshipping God.
Yeah, I think that's what God planned to open our eyes to today. And also, that we should leave everything up to him. "Depend not on our own understaning..." Pastor Reuben was really funny(:
And Luke got his crew cut. HAHAHA. Something about not complaining in prayer...
Pastor Reuben (example) : GODDDDDDDD! FATHER HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME? Why! Why do you make it so hard! You KNOW that I NEED to have a girlfriend, I can't live without a girlfriend. YOU KNOWWWWW. Some more I bought a shirt that says "I want a girlfriend for my birthday!" And somemore I went to cut my hair, crew cut some more! But when I looked at a pretty girl, she just walked past me and said GO AWAY YOU PERVERT. WHY GOD. I need a girlfriendddd!"
HAHAHAHA! Pastor was referring to LUKE. HAHAHAH! and something about worrying.
"You heard a rumour, that for the A levels, everyone did very badly, even all the Raffles kids failed, only the AC people passed..." (Interrupted by tons of hoots and cat calling from the ACJC kids, including Luke and tons others,Ming Xiu I think :D) Then there were AMEN AMEN! HALLELUJAH!
I think TNG is bursting with AC kids lah. From the MGS,PLMGS,ACSJ,ACS BR,ACJC,ACSI. All of them. And Pastor Reuben is like advertising for them or something. Haha. it's really kinda funny. And the fact that evelyn's in Raffles, I didn't catch her expression though.
And then Uncle Allan saw me studying science in the morning, and he welcomed us to service, so he shook my hand and said REELAXXXX. Haha Jamie and her mum cleared out their store room and found a 20 year old Ralph Lauren bag. Haha. It had white mould growing. FA MEI FA MEI. Hahahah :D mmmhmm. So the moral of the story today is to RELAX. God will do everything for you.
Mum "Dr Ang here ah, can you tell me is bed 8 sill alive?"
"HUH REALLY AH?! Is there still urine coming out?"
Can't be good right...?
Went for tuition. I cant believe science is tomorrow. I've never been more unprepared. Well, okay, God will pull me through, but I won't take his grace for granted either.
hahaha. Well, Pastor Reuben can be friends with Fong Yi la. Chio ACJC girls is not the reason to go to AC though :D And I thought you wanted to do I.B? hahaha. by YOUR time, the chio generation of ACJC girls will be gone and old.
HAHAHA. Oh well. You can keep hoping, and perhaps by a tshirt that says I want a girlfriend for my birthday.
Labels: ACJC
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Nelson Mandela.
So let us depart on our journey for significance, and rise to be heroes.
My slipper broke. Gah. Wow. I went out with dad and justin because mum was sick. To buy acrylic paint(Popular sucks lah, but my crocs are done)
And Justin was just being a pain in the butt. Gosh. So we went to eat. and dad lectured justin about his studies, and bucking up. I saw Dad in a new light today. totally underestimated the guy. I never realised I wasn't that close to Dad.
He told me about how he was introduced to Christ. And how his childhood was hard, with mama waking up at 4am everyday to sell chicken rice. He told me about the struggle. He told me that he was a hopeless rebel last time. And how he changed.
It was pretty darn inspiring. But Justin... I don't know. he totally hates the whole family now, for telling him that he's not performing his best. We're like seriously damn worried for him. Because of him, I fear the future.
To think what will happen when my parents will return to God. And I'll be alone with him. He'll be a failure? I really hope not. But what if he is. And I don't even know what I'm going to do in the future. I have no clue. I'm trying to be independent, but all i see now is Justin freeloading off me, and splurging and wasting my earnings.
I... I just can't imagine what he's going to do. And he hates me a whole lot more now, because he THINKS that mum and dad want him to live up to MY expectations. IDK, it's something every younger sibling faces right? I don't know, i've never had to live up to any standards other than my own.
You know what was Dad's motivation? His neighbour in the lift one day, he was some exeutive snob thing, and in the lift, he told his son who was of the same age "Son, You know, never be like that boy. All muddy,dirty and useless. This type will never make it"
he was referring to dad. Dad was outraged. Wow, to hear that as a 10 year old, I would have like taken up drugs or something. but thank GOD that Dad's friend brought him to church. And he really changed.
hats off to Dad.
Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.
I'll pray for brother.
Labels: fear